VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1898. NO 103 YELLOW FEVER EPIDEMIC AMONG 01 TROOPS I CIA Over One Hundred Cases Repoted Among Our Troops Before Santi ago-A General Spread Not Anticipated. WASHINGTON, July 14. Over American troops iu the field hospitals at confined to the quai'termaster's departme fever experts of Shafter's army. No gene; pne hundred cases of yellow fever exist among the Santiago. The cases are mild . and almost entirely t. The men are being cared for by the yellow al spread of the scourge is anticipated. They. Discus the Situation WASHINGTON, July 14. The president and part of the cabinet remained in ses sion until after midnight. The principal discussion was the threatened epidemic of yel low fever among the troops in front of Santiago. No news was received from Miles, Shaf- ter, or the Spanish general, Toral. SPAIN'S CONDITION IS DESPERATE Her Treasury Exhausted Her Troops in Cuba and Porto' Rico Without Proper Food and Short of Ammunition. Madrid, July 13. The financial situ ation of Spain is most desperate, and the government is determined if the -war faction continues in its suicidal de mand for the continuance of hostilities to make known the whole truth to the people of the kingdom of Spain. Enor mous sums advanced by the Bank of Spain to the government have been ex hausted, and their only recourse is to default on the payment of interest on the debt or issue six or seven per cent bonds guaranteed doubly by the bank of Spain and the customs. Troops in Cuba and Porto Rico are without proper food, and ammunition ia very short. The government believes it the army realized the desperate con ditions with which Spain is confronted, the soldiers would be quieted, leaving only the Carlists and Republicans to deal with. WILL SEE ACTIVE SERVICE Troops Scheduled for the Fifth Expedi tion General Otis to Sail Tomor-roW'-Commission Objects to the Gaelic Carrying the Expedition. San Francisco, July 13. General . S. Otis has given it out that the en tire eighth army corps which are now located here, including the Washington volunteers, will see active service in Manila. Over 4000 will depart in the fifth expedition, which is scheduled to sail July 23d. Genera! Otis will surely sail for Hono lulu on Friday. The Hawaiian commission has en gaged passage on the steamer Mariposa, which sails from here August 10th The Gaelic is the next vessel to sail, but the commission desired that such an historical body should be carried by an American vessel. THIRD EXPEDITION HEAGflES flOflOIiUliU Troops Royally Welcomed Officers Received as Guests of Pres ident Dole. SEATTLE, July 14. General Merritt and the third Manila expedition have . reached Honolulu. On July 5th the arrivals were enthusiastically wel comed. The City of Para, Ohio, Indiana, Morgan City, Monitor Monadnock and the Collier Brutus arrived on July 4th. The Newport and Valencia are vet to come. At the time of these advises the army officers were guests of Dole and the soldiers were feasted on the executiue grounds. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. FUV7DER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Dai.i.es, Ok., ( May 31, 1S98. ( Notice Is hereby eiven "that the 'followine named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final nroof in sutmort of his nlaim. nnii that said proof will be made before the Register ana receiver at xnc Danes. Oregon, on weanee day, July 13, 1898, viz: Albert H. Bwasey, of filosler, Homestead Application No. 4014 for theSEJi Section 19, Township 2 N, Range 12 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: L. Evans, George Evans. James Brown and eianey di. angga, ail oi fiiosier, Oregon, jun4 II J AS. F. MOORE, Register. REPORT OF ADMIRAL DEWEY Received by the Navy Department Yes terday Isla Grande Taken by Dewey's Ships. Washington, July 14. The navy de partment received the following report from Dewey yesterday : "Aguinaldo informs me that hie troops have taken all the Subig bay ports except the Isla Grande, which they were prevented from taking by the German man-of-war Irene. On July 7th the Raleigh and Concord went there ; they took the island and about 300 men, with arms and ammunition. There was no resistance. The Irene retired from the bay on their arrival. I shall send the Boston to help Aguinaldo. It is not practicable to send to Guam. No troop vessels are available. Dewey." Isla Grande is the place Germany has long coveted, and the war department believes that Dewey's prompt action eaved complication with Germany. Cable advices say that the German officers in the harbor are almost inso lent in demeanor, conveying the im pression that the Kaiser has a chip on his shoulder for Uncle Sam to knock off. The war department has perfect con fidence in Dewey. The hero of Manila says he has not been officious, bat Ger many fully understands that he is mas ter at Manila. TROUBLE FEARED IN GUATEMALA Election "of Cabrera Likely to Precipi tate a Revolution. San Feancisco, July 13. Fears of a revolution in Guatemala are due to the prevalent belief among the people that if elected to the presidency, Cabrera, the present head of the government, will proclaim himself dictator. Cabrera became president on the death of Barrios, and now seeks the of fice for a six-year term. His strongest opponent is Jose Castillo, who ia sup posed to be backed by the army, in which he baa served with distinction. The election of Cabrera is expected, and in anticipation of trouble many Americans are returning to the United States or sending their families out of the country. Wreck of a Blockade Runner. Washington, July 13. It has been reported to the war department by the signal officer at Key West that the ship San Domingo was wrecked off the Tale of Pines, Cuba, while trying to run the blockade. The nationality of the vessel is unknown. Thought to Be Yellow Jack. Washington, July 13. Fourteen sus picious fever cases have broken out among the employes of the quarter master's ' department near Santiago. The men have been isolated and confi dence is expressed in the ability of the doctors to stamp out the disease. En Route to Tampa. Chiceamauga Park, July 14. The First . Ohio cavalry broke camp early yesterday and started for Tampa. They marched to Ringgold, which is nine miles, and boarded the train. No other regiments have yet been ordered to move. : Wounded Men Still Arriving. Newport News, Va., July 13. The wounded and sick still arrive. This morning the City of Washington reached here from Santiago with numbers of sick and wounded soldiers. CAPTAIN CLARK HAS BEEN AFPOINTED CHIEF OF STAFF WASHINGTON, July 14. Captain Clark, of the battleship Oregon, has been appointed chief of the staff of Commodore Watson's fleet. The Oregon will . accompany the squadron to Harass, on the Spanish coast. : Our Special Sale For the week commencing Tuesday, effects our Clothing, Ladies' Suits and Skirt and Wash Goods Departments. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. If you have not already bought your Summer Suit you should buy one at once. This is the opportunity of the season " 33 1 per cent Off the regular price on and Men's Summer Suits. 25 per cent . Off the regular price on Boys' and Young Men's Suits. SUIT AND SKIRT DEFT. MDIES' TfllltOHflDE BMUSE SUITS ATLIBER A REDUCTIONS. A beautiful lot of stylish garments. No two alike. All of this season's most advanced cut. $16 00 Suits Reduced to $1 1.95 $17.5QJ3uit8 Reduced to $13.00 $20 00 Suits ; Reduced to $14.83 DRESS SKIRTS We're not to be overlooked on Dress Skirts.. Our Fourth of July of ferings are proving to be just what we expected them to be- GREAT ATTRACTIONS. See our $3.00 all wool Dress Skirt; of a navy blue material, plain ground with white hair line, well lined and finished. The price is reduced to $2.25. . " Our $1.75 plain black Sicilian Dress Skirt can now be had for $1.25. Our regular $1.25 blue and white or black and white checked Dress Skirt is now 95 cents. Special attractions in Wash Goods Dep't. B Ml W wascoWarehous e Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ?n kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o?mT"u FnEd!D Headquarters for "By ers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if von don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. C. J. -.STUBliIflO Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) " . IMPORTED C0GHA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.) ALIF0BJJIA BRANDIES from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer, in bottles. Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.