GEL.E B RHTION AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chroniela, Ail vertNInc l(nte. iVr iikA. One inch or le In Dally W ver two liiehe mul utuler four inrho 1 to rer (our Inches anil under twelva Inches. . 75 ver twelve Inches DAILY AND WKKKLY. )ne Inch or less, per inch t2 W Over one Inch and utuler four inche. ... 2 00 1 A ...... . . . .....J... ... . I .. .. !....)... . Cjl I Over twelve inches 1 oo suitsciiii'TioN im:iok. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 WEDNESDAY - JUNE 29, 1SCS DRAWING THE CORK. The war department, which, by ! gagoment will be short and the vic thc aid of Admiral Sampson, sue-j tory complete. cessfully corked up the Cervera fleet, ' is now devising means to dodge the fizz when the cork screw is applied. The Cape Verde Heel cannot escape the heavy guns of the American war ships or the prongs of the sunken Merrimac should it attempt to get away from its moorings, but it can inflict heavy damage upon the land forces of the United States when they come within striking distance of the Krupp and Hontoria rifles aboard the Spanish warships. The fniiin nrtnmnt. a ! m i . n i Ar.,. itVc lirot-n cntWc nt Mmiiln if. rcM the terrible onslaught of Dewey, with his heavier armament and su- pcrior rifles, have proved that per-: sonal bravery does not count for ! much in such battles. With the Spanish army superior in numbers to Shafter's forces, under the pio- tecting guns of a fleet conceded to be fairly formidable, the need of ueavj' cannon is imperative in the taking of Santiago de Cuba. Once Cervera is silenced there re mains no doubt of the immediate success of American arms, but to nfiVintllfilll nut- f'ftpvnrn linra An e.e.n i , ' bat is the problem which faces our fighters at land and sea. According j to military oflicers at Washington, the solution is to take the iorts nt I mines and the obstructions which we ourselves placed theie and go in after the Spanish fleet. It involves a movement of great danger, for the entire force of the batteries of Cer vera can be concentrated on the nar row entrance, while his ships ate con cealed behind promontories in the ; bay beyond. Here will come the test of the armor on the magnificent battleships under Admiral Sampsorl Here will be shown the skill of the trained officers under his command. "With all tiie risks involved, no one doubts that he will go in and finish his opponent once he steams for the entrance. Jt seems improbable that General Sliafter will risk an engagement be fore Santiago do Cuba until he has removed the greatest menace. The final action, therefore, may he de layed for n few days. In the mean time bis army is to be doubled by toe reinforements already cn the- way and those wailing, for the return of transports. His slcgo guns will bo landed and plnocd in portion, scat tering bands of Spanish bushwhack ers will be driven to cover and the troops of Pundo, even now attempt lag to torn junction with luofe at Santiago, will be headed off and either defeated or forced to retreat whence they caaie. Assaults on fortified cities without the aid of artillery are not common in modern warfare. The protection of the warships at Santiago makes this expedition doubly dangerous, because warships cannot be captured i by assaults irom the hind ami must . ! he sunk before they are stripped of j their power to do damage. I The fall of Santiago, therefore, grows to be a hercu'ean task, but all it requires is a little time and pa tience. Santiago mav not fall this week, it may not fall in a month. I but once the movement is made i 1 against it, it is safe to predict the en- In some quarters contempt was ex pressed when the Hough Killers were organized, and certain newspapers were full of jets at the maneuvers and habits of volunteers. The Kounli Riders prove that wealth does ot detract from a man's bravery nor j trom lus ability to endure In fighting the common battles of ' our "ntry few cowards will be .'fouml in the "my and navy. The ! l)00r ldier in the ranks is lighting for a principle, as is his niorcfortu- fiatC brOtllCr in anil The son of wealthy parents who shows the white feather knows he dare not return to fl,cc his social comrades. When men face (lcntl' a11 social tliatinctioiis are swept aside. The Jloilern Heauty Thrivpfi nn ifnmi fonil sinil ptinshinn. ivitli plety of exercise in the open air iItjr form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her eystem needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fij; Syrup Co., only. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon begin on the erection of a new hot houne specially for the culture of carnations and violets. The increasing trade makes "'is necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels that her efforts will be appreciated by Ue Ire Doing pleat ar?d Irtstie .printing.. (D por reasogable prices. Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qiue J5 a trial. SI?ror;Kl pub. Qo. ALL. fieus Columbia Hotel IS THE IlKST 1BK DAY HOl'SE IN THE CITY J. V1. TOODT1EY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No war You will always havo the benefit of Low Prices at r;dru roller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in an' style. TV. Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIO DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M". Williams & Co., (XI ho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALLES, OR. Crandall&Barget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS Kjs EMBALMERS Ths DallM, Or. Funeral Supplied A cordial The Dalles, Or I THE DALLES, OR has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL everj thing to make you happy. The pop Spanish Headache- "3 'v." Unelo Hum in mixing it (loon that will Htiri.'ly airn. Not nil hi.'iuhichu curt'H lirhiu" iiimiit ri'Iiiif anil many have it had '(l"iii:t on tin hiMirt iiml hvhumii i!tirully . V can oiler you nun not m violttnt in ' ilH iiietluxlK iih 1'ncli' .Suiii'h, luit cine which will remove tint riuixo mul enn I lh.. IicuiIiu'Iip. Trv IlOCTOU WOODS' II HADAOJIE Cl'KE. 1'ul up by liKLIABLK PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Sired, THE DALLES. Regulator Line !The Dales. Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE UI'.TWKKN Tliu DhIU'h, U(M)il Itlvcr, (.'ncuilti Uh:Vh mul I'urU Jit nil dully, .fiii hlimliiy. DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going ( on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? If no, mvo inuiHiy mul enjoy n twitnllfiil trip on ..;! . '.. 1 '"-"""iiiiii mini iirrivt'Niti 1 li Dullf.i In it ii 1 1 . 1 tj tlino for luiKHuiiKorN to tuko the)tU'iimr, iirrlviiiB In rortliiml In tlinu for tliu itlltim iil. kiiiI ir.iii..i Loiiiiil iMUHuiiKurh iirrlvliiR In Tim DiiIUh l'u time to tnko tlio KuHt-hoiiml triiln. I'or furtlior liiforiniitlon apply to. J. N. HAItNKV, AKt.iit, (Ink HtH'it Uook, I'ortliitnl, Orc-Kon, Or W C. AI.I.AWAY, (ion. Aflt,, Tlio DiilluN, Urvvoii frv 'V- y v v v Jv vrfjp ur wt R JUAJ4JE OKNKKAI. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. L Second Street. WSEfl """" "'" , -iryjj5 st- Regulator Dalles City Biacksmiins Waiwkers 0. R. & N. GO Dr.i-.virr Ton TIMK M!lli:ilUM:. I'llOSI llAI.I.KH. AlmiVK I'r-uM. 1'n-t Mul I ll:o p. in, Knit l.iikr, Douvur. 1't.! Kt uortli, Oniiihii, Kim Mali, iiih City, M. bml, .l.lUu.ia. UIiIi'iiko mul 1,'int. Ht'OWiim I'lyur Wnllii Witt In, HpokntH1, Hjmknne M i It Ill-it i 11m Ht. 1'iitll, V'ljcr. I) II I II t h, .Mlluiiiikif, (.9)1.11, (Jtiiciibfo mill Knit. t)-.m p. in. H p. III. I'ltOM I'llliTMNII. I p.m. (li'i'iili H t-ii in nlil i n. All hnllliiK iliilt-H ulij(i!t tO l.'lllllll!!) I'or Hun l-'roiiclM-o Suit .inn ;:, ii.ii, I.', i'i, is, ai, p. in. To.m.ahka- Sp. m. Hull Jtlliu 7, 'Ju. hp. m. In. m. Kx.Mimlny (roliimlilii Itv. Htnuiifrn,'Kx.bmiajr io .niiMii.v nun uy Kuttiriliiy ' Ijiiii1Iii(!. lop. hi. : I'm. in. Wii.iuMKTti: ItiVKit 1.31p.m. K.x.Hiiliiliiy Oti-Kon (Jtty. Ncwlx-ti;, Kx.suniUjr ! Niiluin .V Wny IjiiiiI'k. 7 a. in, iWw.i.a jiktti: anii Yam n.aipm. Tuoii.T Imr.l iiii.i. Kivi:iim. Mmi.,Vtd., iiih! hut. Ori'uoii City, Dayton, mul FrI. ) mul U'liy-Uiiiillims. tin. in. I Wn.i.AMKrri: KiVKii. l.3)p.m. Tiii.-..TInir,il'ortiiiiiit to Corvallli, Tin-., thur, mill hut.1 milt Wtiy-ljitiilliicn. unit but. I.kavi: Hll'UtlA. 1' l.'l 11.111. .Moil.. V-il. mul I-'rliliiy I.KAVK I.KWMTOM. ii l.'i ii. m. hllli.,Tllw.. unci Thur. Hnaki: ltivr.r.. Itlpurln to Uiirlnliui. I'or full piirtlmilnrh I'utl on O. Ii. .V .N. Co-' nxeilt Tlio Diilltu. or iuliln- W. II. lit 1C1.HNKT, (lull. I'm). AKt rortliiml, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TmliiH Ion ve noil are ilno to iirrivo lit l'ortlni. I.KA VK. OVHKI.AND KX ) j pri'Mi, biilum. Hone MirKi AhIiIiiimI, Hue- fl;IX T. M.1 rmnonto, (tKili'n.hiiii ( Kriiliiilm-o, MoJiivl', f U AliKuk' 1 "; Ni-w lirU'iiim mill I'ii K -(fi i m llont'lmri; mid wny hln A. SI. .lmK I'.M Dally O.XWI1' Huuiiiiy- f VIh WoiHllmrii for Dully u.xrupt HuiKliiyj 1 1 .Mt.AilKtit.Hllvurton, U'..ut ItrilU'tlH' vllK'.riprliiHllflilmi'i 1 i MH Siitron 17:: A. SI. ICnrviilIlK IhtlltlllllM inn! wny j rNiii:i,K.SDi:N('Ki'AHHi:.s(ii:ii. i.x.twtriB Dally (oxtfpl hiiiiniiyj- !:). in. I.v. ...l'ortliinil Ar.) ?:-' " 7:p. in. Ai...M(!.MInndllo . .v. HVM p. in. lAr .iniii,imeiii,f..i. 'Dally. f Daily, uxivpt HumMy DININti OA UH OS OIIDH.V IIOUTK. 1'UI.I.StAN MJKKKT HI.HKI'KKSi AND HKCOiSD-OI.AKS Hl.lIUl'lNO CAR Attaclnil to all TIiioiikIi TnilnH' Iilrift fonnit'tlon nt him l-miiflwo wltli Owl" duntal anil Oriental ami radlll" "' oi ltneM for JAI'AN mul CHINA. KalllUK 'l'"lS ou III pllt'lltloil. , , , I'll' Kati-n mill tlnkotd lo Eimturn ,1' ., 1 roi.f. AIno JAI'AN, 11IIINA. IIOM'1.1 '.U n AlIHTKAI.IA.cmi liu olitaliu'il fimn .1. It. KIHKI.AND,'lH'l"-'tKii' TlirouKh Tlukot Olllee, I! Tlilnl Mi" tliroiiKh tliikutH to all points l ' " W," HtatcN, Cmii.ilii ami Kuropi! can U olilulntu lowcHt rate. from KIKKMS,( et At. All abovo truliiH arrlvo at am itreeto Uriiuil Coiitral HUttlou, I'lltliaml IrvinK trfcw YAMIIIM. DIVIHION. I'lMMOtiKvr Deit, foot of JfileruMi uavu for oHWKtio, iHt i y, ';:,',i.iliid (ami lltau p. hi. on Hatunliiy only, in" "J ,t mul :ii;ii) p. in. on muuliiyn ''"') .VHi:JJ, t'ortlaml Ually at OilOaml "'" 1 1 Vl4 N:tO,(l:aiaml7;.Vp. m.. (ami lOitti . wf (i;iu p, in. ou Hillldiijn oiuy;. Iavo for Hhurlilan, wink iIhjh, stl:P- Arrlvu at rortliiml, v;w a, m. ... .!.. mid U-vc for Allll.IK ou Monday, l.T 'knit- Kr itay atOMOa. in. Arrlvf mi " . ii.v. rrimruiiiiv ..mi uiiiiiiiihv ii .i:mj i Kxcujit Hnmlay, II, KuKAi-Klt, jlmiancT. Ksuupt Halurday. 0, II. MAHKIW? AkHt. (i. r. .v i oiilmnin lllllt til" iIV lUIUIUl! Ullll HIVUI.i" cycle rider are Hnble to tiiH'Xioteii pm ...t n..vui.nH Witch H"." flaluA la ! aut Hilnu tn UOOD Oil I It hettli quickly, una Ib wul "n0" cure for plies. BnlpeH.KIiicrflly 'u v