The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 30, 1898, Image 3

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    Bkw 1 T7T. 1 aBHBaaa
" " . A
We shall mark
it by a Gift to
each lady cus
tomer in our
Dry Goods De
.... S t d h i ; ,nik",B " ,,U Ul "R'.! " 0,,r I)r' ( '"0,lR l"pnrtmMit
l.' ,,"V' .'i,Vi y Wl11 b!? I""'""-'""''! Hli ono Child's Parasol. The
I uruHnlH will he men ..way after 10 o'clock u. ,.. and no'lnnn as thev Iat
Thoy positively will not bo given to children unaccimpan ed!
in iluMlaj Um' l,Ul ll'H j"rtt "8 Wuil 10 "mku J,our Prclm?c" uarS?
Shirt Waists 75c
Our Special 2-clasp Handy Clovo 95c
Th Spctititl Prices on .'wlies' Tailor-made Suits and Skirts will bo
continued (or tint lmla:.eo of tliin week.
Clothing fop Those
Who Wish to be Uiell Dressed.
Our II. S. & M. lino of
is too well known to require
any extended notice and we
will Hi ui ply make this announcement.
For this week wo will
soil any Ton Dollar Suit In
our stock for
I his does not represent cost to us lint as our loss ie vourgain the bene
fit is all yours. Gome early and inaku your selection before the line Ib
broken. A full line to titled from now.
All Goods Marked in
I'liiin Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNK HO, 181)8
Dmi't nlmvu. tln world Ik w lilu uimiiirIi
For nil ymirfrlontlx and fnoH
J lint vuhIi. mid wear it., H. iV M.'s,
Tliu piTlixit HttliiK I'lnthi.'!).
1'eusu Mays will sell you a $10 suit
of II., B. & M.'h lor $7.8,-1.
Use Clarke & Fafk's Floral Lotion for
minburn and wind dialing. tf
Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the
bent ice cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Full; have the purest and
Htrongost I'arlH Green in the market.
Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and
dew berries, at The Dalles Commission
.11. M. Kyan, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and llanjo. Headquarters Ht
Jacohseu'ri. tf
Fair und wanner weather will prevail
over the Pacific Northwest during the
next 1M hours.
The Fourth is near at hand. Buy
your oranges, lemon", tints, etc., of The
Dalles Commission Co. tf
Yesterday live carloads of wheat were
shipped to Portland. Until the fall
.... in i...
crop comes in the smpinenis win
.John 1). Mayllcld nnd Mine Mary A.
Story, botli of this county, were fur
nished with a marriage license yester
day by County Clerk Kelqay.
Yesterday two small dips of wool
eliungod hands in thu dty. M .J. Man
ning was the puichauer. We have not
learned what the price paid was.
Just received at the Campbell & Wil
son Millinery Parlors n now and com
plete line of sailor liatB in all the newest
duaigiiB und shades at prices that can
not be undersold.
Don't forgot Unit A. It. Kstebenet line
tuken the agency for the Troy Laundry
and is roady to give ills entire attention
to nil orders sent to him. Address A.
H. Kitobenot, general agent, or ring up
phone number 110. l
The Btnte attire of the King of Slam 1b
worth over n million dollars, nnd he
would not be thought as well dressed on
the streets of The Dulles as a nun wear
ing one of those $10 II., IS. & M. milts
Unit Peiibe & Maya lire Bulling lor $7.83.
Yesterday dipt. J. W. Lewis nnd H. j
H. Hidden, members of the -1th of July j
committee, culled on the dllloreut busi-
neea men, nnd niniiy of them siguiueu
their intention to construd llunta for the
Fourth of July parade. If they carry
out their intuitions in this direction,
they will do much towards advertising
their business, us well as add to the ap
pearance of thu parade on that occasion.
livery evening the bund practices over
A. M. Williams & Co.'s Ftore, and it
will certainly do credit to itself by its
playing on the Fourth. Along with the
Dalles baud will be two outside bands
who will add much to the musical pro
gram. A new bandstand has been erected in
the Academy Park and eeats sufficient
to accommodate the large throng which
will be there on July -UIi have been
placed in the eluule of the trees so that
everyone will he in u poeition to enjoy
i the exercises of the date.
An auxiliary to the Oregon Hiuier
goncy Corps was organized at La 3rande
Wednesday with twenty-three members.
The officers are: Mrs. A. C" Williams,
president; Mrs. Mary Aldrich, vice
president; Miss Jeanette Clark, secre
tary ; Mrs. C. L-.inu, treasurer.
Tho Fourth of July amusement com
mittee have offered a prize of iive-dollars
for the best decorated bicycle in the
parade which will take place at S)0 in
the evening. Two dollars and u half
will ho given as second prize. JJicyclists
re requested to turn out in the parade.
Your summer's vacation will be in
complete without one of our Magazine
Cyclone cameras. Anyone can oerato
! it. Takes twelve pictures without open
ing the camera. Cill at Donnell's drmr-
Htuiii and see them and the pictures
i.i. .1 l)..!....., i'! r.n ot .wl
litkCIl Willi mum. I l lira fu.uu, ft "
$10. 18-lllt-tf
The rivers continue to fall. The tem
perature has remained nearly stationary
over the Columbia river basin during
tho imstlM hours. This will cause a
r.itiiil fall from last niuht, so that it is
exnected the river will have fallen be
low the danger line within the next ten
The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in
form its putrons that Mr. A. R. Kate
bonet is no longer in its employ. Mr.
S, Bums will take his place on the
wagon ; should he fail to call upon you
ring up telephone H41 and your wants
will bo attended to immediately. Give
us your work and wo will try to please
Yesterday both the Regulator and
Sarah Dixon made the trip through the
locks without any great amount of ditll
oulty. Tho Dixon got through at about
1 :!10 and arrived here at a few minutes
after seven. Except an unexpected
raise comes in the river tho bouts will
lie able to run the rapids without dllll
culty in future.
Tho Elder Bailed for AlnBkn last night,
with a good load of freight nnd enough
pmsengers to keep the crew from be
coming lonesome on the way np. Her
departure does not excite as much at
tention as it did nine months ago, and
she is allowed to sail without anv crowd
to tee her o(T.
All singers who will take part in the
exercises on July 4th, will confer a grc.t
favor on the music committee by being
at the court house on this (Thursday)
evening at 8 o'clock. It is hoped that
tho singing on tho Fourth will ho renin I
to the other features of tho day's pro
gram, and our local talent is uiged to
taken hand in tlio singing of those beau
tiful national nnthems.
We understand that Earnest Shernr,
who at present resides near Cross Keys,
met with a painful accident a few days
ago. Ho was driving from Cross Keys
to his homo when something scared tho
team and in attempting to run away
I they threw Mr. Sherar out and broke
I his collar lime. He was taken to An
telope for medical treatment and is get
ting along as well as could he expected.
His many friends in The Dalles will be
grieved to loam of the accident.
On Sunday July 3.1, the O. 1?. & N.
Company will sell round trip excursion
tickets at the depot and Umatilla House
ticket offices, from Tho Dalles to Hood
River, Cascade Locks, Bonneville and
Multnomah Falls for $1. Light refresh
ments will bo Eerved at Bonneville at
popular prices. This will bo an excel
lent opportunity for small excursion
parties to visit anv of the above places.
Tickets will be sold for train No. 1 leav
ing at " :20 a. m., and No. 3 leaving at
0:55 a. in., and will he honored sor re
turn on trains No. -1 and 2, on date of
Rev. L. L. lloll. of Chicago, III., has
accepted a call to the Lutheran parish
in Sherman county, Oregon. He left
The Dalles for Wasco last night and
will begin work there this morning.
Rev. Holl is a young man, possessing a
thorough classical and theological train
ing, well able to officiate in the English,
German and Danish language. He is an
able orator aud fine musician, and has
also several years' experience in prac
tical mission work. His love for the
cause of Christianity and his ardent de
Bire to enter pioneer mission work have
prompted him to accept a call to the
field in Sherman county. We congratu
late the Lutherans of Sherman county
in securing their new pastor.
Yestesday morning Jack Daly, the
opium fiend who is charged with steal
ing sheep pelts from Chrisman Bros.,
was arraigned before Justice Filloon for
his preliminary examination. A. A.
Jayne appeared for the state, while the
defendant acted as his own council. He
claimed that someone, whom he could
not produce in court, had given him one
dollar to sell the pelts, aud that he did
not suspect they weiestolen. Thecoun
cil for the state argued that Daly should
have known that if they were not stolen
the party who had them in his posses
sion would not have hired anyone to sell
them for him. As Daly's plea was faulty
throughout, he was bound over under
$200 bonds to appear before the next
grand jury. No bondsman appearing,
he waE lodged in jail.
In a few weeks tho new Dalles City
will be ready for the business of trans
porting freight and passengers on tho
Upper Columbia. The house of the old
boat, which lias been hauled up on the
ways alongside, has been transferred to
the new hull, and fits like a glove, so to
speak. Workmen are now engaged in
putting on the last planking and mak
ing the boat ready for launching. The
fine passenger propeller, Inland Flyer,
which is to run in conjunction with the
Dalles City, is receiving her machinery,
aud the work on her cabin is being put
in. She will be finished inside in ma
hogany, and will be an unusually hand
some steamer. We understand from
parties concerned in the D. P. & A. N.
Co. that the Flyer will be put on about
Julv 15th und will well merit the name
of the Inland Flyer, as the distance be
tween this place and Portland will be
covered in less than five hours without
any trouble.
Ki'iliiccil Jluti-k for ihe Four-h of .Inly
Tho D. P. & A. N. Co. will sell round
trip tickets ou Saturday, July 2d, as fol
lows, between Portland and Tho Dalles
''.00: between Tho Dalles. White
Salmon and Hood River 60 cents. Tick
ots between Portland and The Dalles
will be limited from date of sale, Satur
day, July 2d, until Wednesday, July C;
between Thq Dalles, White Salmon and
intermediate points from date of sale
until Tuesday, July 5th.
W. C. Al.I.AWAV,
Gen. Agent.
U se Clarke & Falk's Rosofoum lor the
Scu'tiiigs Best baking
powder is an early riser
and a hard worker.
Schilling's Best
tea baking powder
collce flavoring extracts
soda and spices
are all money-back right
here. m
Vox sale by
L. Korden & Company
I.e Koy flporKfl, the Kattleiinnke King,
Vun n Visit to Itocklnml mill Se-cui-
Hume Itnro Specimen.
Yesterday our city was visited by a
remarkable character in tho person of
Lh Roy George, who the San Francisco
Examiner some time ngo gave a full
page, describing his ability at handling
rattlesnakes and the fearless manner in
which he acts with those venomoio rep
tiles. Yesterday ho went to Rockland and
succeeded in locating and catching thir
teen large rattlers and brought them
over in a sack to this city. Last evening
quite a crowil gathered around Lynch's
barber shop to watch him take them
from the sack and put them in a soap
box, which he had prepared with a
screen over thu front like a cage. In a
short time he had the makes removed
from the sack and put securely into the
He doeu not claim that he has any
special gift, and says that anyone who
has tho nerve can handle a rattler just
as easily as he. A snake in a hole or
under a rock will bite a man every time,
sas Mr. George; but when he is on the
open ground a person can walk up to
him and pick him up with little danger
of ihe reptile striking him. Two of the
snakes he caught yesterday were con
cealed under a rock. Upon turning the
rock over he caught the snakes without
any difficulty or danger of being bit.
Mr. George will send them to Port
land, where their oil will boused for
medical purposes. Ho informs us that
after pnakes are captured they refuse to
eat or drink, and will live as Ion? as
twenty-seven months without any nour
ishment whatever.
Since be has been in the business be
has been bitten twice, but applied, the
proper antidotes and recovered without
any eerious results more than a stiff"
joint in one of his index fingers.
He states that he would give a per
formance in this city could he secure
more rattlers ; but he haB not a suffi
cient number to make it interesting.
Attention, Firemen.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
There will be a special meeting of the
members of Mt. Hood Hose Co., No. -1,
on tomorrow, Friday, evening at 8
o'clock, at the hose house to make final
preparations for the celebration of the
anniversary of the nation's birthday.
The celebration this year appeals
especially to the patriotism of every
citizen and Mt. Hood will, as always,
toum out with full ranks and do its
duty. J. W. Lewis,
School llt-port.
The following is the report (or the
Liberty school for the term bezlnning
April 2, and ending June 24, 1898:
Number of days taught, 58; Number of
pupils enrolled. 35; Total number of
days attendance, 1651. Those who have
neither been absent or tardy during the
term are Harvey Mason, Grace Mvison,
Elsie Adkisson, Erma Bolton. Number
of visitors during the term, 20.
Lizzii: Nichols,
Amateur photography used to be a
matter full of difficulties. There used
to be trouble in getting outfits and sup
plies. Donnell, the druggist, keeps
everything you want. Cameras, plates,
films, paper, etc. We also make de
veloping and toning solutions ready for
use. js26tf
Four or five teams with drivers to
work on O. R. & N. grade between Ar
lington and Umatilla; wages $X50 per
day, call on Jas. Ikhi.anj), Agent.
WfiiiB iiipi)
ice Bream Freezers.
ltcdlH'i'il Itnti'K.
The Southern Pacific company will
carry nassengers between all stations on
its lines in Oregon at one fare for the
round trip on the Fourth of July. Tick
ets at this rate will be on sale on the
afternoon of July 2d, on July .'Ird and
4th, and will ho limited to expire July
5th or flth, according to tho distance.
This is more of a reduction than the
company has been in the habit of mak
ing for this occasion, but in line with
the wide npreat1 spirit of patriotism
throughout the country at this time,
they are anxious to offer as much in
ducement as possible to enable the peo
ple along this line to attend and partici
pate in the celebrations arranged for at
so many different points.
Invites everybody to purchase
FUGS ami
Clieitp Hates for tho Fourth of.Iuly.
For the Foutth of July the O. R. & N.
Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to
any station in Oregon and return, in
chiding Wallula and Walla Walla,
Wash., at the rate of one fare for the
round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d
and 4tli. Tickets good for return up to
and including July 6, 189S.
Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header.
They are the best, and the prices are
the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf
A large stt ck lo sulect from.
No advance of prices in hi.s goods.
Harry Liebe,
w atchmakerf Jeweler
All work promptly Attended to,
und warranted.
Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block.
Jteu You Our Idis'
Price only $35.
Up-to-Dato in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel Handle Bars.
Celebrated G. & .1. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
Hue of new wheels.
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To he sold at tho Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
KOIt K.W.K 11 V
1 167 Seuont 8L THE DALLES, OR.
fnaier & Benion
J. H. CROSS nas removed his store to tho Vogt
Block, next door to tho Bosloflco, where ho will bo pleased
to greet his many iornier patrons and a liboral sharo of now
; GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &o, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will bo sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Jl.lV -i "I if. .ItiiAtoJ..