y VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1898. NO 105 NOi ON. SPEGIKL CLEH RHNCE SHLE Our Regular Annual Clearance Sale of LADIES' LOW SHOES. We have etarted ont to make a record in quick shoe Belling.' We have n lot of about 200 pair of Ladies' Oxford Ties, tana, and blacks, which are being offered at quick selling prices. Cost no object. Ladies' tan vici kid ties, turn soles, needle toe; worth 13.50 per pair. Oar closing price 1-00 Ladies' chocolate vici ties, turn soles, needle toe; worth $3.00. Our closing price '. $2.00 Ladies' ox-blood, vici ties, welt or turn soles, coin toe; worth $3.50 per pair. Our closing price ... $2.35 Ladies' black kid ties, needle, narrow, square and coin toes; worth $3.00. Our cloing price $1.85 Ladies black vici kid, oxford ties, needle toe, turn soles. A hish : grado article, and good value at our regular price of $2.23. Oar closing price is $1.45 Ladies' black dongola kid ties, needle and equare toea, patent leather tips, McKay soles ; Popular price has been $1.85 per pair : having but a limited number left we say, closing pjice on this $1.85 shoe 95c Ladies' black dongola kid high shoes, soft and light, right for sum mer wear. Our favorite $2.50 shoe. Our closing price is $1.90 These shoes nre on displny in our shoe department and can be conveniently seen. We have other lines at same reductions, not mentioned here. 7X. 7V. 1aIL-I-I7S7VS St CO, Fourth Annual BLANKET SALE. NOSn ONI Our Fourth Annual Great Special Sale of fine, clean, choice Blankets. Those who have patronized our previous -Blanket Sales will readily comprehend and thoroughly appreciate the values we are offering. This seasonwe outdo all former efforts. Blankets from 30c per pair up. . Heavy Grey Woolen Blankets; Fine Soft Cotton Blankets : Rich, Downy, Figured Robes. No Two Styles Alike. This is the Sample Line of one ot the couutry's foremost mills. By buying your Blankets now you can save from 25 to 35 per cent. Will gladly show you through. 7X. 1aIIL-I7X7VYS St CO, Our Mid -Summer Clearance Sale of MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Will continue until further notice. At the present time we are kept quite busy wrapping up such as these: Boys' knee pants suits in neat summer patterns; worth $2.00 and $2 25 for : $1.60 Boys' knee pant suits worth $2.75 and $3.00 for $2 25 Boys' knee pant euits worth $3.50 and $4.00 now selling for $2.65 and$ 3.00 MEN'S SUITS. All summer styles must go. Will have tiO room for same after thirty days. Therefore : Suits worth $10.00... .. ...". v are now$ 7 75 Suits worth $12.50.... . . . .' are now 10 00 Suits worth $15.00 : are now 11 25 Suits worth $18.00 ; ...are now 13 75 Suits worth $20.00 are now 14 50 Summer styles in young mens' suits for ages from 11 to 19 years, are also included in this great clearance. Suits worth $4.00 , reduced to $3.00 Suits worth $5 00 reduced to $3.75 Suits worth $7.50 ; . . . .reduced to $5.50 - Other suits, either better or cheaper grades in like proportion. H. m. WIL.LIKMS & CO. Spaniards Want to Retain Their Arms-Shafter Has Been Cabled By the President to Make No Further Concessions. ' WASHINGTON, Jul' 15. A serious hitch has occurred in the negotiations for the surrender of General Toral and his forces at Suntiago. Shafter cabled the war department that Toral, who surrendered with the siMe stipulation that his troops should be transported to Spain, now demands that they be permitted to retain their arms. The president, after a conference with several of the cabinet officers, sent instructions to Shafter to make no con cessions further than those agreed to. If Toral persist in his demand hostilities will be resumed. Despite the fact that everything pointed to a settlement of the strife, three more transports loaded with troops, signalmen, supplies and ammunition, left Tampa late this afternoon for Santiago. I THE CAROLINES WILL BE ANNEXED Such Are the Indications at Present-'-Third Expedition Delayed by Trouble on Board the Indiana. Hoxoltjlu, J uly 8. Since the arrival of the Monterey it has been rumored -among Honolulu officials that the Stars ond Stripes would be floating over the -Caroline Ielands before the Monitor reached Manila. Captain Lentz bor rowed charts of the island and harbors from the captain of the missionary steamer, Morning Star, and other prep arations that were made here point to what is generally believed to be the in tention of the United States to seize these Spanish possessions. The third expedition was delayed here some time by the Indiana, which had to return to Porto Rico after the fleet bad sailed because of a bad leakage in her boilers. Three of the other trensports came with her; but the New port, which is conveying General Mer ritt the Philippines, was so far ahead of the rest of the fleet when the accident occurred that she could not be signaled. The fleet was delayed over twelve hours. Many Prisoners 111. Portsmouth, N. H., July 15. The auxiliary cruiser Harvard, having on board 1008 Spanish prisoners, arrived this morning. An investigation dis closed the fact that nearly half the men on board are ill. Six Spnniards died on the passage, another death occurred this afternoon, and three patients are not expected to live. There are eighty serious cases in various portions of the ship. All the patients are said to he victims of malarial fever. The physi cians will make a further inspection of the vessel and determine whether or not she shall be sent to quarantine, CORBETT-M'COY MATCH ARRANGED A Twenty Thousand Dollar Purse Put up add Other Arrangements Made for Fight on Sept ioth. New York, July 15. Jim Corbett and Kid McCoy have been matched to box twenty rounds at Buffalo on Sept. 10th for a purse of $20,000. Articles of agree ment were signed today by their repre sentatives and Al Smith was appointed as stake holder. Bobbed the Urate. . A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject ia narrated by him as follows : I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, uo appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improyement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Thousands of persons Lave been cured of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures ec zema and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. For sale by the Snipes Kinerely Drug Co. THE BENNINGTON -SAILS FOR ALASKA Reported That Her Mission in Northern Waters Will be to Act as Co nsort to Treasure Ships. San Fbancisco, July 15. Referring to the mission of the gunboat Bennington, which sailed yesterday, the Examiner saya: "She will next be heard from at some port on Puget sound, possibly Port Townsend. It is rumored that definite knowledge has been received regarding the whereabouts of the Spanieh privateer ot which considerate mention has been made. Several vessels laden with gold are expected from St. Michaels. "The gunboat Wheeling was sent to that port some time since to guard American interests there. Just how the warships may act in conjunction is not given out, but it is believed that the Bennington will divide the work of pa trol duty with the Wheeling. The' lat ter might accompany the tieasure ships part of the way down, and the Benning ton continue the voyage to this or the sound ports." A CHILD JENJOTS The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, To Gore m Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c, Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. PQV0ER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. PLANS MADE TO SEIZE PORTO RICO General Miles Will Leave Shartly With That End in View Wilson's Di vision Will Assist. Washington, July 16. It is announc ed that General Miles will start for Porto Rico within a week. With the president's approval he perfected all ar rangements for his expedition to seize that island some time before he left Washington, and the plan will now be promptly carried into effect. Orders have already been sent to Admiral Sampson to render General Miles the hearty assistance of the navy in effect ing a landing in Porto Rico, and a num ber of vessels of the fleet will start for the island at once to institute an effect ive blockade and reduce euch fortifica tions a3 might interfere with the de barkation of the military forces. It ia almost certainttift most of the artillery of the Fifth'eorps will of neces sity accompany the Porto Rican expe dition, as well as a good part of the reg ular infantry, while nearly all the vol unteers and the dismounted cavalry will return borne. It is also determined that Major Wilson's division will em bark for Forty Rico from Atlantic ports within the next four or five days. This division, including the commands of Brigadier-Generals Ernst and ' Haines, consists of the following volunteer regi ments : The Third and Fifth Illinois, Fifth and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, Second and Third Wieconsin, First and Third Kentucky and Fourth Ohio. Several of the so-called immune regi ments have received preliminary orders to hold themselves in readiness to go to Porto Rico, while the two regiments at New Orleans and Galveston, recruited from actual immunes, are to be sent at once to Santiago to garrieon the country surrendered to the United States. A Panic at Porto Rico. St. Thomas, 1. W. I., July 15. Ad vices received from San Juan' de Porto Rico show that the inhabitants of that place are greatly alarmed. They expect the port will be attacked by the Ameri cans today. The terrified inhabitants are fleeing Into the interior. ' , AN AUSTRALIAN LINER PURCHASED The 'Australian Ship Culgoa Is Being Fitted Out for a Cruiser. " Vancouver, B. C, July 15. Austra lian mail advices by the Warrimoo con tain a report that the magnificent Lund line steamer Culgoa.has been sold to the United States. The report also states that she is being fitted out for a cruiser. It is said that Japanese Consul-General Parsons has notified the colonial governments of Australia that Japanese capitalists contemplate buying large tracts of land in Australia with the in tention of settling Japanese immigrants on them. The reports received are said to have indicated in rather plain terms that Japanese immigration was not de sired. The stoppage of immigration from India is also contemplated. Afthough the Australian colliers are being operated to their fullest capacity, the supply of coal is not equal to the demand. The exports to San Francieco have been doubled to meet the require ments of war vessels. TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL At all times flour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. McCoekle, Prop. mchl6-6ni Farm for Bale. A good farm for sale four and a half miles from town, consisting of 420 acres good land, 120 being in grain, four horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs. Also a good dwelling house and barn. The land will produce anything grown in Wasco county. A good school within a quarter of a mile ot the farm." No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address Seth Morgan, july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or. Persons troubled with diarboea will be interested in the experience of W. M. Bush, clerk of the hotel Dorrance, Prov idence, R. I. He says : "For eeveral years I have been almost a constant suf ferer from diarrhoea, the frequent at tacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit for my duty at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarhoca Remedy. Much to my sur prise and delight its effects were imme diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the' disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this val ueabla remedy. . The result has been very satisfactory and almost complete relief from the affliction." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. LAND SCRIPT. We have several thousand acres that will locate either surveyed or unsurveyed land in any state or territory of the Unites States. No residence required and U. S. patent issues direct to locator. Price $5 00 per acre. Addres?, Hannah & Miller, Attorneys at law, juI9lm. Visalia, California fcco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of eii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Xeo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- -- "Floill This Flour is manufactured expressly for family wvjj-l rise; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-sat, Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBlilflG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) -IMP0ETED COGNAC from $7.00 to $12.00 per wallon. (11 to 20 years old.) ALIF0 EHIA BEANDIES from $3.25 to $8 00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.