The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1898, Image 3

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sew i lfKh,
"We shall mark
it by a Gift to
each, lady -customer
in our
Dry Goods Departments
Each and every lady makinp a purchase in our Dry Gods Department
on Saturday, .Inly 2d, will presented with one Child's Paruuo'.. The
Parasols will be given away after 10 o'c'ock a. ni., and aa long as they last.
They positively will not be given to children unaccompanied.
We lava lota of them, but it's just as weil to make your purchases early
in the day.
Shirt Waists . 75c
Our Special 2-clasp Handy Clove 95c
The Special Prices on Ltdies' Tailor-made Suits and Skirts will be
continued for the balance of this week.
Clothing For Those,
Who Wish to be IXlell Dressed.
Our H. S. & M. line of
is too well known to require
any extended notice and we
will simply make this announcement.
For this week we will
sell any Ten Dollar Suit in
our stock for
This does not represent cost to us but as cnr loss is your gain the bene
fit is all yours. Come early and make your selection before the line is
broken. A full line to select from now.
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 2, 1898
There's ninny a roprae in a tattered coat,
And whatever the books may mi y,
Old clothes don't make an honest heart
At any hour of the day.
But tbere'dvery little excuse for being
shabby. Pease & Mays will eell yoa a
$10 H., S. & M. euit for $7.85.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
beat ica cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Falk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and
dew berries, at The Dalles Commission
Company. tf
H. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at
Jacobeen's. tf
Chenowith creek will produce a large
crop of fruit this season and it will be of
good quality.
The Fourth is near at hand. Buy
your oranges, lemons, nute, etc., of The
Dalles Commission Co. tf
Owing to the fact that the third falls
on Sunday and the Fourth will b9 on
Monday, collection day will be post
poned until Tueeday the 5th.
A telegram dated at Oeden from Rev.
Mr. Butcher states that a freight wreck
near that place would delay hi3 train eo
that he could not be in the city before
Oa Sunday, the third, Andrew Keliar
will give a bunch of fire crackers to each
boy purchasing 10c worth of his fine
roasted peanuts. This is a rare bargain.
Do not mte8 it, boys.
Rev. A. Tenny who is the organizer of
the Congrgational chnrch in this city,
will arrive on the Regulator this even
ing and conduct services in the Congre
gational church tomorrow.
The farmers west of The Dalle9 are
busily harvesting their hay crop. The
yield is up to the averace. A few have
cut their wheat for bay, believing that
there is more money in bay than in
, grain. " "-
C. J. Stnbling has just received a large
shipment of genuine orange wine, which
he will retail either by the pint, Quart,
gallon or bottle. This wine is superior
to the grape product, having a very
mellow flavor.
known. The traveliire public can enjoy
a pleasant ride by eitper road and with
very little dust.
This morning Roe Grimes will ship
three carloads of beef cattle to the Union
Meat Co., at Portland.
A meeting of Mt. Hood Hose Co. was
held at the ho3e house last evening.
The members of the company decided
to turn out in full force on July 4th,
which will help Ewell the magnitude ot
the parade.
All former- members ot the Oregon
National Guard and any othera who
would care to join in the procession on
the Fourth are cordiaHy invited to do
so. Caps and muskets will be given to
all who take part.
The rains of the last month have im
proved crops to such an extent that
farmers who were feeling blue are now
beaming over with joy, and are satisfied
that a failure in Wasco county is an
"unknown quantity."
Married, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Johnson, near Liberty, Waeco county,
June 30, 1893, Myron D. Farrington,
of Fairfield, and Miss Lydia Johnson,
Rev. W. C. Smith officiating.
Don't forget that A. B. Estebenet has i
taken the agency for the Troy Laundry I
and is ready to give bis entire attention
to all orders sent to him. Addrees A.
B. Estebenet, general agent, or ring np
phone number 119. ' tf
The attention of the ladies is called to
the grand clearance sale of trimmed hats
at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery
Parlors. Trimmed hats in the different
styles will be sold below cost. Call and
purchase before it is too late.
The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in
form its patrons that Mr. A. B. Este
benet is no longer in its employ. Mr.
S. Burns will take his place on the
wagon; should he fail to call upon you
ring up telephone 341 and your wants
will be attended to immediately. Give
ns your work and we will trv to please
you. .
Amateur photography used to be a
matter foil of difficulties. Thfreused
to be tronble in getting outfits and sup
plies. Donnell, the druggist, keeps
everything yon want.-' Cameras, plates,
films, paper, fctc. We also make de
veloping and toning solutions ready for
use. je26tf
An otficial program for the Fourth of
Jnly celebration in thiscity has been ar
ranged by Joe Heroux. It is neatly ar
ranged and contains the order of parade,
names of the officers of the day, the
order of exercises and the program of
the fireworks. They will be very con-
The countv roads
Dalles from the Chen
hood are in better condi
ing into The
with neighbor-
ton than ever
venient on the Fourth, especially for
strangers in our city who are not famil
iar with the plans of thccelebration and
the places in which it will be held. On
the front is a beautiful American flag In
three colors, while the program is print
' i - i . -. i i
eu in reu, wont) anu uiue.
During the last week the run of salmon
on the upper river has been very en
couraging. Traps and operators of nets
have been making good catches, and the
canneries are kept busy disposing of the
fish. Along with what is being canned,
a considerable amount is sent to the
eastern markets.'
There will be a meeting of the Fonrth
of July executive committee at 9 o'clock
this evening (Saturday) at the club
rooms of the D. C. & A. C. Also at
the same time chief marshal and chief
of division, together with the following
members of special committee on pro
gram : Crandall, Gavin, Lewis, Douthit
and Riddell.
You and I and our neighbors are
quick to judge a man by his appearance.
If he looks the vagabond we want noth
ing to do with tyim. We should expect,
then, to be judged by the same stand
ard, and remember that there is no ex
cuse for nnsightly dress, now that Pease
& Mays are selling the famous $10 H.,
S. & M. suits for $7.83.
The Bplendid new flag which will be
donated by the contractors, architects
and workmen as well as the firms who
furnished the material for the new
school ' building, is on exhibition in
Nickelson's window. It is a beautiful
article, its dimensions being 10x20 feet
and when raised in place on the 4th' can
be viewed from all parts of the city.
Last night someone entered the resi
dence of Henry Rodman, on Front
street, near the Umatilla House, and
stole $8.00 in silver, a coat, a pair of
blankets and some other articles of
clothing. The entrance was made
through the rear by ascending a ladder
to the back door. Diligent search was
made for the theif, but he was not
T. T. Nicholas is sinking the shaft on
the Crate farm to strike the immenee
deposit of coal imbedded under the mass
of volcanic lavas along the banks of
Chenowith creek." With the two enter
prising companies working at the un
earthing of this great commercial com -modity
there is no donbt but The Dalles
will soon have a large list of miners
flocking in to assist In ' getting the coal
to market. The coal Is down there.
Some 600 laboring inen, who have
been at work on the O. R. & N. track on
the Upper Columbia, will soon be laid
off. Superintendent James O'Brien has
been doing a good deal of repairing be
tween The Dalles and Wailula since
early spring, and the work is now nearly
completed. Construction trains have
been side-tracked at various points,
while the men were raising track, put
ting in sleepers and rails and ballasting
the road with gravel from the adjacent
gravel beds. Most of the men will re
main in Eastern Oregon for the harvest,
but many will work their way to Port
land during the next few weeks.
Early yesterday morning someone
who has since adopted the name of John
Doe, was enjoying himself near the
Commercial Clu and testing his lung
power by an occasional war whoop be
tween times. The exertions of his
friends and that of the Chronicle force
which were a work in the office near
by, to. quiet him were to no avail. He
said hepuJa not be caught and wanted
to run. Ha soon had the opportunity
of his lifeSjor about that time Night
watchman WHev wa9 sighted in the
dim moonlight doming ' through the
alley. He ran and ran fast, bnt the
nightwatchman kept his lamps on him
and located him in the rear of the Mid
way saloon. Yesterday morning John
was brought before the recorder and
pharged $5 for the space he occupied.
Cheap Rates for tbe Fourth of Jnly.
For theFouith of Jnly the O. R. & N.
Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to
any station in Oregon and return, in
cluding Wailula and Walla Walla,
Wash., at tbe rate of one fare for tbe
ronnd trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d
and 4th. Tickets good for return up to
and including Jnly 6, 1893.
Liberty Oar Children, Attentioul
All of the little girls who are to ride
in tbe liberty car on the Fourth are re'
quested to meet at Win. Michell's office,
corner of Third and Washington streets.
at 9:30 o'clock sharp, ready to take their
places on tbe car.
Portland Electrolysis Company.
Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all
facial blemishes removed permanently.
Chiropoaist work skillfully done. Head
quarters over land office in the Chapman
block. .... jQyltf
The natural fine flavor
?nd strength of Schil
lings Best
tea flavoring extracts
coffee and spices
have been retained and
developed by skill and
care; 185
, For sale by
L. Rorden & Company
' I
Chenowith Breezes.
Wm. Jordan, road supervisor and di
rector of theChenowith public school,
has just moved into his new residence
on Shatter Flat.
Chas. Champlin has harvested an im
mense crop of oat hay on the Kelsay
farm this year. Three to four tons to
the acre being cut.
G. F. Arnold this year has been ex
perimenting with alfalfa and millet.
For an extraordinary dry season the
crops both look well anl no doubt he
will be well paid for his adventure.
The sheep shearers at Hanna's have
completed their labors and the wool has
been hauled to town. The sheep are
being driven to the mountains where
grazing is In good condition. ,
A. M. Kelsay has the coal boring ma
chine on his farm and intends to com
mence boring for coal in a few days.
Owing to the amount of "boring" he
was compelled to do before election in
town, is one reason for the delay in
commencing Booner. If he is as suc
cessful in getting coal as he was getting
the clerkship he will have coal to burn.
Look out for the Chenowith creek del
egation of lun-makers who will visit
The Dalles on the Fourth to -assist in
celebrating the day of independence and
the battle of Manila bay. Hip ! hurrah !
for the glorious Stars and Stripes !
There have been six games of footbalj
between the State University .of Cali
fornia and Standford; Stanford has
won three games and theother three
games have resulted in Aies. In all
other intercollegiate contests .Berkeley
takes tbe lead especially in musical
matters. Stanford ha tried year after
year to get a glett-elijl that would com
pare favorably with itiecefrom Berke
ley but she lias nver succe&led. The
concerts given by A he Berkeley boys are
on a par with yhe concerts given ty
eastern university musical ciubs, and
no one shouhi fail to hear the concert
given by theiJerkeley etudents on next
Wednesday iiight.
iced need Bates for the Fonr-h of July.
The D. P. & A. N. Co. will sell round
trip tickets on Saturday, July 2d, as fol
lows, between Portland and The Dalles
$2.00; 'between The Dalles, White
Salmon and Hood River 50 cents. Tick
ets between Portland and The Dalles
will be limited from da'te'of sale, Satur
day, July 2d, until Wednesday, July 6;
between Tbe Dalles, White Salmou and
intermediate points from date of : sale
until Tuesday, July 5th. Vv
W. C. Allaway,
Gen. Agent.
lioji, Attention.
All boys who wish to help the com
mittee to make our Fourth of July pro
cession a success will please present
themselves at the armory on the morn
ing of the Fourth at 9 o'clock, where
thev will be uniformed for the march.
Everybody is asked to come without
fail, for to make it a success we must
have all. As all the boys in town may
not see this notice, those who do are
asked to tell all their triends about it.
Any boy from 12 years up will be ac
The different hose companies can se
cure bunting for the purpose of decorat
ing for the Fourth of July celebration
free by applying to the decoration com
mittee. Bv order of '
H. W. French, Chairman.
Ice Cream Freezers.
...IK Eeniou
161 Second St. : THE DALLES, OR.
Royal makes the food pare
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
ogt Opera nous
wetraesfleyJuly 6
. 5
Four or five teams with drivers to
work on O. R. & N. grade between Ar
lington and Umatilla; wages $3.50 per
day, call on Jas. Ireland, Agent.
Cleveland wheels are selling in spite
of all the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and see our '98 models. Maier &
Casn In lour Cneclcs.
All countv warrants registered prior
to May 10, 1894, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after June 10,
1898. C. L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasurer.
Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials and ice cream festi
vals solicited. - Don't forget that bur
ice cream sodas are tbe best in tbecity.
To Care a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
letsT All druggists refund tte money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header.
They are the best, and the prices are
the lowest. Mays & C"w. tf
Everybody reads Thi Chronicle.
Universiiu of California
Berkley Instrumental Quintet.
C. B. Newman. Character Delineator.
Kea llanna. Instrumentalist.
"Brick" Morso. Tenor.
C. E. Parcel Is. Violinist.
Admission 50c: children 25c. Re
served seats without extra charge ut
the usual- place.
. Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Cloudy Veathep Preferred for Sittings .
Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.
J-lai You St? Our adis'
Pmee only $35.
Up-to-Date in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel Handle Bars.
Celebrated G. & J. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
' line of new wheels.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. J- T- Peters & Co.
J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.