Tt3 Dalles Dally Chrciiiels. THE DALLES, OREGON r TBE EXCELLENCE OF SYEUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig SrBtrp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CAi.irci:iA Fia Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pz ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Srnup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing1 them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN Fa AN CISCO. Oal. lOflSTILLE, Ky. NEW TORE. N. T. PliUSOXAt MENTION. Mrs. E, Elliot, of Prineville, is in the city. ' J. II. Sherar, of Sherar's Bridge, wes in the city yesterday. J. F. Aeher, of Mitchell, is registered at the Umatilla House. Rev. R. Hargraves, of Grass Valley, epent yesterday in the city. 'M. Evaue and wife, of Hood River, is in the city for a short visit. fo TT r T?.,l I. f T: ! 1 1 : regVslcred at the Umatilla House. J. M. Finlayson, of Antelope, is In the city attending to business matters. Wallace Fargher lett yesterday for the mountains to look after his "sheep interests. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler will leave this morning for Jewett's place, at White Salmon. C. II. Monroe, business manager of the Somers Family Comedy Co., was in the citv yesterday. Mrs. Hugh Glenn and her daughters, Misses Grace and flattie, came up on boat last evening. Mrs. Inez Hinraan, of Dafur, came down from Wasco yesterday and left for her home last evening. Captain Shafer, business manager of ' the Sbafer Transportation Co., came up i. T i : i l : Mr. Thomas McKaver, of Los Angeles, ia vieitiog at the residence of his aunt, .Mrs. B. M. fcunnott, in this city. jMiss JSva Heppner, who baa spent 'several weeks with relatives in Port land, returned oa the 11 :45 train last night. Mias Lizzie Brognn, of Antelope, and Mieaes Katie and Delia Brogan, of this city, left for Portland on the boat yes t -rday. Mr. Fred Blandon and three children arrived in the city yesterday from Iowa and will make their home here in the future. J. W. Armsworthv, of the Wasco News, snent yesterday in the city, leav ing for his home last evening on the 5:20 train. Miss Annie Wentz, who Las been visiting friends in the city for the past few weeks, will return to her home in Portland today. Mrs. Eshelman and daughter went to Dufur this morning, where they will join Dr. E9helman, who will practice in that place in the future. Mrs. N. W. Wallace, who has been visiting her - daughters, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Herbert, will return to her home in Antelope today. Mrs. Wallace is particularly anxious to reach home on account of the conflagration which occurred there; hut which spared their home About 3 o'clock this morning Stadel- man's team, which was attached lo the ice wagon, started for home from the East End without the driver, and, judg ing from the rate they were going when they passed up Secrnd street, his ab sence did not detract from their speed in the least. When laBt seen they were still going, and as they did not have the pieces gathered up at the time of going to press, we cannot make an estimate of the damages. The Chief Burgess of M.ilesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used ia bis family during forty years of house keeping, They curse constipation, eick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. For sale by the Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. Now is the time to spray with Paris Green. , Clarke & Falk have the strong est 50a can get. tf Bill Allowed. The following are the bills allowed at the July term of the county commission era court : coeoneb's jcby. GW Miller $ 1 C F Jones 1 John Heebner 1 G A Phirman 1 A Anderson 1 DS Dufur 1 WITNESSES COKONKB'S INQUEST, 00 00 00 00 00 00 CF Loner C A Brown Henry Willerton. . O D Doane 50 50 50 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Crandall & Burnett, undertakers services F N Hill, clerical service Perry McCoy, lumber for 5 00 23 00 bridge. 62 44 C E Obriet, blacksmithing 1115 Baldwin Restaurant, meals 6 75 G J Galligan, rebate on taxes. . S G VV'heeler, work on county road Dr. Eshelrnan, medical services Boys and Girls Aid Society for keeping conuty children W II Whipple, assessor Peter Godfrey, work on county roads C L Gilbert, county superinten dent ." : John Gayin, examining teach ers. T J Neff, examining teachers. . . Glass & Prudhomme, supplies . 17 40 0 00 14 00 10 00 103 00 91 50 52 50 15 00 15 00 66 80 Josephine county .expenses 41 D.illes Commission Co., sup plies to paupers 2 95 Chronicle Pub Co, publishing and printing C W Ha:g'it, deputy as;63or. .." P McCrory, lumber C L Morris, bounty M Dietzmuller, deputy sheriff . J E Ferguson, expressage Pease & Mays, supplies to pau-' pers Dalles Electric Light Co, sup plies A F Carlson, use of voting place Alex Stewart, use of voting place W II Butts, fees, coroners in quest L l Bolton, deputy sheriff 100 50 60 00 14 40 10 00 3 00 2 50 55 35 3 90 2 50 2 0 1 5a .3 00 ELECTION CI.EEKS. John McCorkle H V Meyor D S Kimeey M E Miller A C Haley J fJ Landers Ed Jenkins A N Varney G R Rowland A Rankin, clerk and meessnger, S W Curran, clerk and making booth ELECTION JPEGES. R D Pitcher V P Steers W A Bonny, judge and messen ger N W Wallace, judge and mes senger Wm Kelaay C E Bayard James Harper J W Lewis C W Dietzel Geo A Liebe : J M Huntington M F Baird Link Lewis 4 50 4 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 G 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 8 80 5 50 6 00 19 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 Ourbaby has been continsally troub led with colrit and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could dolor him did not eeem to give- more than temporary relief, until w-e tried Cham berlain's Colie, Cholera audi Warrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled We want to give yon this testimonial a ait eridence of our gratitude not that you need it to adverti9eyour meritorioKe reuaedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by Blakely & Houghton.. The Discovery. fftkt JTy. Aug J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., sa.ys: "Dr. King's- New Discovery is the only thing thai cures my cough, aru) it is the beBt eeller I haye." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz., writes: Dr. King's Kew Discovery is all that is claimed for it ;; it never fails, awl is a sure cure fo con sumption, coughs and colds. I eannot say enough for its nafcritB." Dr. King1! New Discovery for Consumption,. Colds and Coughs ia not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Blake- ley & Houghton's. There is more Catarrh in this eection of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For. a great many years doctors pronounced it a local " disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with l-eal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh tobe a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in dosea from ten drops to a teasDOonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. ff2ff""Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for years and al ways with good results," says W. B. Cooper, of El Rio, Cal. "For small children we find it especially effective." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Get our. prices on Banner Buggies. We can save you money. Mays & Crowe. tf General Debility and Loss of Flesh Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh-forming food. There are many other prepara tions on the market that pretend to do what SGOTT'S does, but they fail to perform it. The pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil made into a delightful cream, skill fully blended with the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda, which are such valuable tonics, makes this preparation an ideal one and checks the wasting tendency, and the patient almost immediate ly commences to put on flesh and gain a strength which surprises them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are on the wrapper. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York. Tds comma pbqkido go.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF iIAKCFACT0.ttJKS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curerscf BRAND HAMS 8c BACON xRIED BEKF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, TRANSACT A EXEUALBASXINCi-BUeJ2d Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern States-, Sitfht Exchange and Tfelegrap&io Transfers sold on New Ye;!i Chicas!v St. Jxiaia, San Francisco, Pert-land Or gon, Seattle Wash,, and various point in Oregon and Washington. Collestions male at all points- on fav orable terms. ONETf OR A DOSE. Reajw Pimples PftTent Bihonsms Purify the Blood, Care ileroiaohe fia.i iirann. or Health- Tilt? neither i nor.irl,..' ! EJCr1" "2 winpl fr.,o. or full box for i&c faoldb7dTuBiata. DR. B0SANK0 CO.Pbila. Pa. SiO.OO DOLLAKS REWARD. One brownish bay mare, branded JN, (connected) oa left Bhonlder, and split in left ear. One brownish bay mare, branded'L.ofr left shoulder and'lsft hipj Both work arorses, weighing eaoh; about 1250 lbs. The- above reward? will be-l pai(lo theiir return to James Eitensnt jylGlw Hood Stverj Of; ESTRAY. Brown gelding 9 years old; . branded JP (oenneeted)on right shoulder weigh h- aboat- VMQ lbs. One creata, geldjcg- about 10 years, branded 1. on. ieit. thigh,. civiu3 to my place- oa 3-Mile about January 1, 1893. Owner can have game by proving property and. paying ebarges or same, juia-lca. F.B..Tayi,db.. REFEREE'S. SALE.. IS THE CIRCUIT COCR3S oi.tho Siete of-Oes-gon, lor Wasco County.. Anuc Grant Fraser, Thomas Fraser. Cnthtwine McGregor. Donald McGregor, Mnsgaret NWln- tosn, iuga v.ciutosn, Jtuen Kcecaua inu;s Allan Graut 'nd Ellea Grant, I.fendate By virtue of a decree, of. partition, roaile and en tered in tbc above euiiMeii court and cause on tbe 17th day of January, 1S90, aud in pursuance oi a decree made and entered in Uie above onti tied court on the 1 tf h day of, in a suit then pending therein wherein H. S. Wilson, Ke-ei-iver of Tha Dulles National Bank of Dalles City, Oregon, a corporation, plHietiff, and said Anne Grant iraser and said Allan Grant and Rilfn Grant aie defendants, annaintintr me Ref eree to sell the lands hereinaf tot described and to divide the proceeds thereof, 1 vi 1 on Saturday, the 13tn Uay of August, 1893 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of sajd day, sell to ihe hiaUest bidder for cash in ha.ud, allot the fi'Uowiui; desoribed real property,, to wn; The southwost quarter of the southwest quar--ter of Section twenty-seven, the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of Section twenty eight, the north half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-time, and the soutiioasl quarter of the northwest quarter and tie- noitheast quarter of the southwest quarter of 8e tiou six teen, and the east half of the southeast quarter of Section sixteen, all in Township eight south, Kange seventeen east, YV. M.and the south half of tbe northwest quarter of fcection four, Town- nine south, Kange seventeen east, tv. w. Dat d at The Dulles, Oregon, July Vllh, 1S98. jclylG-ii D. 11- llO&KUTS, Keferee. CITATION". J IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Olesen, deceased Citation. f To Sidsel Olesdatter, Mrs. C. W. Taylor and Fred W. W ilson, and ail persons Interested In tbe above uum-rd estate, greeting: In the name of the Hta e of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required to appeur in tbe County court of the btate of Oregon for the County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at lalles City, in the County of Wasco, on Monday, the 6th day of September, 1898, at 2 o clock fu he afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why an ordei should not be made authorizing and di rrcting the executiir of said estate to sell all real property belonging thereto, at public auction, to wit: The east half of the MV 6olAl! li, and NEW of 8W of the SWi, bee. 8, Tp. 1 if.. K. 12 E., W. M. Wi tness the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of the 8KAI..1 County Court of the State of Oregon for tbe County of VVafCO, with -he seal of said Court attixid ibis 14tu day oi July, A. D. 1S98. Attest: A. M. KKLSAY, Clerk. julyl6-ii .xi.-.i.. l 4A If M. Z. DON NELL, Druggist, Agent. PROFESSIONALS. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over Trench & Co.'s Bank Phone G, THE DALLES, OREGON J)AN ROBERTS, Attoriiey-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Seeond 6treet, TIIK DALLES, OHESOX. TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. Wittt Dr, S. H. Frazier, Dentist. Flates: Portials, $5; full u-wper or lower, t".50 CXHco 'phone 276. Umatilla House, 37. Hocms 1 and 2, Chapman Biek. J-JRS'GEISKNDOBFFEK ltUEDY, Plijsicians and Surgeons, Epseial attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and-22V Tel. 328 7ogt Block H WIlON HUNTINGDON- & WILSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. THK DALLEd, OKIGON ODice ovnr Firs Nt. Bnak. F KED. W.WIIi:ONr Alf&lWET-iT- LAW, TIIK DALLES, OR3GON. Office ovet First iat. BHns. ..Palacesof Sweets.. l 3 Columbia paetory iFresh Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, Ice Cream. Qarey Ballard 9 &5209d Street. lt,e jre Doir;? ffeat ai)d .priptir;.. For Ieasoijable We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. Qfyrorjir pub. Qo. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for Bunburn and wind chafing. t '...MHGHZINE... CYCLONE CAMERAS Revolutionize Amatuer Photography. 12 PICTURES IN 12 SECONDS. ONE TURN OF THE BUTTON DOES IT. Superior Lens, Universal Focus, Automatic Shutter. Always Set. This camera makes 12 pictures with out reloading. indow Glass Snips-Kinersly Drng Go 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON CAMPBELL & WJLS0N Tilli9ery ParIor5 Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. - Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produees immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption, and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For sale by the Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. Oils ESViOAL G30Y!CE. J H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Posfoffice, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and PEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. REMEMBER Fir, Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. 7. Z. DONNELL, PHESCIPTIOTI DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. WUUauis & Co., THE DALLES, OR Easy to Work. Simple of Oontsruo tion. Moderate in Price. No Extras. ...Made in Three Sizes... No. 1 For pictures 2Kx2). $3.50 2 3J x 4K- $6.00 3 4 x 5 jio.OO Call and eeo samples or Write for Catalogue. I Take Youf JVIeals at the Clarendon JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. be Clarendon Is the best Restaurant in The Dalles. JVIeals at all Hoops Seeond St. The Dalles, Op. Just What Vou uaant. Kew ideas in Wall Paper here. Sueb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at oar store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. We have strictly First-Class Oak and J. T. Peters & Co.