The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 05, 1898, Image 3

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    0 TJ yyrf IT V'V Irv T r Tjssv
J 1 sr 1 II . 19
ginning Thursday, Jaly 7th,
We shall offer all of our stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes and
Men's Clothing' and Furnishings, at a '
We intend this to "be a GENUINE . CLEARANCE SALE, and shall not stop at cost to sell the goods. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY FOR
CASH. Customers whose accounts are settled every thirty days will be considered as cash; but goods charged to accounts not settled promptly will be
REMEMBER: We propose to make this a sale to be remembered, and the prices we shall make will bear
us out in this assertion. . ,
WE SHALL BE READY FOR ;YOTJ ON THURSDAY. Delay your purchases until then.
Watch this Paper on Thursday next for Prices.
Eastern Oregon's Greatest Department Store.
The Dalles Daily Gbroniele.
JULY 5, 1898
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
beat ice cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and
dew berries, at The Dalles Commission
Company. tf
H. M. Ryan, teacter of Mandolin,
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at
Jacobeen's. tf
The Dufur band arrived as billed and
added mnch to the musical program.
Dufur has a good band, which proves
that for sued a small town it has an
abundance of musical talent. .
J. T. Hinkle has filed a case in Pen
dleton contesting the election of H. J.
Bean, as district attorney for the sixth
district. The case will be heard in the
circuit court on the 13th inst. .
C. J. Stubling has just received a large
shipment of genuine orange wine, which
he will retail either by the pint, Quart,
gallon or bottle. This wine is Buprkr
to the grape product, having a very
mellow flavor.
Don't forget that A. B. Estebenet has
taken the agency, for the Troy Laundry
and is ready to give hia entire attention
to all orders sent to him. Address A.
B. Estebenet, general agent, or ring up
phone number 119. tf
The attention of the ladies is called to
the grand clearance sale of trimmed batB
at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery
ParlorB.. Trimmed bats in the different
Btyles will be sold below cost. Call and
purchase before it is too late.
A young love-sick swain attempted
suicide by tne Morphia route at Lake
view the other day, because he was re
fused a license by the county clerk to
wed his fifteen-year-old sweetheart. Dr.
Daly used the pump successfully.
A report from Grants states that John
Bonie was drowned while bathing in
the Columbia Sunday. The deceased
was a promising young man, and a son
-of James Bonie, a wealthy Klickitat
farmer. The body is not yet recovered.
Over one hundred searchers lined the
Waldo E. Glover, a well-known citi
zen of Goldendale, has just returned
from Union Gap, in Yakima county,
the scene of the recent find of a quartz
ledge. He says that the people of Yaki
ma city are mncb excited over the pros
pects, as over one thousand people vis
ited Old Baldey mountain last Sunday,
and almost everv visitor carried away a
specimen of the ore. Tne mine in which
the tunnel has been started has been
christened Ore King.
Amateur photography used to be a
matter full of difficulties. There used
to be trouble in getting outfits and sup
plies. Donnell, ihe druggist, keeps
everything you want. CameraB, plates,
films, paper, etc. We 'also make de
veloping and toning solutions ready for
use. - je26tf
The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in
form its patrons that Mr. A. B. Este
benet is no longer in its employ. Mr.
S. Burns will take his place on the
wagon; should he fai) to call upon you
ring up telephone 341 and your wants
will be attended to immediately. Give
us your work and we will try to please
We understand that Gas. B. Newton,
one of the members of the Berkley Con
cert and Comedy Company which will
be in the citv Wednesdav, is billed ti
deliver a lecture before the Orego:
Chautauqua Association in the near 1
ture. He is considered to be an eloc
tionist of no mean ability in his nati
state of California.
Last night about 11 :30 someone, pro
ably an Indian, who had a superfluity
liquor, fired three shots in the alle
near Glenn's shop. He then uttered
few war whoops and disappeared. Fo:
a time it was thought that, a shooting
scrape had occurred ; but upon investi
gation it was supposed that the shots
had been fired in the air.
Yesterday F. C. Hindle and wife, of
Arlington, were in the city attending
the celebration, Mr. Hindle is the O.
R. & N. agent at Arlington, and the
leader of the band at that place, which
is, considering the size of the town, as
good a band as could be desired. The
boys are not only efficient in music, but
genial and accommodating and for both
reasons they are welcome in The Dalles
whenever thev choose to return collec
tionly or individually.
Last evening, while returning home
from the celebration in this city, Mrs.
Joseph Southwell's buggy was upset
near 3-Mile and the six occupants
thrown out. Mrs. Joseph Southwell
sustained a fracture of .the collar bone,
she being the only one who was "injured
severely. The rig was fixed and Mrs.
Southwell brought to the city for medi
cal treatment. Dr. Hollister reduced
the fracture, which was a bad one, and
she iB'getting along nicely
wind biew down
for a number of
years stood on the corner of Second and
it was standing i
caused it to fall J
pole catching: it
someone would
became rotten, which
Were it not for the
the telephone wires
srtainlv have been hurt
"Yesterday the strong
the liberty pole which
Court streets. The
twelve years ago July
strange coincidence that it should blow
down on the same day
which it was raised..
pole was raised
4th, and it is. a
iof the month on
paring the time
as a large crowdfwas standing around at
the time. Fortunately, however, none
were injured in.lhe least.
Last evening while the fireworks were
being set off an alarm of fire was turned
in. The department responded prompt
ly, and it was found that a small blaze
had started on the roof on the rear of
the D. P. & A. N. wharf. The blaze
was put out with little damage being
done. Another alarm vae turned in at
about 10 o'clock, and the department
responded again. This time the file
was in the roof of the Cosmopolitan,
and was extinguished almost as rapidly
a the previous one.
The Berkeley Boys' Concert will not
e a theatrical performance but a society
event in every sense ot the word. The
following Dalles ladies will be the pa
tronesses of the evening: Mesda.mes
Crowe, Blakeley, Patterson, Bradshaw,
Pease, D. M. French, DeForrest, Lang,
Schenck, M. Z. ' Donnell, Hollister,
Theo. Seufert, H. S. Wilson, Fish, Cros
sen, Hal French, W. H. Wilson, Cran
dall, A. R. Thompson, Hobson, B. S.
Huntington, Mary French, Bronson,
Varney, Butler, Houghton, Misses Ruch,
Michell, Sampson, Glenn, Story and
Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. I. P.
Joles and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alden
and son, Leon .returned from their mines
in Spanish Gulch, Grant county. Ii
the six weeks they worked the mines
they took out over $1700 in dost and
nuggets. Only for the water supply
giving out they would have continued to
take out the shining metal but were
forced to stop on account of the lack of
facilities for washing the dirt. Their
claims eo far are rich, as the amount
taken out in eo short a time would indi
cate, and as they have not fully opened
the mines or reached the bedrock they
have hopes of finding gold In much
larger quantities.
Portland Electrolysis Company.
. Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all
facial blemishes removed permanently.
Chiropodist work skillfully done. Head
quarters over land office in the Chapman
block. julyltf
Four or five teams with drivers to
work on O. R. & N. grade between Ar
lington and Umatilla; wages $3.50 per
day, call on Jas. Ireland, Agent.
In the academy ground, : a gold hat
pin with a filigree sword handle for a
bead. Reward and no questions asked
if returned to this office.
Such is the Opinion of
Everyone Present at
the Proceedings.
Splendid Street Parade Three Bands
Numerous Floats Patriotic Speak
ing Beautiful Singing; and
Fireworks Galore.
At about 3:30 yesterday morning the
city was awakened by the firing ot a
grand national salute and shortly after
sunrise the Btreets began to fill with
people in holiday attire. Each train
brought additional celebrants to the
city,Vhile hundreds of people "crowded
in from the surrounding country.
Shortly after 10 tne parade started
down Third street, the first division be
ing led by Monroe Grimes as grand
marshal and Louis Porter and Al Var
ney as aides. The Arlington brass band
beaded the first division, after which
came the newly organized military com
pany. The carriages with the presenta
tion speaker, John Michell, Mayor No
lan, IVepierit BlakHpy, -f the Com
mercial Ciul Mrs. Eilil'.n. leader of the
Declaration of Independence, the sing
ers, members of the school hoant and
othir. In this division was ihf liberty
car, which wns neatly, arranged and
beautifully decorated.
The Dalles braes hand led the second
division. In thin wan the George and
Martha Wash niton float. A. M. Will
iams & Co.'s uiarinrH, consisting of
twenty-four little 'boye dressed in uni
forms and led by a fife and drum corps,
the Commercial floats, in which Louie
there may
Some day
be better
tea baking powder
coffee flavoring extracts
soda and spices
than Schilling's Best,- be
cause ' 4 de wurl do move."
Hurry up, old world I
You've got many a mile
to go! ,oo
For saieby
L, Rorden & Company
Comini's goat, which was painted red,
white and blue and hitched to a minia
ture cannon, cut a conspicuous figure in
the parade.
The Dufur brass band led the third
division and consisted of The Dailea
firemen in the following order: Chief
Engineer Gunning', with his aides; the
Jackson Engine company, the Columbia
Hose company, the East End Hose com
pany, Mt. Hood company and the Ju
venile Hose company, consisting of a
number of small boys.
The parade moved down Second to
Union and thrn up that street to. the
new school building in the Academy
park. The beautiful flag donated by the
contractors, architects and material men
was formally presented in a stirring
speech by Hon. John Michell. At the
conclusion of bis speech the flag was
hoisted to its place by S. B. Adams,
chairman of the school board, while
The Dalles band played "The Star
Spangled Banner."
At the conclusion of the flag raising,
a chorus of eighteen voices, led by Pro
fessor Lundell, sung "The Flag Without
a Stain." This number concluded the
forenoon's exercises.
In the afternoon the Plug Ugly par
ade and that of the Native Sons of
America, better known as Indians, pro
ceeded to the grounds, where the after
noon's program was opened by the Ar
lington band rendering a selection.
The chaplain, Rev- Joseph DeFore6t,
pronounced the invocation. The grand
chorus then sang "Columbia the Gem
of the Ocean". The Declaration was
read by Mrs. Maud Eddon, and to say
that she did well, would be but slight
Continued on the 4th page.
Ice Grcant Freezers.
p. ; -1
Tn 7! vp iv rnvTAPT witu romM
...Hiaiei senior
16.7 Seconl St. THE DALLES, OIL
pavz You Si? Our Jades'
Price only $35.
Up-to-L)ate in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel Handle Bars.
Celebrated G. & J. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
' line of new wheels.