SPECIAL FOR 1HIS WEEK Ladies' Tali-H Sufis m. f V.T AT f HI 1 I tA't f ill LOT NO. 1-Itdies' all wool cloth suits in Navy and I5aek $4.00 LOT NO. 2 Ladies' nil wool cloth mils in Navv and Ulaek, of 11 superior qnnlitv of goods with silk lined jacket $6,25 LOT NO. :i-15h.:k nil wool, French Serge, mit with silk lini-d Jacket. A very hand conic suit $9.98 Your choice of our suits at iflO.oO aud $17.50 for $12.00 SKIRTS. Black, fancy Mohair, fkirts Navy llliii-, Mcru'ii t-kirtH Fancy, Itayadore Stripes, M;irts at. . SI. 15 .. .$2.05 arid $3!oO Clothinq Fop Those Who Wish to be iHell Dressed. Our II. S. M, line of GU A K A NT 13 13 D CLOTH I NG is too well known to require any extended notice nod we will simply rnaku this announcement. For this week wo will soli any Ton Dollar Suit In our stock for r IIP ii m Thin does not represent cost to us but as cur loss is your gain the bene fit is ail yours. Conic early and make your selection before the line is broken. A full line to select from now. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY JUNE iii). 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Klie Implied nt tlio Vlneouut 11ml heollVd at the Duki', In vain illl tin-ManinlH nropom;. Hut 11 fellow eallwl llllt, plain Hill, won her love, Kur lllll wore H., K. A: M. elotlii'H. Bill wore one of those iflO suits that Pease it Mays are Bellini; for $7.85. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf Don't forgot that Kollur keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke & Falk hnve the purest and Btrongebt Paris Green in the market. Cherries, raspberries, blackberries and dew berries, ut The Dalles Commission Company. " II. M. Hyiui, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar mid Uanjo. Headquarters 11 Jacobson'B. tf Tim l'niiiLli ia near at liand. Huy your oranges, lemons, nuts, etc., of The Dalles Commission Co. tf J A marriage license was issued yester day by Comity Clerk Keleay to William Is. Clay pool and Ella 13. ToJer. On July 1st the time on the stage line between this place and Piinevillo will bo changed, the stages arriving and de parting ut 1 p. 111. Just received at the Campbell & Wil son Millinery Parlors a new and com plete line of sailor hate in nil the- newest designs and shades ut prices that can nut bo undersold, A baud has been organized nt Hood Ilivor to furnish music for tl.e Fourth of July celebration ut that place. One of the features of the day will ho a pn rndo and drill of a military company of llfty young women. Don't forget that A. B. Kstubenet has taken the agency (or the Troy Laundry uud ia reudy to give his entire attention to all orders Hont to him. Addrees A. B. I3atobenut, general agent, or ring up phone number 110. tf The Tartars take a man by the ear to iuvlte him to oat or drink with them. If we had every man in thl elty by the our, we'd Invito him to buy one of those $10 II., B. & M. guaranteed eulta that Tense & Mays are selling for $7.85. The Uusalnii Fins, at Caynae, Umatil la county, colebruted the feast ol St. John the Baptist last Friday. The day ia generally one of religious observance, but the young people are dispobed to liuvo sporte aud enjoy themselves. For the International Mining Congress to be held at Salt Lake City, July 0 0, the 0. It. & N. Co., will sell tickets, The Dalles to Suit Lake City and return for .flSG.50, tickets on sale July Urd, 4th and 5th, tickets limited to expire returning July 15th. Oliver Marshal, aged 25, and his 1C-yeur-old brother will be tried ut Baker City this week for the murder of James Keid. For several yeas there has been u feud between Oliver Marshal and lteid. Marshal claims that his wife and Keid were intimate. Many Powder valley fanners were in Baker City Saturday, and all interviewed had the same story to tell of good grain and liny crop. The weather has been all that could be desired, and there is every assurance that the farmers will j reap a goou Harvest tins year. At a meeting of the Jnck6on Engine Co. hold Saturday eyening, it was de cided to take part in the grund parade! to bo held on the Fourth. They will appear in full uniform, and as they have a large membership, will undoubtedly make a flrst-claes appearance. Mrs. Oliver Moore, of Pleasant Valley, who poisoned her children last Friday by putting strychnine in their milk, has been declared insane by the Baker coun ty court. She is 20 years old and is fair lv eood looking. Mrs. Moore is melan cholic. She broods over imaginary wrongs, Your summer's vacation will bo in complete without 0110 of our Magazine Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate it. Takes twelve pictures without open ing the camera. Call ut Donnell'e drug store and see them und the pictures taken with them. Prices $3,50, $0 und $10. lS-alt-tf The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in form its patrons that Mr. A. B. Este linnet is no longor in ita employ. Mr. S. Burna will take hia placo on the wagon; should ho fail to call upon you ring up telephone 311 and your wants will bo attended to immediately. Give us your work and wo will try to please yon. Those intending to enter in the cayuse pony raceB, sack races and all sporte of this Bort are requested to report to John F. Hampshire, chairman of the Fourth of July amusement committee, before 7 p. in." Saturday next. All boyB with ponies are invited to enter the cayuse pony race. Komember, a prize for each and every wiuner. On account of tho rapid fall in the river it la expected that tho Regulator will be able to go through to Portland today, while tho Dixon will make the ran up to thie city. This will make it much more pleasant or the putroua of the D. P. & A. N. line, ns tho trip will bo made quicker and without tho disa greeable feature of transferring at tho locks. Yesterday Jack Daly, tho unfortnnnto morphino llend who had been releacl under (he condition that he would leave the town immediately, was caught, sell ing stolen sheep pelts. Ho claims that someone stole them and gnve them to him. Ho was lodged in jail and will have his hcatinc defoie Justice Filloon today nt nine o'olr.r.k. The pelts are the property of ClnUtman Bros., and Daily will be likely to spend a term in the "pen" for the theft. Be sure to attend the musical at the Congregational church this evening, liefioehments will be served on the lawn while the inusJeal program is being ren dered. The guitar anil mandolin in the hands of Prof. Ryan and Mr. Parkins will add to the enjoyment of music lovers. The grass-hopper cantata, by n chorus of ladies, solos by some of our best singers, together with quartettes and choruses will rnako the entertain ment a very pleasant one. In a letter written by A. F. Martin to the editor from Honolulu dated the 3rd inst. he pays: '-We are just starting from hero on tho Manila expedition, after having enjjyed a rousing reception. The Oregcn boys won applause every where, and are well pleased with the tientment received at the hands of the generous people of this place. The Charleston will escort us from hero to Manila." He closes by sending regards to Dalles fiiends and expresses regret that he cannot write at. gi eater length. It is n quested by the Fourth of July amusement committees, that all those intending to take part in the plug ugly parade, which will take place at 2 p. in. on Independence Day, report at the stoie of Mays it Crowe, to John F. Hampshire, not later than Saturday evening. To make this affair a success, it is desired ttiat all the young men ar range to take part and help swell the af fair. The "boys" are at the head ot this, so all join in and show bv vour presence in the parade that their effoits have not been in vain. You may rest assured your services will be dtilyap predated. Prizes are offered for tho best character, so use your imagination and get up a unique costume. Tuesday morning while Nightwatch niun Wiley was making the rounds he heard some one scream in the direction of the D. P. & A. N. vvurhonse, immedi ately struck out to see what the trouble was. On arriving on the driveway near the warehouse he found a number of Indians standing around, while two were engaged in mortal combat. One had the other on the railing and was in the act of throwing him over into the river below, and had not the night watchman been on hand there would have been one Indian less todoy. He immediately stopped the fight and took the Siwash who attempted the deed to jail while the others escaped in thedark- ness. They were all more or less intox icated and this probably accounts for the trouble. lEoivllili; Mutch. A four-game match was played at the club alleys Monday night between the regular club team and n select five bowl ers. One member of the regular team was absent, causing the game to be played with only five bowlers on each side. The scores are as follows : TICKED TEAM : 1 2 3 4 Total Nolan 23 37 34 50 100 Phillips 44 34 32 35 145 Bonn 28 59 37 30 100 Stephens 33 37 42 48 100 Delluff 32 29 30 30 133 Total score 758 CLUll team : 1 2 3 4 Tatul Bradshaw 41 44 48 30 109 Houghton 47 37 42 50 182 Schmidt 38 24 42 42 140 Ogdeu 40 29 41 42 152 Tolmie 45 31 39 32 147 Total score 7C0 At the conclusion of tho games each team had two ot the four to their credit. However the club team claimed tho vie, tojy, since they had thirty-eight pins more to their credit than the picked team. M.T.Nolan made' the highost single score, 00, while Fred Houghton made the highest average in four games, 4534. Arrangements are being made for a tournament between The Dalles and Portland teaniB in the near future. Tho date, however, has not yet been set, but it will probably bo about the 8th inst. A HONOLULU LETTER. To Curo u Cold iu One Day. Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. There is no merit in be ing ignorant of the virtues of ScitWig's Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extracts soda and spices when you may try them at our risk. jw For sale by L. Rorden & Company One of the Solillrr ltoyn Kn Kniito lit I Alnnlln llfcrllirn Honolulu nmt Tliflr Strty Tlurr, i Yesterday a letter was received from Max Bartell by one of bis friuula in this city. He being one of the soldier boys in the Manila expedition, and as his let ter contains interesting information con cerning Honolulu and their stay there, witli tho consent of the rec'pient of the same, we publish it. It boars the tho date of Honolulu, June 2.1, and we are sure his many friemh in The Dalles will be pleased to hear from him. Huj says : "Honolulu is almost on the open sea coast. A little channel dredged through the low marshy beach leads to the city. It is situated on a beautiful level stretch of land along tho haso of tho foothills. The streeta are narrow and the houses small, mostly one or two stories high. There are horse cars on the principal streets and almost all the sidewalks are paved, in short it is one of tho cleanest, neatest and most picturesque cities which 1 have seen. It beats all that I have seen in either Oregon or Califor nia. The population is about 30,000, consisting of Chinese, Japs and a few thousand whites, mostly Oregonians (?) The Chinese here are a different class than those in America, wearing Aineri lean clothes, and they can all speak fair English. The Chinese run moat of the restaurants and candy stands, and the Japs many of the clothing stores. Tiie whites and natives mingle indiscrimi nately and they are the most hospitable people I ever met. Small as the town is they raised $8000 by subscription to en tertain us during our stay here. One would naturally expect them to bo American sympathizers, but they are more, they are actually American pa triots, and if they were permitted fully nine-tenths of them would enlist in tiiia Manila expedition. The Hawaiian na tion il guard wear the same as the O. N. G.. but their drilling will compare with the best of the U. S. regulars. One good thine about their army is the officers,' even to the highest, put themselves on the same level as the privates. They walked around town with the common soldiers with the same pleasure as they would with the general, and that is the foundation of an efficienct army." Royal makes (he food pure, wholesome and dellclout. KM mm POWDER Absolute! Puro ROYAL 0AK1NO POOtH CO., SEW YORK. Just ttlhat KciliK'i'il Knti-ft. j The Southern Pacific company will 1 carry passengers between all stations on j its lines in Oregon ut one faro for the I round trip on the Fourth of July. Tick I eta at this rate will be on sale on the afternoon of July 2d, on July 3rd and '4th, and will be limited to expire July 1 5th or 0th, according to the distance. I This is mora of a reduction than the j company bus been in the habit of milk j ing for this occasion, but in line with I the wide spread spirit of patriotism throughout the country at this time, they are anxious to offer as much in ducement as possible to enable the peo ple along this line to attend and partici pate in the celebrations arranged for at so many diffeicnt points. Cht'Ri Kntt'fl fur tltu Fourth of July. For the Fourth of July the O. It. it N. Co. will 'sell tickets from The Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, in cluding Wallula and Walla Walla, Wash., at tho rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and 4th. Tickets good for return up to and including July 0, 189S. Buy a Piano mover, reaper and header. They are the best, and tho prices are ! the lowest. Mavs it Crowe. tf Hoys, Attention. All boys who wish to help the com mittee to make our Fourth of July pro cession a success will please present themselves at the aimory on the morn ing of the Fourth at 9 o'clock, where they will be uniformed for the march. Everybody is asked to como without fail, for to make it a success we must have all. Ah all the boys in town may not see this notice, those who do are asked to tell all their triends about it. Any boy from 12 years up will be ac cepted. MOT1CK. The different hose companies can se cure bunting for the purpose of decorat ing for the Fourth of July celebration free by applying to tlie decoration com mittee. By order of H. W. Fkench, Chairman. Amateur photography used to be a matter full of dilliciiitiee. Thtreused to be trouble in getting outfits and sup plies. Donnell, the druggist, keeps everything you want. Cameras, plates, films, paper, etc. Wo also make de veloping aud toning solutions ready for use. je20tf Wuntfd, Four or five teams with drivers to work on O. R. it Nrade between Ar lington and Umatilla; wages If3.50 per day, cullou- Jam. 1ki:i.amj, Agent. Willie liloupD ice cream Freezers. mmmmw New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as we ate hhowingnever be fore grueed a nnulo clock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a biiioII price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON (Tiliinery Parloi"5 Under tho management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Brings' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs yon of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers cleanse tho liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snipea-Kinerely Drug Co. Cloudy Weather Preferred fof Sittings. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR.- avi You 89 Our adits' Ivanhoe' Pmee only $35. Up-to-Dato in Every Respect. Adjustable Steel Handle Bars. Celebrated G. ifc'.T. Detachable Tires. MAYS & CROWE. We have opened our renting department with a line of new wheels. 4 REr7VE57VYE3E:R Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. NO ZINC IN CONTACT WITH CKBAM THF ONLY FKI5EZFU MADE HAVING MORE THAN TWO MOTIONS. koh h.w.i: nv ..THE HARDWARE DEALERS.. 167 Scuoud St. THE DALLES, OR.! maipr X RRiiinn REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS nas ronioved bis storo to tbo Vogt Block, noxt door to tbo PosfoHico, wboro bo will bo pleasod to greet bis many iormcr patrons and a liberal share- of now ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &o, your orders will receive prompt atlontion, and will bo sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him.