The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1898, Image 3

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Out Geat GIiEM
Compare them with what you have paid and see what you can save. Space will not permit the quoting' of
prices on everything in our immense stock, but corresponding" reductions have been made on all lines. COME
AND SEE US; LOOK OUR STOCK OVER; BUY AND SAVE MONEY. Terms during this sale are Cash,
or prompt settlement in thirty days.
Print Department.
Indigo Blue Prints, Ceylons 04
Charter Oak " 04
Ionia Fancy 05
American, blue and gold 05-
American, blue 05
Reds and Clarets: 05
Blacks and Whites 05
Fancy Prints 06J
Victor Apron Checks 05
Amoskeag Apron Checks 06J
Dress Ginghams 08
Unbleached Muslins.
Yeddo A Bunting 03 J
National A Bunting 04f
Holbrook R 04
Utica C 04
Lawrence LL 05
Cabot A 07
Cabot W 06
Stark A Drill 08
Bleached Muslins.
Rutledge 05
Country Club . 06 J
Hope 08
Fruit of the Loom 08J
Lonsdale 08
Keg. Special
Langdon G. B 10 .08
Dwight half bleached .:. 10 .074
English Long Cloth 124 .10
Columbia Blues .08 .06J
Otis Checks 10 .07
Amoskeag Excelsiors 10 .07
Amoskeag, extra heavy 11 .07
Outing Flannel.
Snowflake Outing ..J..04
Avondale Outing .'.08 .064
Amoskeag Teazle Down 10 .07
Blue and White Stripe .....08 J .06
Same . 10 .074
Same 124 .09
Same 15 .11
Same 20 .13
Same 25 .13
Fancy Ticking : .15 .12
Same 20 .144
Table Damasks.
54-inch Turkey Reds 25 .20
59-inch Buffs :.50 .39
62-inch Red 50 .39
62-inch Fancy Green 60 .46
Eastern Oregon's Greatest Depattment Store.
Bleached Damasks.
Rce. Special
54-inch Union Damask 25 .20
56-inch all Linen 50 .39
56-inch all Linen 65 .48
64-inch all Linen 75 .59
68-inch all Linen $1.00.. .73
70-inch all Linen 1.25 .90.
72 -inch all Linen.. 1.35 1.05
75c values for.. 55c
$1.00 val. for ..78c
$1.25 val. for ..98c
$2.00 val. for$ .55
$2.50 val. for$1.98
Wash Goods.
Lot 1
Lot 2 10
Lot 3 124
Lot 4 : 15
Lot 5 20 and 25
5 big drives.
, .....08. .06
Special odds and ends... 08c
Worth from 12c to 25c per yard.
Hosiery. Ladies' and Children's.
124c values for 094c
25c values for 20c -40c
values for 32c
20c values for 15c
35c values for 28c
50c values for 38c
There will be a similar redaction in all the other
departments, including Laces, Embroideriee, Under
wear, Corsets, Shirt Waists, Etc.
Men's Shoes.
Eesr. Special '
Cordovan Congress ..$6.00 $3.65
Brown Russia Calf, lace.. 5.00 2.50
Brown Russia Calf, lace........ 3.50 2.00
Tan Sq. Toe, Rus. Calf, lace. 4.50 2.50
Dongola Square Toe, lace 4.00 2.00
Ladies' Shoes.
Kid Button,, narrow sq. toe.. $3.00 $2.00
Kid Button, needle toe...: 3.50 2.00
Ox Blood and Tan, lace. 3.50 2.00
Ox Blood and Tan, button.... 3.00 2.00
Kid Lace, needle toe 4.00 2.00
Kid Button, narrow sq. toe.. 3.00 2.00
Needle Toe Oxfords, in tan
or black 3.50 2.00
Narrow Square Toe Oxfords. 3.50 2.00
Kid Button, square toe......... 3.00 2.00
Boys', Misses', Children's.
Boys' Satin Calf Congress,
" square toe ..$2.00 $1.25
Boys' Satin Calf Lace, needle
toe 2.00 1.25
Misses' Tan Goat Button,
square toe..... 2.00 1.00
Misses' Patent Leather 3.00 1.50
Misses' Tan, Button or Lace 1.50 1.00
Child's Tan, Button or Lace 1.25 .85
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 10, 1898
The weather forecast for today is fair
with northerly winds.
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Falk have the pnrest and
strongest Paris Green in the market."
H. M. Eyan, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at
Jacobsen's. tf
We are pleased to note the improve
ment in the condition of Joe Robinson,
who for several days has been confined
to his room with sickness.
Only 50 cents to Hood River, Cascade
Locks, Bonneville or Multnomah San
day, July 10th, going and returning on
all O. R. & N. passenger trains that
At the union service at the Methodist
church this evening, upon which occa
sion Key. Batcher will speak, the proc
lamation for thanksgiving and prayer
issued by the president, will be observed.
On Sunday, July 10th, the O. R. & N.
Co., will sell round trip excursion tick
ets good going and returning on all reg
ular passenger trains from The Dalles to
Hood River, Cascade Locks, Bonneville
and Multnomah Falls for 50 cents.
Amateur photography used to be a
matter full of difficulties. There used
to be trouble in getting outfits and sup
plies. Donnell, the druggist, keeps
everything you want. Cameras, plates,
films, paper, etc. We also make de
veloping and toning solutions ready for
use. je26tf
The rivers have fallen to and below
the danger line. There will be no fur
ther rise ; a continuous fail will prevail
until the gauges at Portland and Uma
tilla show about 10 feet and at The
Dalles about 18 feet, when it will become
stationary. The necessity of these bul
letins having ceased,they will be discon
tinued. Will the ladies who expressed them
ealvea aa desirous of joining an emer
gency corps, and who paid the admission
fee of thirty cents, please meet at the
armory on Monday evening, next, at 8
o'clock? All others who wish to aid our
men in active warfare are requested to
be present, also, and dlscuea the busi
ness in band.
Yesterday R. B. Galbraitb, of 15-Mile
brought in a sample of snowflake and
Australian club wheat, which cannot be
beaten in any country. It stands about
5 feet and is well headed and will cer
tainly produce well per acre. It was
sown rather late in the spring and grew
without irrigation, and is a goodjsample
of the crops Waeco county will produce
this season.
As the pastor, Rev. Father BronB
geest, will be out of town today, there
will be no services at St. Peter's Catho
lic church today.
The Heppner Times Bays in a recent
issue: Otis Patterson's successor, Mr.
Corlies Merrit, of Portland, arrived las?
Sunday and has already taken charge of
the Heppner Gazette. Mr. Merrit is ac
companied by his wife and little eon.
S. P. Shutt, recently manager of the
Condon Globe, with 12 years' experience
aa a publisher in Gilliam county, has
purchased the Sumpter News of J. Nat
Hudson. He will take charge next
week. Under his management the pa
per will be independent in politics. Mr.
Hudson, will remain in Sumpter and
practice law. He may possibly return
to journalism later.
In the future the library will be
opened on Saturday evening from 7 till
9 o'clock, instead of in the afternoon.
New books are being added to the li
brary every day. Among the latest are
'Penelopis Progress" by Kate Douglas
Wiggins; "The Standard Bearer" by
S. R.Crockett; "Ape, Idiot and Other
People" by Morrow; "Girl at Cob-'
hurst," Stockton; "King's Jackal,"
by Richard Harding Davis; "Hassan a
Fellah" bv H. Gillman.
Last evening Mr. Fault, the popular
night cashier in the Commercial sample
rooms, was repairing one of the electric
fans when his hand slipped and his
finger was caught by the rapidly-revolving
fan.' A terrible gash was inflicted,
the bone being stripped almost the en
tire length of the finger. Dr.' Iiollister
stitched the wound and did all possible
to ease the pain. However, Mr. Fault
will be forced to quit work for a few
daya on account of the accident.
When the Dalles boys arrived in Port
land Friday they were received by the
Oregon Emergency Corps, escorted to
the Armory, and regaled with a good
luncheon. They then viewed the city
for several hours, and when they started
back to the depot the women of the
Emergency Corps presented each with a
well-filled lunchbox and the usual kit of
towel, comb, soap, etc., besides an illu
minated copy of Mrs. Ord way's songs to
cheer them on their way. The boys
thanked the women very heartily and
gave them hearty cheera.
There ia a question whether fish li
censes in Washington can be issued by
State Fish Commissioner Little without
attaching a revenue stamp. It is be
lieved in some quarters that a 10-stamp
will have to be affixed and etepa have
been taken to get a ruling on the ques
tion from Washington. The fish com-
i miaeioner wired Assistant Attorney-
General Vance for an opinion, and he
answered that he waa of the opinion
that the licenses were exempt, but he
states that be had asked the department
at Washington to give a ruling.
Oscar Spencer was Friday afternoon
bound over in $1000 bonds, charged with
the murder of Willie Sleepy, July 4, at
Zillah, near North Yakima. Sleepy
was shot in the breaBt. His body was
found by a wbite girl who was hunting
cowa, beside the river. Near the body
lay Spencer drunk. The latter claims to
know nothing whatever of the murder,
but at the preliminary examination
sufficient evidence waa brought out to
warrant Justice McCrimmon in holding
him. Spencer's wife ia. aleo said to be
implicated, and both are confined in
jail. All are Indiana with some prop
erty. Three masked men attempted to force
an entrance to a houee at Dayton occu
pied by Mrs. Stooteinan and a young
woman named Lottie Rivette. The girl
formerly lived with the Rivette family
at Mica, Spokane county, but because of
their cruel treatment of her, she was
taken from them and placed' in the cus
tody of Mrs. Stootsman. Lottie thinks
that the Rivettes kidnapped her from
her home in Canada, and want to get
hold of her now in order to obtain the
ransom. She says that one of the men
who attempted to enter Mrs. Stools
man's house had a voice very much like
Joint Installation.
Friday night the Odd Fellows and
Rebekah Degree lodges held a joint in
stallation in the I. O. O. F. hall, and
after installation a splendid lunch was
served that was enjoyed by the large
assemblage present. The I. O. O. F.
officers were installed by Paul Paulsen,
D D G M, and were as follows : N G,
Chas Mcintosh ; V G, J T Osborn ; Sec,
H Clongh ; Treas, H C Neilsen ; War,
CA Borders; Con, Geo Ruch ; R S
N G, O D Doane; L S N G, J C Cooper;
R S V G, C J Crandall ; R S S, J C
Neilsen ; L S S, N A Ericken ; I G, HA
. Mrs Lyle installed the Rebekah
officers who were : N G, Lulu Crandall ;
V G, Rebeckah Wilson ; Sec, Ollie Lyle;
Treaa, Elvira Neilaen; Warden, Anna
Rawson; Con, Elvira Burget: R S N G,
OD Doane; D S N G, Emma Doane;
R S V G, Belle Rinehart ; L S V G,
Georgia Sampson ; I G, Mra Ward ; O
G, Mrs Blakeney.
Energetic, hustling young man to rep
resent the Keystone Watch Co. Good
opportunity for Tight party. No expe
rience necessary.
Ketston Watch Co.,
Portland, Or.
It Waa Hoisted Over the Nansene School
With Appropriate Ceremony.
The spring term of school at Nansene,
taught by Prof. R. C. Deems, closed
yesterday and was commemorated by
the raising of a flag and other appropri
ate exercises, in the preeence of about
one hundred and twenty-five patrons
of the Bchool.
Before the flag waa raised M. J. An
derson, of Dufor, delivered and address
on patriotism. This was followed by an
address by Prof. John Gavin, superin
tendent of The Dalles schools, in which
he dealt with current events, and Super
intendent Gilbert spoke on the Bubject
of liberty. Mr. Hibbard, of Nansene,
made a short address on aesthetics, and
Mr. Meyer, an old soldier, spoke of the
original flag.
While the flag was being raised Miss
Hattie Sternweia recited Drake'a
"American Flag." During the exercisee
Mr. Holmea and Miss Brown rendered
a number of selections on the violin and
Every pupil in the school recited a
patriotic selection, and the exercises
closed with a splendid lunch prepared
by the ladies of Nansene and the sur
rounding country.
Keal Estate Sale.
The Laughlin estate offers for sale all
their land property in and near The
Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks
and acreage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to the undersigned at the office
of the Wasco Warehouse Co.
tf B. F. Laughlin.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa.,
says DeWItt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills he ever used in bis family
during forty years of house keeping.
They curse constipation, sick headache
and utomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great in results. For Bale by
the Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family for years and al
ways with good results'," Bays W. B.
Cooper, of El Rio, Cal. "For small
children we find it especially effective."
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Some manufacturers
"aim" to make as good
tea ' baking powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
as Schillings Best; but
they don't shoot straight
For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
The paator, Rev. O. D. Taylor, will
preach at the First Baptist church this
morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no
evening service.
Congregational church, corner Fifth
and Court streets This morning at 11
o'clock eermon by Rev. W, R. Butcher.
Sunday School and Endeavor societies
as UBual. At 8 p. m., union service at
the Methodist church; preaching by
Rev. Butcher.
At the Calvary Baptist church, corner
Seventh and Union streets, services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.,
Elder W. S. Wilburn, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 o'clock and Young People's
Society at 6 :30 in the evening. All are
cordially invited.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets, J. H.Wood paator
Clasa meeting this morning at 10.
Preaching service at 11. a. m. by pastor.
Union service at 8 p.m.; preaching by
Rey. W. R. Butcher. Sunday Bchool at
12:20. Junior League at 4 p.m. Ep
worth League at 7.
St. Paul's Episcopal church, on Fifth
and Union streets, Rev. Jos. DeForest
rector Early communion every Sunday
(except the first Sunday in the month)
at 7 a.m.: morning prayer and sermon
at 11; evening prayer and sermon at
8; Sunday school at 12:15 p. m.; Friday
evening eervice and lecture at 8 o'clock.
For Sale Cheap.
A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of
the fair grounds. A desirable residence
location. A, S. Mao Allistbb.
Chronicle Office.
Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and
dew berries, at The Dalles Commission
Company. tf
Hp mountain
Ice cream Freezers.
167 Seconi St. THE DALLES, OR.
Jiau You Sr? Our ladies'
Piriee only $35.
Up-to-Date in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel Handle Bars.
Celebrated -G. & J. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
line of new wheels.