v 1 "We shall mark it by a Gift to I each lady cus- tomer in our Dry Goods Department. W 1 17. 1 Each and every lady making a purchase in our Dry Goods Department on Saturday, July 2d, will be presented with one Chiid'a Parasol. The Farasola will be given away after 10 o'clock a. m., and aa lone as they last. They positively will not be given to children unaccompanied. We have lots of them, but it's just aa well to make your purchases early in the day. SPECIALS FOR THE FOURTH. Shirtwaists ...75c Our Special 2-clasp Handy Clove 95c ' The Special Prices on Ladies' Tailor-made Suita and Skirta will be continued for the balance of this week. Clothing for Those Who Wish to be CUell Dressed. Our H. S. & M. line of GUARANTEED CLOTHING is too well known to require any extended notice and we will simply make thin announcement. For this week we will soli any .Ten Dollar Suit in our stock for $7.85 This doss not represent cost to us but as our loss ie your gain the bene fit is all yours. Come early and make your selection before the line is broken. A full line to select from now. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily cnronicie. FRIDAY JULY 1, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Sarah went out In a boat One terribly hot Bummer's day; An H. S. & M. coat Did her comfort promote. Though she didn't wear it they say. No one appreciates more than the dear girls the beauty and elegance of those $10.00 suits that Pease & Mays are sell ing for $7.85. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf Don't forget that Kellar keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke & Falk have the purest and Btrongest Paris Green in the market. Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and dew berries, at The Dalles Commission Company. tf The Fourth is near at hand. Buy your oranges, lemons, nuts, etc., of The Dalles Commission Co.- tf " Yesterday evenind an Italian with a performing bear arrived on the Regula tor, and a performances was given at the corner of the Colunjbia hotel. Yesterday a carload of hogs, belong ing to McDonald Bros., of Elgin, were fed at the stockvards and shipped on to the Union Meat Co. last night. The board of directors of the LaGrande public schools has engaged Professor Hiram Pyree, recently of Albany, as principal of the high echool for the en suing year. Don't forget that A. B. Estebenet has taken the agency for the Troy Laundry and is ready to give his entire attention to all -orders sent to him. Address A B. Estebenet, general agent, or ring up phone number 119. tf The attention of the ladies is called to the grand clearance sale of trimmed hata at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery Parlors. Trimmed hats in the different styles will be sold below cost. Call and purchase before it is too late. A band of 200 mitred mnlva via Hrivpn "fhrongh Arlington (yesterday on the way c" i 1 1 .1 1 1 1 r ey win oe sola ior Bailey, of Utah, is nd, which waa but a a entire holdings. ' to Seattle, where use in Alaska. the owner of the ' email portion of Early Monday morning, G. P. Griffin, well-known among O. R. & N. employes aa "Patsy," who has been employed for some time as craneman on the steam shovel working at Huron, lost his foot ing and fell from the crane, about 15 feet, landing on the rocks in the pit. He was picked up and taken to Pendls- ton, where it waa found that be was badly shaken up, bnt no bonea were broken. Wednesday night burglars entered the reaidence of Mr. Parkins, on Second street, and helped themselves to what ever struck their fancy. Two gold watches and $2.50 in caBh has been missed. As yet no cine to the mis creants haa been found. Amateur photography used to be a matter full of difficulties. There used to be trouble in getting outfits and sup plies. Donnell, the druggist, keepB everything yon want. Cameras, plates, films, paper, fete. We also make de veloping and toning solutions ready for use. je26tf "Eat to please thyself," Bays an old proverb, "but dress to please others; for thy food is thine own affair, but thy garb is the world's business." Remem ber this and make a pleasant.impression by wearing one of the $10.00 H. S. & M. suits. Pease & Mays will be pleased to sell you one for $7.85. The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in form its patrons that Mr. A. B. Este benet is no longer in its employ. Mr. S. Burns will take his place on the wagon; should he fail to call upon you ring up telephone 341 and your wants will be attended to immediately. Give us your work and we will try to please yon. W. E. Frank, of Sioux City, la., he a juBt purchased 200- yearling steers in Northern Grant county for Bhipment East. The price paid was $18 per head. Other btiyers are in the field Dnying both sheep and cattle. Thirty horses were started for the Pendleton and Wal la Wallawheat belts Tuesday where the owners expect to market them. -e8terday, when thfe steamer Regula tor was coming into tHe swift water be low Bonneville, the was taking an excu Locks, ran alongside pearances, going to e' how to speed. Abou gineer threw on a ful. in about the time it lakes to tell - it, the Potter began to fall! behind. In a re markably short s pack of time she was fairly out or the rae, as the trim little vessel of the D. P. 4 A. N. Co., set a paco which the Potter could not touch. J. iii. Campbell, who resides at the ferry near the Warm Springs, in Crook county, last week met with a serious ac cident while branding cattle. He waa in the act of dew-lapping a 2-year-old steer when the animal moyed and struck with its head bis hand, in which he bad a knife with the large blade open. The ptter, which boat sion party to the Ind was, to all ap- jow the Regulator ; tins time the en- ' head of steam, and blade was about 3 inckes long and was driven up to the handle into Mr. Camp bell's thigh near the groin. The flow of blood waa stopped with difficulty. On Sunday July 3d, the O. R. & N. Company will sell round trip excursion tickets at the depot and Umatilla House ticket offices, from The Dalles to Hood River, Cascade Locks, Bonneville and Multnomah FallB for $1. Light refresh ments will be served at Bonneville at popular prices. This will be an excel lent opportunity for small excursion parties to visit any of the above places. Tickets will be sold for train No. 1 leav ing at 3:20 a. m., and No. 3 Reaving at 6;55 a. m., and will be honored' sor re turn on trains No. 4 and 2, on date of sale. A pleasant lawn social was given to a number of little 'folks at Mrs. Dan Baker's yesterday afternoon. Ice cream and cake were served as refreshments, and a splendid time was enioyed by those present, they being Misses Pearl and May .Baker, Grace and Dollie Davis, Estella, Edith and Ava Creigbton, Len nie and Victoria Thompson, Etta Far ley, Jessie Blakeney, May Wood, Leona Sexton, Jennie Buchler, Zapporah Har ris, Blanche Wilson, Nona Fargher; Florence Thompson and Auburn Creigh ton, Masters George Baker, Eugene Davis, Willie Thompson, Earl Roberts, Rollie Wood, Walter Parrott, Henry and Adolph Buchler, Irvine and Nays Mc Donald Herbert Bolton," Cope Jenkins and Arthur Fargher. The Berkeley Quartet, of the Univer sity of California, will give a concert in Vogt's opera house, Wednesday, July 6. The Quartet will be assisted by a quin tette of banjos and guitars. The college boys have secured for these concerts the well known impersonator, Cyrus B. Newton, who will give some of his best recitations. They have with them also C. E. Parcells, the violin virtuso, for a long time the soloist of the University of California Glee Club. Clinton R. Morse, famaliarly known as "Brick," is with the quartet, and will be heard in some of his best tenor eolos and funniest dia lect speeches. The press from the towns where the boys have played speak very flatteringly of their entertainments and no one should fail to hear this great aggregation of college songsters. Ad mission 50 cents ; reserved seats without extra charge at the Snipea-Kinerely Drug Store. REGULATOR LINE. Reduced Kates for the Fonr-h of July. The D. P. & A. N. Co. will sell round trip tickets on Saturday, July 2d, as fol lows, between Portland and' The Dalles $2.00; between The Dalles, White Salmon and Hood River 50 cents. Tick ets between Portland and The Dalles will be limited from date of sale, Satur day, July 2d, until Wednesday, July 6; between The Dalles, White Salmon and intermediate points from date of sale until Tuesday, July 5th. W. C. AlXAWAY, Gen. Agent. Boys, Attention. All boys who wish to - help the com mittee to make our Fourth of July pro cession a success will please present themselves at the armory on the morn ing of the Fourth at 9 o'clock, where they will be uniformed for the march. Everybody is asked to come without fail, for to make it a success we must have all. Aa all the boys in town may not see this notice, those who do are asked to tell all their triends about it. Any boy' from 12 years up will be ac Attention, Firemen. There will be a special meeting of the members of Mt. Hood Hose Co., No. 4, tonighf, Friday, evening at 8 o'clock, at the hose house to make final preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the nation's birthday. The celebration this year appeals especially to the' patriotism of every citizen and Mt. Hood will, as always, tourn out with full ranks and do its duty. J. W. Lewis, Secretary. NOTICE. The different hoBe companies can Ee cure bnnting for the purpose of decorat ing for the Fourth of July celebration free by applying to the decoration com mittee. By order of H. W. French, Chairman. ' Portland Electrolysis Company. Superfluous hair, warts, moles and all facial blemishes removed permanently. Chiropodist work skillfully done. Head quarters over land office in the Chapman block. julyltf A Queer Paradox! This dyspeptic nation eats $ioo,ooo,ooo.oo "worth" of " worthless" food in a year. Schilling's Best tea baking powder coffee . flavoring extracts soda and spices are badly needed. n0 For sale by L. Rorden & Company - THE DAY'S PROGRAM. Proceedings sis Arranged By tbe Exec utive' Committee For tlaly.4tb Grand Parade and Firework. The executive committee for the cele bration have almost completed the pro gram for next Monday's exercises'. Capt. John W. Lewis has been selected presi dent of tbe day, and will conduct the exercises on the grounds. , The citizens of The Dalles will be awakened at sunrise by the firing of a grand national salute, on the heights near the old reservoir, and at 10 o'clock the parade will be formed on Third street, under the supervision of H. H. Riddell. The first division will be led by tbe Arlington brass band, and will be com posed of a company ot Oregon niililia, carriages containing the president of the day, reader of the Declaration, orator, chairman of the school board, presenta tion orator, president of the D. C. and A. C, the mayor, members of the school board, ladies of the chorus and liberty car. .- Tbe second division led by Tbe Dalles band, will comprise Dalles zouaves.com mercial float, George and Martha Wash ington float, Jackson Engine Co., com mercial float, and tbe Mt. Hood Hose company. Third division led by the Dufur band, will comprise tbe Columbia Hose .Co., commercial float, brigade Native Sons of America, East End Hose Co., and citi zens in carriages. The procession will form on Third street between Liberty and Washington and will move east to Taylor, north on Taylor to Second, west on Second to Union, south on Union to Eighth, east on Eighth to Court, south on Court to the Academy park. Arriving at the park a flag donated by the contractor, architect, material men and workmen on the new school building will be presented by Hon. John Michell to the school board, and will be formal -Iv raised on the building by Hon. S. B. Adams, chairman of the board, while The Dalles band playa "The Star Span gle Banner." At the conclusion of pie flag raising a male chorus of eighteen voices, under the leadership of Prof. Lundell, will aing "The Flag Without a Stain. This will conclude the forenoon exer cises, and from 12 to 1 :30 the people will assemble in the grove on Academy Park and partako of a basket dinner. 1 The plug ugliea will assemble at the Wasco Warehouse at 1:30, and led by the Dufur Band, will proceed to the grounds where their orator will deliver a short Address. The exercises.on the grounds will be as follows, commencing at 2:15: Music, Arlington band. Invocation by chaplain. Grand choiue, "Columbia, tbe Gem of the Ocean." Reading, "Declaration of Independ ence." by Mrs. Maud Eddon. "Soldier's Chorus," ten male, voices. Oration, Hon. Wallace McCain man t. "Remember the Maine," mixed chor us, ten voices. Grand chorus, "America." From 4 to 6 p. m. there will be num erous amusements during which time The Dalles brass band will supply the music. At 8:20 there will be a grand bicycle parade, followed by a splendid display of fireworks. Wanted. Four or five teams with drivers to work on O. R. & N. grade between Ar lington and Umatilla; wages $3.50 per day, call on Jas. Ireland, Agent. H. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jacobsen's. tf Wmte HaiQ Ice Cream Freezers. pip . pj NO ZINC IN CONTACT WITH CREAM THF ONLY FREEZFR MADE HAVING MORE THAN TWO MOTIONS. FOB BALK BY ...Hlaier & Cenion ..THE flflflDWRSE DEMEflS., 161 SeuoM St. THE DALLES. OR. Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and delicious. FOYDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW VORK. - Reduced Bates. The Southern Pacific company will carry passengers between all stations on its lines in Oregon at one fare for tbe round trip on the Fourth of July. Tick ets at this rate will be on sale on the afternoon of July 2d', on Jnly 3rd and 4th, and will be limited to expire July 5th or 6th, according to the distance. This is more of a reduction than the company has been in the habit of mak ing for this occasion, but in line with tbe wide spread Bpirit of patriotism throughout the country at this time, they are anxious to offer as much in ducement as possible to enable the peo ple along this line to attend and partici pate in the celebrations arranged for at so many different pomte. Cheap Rates for the fourth of July. For the Font th of July the 0- R. & N. Co. will eell tickets from The Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, in cluding Wallala and Walla Walla, Wash., at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on Eale July 2d, 3d and 4th. Tickets good for return np to and including July 6, 1898. Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header. They are the best, and the prices are the lowest. Maya & Crowe. tf I. C, BieKel L3 j. sen Invites everybody to purchase . FUGS FIREWORKS A large Btcck to select from. ALL SIZES BUNTING FLAGS PAINES' CELEBRATED FIREWORKS, FIRECRACKERS AT OLD PRICES. No a'dvance of prices in his goods. CALL AT HICKELSEH3 ON.... SECOND ST. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOC Cloudy Weather Pgeteyped for Sittings. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.. Jiav You ST) Our adis' 6 Ivan hoe' Price only $35. Up-to-Date in Every Respect. Adjustable Steel Handle Bars. Celebrated G. & J. Detachable Tires. MAYS & CROWE: We have opened onr renting department with a line of new wheels. REMEMBER "We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood.' To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. J. H. CROSS was removed his store to the Vogt Block, next door to the Post office, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY G-ROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN" and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him.