The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 17, 1898, Image 1

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NO 106
Our Regular Annual Clearance Sale of
We have started out to make a record in quick ehce sellin?. Wo have
n lot of about 200 pair of Ladies' Oxford Ties, tans, and blacks, which are
being offered at quick selling prices. Cost no object.
Ladies' tan vici kid ties, turn sole?, needle toe; worth $3.50 per pair.
Our closing price $ 1.00
Ladies' chocolate vici ties, turn soles, needle toe; worth $3.00. Our
closing price $2.00
Ladies' ox-blood, vici ties, welt-or turn soles, coin toe ; worth $3.50
per pair. Oar closing price $2.35
Ladies' black kid ties, needle, narrow, square and coin toes; worth
$3.00. Our closing price $1.85
Ladies black vici kid, oxford ties, needle toe, turn soles. A hieh
grade article, and good value at our regular price of $2.25.
Our closing price is $1.45
Ladies' black dongola kid lice, needle and square toes, patent leather
tips, McKay soles; Popular price has been $1.85 per pair: having
but a limited number left we eay, closing price on this $1.85 shoe 95c
Ladies' black dongola kid high shoes, soft and light, right for sum
mer wear. Our favorite $2.50 shoe. Our closing price is $1.90
These shoes are on display in our shoe department nnd con be conveniently eeu.
We have other lines at same reductions, not mentioned here.
TZ. 7VY. 5t CO.
Fourth Annual BLANKET SALE.
NOM ON! Our Fourth Annual Great Special Sale of
fine, clean, choice Blankets. Those w ho have patronized our previous
Blanket Sales will readily comprehend and thoroughly appreciate the
values we are offering. This season we outdo all former efforts.
Blankets from 30c per pair up.
Heavy Grey Woolen Blankets; Fine Soft Cotton Blankets : Rich,
Downy, Figured Robes.
No Two Styles Alike.
This is the Sample L'ne of one ot the couutry'e foremost mills.
By buying your Blankets now you can save from 25 to 85 per cent.
Will gladly show you through.
Oar Mid-Summer Clearance Sale of
Will continue until further notice. At the present time we are kept
quite busy wrapping np such as these :
Boys' knee pants suits in neat summer patterns; worth $2.00 and $2 25
for $1.50
Boys' knee pant suits worth $2.75 and $3.00 for $2.25
Boys' knee pant suits worth $3.50 nnd $4.00 now selling for $2 65 and$ 3.00
All summer styles most go. Will have r.o room for same after thirty
days. Therefore:
Suits worth $10.00 are now$ 7 75
Suits worth $12 50 are now 10 00
Suits worth $15.00 are now 11 25
Suits worth $18 00 are now 13 75
Suits worth $20.00 are now 14 50
Summer styles in young mens' suits for ages Irom 11 to 19 years, are
also included in this great clearance.
Suits worth $4.00 : reduced to $3.00
Suits worth $5 00 reduced to $3.75
Suits worth $7.50 . . . , reduced to $5.50
Other suits, either better or cheaper grades in like proportion.
M. 1aIL-L-I757VS 5t CO.
An Expression of Appreciation of the
Achievements of Oar Army Before
Washington, July 10. The following
messages were sent todav :
"To Generar Shafler, commander at
khe front, near Santiago: The presi-
llent of the United States sends to vou
ud your brave army the profound
kbanks of the American people for your
(brilliant achievement at Santiago, re
sulting in the surrender of the city and
till the troops and territory under Gen.
iToral. Your splendid command en-
Idured not only the hardships and sac-
lfices incident to the campaign and bat
tle, but in the stress of heat and weath-
Jer triumphed over obstacles which
would overcome men less brave and
determined. One and all displaced the
pnost conspicuous gallantry and earned
Jthe gratitude of the nation. The hearts
Jof the people turn with tender Eyuipa-
Jthy to the sick and wounded. May the
iFather of Mercy protect and comfort
(Signed) William McKinley."
"To Major-General Shatter, at the
(front, near Santiago : I cannot express
n words my gratitude to you and your
pieroic men. Your work has been well
one; God bless you all.
ft. A. Alger,
Secretary of War."
City of Seattle Arrives With Over a
Million and a Half Spring Clean
up Estimated at Twenty Millions.
Seattle, July 16. The steamship
ICity of Seattle arrived today from St.
Michaels with about $1,000,000 in gold
and drafts. Returning iClondikers esti
mate that the spring clean up has been
at least $20,000,000.. possibly larger.
Four river boats had left Dawson for
pit. Michaels prior to June 30th, carrying
lout 1,000 miners and more than $7,000,-
The steamer Tartar reached Victoria
with six Klondikers and over a half a
million dollars in drafts and dust. They
Ireport that food will likely be very
scarce next winter. Dawson City has
130,000 inhabitants, most of whom went
in light, and the miners say the present
fleet cannot carry in provisions that will
be sufficient to supply this army.
Th. Pocket Koijr Camera.
The Kozy measures 14x3x54 inch
es when closed. It is strictly a film
(camera and takes pictures 3x3
jinches. No glass plates, plate-holders
lor dark room required. Can be loaded
in broad sunlight for twelve pictures at
each loading. Clear finder, three stops,
and time of instantaneous pictures.
Catalogue free on application to
M. Z. Donnsll, Druggist.
Use Clarke A Falk'a fioeofoam tor ths
teeth. .
WASHINGTON, July 16. The following dispatch was
received at the war department today:
Camp Near Santiago, July 16. The surrender has been
definitely settled. The Spanish arms will be turned over to
morrow morning and the troops will be marched out as
prisoners of war. The Spanish colors are to be havded down
at 9 a. m. and the American flag flaunt victory in the face
of tyranny. (Signed) SHAFTER.
Change of Opinion Among the People
Will Not Listen to Suggestions
Concerning Abandonment of Cuba
. or Porto Rico.
New York, July 16. Madrid advices
say that the prospects of peace are very
remote. Notwithstanding friendly ad
vice from Parts and many strong peti
tions from the principal commercial
bodies throughout Spain, the Sagasta
cabinet is etill obstinate. The only
concession that they will listen to is to
allow Cuba to decide by election the
the form of its government.
There has been a decided change of
front among the people during the past
three days, and any suggestion of aban
donment of Cuba or Porto Rico would
be scornfully rejected. This, in face of
the situation at home, iu most desper
ate. Carlists are most active ; finances
are absolutely ruined. Still Premier
Sagasta, who really desires peace, would
not dare to suggest any form of peace
negotiations that would be acceptable at
Fight Between Ruhlin and McCormick
Consisted of But Eight Rounds
McCormick Used Up.
New Yobk, July 16. The fight at the
South Brooklyn Atheltic Club tonight
between Ratlin & McCormick lasted
but eight rounds. McCormick was so
thoroughly UBed up at this early stage
of the game that the referee acted the
part of an humanitarian in stopping the
Women's Temple to be Abandoned.
Chicago, July 16. The Women's
Christian Temperance Union has de
cided to abandon the Women's Temple,
which was erected some years ago at a
cost of oyer a million dollars.
WASHINGTON, July 16. The Spanish gunboat An
tonio Lobo was sunk by the cruiser New Orleans of the coast
of San Juan de Porto Rico yesterday, according to a dispatch
received at the war department today.
- The Lobo is the same boat that ran ashore some weeks
ago when pursued by the auxiliary cruisers St. Louis and St.
Paul, while trying to land provisions at San Juan.
Time 2:30 1-4 By This He Lowers the
World's Record Two Seconds.
Chicago, July 16. At Washington
Park this afternoon Goodrich won the
great western handicap in 2:303,
knocking two seconds off the world's
record, made by Buckwa at Oakland in
December last. In the fourth race, 1J
miles, David Tenny placed the world's
mark at 2:04.
A Maine Survivor.
Baltimore, July 16. As a result of
the mental shock received at the time
of the Maine disaster, Lieutenant Blan
don, who waB officer of the watch, is dy
ing at the asylum in this city. At the
time of the Samoa catastrophe he waB
also with the fleet. "'v
Clarke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That Is what it was made for.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Telegram from Miss Barton.
New Yobk, July 16. Miss Clara Bar
ton, who is at Playa del Este, sent the
following telegram yesterday :
"Santiago has surrendered. I came
from the front yesterday in a pouring
rain. Fever is euspected here.
"Siboney has been burned. Doctor
Lesser, Mrs. Lesser and all their nurses
are in the fever hospital, two miles dis
tant. All are doing well. We are feed
ing refugees of Siboney. Many thous
ands are at Eurmlsea. Elwell is feed
ing them at Caney by army wagons and
20,000 pack irules. Commander Mc
Calla, of the Marblehead, called yester
day for 100,000 rations, medicine and
clothing for refugees in 'the woods sur
rounding Guantanamo. All members
of the Red Cross are in perfect health
and thoroughly organized."
Robbed, the Grate.
A etartlin incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
is narrated by him as follows : I was in
a most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to
my great joy and surprise, the first bot
tle made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they saved
my lite and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Thousands of persons Lave been cured
of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel
Sal we. It heals promptly and cures ec
zema and all skin diseases. It gives im
mediate relief. For sale by the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
C- E.
Next door to
Purity Soda Works.
Candies, Nuts,
Soda Water;
Ice Cream Soda,
and Tobacco.
All kinds of Soft Ciders
and Summer Drinks.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, 0?lfeed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats..
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