The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1898, Image 1

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    .1, .
rut mco.
NO 90
Popular Talk..
Summer Outings.
The Auxiliary Cruiser Under Command of Captain Sigsbee Repulses an Attack
By Two Spanish Warships and Puts the Torpedo-boat Destroyer
Terror Out of the Business.
WASHINGTON, Juno 28. The navy department today posted the following bulletin:
Admiral Sampson reports that the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul arrived oil' Santiago and discharged her troops.
Captain Sigsbee reports that on Wednesday afternoon, while off San Juan, he was attacked by a Spanish unpro
tected cruiser and and the torpedo-boat destroyer Terror. The Terror made a dash which was awaited by the St.
Paul. Shots from the guns of the St. Paul hit the Terror three times, killing one officer and two men and wound
ing several others. The Terror dropped back under cover of the fortifications with difficulty, and was towed into .
the harbor in a pinking condition, where she is being repaired. Later the cruiser and a gunboat started out again
but remained under protection of the fort.
Orders Issued for the Immediate De
parture from Key West of Nine
Thousand Men.
Wakiiinhton, Juno US Orders linve
been issued for the immediate (jailing
of unothcr lart'o expedition to reinforce
Shatter. Tiio soldiers will sail from
Tampii nnd will number 0000 men. It
in understood they will be ttiken from
Oenenil Snyder's second division of tiio
Fourth urmy corps. Eight transports
w ill curry the expedition to Key West,
where they will be joined by it strong
mival convoy nnd proceed to Santiago.
It ib expected the start will be mude
toduy. Preparations have been pro
ceeding vigorously for some day?, but
the rigid censorship nt Tampn prevented
ft word going out regarding the expe
dition. Snyder's second division, the Fourth
army corps, looked upon by the war
department as the ono best equipped
for aii immediate sturt, is now at Tutu
pa, and is made up of three brigades
und nine regiments, which include both
regulars and volunteers. If the expedi
tion gets away today it will arrive at
Santiago Saturday. i'lils will brin;
Slmfter'ti force up to 30,000 min.
Five Hundred More Miles of Cuban Coast
and Also San Juan Harbor to Be
at Once Blockaded.
Weather Conditions at Camp McCalla
so far Favor the Army of Inva
sion Men are in Good Health.
flour Antonio, Jamaica, June 27.
Aside from tho energetic attack of the
Spaniards on the Hrst American camp
in Cuba nothing lias astonished the in
habitants of Camp McCalla and the
lleet generally as much as the present
long dry interval in tho midst of what
was supposed to be Cuba's rainy season.
May was ushered in with ruins on the
north const, and whon tho troops
reached the south coast there were a few
noon rain gusts, then cloudy threats,
but no ruin, and since the marines have
landed fit Oinip McCalla there bus been
but one brief shower, nnd no more.
Camp McCalla has proven healthful,
and has hardened the soldiers. The
men, some of whom were half sick from
six weeks' confinement on the Panther,
WASHINGTON, .Tune2S. By proclpmution issued today the president gave
notice of the intention of the government to assume the formidable task of block
ading about 500 miles of the Cuban coast line in addition to the section already
blockaded, and nlso to blockade San Juan, Porto Hico. This increases the extent
of the blockade on the Cuban coast fully four-fold. The demands on the navy will
not be neirly so heavy in proportion to the territory covered as in the case of the
initial blockade, for the reason that the new blockaded coast Llies entirely within
the great bight on the south coast of Cuba, in which the water is generally very
shallow, and the ports are few into which a vessel can enter. The most important
of these ports are Mauzanillo, Trinidad and Tunis.
The purpose of extending the blockade was to command the channel on the
west side of the Isle of Tines and Cape Francis, end thus render much easier "the
task of blockading. The vessels for .the additional blockade service will be sup
plied almost entirely from the patrol ileet which, under Commodore Howell, has
been guarding the North Atlantic coast.
The blockade of San Juan, proclaimed today, is in reality already in eilect,
having been initiated by Captain Sigsbee last week. Tiie difliculty of maintaining
a blockade at this port, in the face of the Spanish furls and three Spanish war
vessels in I lie harbor, would bo considerable bad not Sigsbee, by disabling tho
only formidable one of these vessels, made tho task easier. In defeating tho Ter
ror! Sigsbee rendered a most important service to onr "avj'' am, in,leeJ' ,0 1,11
navies. He not only deprived Sampeon's fleet of apprehension of attack in the
rear some daik night by this vicious little boat, but demonstrated that an aux
iliarv cruiser is amply uble to take care of herself against torpedo gunboats,. show
ing that the oll'eneiyo power of this craft lias been very much overrated.
when they landed, are all na brown as
Indians and as hard us prizefighters.
They have had their baptism of lire and
stood the ordeal. They have gone six
miles inland and smoked the Spaniards
out of their holes on the peninsula,
beaten them In the brush ut their par
ticular kind of lighting and lost one man
wounded in the exploit, while the Span
lards lost, 70 "dead and wounded not ac
counted for.
Tho Cubans are gradually winning
the tespect of the American regulars.
Tho Cuban soldiers so far seen uro
about 00 per cent negroes, usually with
white Cuban ollkors. The officers are
intelligent und anxious for their troops
to win the good opinion of the Ameri
cans. They are ready for any service.
If the regulars of the urmy take as
kindly hb the marines of Camp McCalla
to their dusky allies of the rank and
file, there seems no reason why the
allied armies should not do effective
work In Cuba.
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong
est you cau get. tf
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
That li wfout It we mrde (or.
The Xcw York Volunteers Have Been
Ordered to San Francisco and
New Yokk, Juno 28. The New York
volunteers, composed of the Fifteentli
battalion of Albany and eight separate
companies, have received orders to pro
ceed to San Francisco, and to the Philip
pines, this regiment is doing coast de
fense duty at Forts Columbus, Wads
worth and Hamilton. Tne headquar
ters are Governor's island, and the men
will be mobilized there preparatory to
While the orders for the Philippines
was a surprise to tho men it was no
news either to Colonol Barker or Lieut.
Colonel Stackpole. Both have been
using all the influence that could be
brought to bear to bring about this as
signment. Though actual orders have come, there
is no way of knowing when the regiment
will leave. Marching orders may arrive
in an hour, and may not reach here in a
month. It is reasonable to suppose,
however, that they will closely follow
those already received.
Vessels May Go to Hampton Roads Be
fore Starting for Europe.
America Has Not Protested Against
Cauiara Coaling at Port Said.
London, June 28. lie-ports that tho
United States has requested Great Bri
tain; to enforce the neutrality laws by
forbidding Camaru's Spanish squadron
to coal at Port Said are unfounded.
Government circles believe America
Is not anxious to havo Camara de
tained. It is pointed out that if the
Spaniards are donled admission to the
caual a precedent will be established
preventing Americans from using the
caual iu the event that that country de
sires to send warships to the far East
during the war.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures.
Tlist In wUut It was made lor.
Washington, June 2S, At then ivy
department it is said thu pieiint inten
tion is to start Watson's JOasteru squad
ron from Santiago, provided Sampfon
considers tho vessele selected sullicient
ly provided in tho matter of supplies
and equipment for a long voyage,
Otherwise, tho vessels will bo first sent
to Hampton Roads to he put iu first
class condition. Meanwhile, there is
no mistaking tiio earnestness ot tiio
navy deparWueut in preparing this
squadron for European service.
United States Embassy Has Reports
to That EH'ect.
London, June 28. The United Stutes
embassy has reports from several
sources to the effect that Spain has
purchased the powerful Chilian ar
mored cruiser O'lliggins, last heard
from at Cape Verde, where a transport
with Spanish Boldiers is said to have
gone to take her over.
Prospective ''OUTINGEUS" are drifting our way for such wearables
as are dueniu 1 necessary. Our Ladies' Suit and Skirt departments are
showing frame vety seasonable attractions; Here nto two.
Silk lined Jacket, full pevcalino
lined bkirt: well
made, stylish
fitting, only
Cut of tan or gray mixed English
suitings; unlined Bla.o Jacket
hound seams; extra good finish.
A suit especially desirable for
Outing wear
at seaside or
J. Ill 1. 1 VvttlilJU
while traveling.
Jio need to uiear your best
Not while such as
theso are to bo had....
Fancy checked Dress
Skirts; full (f
lined, velvet J)I.OQ.
bound. Special1!
Better qualities at $1.50 and $2.00
Black figured dress skirts,
wo show an extensive
line, style .and prices in
variety sufficient to offer
easy choos- A
ing for every )1.2
one. From
Our third shipment of shirt waists now in.
Showing styles not seen earlier in the
season. From 50c on up.
C. J. STUBLtlflG
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey,
WHISKEY from $2.75 to $0.00 per gallon. ( I to 15 years old.)
IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 47.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 ytais old.'
ALIFORNIA BRANDIES from $a.25 to $6 00 per uallon. (4 to 11 years old.)
HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val HluU and Hop Gold Heer in bottles.
Imported Alo and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot i?n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, X'Il Kbd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think M
call und get our prices and be convinced,
Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oate.