The Dalles Daily Chteuiiite. "I (i::i:oin TIIK DAl.MJS, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality tiud simplicity of the combination, but also lo the cave and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific, processes j Tniown to the Cai-ifounia Fir. Svmn j Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of pureliasinff the ! true and original remedy. Ah the j penuinc Syrup of Figs i manufactured 1 by the California i'm Svr.ur Co. j only, a knouledpe of that fact will assist one in civoidimr the worthless imitations nmnu factored by other p.-A ties. The hiru i-kinding- of the Cali foiinia Fig Sy.u-" Co. with the medi cal profes 'n Jtni the satisfaction which to - pvnuinv Syrup of Figs has given to miiiion. of families, makes the up me of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of it, remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing tiicm, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. MAN FlSAXCWO. Cnl. rauivii.T.E, rcr sen tokk. n. v. I'KUSD.NAt. .UKXTIDN 1 A. G. Oglesby, city yesterdav. of Fossil, was in the f W. F. Hunt, of Wamic, was in the ( city yesterday. llev. L. Grey was a passenger on the 11 :i5 train last night. Mis? 31. Montgomery, of Albany, is in the itv. the guest of her friend, Mrs. C. F. Stephens. August Unchler went to Cascade Locks yesterday on a business trip, le , .turning last uighf. J. D. McAndic, who is prominently engaged in the sheep business near An- telope, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Andrew Keller and daughter, 3ltss Joaie, arrived home on last muht's train, after having spent a week in rortland. Chap. Buckley and C. F. Marry, of irass Valley, were in the citv vester- day. Mr. Buckley returned home on the o:u train last evening. Mr. W. M. McCorkte is in from Tygh 'valley on a business tiip, and will re main a few days. Mr. McCorkle never jielects to call at The Chkoxicij: office, where tie is always welcome. 31. B. Zumwalt, of Tygh Valley, was in the city yesterday. He states that grain is beginning to ripen rapidly in the Wamic and Juniper Flat vicinities, and that harvest will soon open in that .section, "Louie Gheres, eon of .1. Chores, who was formerly engaged in tjiiMness in this city, but is at preeeut in San Fran Cisco, arrived on tlie Regulator Monday evening and stopped over to visit Dalles friends. He is on hii way to Sprague, Wash., where he will accept a position in his uncle's mercantile establishment. Whouiilni; (Jnuch. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Congh Itemed y. I did not think thatj anv medicine would help him, but after giving him a tew doses of tho remedy 1 . noticed an improvement, and one bottle' cured him entirely. It is the best cough r niedicine I ever had in the house. P. 35. Moore, Bouth Burgettstown, Pa, For eale by Blakeley & Houghton. tluolclen'o Arinca .naive. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fovei sores, tetter, chapped hande, chilblainc, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuies piien, or no pay required It Ih guarai.teeil to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price '5 cents per mx. For eale uy Blalteloy and Houghton, druggists. T was eoriously afllicted with a cough for several years, and last fall had a inoro severe cough than over before. I have used maay remedies without re ceiving much relief, and being recom mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Coutfh It'tnifdy, by a friend, who, know ing me to bo 11 poor widow, gave It to mo 1 tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved inn very much and tho second bottle has ab solutely cured me. 1 have not had as pood health tor twenty years. Respect lully, Aire. Marv A. Beard. Claremore, Atk. Hold by Blakehiy & Houghton. D?Witfs Little Curly Risers, Tim inii' ' ' ""-I Ico cream eodu, ice cream and straw berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. Use Clarke & Falk'e. Roeofoam for tho teeth. tf DeWUt's Witch Hazel Sulve Cures PlUi. Scalds. HurM. Everybody rtdi Tux Oiikoniclk. IlAHttiPM Ciiimtit no lured by local applications, its tlioy cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho car. There is only ono way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inthuned con dition of the mucous lining of the Kus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in i tlamed you have n rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is. en 1 tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and ' unless the inllamuiatiou can be tal;eu ' out and this tube restored to It- normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for-; ever; nine cases out of ten are caused , by catarrh, which is nothing hut an in- tlamed condition of the mucous stir-1 t faces. j i We will give One Hundred Dollars for ; any case of Deafness (caused ty catarrh.' that cannot he cured by Hall- Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: free. i F. .1. Cui:ni:y & Co., Toledo, 0. ! fiT"i?olil by Dniircists 7a 0-10 Ihtlnrti NImk lriincll. I Tnere are few men more wide awake I and enterprising than l'lnkel.'y & Hough j ton, who spare no pains to secure the j best of everything in their line for their J many customers. They now have the 1 valuable atreney for Dr. King's New 1 Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and I Colds. This is the wonderful remedy j that is produc'in-: such a furor all ovei I the country by its many startling cnies It absolutely core Asthma, I'.ronchitis, Iloaiseness and all uHectinn of the throat, chest and lung-i. Call at the above drugstore and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 30 cents and $1. Guaranteed to cure or price re- funded. A little boy asked lor a battle of "vet up in the morning as fast as you can," i the druggist recognized a hotnehold name tor "DeWitl's Little Early Ilisers" and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drus Co. TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL At all times fiour equal to the best for sale at Tygh Valley Holler Mills, nt prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. W. M. MoCohki.k, Frop. mchlG-Gm Thousands of sullererj from grippe linve been restored to health by One Minute Congii Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung j diseases. Snipcs-Kinersly Drug Co. All the latest novelties'in veilings just received at Campbell & Wilson's milli nery from New York City, the headquarters of fashion. Cleveland wheels are selling in epite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. can anu sec our ua inoueie. Jiaier & 1 Benton. Cuh In Your Cliecks. All countv warrants registered prior I to May 10, 1S91, will be paid nt my office. Interest ceases after .lune 10. ' IS9S. C. L. I'mhUi'S, , Countv Treasurer. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and ice cream festi vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are the best in thecitv. Thirty-five years make a That is how long Adolph generation. ' Fisber. of ' Zanesvillc, 0M suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt!s Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinerely Drug Co. 8HmMIBtSa8flBHm(milOIHIHM A Beautiful Preseat In order to further introduce ELAST8C STARCH (I lat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinwr Bros. C of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful They are 13x19 inches in size.and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. Wirsmm mi tr P'MQUIt(SN0C00KINff'T tj&M Ufa oum wid of i j stf f ko icc 1 Wzm rrwrAwoI Win fuitoRtiiiTAitH. mwiMm J.C.rTuBINGER BROS'C? J WtW These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist. R. LeRov. of New York, have been in his studio anu arc now oiicred lor tlic nrst time to the puniic. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness 01 color ana une ot ttiese pictures will Jc given away with each nackaire of purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. ILL MHOS KIEF EUSTH STAICM. AGttff M SWITIWE rl)B GOlUIRDia PaGKlDD GO PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF iUNUKACTl ttl'.lth ji TVino T.nvrl nnri n'l'-tiDwc! ime .bald alia oavloagOfe. Curers of BRAND I HAMS & BACON .)IUUD HRKV. KIT. NOTICK KOI l'Ur.UCAriON. l.vsn orricK, Tut: lnu.i:,iir., My in, W.K ( Notice lv hereby slwii tlmt tim follownm- immtit vuitlt't hns nll uniirc f hlx lutein Inn t moke Hunt pi'Kif In unpimit f hi rliilin, mul Hint mlit ir ol will l- tumlo b:iie llio ItvHt-tor mul Hi-crivrrat Tho U.illw, treuon, on Monthly, June lfas. U. .loiili li. Hull, nf Tlu 1 till I --, ltnsniMeiul AMilir.-itlnn No SS43, for the lieW. tw. i. 1 1. N. 11 U K, W. M. lie muni". llu Hillonli-R wltnivs-os to jirne hl continuous residence iiKn mul onlllvittlon of Nilil limit, vis.: A. Walter-. I runic Obrtt. W. Wolf, James Hull, nil of Tilt- IMIIus. Oregon. m.r-l il JAS. K. MOOltK, Itnriftcr. NOTICE FOR rUBLICATlON.'u Office, Tnr Iiam., Or.,) Mn at. i'.s. Nntlc- Is 1 orcby Rivon thnt the toltowl'or I I nnnuil 'Ottter Ims il'eil nntliv i.t hi liitoulldii ! to nmko until nto-if In mimhim or 111- '-iHlm. mul Unit all nriMif r ill !' mniU- Iwloii' thv ItiUlster 1 11111I Ittcolvcr at I he llultv. urcjjoii, oti Wntne ! any, July 1J, lv., U. Alluirt II. fswiisey, 11I .Winli'r, ilomo'tt-Hil Apiillenlliiti No. Oil for tho si:1 1 It), Towiulill' -' X, llmiKo IU K, M lie linmos Iho following Ultio-i!.s tu irot- hi" coiitluuoti- lcslilcncv upon nmt culllvntlou sntit Imul, U: U living, iieorjjc Knn. Jnmcs llrown mul Slilnuv it. lltl?C!, nil of .MmliT, iiftuiin, 1 Jutil 11 JAS. 1". MOOIti:, KfKlster. Notice. Noiiee i hortbv slven thnt the mulcrslgntil, j Konrml I,onrIl, l.ns prfonlul hi- ietltion to tlu Hononililo t'. iuitv ( ourt of th- Stntc of (ireKnii for WntcD CVutity, n-klns thnt his iinmt' In chuiiKcil fnxii Koiiniil l.ohrlt to Luhrll Honker, mul thnt snhl tx'tltioii will In-onllcil ii for hcntliic mul honnl fy miu! Court nt tin- Coun ty Court room In the County Court House in Dalles citv. Wn-ro Coiintv. Onvon. on Thurfilny tho 7th tiny of July, i.m, nt loo'elock 11. in. 01 fivA ilny, Mild ilny tnrilii 0110 of the ilnys of the reRitlar Julv l-'.i? term of -alii court. All lioroii me heithy nolltleil to itpjienr at mid time 11ml jiliire nmi show enue. If niiy there be, why 1111 order of Kiid Court i-honld not lm iinnle dcereeluc Mill eh.uiKe of nume as ab.ivi' men tioucsi. Iatcil this 7th day of June. 1MK Jili-l KONItAD I.011I.M. Jlenl ICst.ito Sale. The Langhlin Cdlate ofTers for srth- aii tlieir land roperty in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, hlicl:s and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the undersigned at the ofiice of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf P.. F. L.ur;in.iN'. Mr. P. Ketchain, of I'iko City, Cal., says: "During mv bruthur'n late sick ness from Sciatic rhoumatiain, Cham herlaiu'ii Pain Balm was the only reme dy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief j from pain which this liniment nfi'urds. j j For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. j OWE FOR A DOSE. lie-mi Pimpled, Vrrtal a 1 . 1 on ju ru , ! 'u n I y I h I J i owl , PILLS !, rh',Y1"'!l)icrsriiMriorioken. To ton '!"v ''? "'I'"'" MiniHn !r-. or full I.m for .. tg.d 07 drujsliu. DR. 00SANKO CO. Hhila. Fur H;ln Clii lip. lot 100x160 feet, on the bluff, east of 'he fair grounds. A desirahlo residence location. A. b. Mac Ai.i.isti:i Chronicle Ollice. Get nur prices on Banner Buggies. Wo can save you money. Mivh & Crowe. " ' tf dures I Wild American Poppies. i Lilacs and Iris. chosen from the vcrv choicest subjects nn.e mm. Pastil ri s ot coior ana artistic mew. Elastic Starch artistic merit. It. M.IlKAI. , Citnhlo First Kational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A tumoral Banking HusIiichh trunsacu'd Deposits received, Hiibject to Sight Draft or Check. , Collection!) matin and proceeds promptly remitted on diu-of collection. Sifjlit and Telegraphic Kxi'.lmnjfo sold oc Now York, .San Francisco imU l,orl land. DIRKOTOKS D. 1'. TlIOMl'MON. J NO. S. UUIIKNOKi Ml). M. WlI.M.WS, Ul0. A. l.tUIIX. II iM. P.K.U.I.. aper Window Glass 1 'SiiipcsJ(ily Dnif Go 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ORTHERT vmm tpiwwnumi niiwiMrw PACIFIC RY. nil man Sleeping Caiv Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT, I'AIH. .IIINNKAI'OI.I lll'l.l'TII I'A lt(i) CU.VNI) I'Oll (JKOIIKITIIN WINNIl'IJCJ III.I.KNA an IJtJTTi: Element Tomrist TO ThFough Tickets CHICAliO WASHINGTON rini.Aiii:i,ri:i, MSW VOKK ItOHTON AND A I.I. I'OINXh i;,KT nil HlltlTH 1'orlnfnrmHtlou, tlmocnnU, ninpximrt tlckcu cnl on or writu to W. C. AI.LAWAY. Agent, The D.illss, OreKOii A. D. A RLTON. Asflt. G. P. A., rri.iou Cor. Third. I'ortlnud Orevon 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy in the World's Competition. I Coopers Dip. i: Incroasos Ylolcl of Wool. Enhancoo Vnluo of Flook Cheap, Safe, flaridv, Clean, Wholesome ami Oilorlecs. Recommended by .Manufartiire-y, fe'enur crs and Buyers, holtl by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. 0. G. Roberts, General Agent, 217 Ash Street, I'ortlnud, Oregon. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. l'lUNHAUT.l JJNKr.AhllANKlNU I1IIH1NKH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, tit. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various polnte In Oregon and Washington, Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. 8. HCHRNK, 1'roRtilcnt. I 1 Drugs Paints Mi El 8, IIUBI I M- 1 n ; u ..Palace of Swoots.. - -a -- Columbia paetory zt)6 afe Fresh Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, IcoCroam. $arey Ballard. 1 Scopd Street. Flags and Banting. Uaps of, Gaba.; Latest Illustrated fiemspapers. AT I vi; 1. U iM Book & music Company. CUNNING & HOCKMflN, (iKNi:i:Ah ii:ai.i:us in Iron, Steel,' Con I, Wheels, Axles anil lllaclKiuitlis'8iip)IR's. Hpccinl attention will ho nivun to all cin!s!i in wurK. Ml OUR WORK WARRANT!;!) WiiKi'ii .Slum In i.'oiiiHi.'ilou. Tol. 167. SEOOND BTKEET. Harry Liebe, PRAOTIOAL 14 i n i I I All work iirnmptly Httciulwil to, uiul wiimmn, 174 VOGT BLOC C eiacKsmiifiina Horspi-snoeino w aiGhfflakerl Jewe ei 5. f. lap ffordep 1 lliis n hill Line of Watches that can lie height at rciisonahlc prices All floods as represented. pine Wateh Work a Specialty. Next door to Final; National Bank, Subscribe for The Chronicle PROFESSIONALS. J.f t A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllw over Kioni'h .V: Oo.'k llnnk I'liotto TIIK l)Al,l,r,8, (MtKflON, )AN ROBERTS, Attonioy-ut-Liiw. Collcillloiisn Hjicclntty. Second atrri't, TIIK IIAU.IH, OHKddX j-KS' (iKLSKMIOKITKU ,t ItllKDV, IMiysicians and Surgeons, Hpcclal utti'iillon nlvmi (o Hiimcry. ItootilN 21 nnil VJ, Tel. XX Voi;t lllocU l! h IIUNTINilTON 11 n vii.ho IV fNTINMTOX .V WILSON, Al l OltNHYH AT liAW, T1IU PAI.I.Kb, OIlKOONi Olllccovor riiKtKnt. Iliinlt. ' ITMtKl). W. WII.HOV, ! I' A'noi!M:v at law, tiii:, ouiuion, oniceou'i Klrst Nut. Ilsnl;. ' A. TILLMAN CARLSON, D. With Dr. H. II. fnulor, PuntNt. D. S. I'lnli'h- 1'nrtliils, r, (nil iitineror Iiiwit. J; (lillcf ilioing7ft. t'nmtlllu lloiino, IIT. Itooiim 1 unit (' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lllouk. Take Your jVIcols at the Clanendon Restaurant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. lie Cliiiciiilnii Ih thi In-Ht Itrnliiur.ilit In The ImIU-. JVIealc at All Hoars. Second St. The Dalles, Or. ! Cigars. i ' Wny do wo retail more Ciara than othurs? Why do Hiuokers no out of their way I . and piinH cigars of the Hanie (jradeV ! Xot because we have hotlnr cigars or bi'tler lirandn, or any greater variety; no, not that. , i Why, because we have the flncHtei j uar ciihii in the Htato and keep our clears in better eniiditiou. Snipos-Kinorsly Drug Co. .ghas. m Butcher s and Farmers ..Exchange. Kiimii mi ilratittht tho L'nli'liriiti'il t.'OhlT.MIIlA IIKKK, (ickiiowl idk'i'il tho bujit beer hi Tho liiilli'D, nt tlm nmiil jirlce. Ciiiih1 in, try It mill he rimvllii'cil, Ahn the I'lni'.ii lirmuh ot NVIauN, 1,1 iiiiim mul Clir.irn. Sandrjuiehes (iliill Kinds nlwiiys on hiniil. Schlltz'8 Bock Boer. Fresh and the firnt of the HOttHOii at the iMidway. THE DALLES, OR.