( fi ll' '''v'2R&: VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1898. NO 101 DEPLORABLE CON DITION OF AFFAIRS IN CITY OF HAVANA Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. ncnsTD y MADRID, July 12. Premier Sa gasta lias resigned ' and advises that the new cabinet be largely composed of a military element. French Minister Del Casse Has Made a Movement in that Direction. LONDON, July 12. The French Foreigu Min ister Del Casse has informed Senor Costello, "the Spanish ambassador at Paris, that his government is ready to intervene to secure peace if the Madrid government so desires. The Sagasta ministry is now held as an object of contempt throughout Europe. The members are only hindered from sueing for peace by fear of personal safety. It is probable that peace negotiations will be opened through the French ambassador at Washington soon. Fill CnfiiuMr in Fir lis Operations Will Cease Until a Con . ference Has Been Had. WASHINGTON, July 12. Late yesterday af ternoon the president cabled Shatter to cease opera tions at Santiago until he had had a conference with General Miles, who reached Santiago this afternoon. The Americau fleet opened fire on Santiago at 4 o'clock this a-ftcrjioon and kept up for four hours with feeble responses from tho.Spauish batteries. At 1 o'clock tonight General Cerbin stated that lie had just received information which made it al most sure that nothing of an official nature would be received from Santiago until Miles had reported. The Autonomists Tired of Blanco's Promises Great Scarcity of Food and Rioting Expected at any Time. Havana, July 11. The situation is becoming desperate here. The regular soldiers are disgusted with the manner in which favors are showered on the volunteers by the autonomist govern ment and are tired of Blanco's unkept promises. The press continues to de ceive the public and print gushing ar 'icles of great victory of Cervera's fleet. Food Is getting very scarce, and in manv suburbs only sweet potatoes re main. Many of the largest stores have closed their doors and it is quite prob able that riot will let loose when the truth from Santiago and Manila is known. " SENATOR CULLOM APPOINTED He Will Leave for Honolulu as Soon as Possible California Business Men Will Suggest Laws for the New Territory. Chicago, July 11. Senator Cuilom, of Illinois, has been ejected president of the Hawaiian commission. lie received a message from San Francisco today tendering him a banquet by the cham ber of commerce, when a suggestion will be made to the commission by the leading business men of California as to the laws needed for the new terri tory. Senator Cuilom will probably leave for Honolulu within the next two weeks. A MOST TERRIBLE DEATH An Ex-American Consul Perishes in Alaska The Story as Told by His Companion. San Fkancisco, July 11, J. C. Maid hof, who was consul to Anaburg, Sax ony, during Cleveland's first adminis tration, perished whi'.e attempting to reach Minook creek from St. Michaels in February last. Tha story was brought out by 11. M. Morgan, who was rescued by Indians after lying four days in a sleeping bag without food. Morgan suffered agonizing hardships, and he and Maidhof ' lived on dog meat alone f jr days before the latter perished and Motgan was found. The latter will probably lose one foot. EXPEDITION TO GO WITHIN TEN DAYS General Otis Will Leave This Week New York Volunteers to Garrison Honolulu. Sax Fbakcisco, July 11. Hawaii has been attached to the military depart ment of Califo'.nia, and the Columbia, Mojor-General Otis, will lvo some day this week to occupy the islands. Tho fourth expedition to Manila will proba bly leave witb!n ten days. New York volunteers, Firet reaimcnt, now coming West, will garrison Hono lulu. General .Merriarn, commander of the department of the Columbia, will start on an txtendel tour f . O.'i'ijon and Washington in about thirty days. Alaska's Fabulous Wealth. . Ssatti.e, July 12. The steamer Geo. W. Elder ariived from Alaska at 2 o'clock th's morninp. Among the pas sengers was O. J. Kendall, of Portland, who said : "Brad H. Cole arrive I "at Juneau di rect frm Dawson on July S.h. He hail considerable gold with, him and said that there was enough yellow metal at Dawsou to make fortresses." Going to ' Sax Fkakcisco, er Thomss F. Bair. has arrived from party of Klondike he Klondike. u'y II. Tho schoori , Captain Anderson, Philadelphia with a treaeu re-seekers cn board. She had a very stormy passage of 1C6 days, her ooIV stop ruing at Val paraiso. Her psssVgera and crew are determined to push a to the gold fields. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., KEW YORK. NEARLY READY FOR SERVICE Cruiser Chicago Will Leave . the Navy Yard Next Month. New York, July 11. The cruiser Chi cago, reconstructed and with increased speed, early Dext month'will leave the New York navy yard, after having been in the bands of the workmen for eeverai years. Few will recogniza in the new Chicago the vessel that flew Rear-Admiral Erben's flag and was commanded by Captain Mahan, now a member of the board of strategy, for she is now prac tically a new, the only remaing orginal part of her being the hull. When the Chicago went out of com mission she was bark rigged with tlyee masts, but when she leaves the dock she will have only two masts. They will be military masts like those on the others of Uncle Sams fighting ships, and will give the rejuvenated cruiser a more war like appearance. Her armament Las also undergone ma terial changes. Her main battery, for merly consisting of four 8-iuch, eight 6 inch and two 5-inch breach loading rifles will be augmented bv fourteen 5-inch rapid-fire guns, in addition to" her sec ondary battery, which will consist of all the latest models of small rapid fire guns. BILLY ERNST WAS DEFEATED Knocked Out by Owen Zeigler in the Seventeenth Round A Foul Is Claimed. New York, July 11. Owe n Zeigler of Philadelphia, was given a decision over Billy Ernst, of Brooklyn, in the seven teenth round before the Greater New York Athletic Club. Zeigler won on a foul, an upper cut; but was best any how. From the Land of Gold. San Francisco, July 11. The schocn- er Altaire lias arrived direct from Ko- Uiak island with sixty bags of low-grade ore Irom the famous mountain of gold w hich Captain Moore, of the schooner Free Trade, so glowingly described to H. Talbot Watson, of Eogland. The story ot how Watson and bis friends were duped has been told, but Captain Gilbert, of the Altaire, says that there is considerable gold on the island, and that if properly worked the claims taken up there will pay. He has located a ledge f jr A. P. Hota'in-j and others, of San Francisco. The Corbett-lkCoy Bout a Sure Go. New York, July 11. Kid McCoy and Jim Cotbett will surely fight before the Hawthorne Athletic Club at Bnffalo on August 27ih. Corbett signed the articles today. If there is any police interference Corbett is to receive $2500. 'S he icferee will probably be Professor John-Duffy, of New Orleans. Admis sion will be limited to bona fide mem bers of the club. Corbett declares he will be fit to fight the btt! f hi- iif, nnd if he wins will shy his castor nt the puzili?tic world. ' , Father White Dies at Salem. Salkm, Or., July 11. Rev. J. S. White, ' vector of St. Joseph Catholic parish, of this city, difd at 11 o'clock this morning of consumption. The city mourns his tleath, as for 12 years he lias been a popular and serviceable citizen in hth his private and public capaci ties. The funeral will occur Wednet dy, and wi'l Kh conducted by ArcL bishop W. H. Gross. DeWitt's LitUe Early Risers, Tha famous li. t!r pill. - Our-Special Sale For the week commencing Tuesday, effects our Clothing, Lrtdiea Suits aud Skirt and Wash Goods Departments. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. If you have not already bought your Summer Suit you should buy oae at ouce. This is the opportunity of the season . 33 1 per cent C OlT the regular price on and Men's Summer Suits. 25 per cent Suits Off the regular price on Boys' and .Young Men's SUIT AND SKIRT DEP T. LADIES' TfflMKTOE- BIiOUSE SUITS ATLIBERA REDUCTIONS. - A beautiful lot of stylish garments. No two alike. "All of thta seascn's most advanced cut, $16 00 Suits Reduced to $1 I. OS $17.50 Suits Reduced to $ 1 3.00 $20 00 Suits ; Reduced to 9 1 4.8O DRESS SKIRTS. We're not to'be overlooked on Dress Skirts. Our Fourth of July of feringg are proving to be just what we expected them to be- GREAT ATTRACTIONS. See our $3 00 all wool Dress Skirt; of a navy blue material, plain ground with white hair line, well lined and finished. The price is reduced to $2 25. r -r- Our $1.75 plain black Sicilian Dress Skirt can now be had for $1.25. Our regular $1 25 blue and white or- black and white checked Dress Skirt is now 95 cents. Special attractions in "Wash Goods Dep't. Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . Agency for th.9 Greatest American Liquor ... Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $0.00 per pallon." (4 to 15 years old.) -TMP03TED 00G1TA0 from $7.00 lo$2.00 perallon. . (11 to 20 years old.) ALIF0 EUIA BRANDIES from $3.25 to $6 00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEES on draught, and Val Blata and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Importtd Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IIST IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. WascoWa rehoysoOosnpenif Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. TTp.rirmnri.fvrs frr Trn-n 2"h nic! and an kinds vwvuj. vw. t-r uiMa nuwa uu, of MILL; FEET Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOU ElOUr Tnia Flour 18 manufactured, expressly for family " use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't tninkM call and get our pricea and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-sat, Barley and Oats.