GRAND MID WE. MUST MOVE THE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS. S0Q mnm Thursday July 7th, 1898, We shall offer all of our stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and Men's Clothing" and Furnishings, at a EHTLV REDUCED PRICE. We intend this to be a GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE, and shall not stop at cost to sell the goods. THIS SALE WILL, BE STRICTLY-FOR CASH. Customers -whose accounts are settled every thirty days will be considered as cash; but goods charged to accounts not settled promptly will be charged at regular prices. THE, SWEEPING REDUCTIONS WE, PROPOSE RENDER IT IMPERATIVE ON US TO MAKE THIS DISTINCTION BETWEEN CASH AND CREDIT SALES. , REMEMBER: We propose to make this a sale to, be remembered, and the prices we shall make will bear us out in this assertion. . ' ' - . ' ' ' - .. . " WE SHALL BE READY FOR YOU ON THURSDAY. Delay your purchases until then. Watch this Paper on Thursday next for Prices. Eastern Oregon's Greatest Department Store. PEASE MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JULY 6, 1893 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. excellent, while tertained all by I war songs with illustrations. tonight and you i mission 10 and la ) Tonight. ' At the Vogt The Berkeley Concert Co. Don't forget that Kellar keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke' & Falk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and dew berries, at The Dalles Commission Company. tf H. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jacubsen's. tf . Lovers of good music and pure com- edy should hear the Berkeley Quartet at the Vogt ton:ght. Beginning this morning the steamers Regulator and Sarah Dixon will leave their docks in this city at 8 :30. All bills against the Fourth of July committees should be handed to C. F. StepheiiB treasurer of the committee be fore 7 o'clock this evening. C. J. Stubling has just received a large shipment of genuine orange wine, which he will retail either by the pint, quart, gallon or bottle. This wine is superior to the grape product, having a very mellow flavor. Don't forget that A. B. Estebenet has taken the agency for the Troy Laundry and is ready to give his entire attention to all orders sent to him. Address A. B. Estebenet, general agent, or ring up pbine number 119. tf The attention of the ladies is called to the grand clearance sale of trimmed hate at the Campbell & Wileon Millinery Parlors. Trimmed hats in the different styles will be sold below cost. Call and purchase before it is too late. H. Maetz held the record at the Uma tilla House alleys this week as nsual. The scores were as follows: Monday, 60; Tuesday, 59 ; Wednesday, 57 : Thursday, 57; Friday, 53; Sunday, 59. Saturday's record was held by James Benton, with score of 58. Yesterday Sheriff Kelly took his oath of office and his Dositlon in the sheriffs office. He has selec b. U. Sexton, a man the position, and by shown as good judgme! bility in discharging office. . The chow at the Ballwin opera house was well attended last eight, and a bet ter entertainment for tthe money has never been given intbfecity. The re production of the MaiAe disaster and r I o ,ed for his deputy well qualified for his choice be has pt'as he has capa- he duties of the lies Lillian Howe en presenting the latest Attend ill not regret it. Ad-cents. The high scores at the CoumercialClub alleys for the week ending Sunday were at follows: Monday, Nolan, 64; Tues day, Ballard, 53 : Wednesday, Ballard, 56; Thursday, Jobson, 40: Friday, Bradshaw, 56; Saturday, Bradshaw, 53; Sunday, Stephens. 46. Amateur photography used to be a matter full of difficulties. There used to be trouble in getting ontfita and sup plies. Donnell, the druggist, keeps everything yon want. .Cameras, plates, films, paper, etc. We also make-developing and toning solutions ready for use. je26tf The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in form its patrons that Mr. A. B. Este benet is no longer in its employ. Mr. S. Burns will take his place on the wagon; should he fail to call upon yon ring up telephone 341 and your wants will be attended to immediately. Give us your work and we will try to please you. One of the pleasant features of the Fourth of July celebration which we omitted mentioning yesterday was thei excursion on the Sarah Dixon in th evening. Two hundred pleasure eeek ers went down the river and their tri was not in vain, for. evervone was in a enjoyable frame of mind, and as everv thing passed off pleasantly the excurf sionists were more than pleased with their trip. i We would like to know who is respo Bible for moving the old Mountaineer office in the alley back of Mclnerny tore and leaving it stand there. la this way they have blocked up the alle and not only cut off traffic, but in case of ore would obstruct the way, and bji so doing cause needless delay and probi ably a heavy loss that might otherwise! be averted. The matter e.hould be at tended to promptly. The Fourth was celebrated in Hood River with a will as a result of the bul letin received announcing Sampson's victory. The G. A. R. fired a salute. The drill of a company of young women was a feature of the day. Arrangements are being made to make the organization a permanent one. - The Emergency Corps' entertainment at night was well attended, the leading feature being the extra drill of sixteen young women of the company of forty. . " Monday afternoon Charles Gray, of Cove, shot three times at Albert Ohmp, of Island City. One bullet took tffect in Ohm's thigh, another struck his sad dle and the third killed his horse. Both money owed Ohms by Gray. They had trouble over the account this morning, but separated, -meeting again later. Both men were on horseback and after the shooting Gray left Arlington hur riedly firing his pistol several times. Officers are pursuing him. North Yakima held the biggest cele bration in years, with no casualties to mar the enjoyment. Everybody - was patriotic in the morning, but when news came of Sampson's victory at San tiago, the town went wild. A delegation of citizens stopped the procession and read Sampson's Xelegram, and rousing cheers followed. The same citizens went, to the ball ground, called time, read the message and nearly broke up the game. The procession was one of the largest ever seen in the city, and was witnessed by a large crowd. The ball game nearly ended when the first man went to the bat, the pitcher strik ing Batter Farrah behind the ear with the third ball pitched, rendering him unconscious for several hours, A report came from Zillah to the effect that one Indian hilled another during the cele bration there. Both were drunk. t f The city election which was held last ;night passed off a quickly and with as little trouble as any we have ever had, and throughout was apparently satisfac tory. Chas. Lauer, the present incum bent of the marshalship, has proven a faithful man in that position, which ac counts for his retention. Julius Wiley, the nightwatebman for the past year, has conducted himself in such a straight forward' manner that he would have been unanimously returned should he have allowed his ncine to come before the council. His successor we trust will fill the position credably. The city re corder, Roger B. Sinnott, also refused to accept the office the second time, since by so doicg he would be forced to neg lect hie law practice. Mr. Sinnott Iras filled the position of recorder in a most creditable manner, and. if he wished, would have been elected unanimously. Mr. Gates is a promising young attor ney and lolly capable of filling the position. COUNCIL MEETING. XOBt. In the academy ground, a gold hat pin with a filigree eworl handle for a head. Reward and no questions asked if returned to this office. for 8ala Cheap. A lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of the fair grounds. A desirable residence location. A. S. Mac Auistkh. Chronicle Office. Schlitz's Bock Beer. Fresh and the first of the Eeason at the Midway. . City Officers for the Ensuing; Tr Were Elected Other Matters.' OUR BATTLE-CRT. A meeting of the city council was held last night. Mayor Nolan presided and Councilmen Johnston, Clough, Kel lar, Kuck, Stephens, Barnett, Johns, Butts and Gunning were present. The minutes of the last meeting were ad and approved and on motion adopt ed and placed on file. Reports of city officers were read and approved; also the report of the mayor. A petition to grant a liquor license to Geo. W. Way was next before the coun cil, and on motion the license was granted. ' The name of Charles Lauer for city marshal was placed before the council for confirmation by Mayor Nolan. The question was left to a vote, and resulted in seven for confirmation .and two against. As Ihe majority of the council was in favor of confirming Mr. Lauer as marshal, he waj declared such by the mayor. Next in order was the selection of a recorder. The name of N. H. Gajtes was placed before the council and the vote stood eight to one. Mr. Gates receiving the majority of the council, was- de clared recorder for the coming year. Petitions for the position of night watchman were next read, and Mr. Adolph Phirman chosen by a vote of seven to two blanks. Ordinanceu ordering the mayor and recorder to draw up and sign deeds to Thomas Hudson and Charles Frank for certain pieces of property were read and passed. Bills were presented lv ihff judges and clerks of election tor er-rvices ren dered, and on motion were ortiered paid. As there was no further bnpineps for the council to transact, on inoiiunthey adjourned. Use CI ark ej&Fa 1 k ' sJR o n f n t f ,-, r t'b",. Four or 'five tenuis' with drivers to work on O. R. & N. nrml iietween Ar lington and Umatilla; wages (3.50 per day, call on Jas. Ihkland, Agent. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve Cares Pijes. Scalds. Burns. It will cither make you nor break you if you don't try Schilling's Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extract soda- : and spices but you'll miss something good. By II en ei ktta K. Eliot. Not for revenge, albeit Spain Destroyed the Maine Not for her islands, near or far, Wage we this war. Nor solely for poor Cuba's neej Do our sonsableed: But to solve questions which were gray . Ere to the day f v She opened her sad eyes ! For we Who scarce yet see Wisely to rule ourselves, arc set Where ways have met, ' ' To lead the nations on ! Not for our own Land now are battle-flags unfurled, But for the world Harper's Weekly. Wiiiie Main ice Gjam Freezers. Portland Electrolysis Company. Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all facial blemishes removed' permanently.' Chiropoaist work skillfully done. Head quarters over land office in the Chapman block. - julyltf Farm far Bale. A good farm for sale four and a half miles from town, consisting of 420 acres cleared , land, 120 being in grain, four horses, 10 head of cattle and 6 of hogs. Also a good dwelling bouse and barn. The land will produce anything grown in Waeco county. A good school within a quarter of a mile of the farm. No mortgage or land agent in the way. Call on or address SetH Morgan, july2-lm-w The Dalles, Or. . Winyour battles again9t disease by acting promptly. 4 One Minute Congh Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it- prevents consumption, and in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. For Bale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Y)' jap. J r NO ZINC IN CONTACT WITH CREAM THF ONLY-FREEZFR MADE HAVING MORE THAN TWO MOTIONS. FOR BALK BY ...piaieiteeiilOR .THE HflflDWHSE DEMEflS.. 167 Second SL THE DALLES, OR. 143 J4au YbuS9 Our ladies' I van hoe Price only $35. Up-to-Date in Every Respect. , ..Adjustable Steel Handle Bars. Celebrated G. & J. Detachable Tires. MAYS & CROWE. We have opened onr renting department with a line of new wheels. "