y :L0m . y VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1898. vNO 97 Six HuudiBd 00i 3.11 0. iOl.0 0 0 Terrible Collision Off the Coast oi New York French Liner Run Down in a Fog. . HALIFAX, July 6. News reached here today of the collision of the French Trans-Atlantic Company's steamer La Bourgoyne and the British ship Cromartyshire in a fog about sixty miles south of Sable Island. y i Of the 833 aboard the Bourgoyne but 200 were saved, 170 of whom were passengers. There was only one woman among the saved. The purser and three engineers were the jonly officers rescued. The log of the. Cromartvshire is as follows : July 4, 5 a. m. Dense fog, position of ship sixty miles south of Sable island, ship under reduced canvass going four or five knots per hour. Fog horn kept going regularly every minute. Heard steamer's whistle on port bow, which seemed po be going very last. We blew born, were answered by steamer's whistle, when all of a sudden she loomed up through the fog on our port bow, crashed into us, going at a terrible speed. Our foretop-mast and maintop and gallant mast came down, bringing with it the yards and everything attached. I immediately ordered the boats out, and went to examine the damage. Four of the boats were completely cut off, and the plates were twisted. The other ship disap peared through the fog. Our ship was floating on her col- ision bulkhead, with no immediate danger of sinking; we were at work immediately to clear the wreckage of the ship on the starboard quarter which was hanging over the star board bow in danger of punching holes in the bow. Heard n,he steamer blow her whistle. We answered with the foe: horn. The steamer threw up a rocket and fired a shot. We threw up a rocket and fired several shots, but neither saw or heard anything - About 5:30 the fog lifted somewhat, and we saw three boats pulling toward us, with the French flag flying. We signaled them to come alongside, and found the ship was La pourgoyne, from New York for Havre and had gone down. We laid to all day and received on board about 200 surviv- prs from among the passengers and crew. There were re ported to be in all about 600. About 3 p. m.; another steamer move in sight, heading westward. We put up signals "N. C." (want assistance). The steamer bore down toward us. She proved to be the Grecian, bound from Glasco for New lYork. The captain agreed to take the passeneers aboard and pow my ship to Halifax. MILLER TO LEAD THE EXPEDITION More Troops to Sail Next Week- Death of One of the Montana Troops. San Fbancisco, J11I7 6. It is alncost certain that Brigadier-General Miller twill head the fourth exnedition tovthe Philippines which is expected to start next Monday or Tuesday. Mayor Kel logg, of the Fourth United States cav alry, has received word from General Otis that he will take ship with 589 men and officers of his command, and Major Grrugan, of the Sixth artillery, is in re ceipt of a similarly gratifying order, his issignment of troops being 269 men and seven officers. Lieutenant Abernathy ind sixty men of the Third artillery, eft from the last expedition, will also ?o. . General Merriam's son, Henry, who has been a etndent at Stanford univer sity, has successfully paseed an examin imination for second lieutenant, and will be assigned to some infantry regi ment. A number of former residents of New York have organized and appointed committees to arrange for the reception of the New York volunteers soon ex pected here. Private Robert Lennington, of the boepstal corps of the Montana regiment, is dead of pneumonia. THE HERO WILL BE FREED The Spaniards Have Decided to Release Hobson The Exchange -will be Made Today. Washington, Jnly 6. General Shatt er has sent the following dispatch to the war dedartment : "Adjutant-General, Washington : Camp near Santiago, Jnly 5. I am just in receipt of a letter lrom General Toral, agreeing to exchange Hobson and his men. I expect to make the exchange in the morning. Yesterday Toral re fused my proposition for an exchange." Farm for Sale. A good farm for sale four and a half miles from town, consisting of 420 acres cleared land, 120 being in grain, four horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of bogs. Also a good dwelling house and barn. The land will produce anything grown in Wasco county. A good school within a quarter of a mile - of the farm. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address Seth Morgan, july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or. GRAND STAMPEDE FROM SANTIAGO Thousands are Being Carriedjto Jamaica Those Left Behind are Frantic to Get Away. Kingston, Jamaica, Jnly 6. Thou sands of people met the launches of the English and American warships at the water side at Santiago, and when the foreign passengers learned that passen gers would be taken off the English and Austrian consulates were besieged by hundreds imploring a chance to leave. One Spanish merchant in a pitable state of alarm offered the British consul, Mr. Ramsden, $15,000 in gold to desig nate him as a British-Cuban, with au thority to be taken awav. Those brought to Jamaica came in the clothee they stood in, some even with absolute ly no kind of baggage, who thought on ly of escaping with their lives. The non combatant a in the city were in a state of desperate panic. Miss Rams Jen, Consul Ramsden 's daughter, says the American' shells flew around their house on Saturday and Sunday morning. Mr. Ramsden could not leave Santiago and his wife would not. The report was that the city would be bom barded yesterday at 10 in the morning. No one seems to know accurately the strength of the Spanish forces in the city and its environments, but 9000 ap pears a probable estimate of those fit for duty. Streams of wounded have been flowing in day and night from the firing lines. Every fifth house in Santi ago is an improvised hospital. The sailing of Admiral Cervera's fleet had a bad effect on the soldiers. They were dismayed when they saw the war ships no longer in the harbor, and felt themselves abandoned to fate. General Vera del Roy, second in com mand to Linares, having been killed on Sunday, and General Linares having been wounded. General Toral is chief in command in Santiago. A MUTINY". OF PRISONERS Six Spaniards Killed in the Skirmish No Injury Done to Americans. Washington, Jnly 6. A special dis patch to the Star, dated off Santiago, July 6th, says: "After the destruction of the Spanish fleet 440 men from the' Marie Theresa were placed as prisoners on the Har vard. For some reason these men mu tinied. The officers and crew of the Harvard were prepared, and the muti neers were fired upon. Six Spaniards were killed outright and twelve wounded. A SPLENDID SHOWING Financial Report of the Southern Pa cific for the Past Fiscal Year.. San Fbancisco, Jnly 6. The financial report of the Southern Pacific Company for the last fiscal year shows an increase in profits of $4,000,000 over the business of the preceding year. This shows that the last 12 months were the most pros perous in the history of the corporation. The gain in earnings is largely attri buted to the operation of the Pacific system. Increases in profits have been noted on nearly every road in the system, though in some few cases there has been a falling off in travel and consequent loss to the company. En Route to Manila. Kansas City, July 6. A body of 256 recruits for the Tenth Pennsylvania passed through here during the night en route to Ran Francisco, whence they will be forwarded to their regiment, which has sailed to the Philippines. All were completely equipped, except for guns, which they will receive at San Francisco. Another Spaniard Captured. Key West, July 6. It is reported here that the Spanish warship Alfonzo XIII made an attempt to run the block ade of Havana harbor, and was prompt ly captured by a United States cruiser. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome end delicious. FDVDEF Absolutely Pure ROVAL BAKING POWDCft CO., NEW VORK . An Alliance to be Made. . London, July 6. At the Anglo-American reception given by Sir Francis and Lady Cooke t Richmond, Admiral Close, of the British navy, addressed the guests on "The Necessity of an Anglo- American Alliance," "because," as he said, "we are dependent on America for our food supplies. Kobbud the Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows : I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyeB sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Portland. Electrolysis Company. Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all facial blemishes removed permanently. Chiropodist work skillfully done. Head quarters over land office in the Chapman block. julyltf Win your battles against disease -by acting promptly. - One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption, and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For sale by the Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co. Everybody reads The Chronicle. I. G. fliekelsen Invites everybody to purchase FLAGS li FHEWI A large stock to select from. ALL SIZES BUNTING FLAGS PAINES' CELEBRATED FfflEf ORKS, FIRECRACKERS AT OLD PRICES. No advance of prices in his goods. ' CALL AT HIGKELSEirS oN..r. SECOND ST. Notice. Kotiee is hereby given that the undersigned, Konrad Lohrli, has presented his petition to the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, asking that his name be changed from Konrad Lohrli to Konrad Lohrli Houser, and that said petition will be called up for hearing and heard by said Court at the Coun ty Court room in the County Court House in Dalles City, Wasco rCounty, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th day of July, 186, at 10 o'clock a. m. ol said day, said day being one of the days of the regular July 1898 term of said court. AH persons are hereby notified to appear-at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why an order of said Court should not be made decreeing said change of name as above men tioned. Dated this 7th day of .'one. 1898. jur8-i KONRAD LOHRLI. Our Special Sale For the week commencing Tuesday, effects our Clothing, Ladies' Suits and Skirt and Wash Goods Departments. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. If you have not already bought yonr Summer Suit vou should buy uuc ab uulc. luiB is i Liu upporLuuity oi loo season 33 1 percent Off the regular price on and Men's Summer Suits. 25 per cent Off the regular price on Boys', and Young Men's . ouits. SUIT AND SKIRT DEP T. LADIES' TMiOfHSIflDE BLOUSE SlJlTS AT LIBERA. REDUCTIONS. A beautiful lot of stylish garments. No two alike. All of this season s most aavancea cut. $16.06 Suits ." Reduced to I ! .93 $17.50 Suits .Reduced to $13.00 $20 00 Suite Reduced to $ 14.85 DRESS SKIRTS. We're not to be overlooked on Drees Skirts. Our Fourth of Jul v of ferings are proving to be just what we expected them to be GREAT ATTRACTIONS. ee our $3.00 all wool Dress Skirt; of a navy blue material, plain ground with white hair line, well lined and finished. The price is reduced to $2.25. " Our $1.75 plain black Sicilian Drees Skirt can now be bad for $1.25. Oar regular $1.25 blue and white or black and white checked Dress Skirt is now 95 cents. Special attractions in Wash. Goods Dep't.' A. 1. imilAE C. J. STUBLilflG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor . WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00GITA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.; ALIFO EMA BEAITDIES from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Imported Ale and Porter. , JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?t,t"uFEdEo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- j-jyI TT'loilT This Floor is manufactured expressly for family JXX -I- J.U U.X . use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. I Highest Prices Paid for WhDat, Barley and Oats.