VOL. XI - THE DALLES,' OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING JULY 5, 1898. NO 95 AD1ML SAMPSON REPEATS DEWEY'S BRILLIANT VICTORY Cervera's Fleet Has Been Annihilated While Attempting to Get Away Cervera and 1300 Men Prisoners Our Loss WASHINGTON, July 4. The secretary of the navy has been informed that "while attempting to escape from the Harbor of Santiago Cervera's entire fleet was annihilated by Admiral Sampson's squadron. ' The attempt to escape was made at 9j30 on the morning of the 3rd, and in less .than five hours the last of tha Spanish ships ran ashore about six miles west of Santiago and lowered her flag. Our loss is estimated at one man killed and two wounded, The name of the dead rnan was Geo, H. Ellis, who held the position of chief yoeman on the Brooklyn. TROOPS JME REAGJlED TJ1EIR DESTINATION MANILA, Jul' 1, via Hong Kong, July 4. Friday the United States troops ar rived at Cavite after an uneventful voyage. The transports City of S.ydney and Peking and Australia with the Charleston as convoy, are the ships that conveyed the troopsacross the Pacific. On the way here the Charleston called at the Ladrone islands, a group in the Pacific which belonged to Spain, took possession of the whole group, made prisoners of Governor-General Marina, his staff and the entire military force, and raised the Stars and Stripes over the ruins of Santa Cruz. The troops are in good condition and our only loss was Private Hutchinson, of the First Oregon, who died on the City of Sydney on June 20th, and was buried at sea on Jnne 21st. . DEWEY'S OFFICIAL REPORT. WASHINGTON, July 4. The nav3 department has received the following report from Admiral Dewey: CAVITE, July 1, via Hong Kong, July 4, Tqree transports and the Charleston arrived yesterday. ' The Charles ton ceptured Guam, Ladrone islands, June 21, without resistance, and brought the Spaiards from the garrison, Bix officers and fifty-four men, to Manila. On June 29, the Spanish ganboat Leyte came oat of the river and cm-rendered to me, having exhausted her ammunition and food in repellin? attack by the inBurgets. She had on board fifty-two officers and ninety four men, naval and military. (Signed) DEWEY. MUST ACT I? MEDIATELY Santiago Will te Laiiia Ruins if not SarreniereJ ty Noon May. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS GRANTED Sampson's Fleet Ready to Begin Opera tions at the End of That Time Shafter Reports His Army in a Good Condition to do Effective Work. Washington, July 4. A lengthy and unimportant dispatch was received from Shafter today, Although much rumor exists concerning it, it is stated that Shafter - demanded the surrender of Santiago by noon, otherwise he would bombard the city. 'A trace has since been made by which the Spaniards get until noon tomorrow before a bombardment will be com menced. This' trace is for the purpose of giving the women and children in the city an opportunity to withdraw. A report has been given out by the war department aa follows : "Headquarters of the Fifth Army Corps, near Santiago, July 3. Tonight my lines completely surround the town, from the bay on the north of the city to a point on the an Jnan river on the south. The enemy holds from the west bank of the San Juan river to its mouth, up the railroad to the city. General Pando, I find tonight, is- some distance away, and will not get into Santiago. Shafter." "Playa del Eate, 9:30 a. m., July 4. Headquarters of the Fifth Army Corps, near Santiago. When news of the dis aster to the Spanish fleet reached the front, which was during the truce, the regimental band, that had managed to keep its instruments in line, played the "Star Spangled Banner," and 'There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town To night," the men cheering from one end of the line to the other. The officers and men, without even shelter tents, haye been soaking for five days in the afternoon rains, but all are happy. Shaftee." General Miles received two dispatches from Shafter this morning. In one Shafter Bays: "I feel that I am master of the situa tion, and can hold the enemy for any length of time." In the other Shafter says : "My demand for the surrender of San tiago is being considered by the Spanish authorities." One of these dispatches was in re sponse to congratulations from M:les, in the course of which he said : "I expect to be with you in one week with strong reinforcements." Victory for Ten Eyck. Boston, July 4. In the twelfth an nual championship regatta of the New England Amateur Bowing Association on Charles liver, Edward H. Ten Eyck won the single scull race, one and a half miles, in 10.46 1-5. Bob Moore, ot La Fayette, Ind., says that for constipation he has fonnd De Witt's Little Early Risers tp be perfect. They never gripe. 'Try them for liver and stomach troubles. For sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ANOTHER EXPE DITION SHORTLY A Fourth Expedition May Soon Be Sent to the Philippines From Saii Francisco. . San Fkancisco, July 4. It was ex pected in official circles that within ten days another expedition will leave thiB place to reinforce Dewey. 'The Pern and City of Puebla are the only avail able vessels at present, but it is expected that in a few days the Pennsvlvania and City of Rio Janeiro will be chartered, as impressed by the government. On Sunday there were almost 150 patients in the field hospital, while pri vate Savery, of the 23d U. S. infantry, has died of pneumonia. The Kansas. South Dakota and other regiments are beinz outfitted anew, the unserviceable garments having been re called and good suits substituted. South Dakota needs fortv more re cruits ; Kansas wants eeveral more, and the Jbaghteenth United States infantry is short two men: The signal corps de tachment at Camp Merritt wants sixty more recruits in addition to twenty re ported to be here on the way from the East, and the United States hospital corps attached to the field hospital de sires 200 recruits to complete its quota of 700 attendants. ' Two companies of the Second volun teer engineers went into camp yester day on the Presidio plain north of Camp Miller. One company is from Colorado, under Captain Draper, and the other is a California company under Captain Wrecken. Major Langfit is in com mand of this battalion. The colonel of the regiment is Willard Yoang. Two more companies are expected in a week. One is coming from Salt Lake and the other from Portland. Battery A, Wyoming volunteer light artillery, known as the Alger battery, in command of Captain Palmer, arrived Royal makes the food pare, f wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK . yesterday from Cheyenne and went into camp at Camp Miller. Corporal A. W. Lee, Utah troop cav alry, at his own request has been re duced to the ranks, and Trooper W. H. Donaldson appointed in his place. The troop was reviewed at 6 o'ciock yester day evening by Captain Caineat mount ed inspection. San Francisco's Grand Celebration. San Francisco, July 4. Today's cele bration was a double one. The great victory achieved by Sampson on the sea and Sbafter on land added to the luster of the celebration planned by the peo pie of San Francisco to celebrate the national holiday. Patriotism and en thusiasm were more evident than ever before in the history of the city. The parade of citizens and soldiers was the greatest in the history of California. Over 15,000 men participated in the parade, including thousands of troops from the forces gathered at Camp Met ritt and from the Presidio, volunteers and regulars, who attracted particular attention from the 'thousands of people gathered along the line of march. They were Cheered ,to the echo as tbe'y marched along. All the military and civic celebrltes now in this city partici pated, and the procession was reviewed by General Merriman Caab tn Tour Checks. All county warrants registered prior to May 10. 1894. will be ' paid at ray office. Interest ceases after -June 10. 1898. C. L. Phillips,- County Treasnrer. Everybody reads The Chronicle. Vogi Opera House VMP,6StidUUly6 The OF THE Ofiiversiiy of California ASSISTED BY Berkley Instrumental Quintet. C. B. Newman, Character Delineator. Rea Hanna, Instrumentalist. "Brick" Morse. Tenor. C. K. Parcells. Violinist. Admission 50c; children 25c. Re served seats without extra charge at the usual place. SmoKP Cigars. Why do we retail more Cigars than others? . Why do smokers go oat of their way and pass cigars of the same grade? Not because we have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety ; no, not that. ..... Why, because we have the finest ci gar case in the state and keep our cigars in better condition. " Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. Our Special Sale For the week commencing Tuesday, effects our Clothing, Ladies' Suits and- Skirt and Wash Goods Departments. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. If you have not already bought your Summer Suit you should buy one at once. This is the opportunity of the season ' 33 j per cent Off the regular price on and Men's Summer Suits. - 25 per cent fouits Off the regular price on Boys' and Young Men's SUIT AND SKIRT DEP T. MDIES' TfflMR-iaflDE BLOUSE SUITS AT LIBERAL REDUCTIONS. A beautiful lot of stylish garments. No two alike. All of this season's moat advanced cut. $16 00 Suits ': Reduced to $ I 1 .85 $17.50 Suits Reduced to $13.00 $20 00 Suits ; Reduced to 1 4,83 DRESS SKIRTS. We're not to be overlooked on. Dress Skirts. Our Fourth of July of ferings are proving to be just what we expected them to be GREAT ATTRACTIONS. See our $3.00 all wool Dress Skirt; of a navy blue material, plain ground with white hair line, well lined and finished. The price is reduced to $2.25. Our $1.75 plain black Sicilian Dress Skirt can now be bad for $1.25.- Our regular $1.25 blue and white or black and white checked Dress Skirt is now 95 cents. Special attractions in Wash Goods Dep't. C. J. STUBLilfiG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. . Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from $2.75 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMP0ETED COGNAC) from $7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.? ALIP0ENIA BEANlJlES from $3.25 to $6.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Imported Ale and Porter. , JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. wasco warehouse G ompany Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTllfed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- OT1 "FlOUT Tni8 Floar 18 manufactured expressly for family 'v'x use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.