IMP 1 I 111 11 ft 1! The Dalles Daily GhFc&ute. oi;i:oon TIIK DA1.1.KS, ') J v -a THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the orisriniility and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by ncientilie processes l.-nown to the Cai.hoi:ma I'ic. Svum Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and oripinul remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Cai.ikohnia. Fio Svnur Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imhations niiim:!uctitred by other pav ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia. Fig SvHtn Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction "which the iruiuiu' Syrup of Fig.- has given to miliums of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and Lowels without irrituting or weaken ing them, n'tul it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA PIG SYRUP CO. sax f::anuicii. col. iOCTSTXIXE. Ky. XI'.W VmiK, If. Y. 1'KltS ON A t. M KXTI ( IX. S. D. Fisher, of Mosier, was in the city Sunday. Ilev. F. It. Spalding, of Wasco, was in the city Suniiuy. F. R. Spalding, of Wasco, spent yes terday in the city. li. N. Woodworth. of Hood River, spent yesterday in the city. Jlr. and Mrs. D. P. Ketchum returned on the Regulator last evening. Henry Pitman, the accommodating Dufur postmaster, is in the city. John Roth, of Kingaley, is in the city ior a short trip of business and pleasure. K. C Warren, the popular traveling man, is in the city, accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Dr. Shackelford returned Sunday evening from a visit to friends in Port Jand. lie. Lloyd Llioman, of Moro, spent tSunday in" the citv, on his wuv to Port land, H. H. Turner, of the Dufur Dispatch, ! -returned last' evening from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. JJridcefarmer were among the passengers who came up on rihe fgu!ator last evening. G. W. Phelps and Otis Patterson passed through the city lust night en route to Heppner from Portland. Mrs. X. W. Wallace, of Antelope, went to the Locks veaterduv, to he at the bed- -side of her son-in-law, Geo. Morgan. 'aiHs Eva Slasher, of Dufur, who has been visiting relatives in the city for peveral days, returned to iier home Sun duy. Mrs. Aiicust Buchler and her daugh ter, Mrs. Earnest Gerrichten, arrived in this city from Portland Sunday. Mrs. Gerrichten will visit friends here for a 8fiort time. .11 ay Kmipen the Virtu Mlli. The reduction of 100 tons of ore from the Collateral mine, an adjoining claim to the Virtue on the north, was finished yesterday at the Virtue mine mill, says the Baker City Democrat, and while the t'xaet yield per ton has not been made public, it is known that the returns were in every way satisfactory and that Colonel Thompson, holder of the bond on the property, is highly pleased. Colonel Thompson Iihh under consid eration apian of operations that will likey result in the resumption of old time life in the Virtue camp. It 1h un derstood that he Intends running a cross-out tunnel to get depth on the Cjllateral vein, and will start the cross cut from what is known us the "black emitti" tunnel in the Virtue. When the cross cut ie flniHhed it is proposed to get control of the Virtue mill plant and operate the Collateral in a practical manner. This will employ a lurgu pay-roll and if the judgment of ' mining men is not amiss there will saon bo an activity manifest in the Virtue dis-, trict that will cause o be forgotten thut there ever was a cessation of operations in the cam)). Thirty-five yearH make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesvllli!, O,, fluttered from piles. He whh cured by using three boxes of Ue Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Get our prices on Banner Buggies. We can save you money. Mays A Crowe. tf Use Clarke A Eulk's Bosofomn tor the UtU. Witf Little Early RiKr, ,,th mwu mile piu. OF for r , i i v. ' n. i DrHlni-K" Vnniint li l!liril by local applications, ns thoy rnnnnt . reach the diseased portion of the ear. ! There if only one way to cure deafness, 1 and that is by constitutional remedies. 1 Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous iimnc of the hus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed von have a rittnblini; sound or imperfect liearing, .ami when it is en - tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the iutltiuimntion can be taken . out and this tube restored to its normal ' condition, hearing will be destroyed ior- i ever; nine ensos out of ten are caused i by catarrh, which is nothiuc but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. , We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness .caused !y eatarrlr that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Ciii:ni:y vv Co.. Toledo, 0. gag-Sold by Druggists, 7.V. 0-10 Had management keeps more people in hard circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when u favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much es-pense and valuable time. A prudent anil caretnl man will keen a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia ' rhoea Remedy in t e limi-e. The shift- less feliow will wait until necessity cum ' pels it and then ruin hh best horse going for u doctor and have a Ug doctor bill to 1 nay. besides. One pave 25 cents; the , other is out one hundred dollars am ! thin wonders why bis neighbor is get ' ting richer while he is getting poorer. , For sale by Rlakfley & H'.uahtou. lntL-rjirNIng; irruRgl'.t. I Tnere are few men more wide awake J and enterprising than RUkel y & Hough ) ton, who spare no pains to secure the . best of everything in their line for their ' many customers. They now have the j valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy j that is producing such a furor all over I the country by its many startling cures . I It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, ; j Hoarseness anil all affection" of the1 I throat, chest and lung.' Call at the I auove drugstore ami get a trial uoitle f free or a regular size for 30 cents and J $1. Guaranteed to cure or price re- ; funded. . ' IIuiv to I. oil I; Good looks are really Good, more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy ', condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look ; if your kidneys be effected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and i j you will surely have good looks. "Elec t trie Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach I liver and kidneys. Purities the blood, j cures pimples, blotches and boils, arid ' j gives a good complexion. Every bottle j guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley it Hongh j ton's drug store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 Tilt. .Ilmlt-ril llirauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with it" beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. TYGH VALLEY ROLLER MILL At all times flour equal to the beat for sale at Tygh Valley Boiler Mille, at prices to suit the times. Also mill feed. , . M. McCOKICI.K, Pro!). mchlCOm Thousands of sutlerer.i from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseasee. iSnipes-Kinersly Drug Co. The farmer, the mechanic nnd the bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piles. Snipcs-Kinersly Drug Co (JudIi hi luur Cticek. All couutv warrants registered prior to May 10, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after .June 10, 18P8. O. 1.. Piiii.ui-h, County Treasurer. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the j Columbia Cai.dy Factory. Orders to fur-1 nish lodge hmvjIb and ice cream festi valfi solicited. Don't forget thut our ice cream hoiIub are the best in thecity. tin Giiyyc ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS Itcraove I'implM, Parent I lliiiri.noM, I'urjly tlmlllooU. (JJIH li.Mll.nL. 1. . - f- movfineut t,1 tli IxmeU ccb ily la ZTjSTv wc. bold ! drutfgl.. DR. QOSANKO CO.Phlla! & For HmId Vlitiup, A lot 100x160 feet, oh the blufr, east of the fair grounds. A desirable residence ' location, A, S. Mac Aluhtku, Chronicle Office, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That lo whut It was nixie lor. Una Clarke A Fulk'g ltosofoaro for the twtb. tf lee erMtu tod, ice craam ad itraw bwriM at tbf ColumUw CkkLjr Vtetaiy, (X n. ft Weak Lungs 5 i J 1 ( ! (J1 If you have coughed and coughed until the Iminp; mem- a imtflf knit an A funcrc S ' ifc $ . . ,. 7 . il is inllamcd, tv Scott's Emulsion V W of Cod-liver Oil will soothe, ' strengthen and probably cure. $ The ccu-ltvcr oil feeds and w strengthens the weakened tis- n sues. The glycerine soothes vi and heals them. The hypo- vv phosphites of lime and soda ii impart tone and vigor. Don't u SJ neglect these coughs. One o, Hi bottle of the Emulsion may do & more for you now than ten u m can do later on. Be sure you y get SCOTT'S Emulsion 0) 0i Ail dn:';?iits j -i SCOTT & HOWNi:. Chr.inu. New V. it. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JHIKI) BEEF. ETC. lU'lil i;t:ilf Mile, The I.anghlin estate -flers for salt- ah their land property in and near The Dalles, consisting of city lots, blocks and acreage. Terms reasonable. Apply to the uuderii:i)ed at the oilki of the Wasco Warehouse Co. tf B. F. Laugiii.ix. I was seriously iil(iicteil with a ough for several vearr-, and hist fall had a . more severe cough than ever before. I ; have used raiinv remedies without re-1 ceiving much relief, and being reconi - mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough IJMinedy, by a friend, who, know - ing ine to he a poor widow, gave It to me I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first buttle relieved me very much and the second bottle has ab solutely cured me. I have not hud as good health tor twenty years. Bespeet lully, Mrs. Marv A. U"ard. Ciitremuri', Ark. .Sold bv Blakeley x Houghton. YV lliiiiplli;; Clinch. I had a little buy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Beniedy. I did not think that ttnv medicine would help him, but after giving him a lew doses of the remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and one bottle , cured him entirely. It Ik the best cough medicine 1 ever had in the house. P. E. Moure, South Biirgettstowu, Pa. 1 For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Bunkien' a.iw. naiv. The beat fialve in tne world for ciub, limiHPfl. vnrfH. Ii1enr. Hull rhnlltn. fmtil sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ; corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi 1 tivoiy cuihb piieH, or no pay required ' It is guara.teed to give perfect HatiBfac- tion.or money reiuuueil. Price J5 cente per box. For sale tjy Blakeley uud. Houghton, druggists. Mr. P. Ketchain, of Pike City, Cal., says: "During mv brother's late sick nesi from Sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm whh the only reme dy that gave him any reJief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment n fibrils. For sale by Blakeley (t Houghton. Now is the time to npray with PariB Green. Clarke A Fall: have the atrotig est you can get. tf NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. hAHh OlFICK.TlIK )LLK.1i Or., Mtiy IB, WM. i Koike It. hereby nlven llmt ttm folloiviui; liuliieil icitlei Iihv llltil imllce of Ms liitvntlnii t-i iniiku Muni (irool in unioit of IiIh elulin, .nut thut mill iinxii will li-Minulu Iwioio ihe Hi-ltr I uwl Jtn'i-lvcr lit The iMIlen, Oregon, on Jlonilny, J1IIIU lOV-!, VI.. .lo..ili II, Hull, iifTlin Ihilltix, Jloniexteuil Aiiillc;itloii No :hi:i, (or the wk lii-M, Kee. US, T.. 1 N, It 12 K. W. .M. I He iKiiiit-H Die liillowlng wltlics8 to prove I Ills coiitiimouN reiiiiviice upon unil enltlvutlon of mill litrirt, viz.: x A. Wutti;rH, rTmik (JliiUt, W, Wolf, Jmnt, 1 HhII, hII of The Dalle, Uu-xn, I in)".'!-!! JAfi. F. MOOKK, KiUtr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. omcK, Tim iullkh, o.,i ! ily :ii, isiw. i I Mitlne In t.urchy nlveii thut the folloivl uk iiiiiiihI nettlor hun lllt-il nullco of lilh luk-nUmi to HiHku lliinl nroof in tnunort of IiU dlaim. i ttiutkiild iriMf will Im rnuilu Ixifuru the IU-ulntor unu ntrtivur in i in; uaii(ii, uu-KOii) im wkiiiuh duy, July 13, Wm, lr.i A I hurt II. KM'Hey, of Mutter, HomuMcuil Ai'iillCHtlon No. 4011 for theKKli Hectlou lU.Towu.hlirj K, Uuiikc 'i K, W. Jl. lie iiama the (ollowliitf wltiKnneii lo prove hi cofltluuquii HtMwic uitou iiuu cultivation of mitd UimI. vlx: .STMM. UMife Kvaui. Jmmw Brown and www U wf A no nnimniQ l OPinn n 1 ii U UUIUiUJlU i UUIUIIU uu., ii v feEitiiiiitaitn r in i ini mi ,1 - II. !. Hi: A). , Cimlilci l First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A (.toueral Hanking HuelneBS tniiiRacted Deposits roceived, Hubject to tsight hrufl nr fllilM'tt. & . Collections made and procoods promptly w remitted on dav of collection. Ji Sight and Telecraphie Exchange Hold oc 71. Wm.i. Vn.l. t;',,,. V,-,, ,.,.!,., ,! ' I1,H. land. DI RKOTOK9 D. P. TlIOlU-aON, JNO. h. fcCMKNCW. , jju. ji. Wn.u..v3, Gko. A i'.K.M.).. I.ikhk. H. M, Window Glass Soipes-taly Drag Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u ullman Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car 1 1 Elegent , I m,-.,;ct J-tlj.lSI nr. I H l. MI.V.NKAPOI.l Dt'I.t'-TII ia i:; (iUANI) I'lllt CHOOKHTON WINMI'llO IIKI.K.VA an ItUTTK TO Through Tiekets C'lllCAOO TO ffAIII ISOTON rim. a dki.I'HIa skw VOIEK HOHTO.N AN1 A I.I. I'OINTK K.IHT mill SOUTH For Information, time curds, mHpMiiul tlckuto cat cm or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. Agent, The iMlleii, Oregon A. D. ABLTON. AftHt. G. P. A., rrUou (.'or. Tliinl. I'ortlnnil Oreifim 50 Years 50 Undisputed supremacy in the World'H Competition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Increases Ylold of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Glenn, WhoIeHome and Odorleufj. Uecomineiided by Mttiiufacturors, Scour erB and BnverH Sold bv erB and BuyerB. Sold by PJSASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. BobertH, General Agent, 217 Ash Street, Portland, Oregon. FRENCH &"OOT, BANKERS. ritANHACT A KNKUAI.11ANKIN0 HUfctNKB letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Btates, riiht Exchange and Telegraphit Trunnion) Bold on New York, Chicago, Bt, Louli, Ban Franciaco, Portland Ora gon, Seattle Waib., and varlout poiata in Oregon and Waaulagtoo. Qallaailaau '.mmAm mk mXl ateta Jaiv , 8. KCIIKKK, ('resident. Progs Paints Oils Wall Paper ' P. Flags and JVIaps of GubaJ Latest Illustrated T1' AT 1. VI, Book &. Tlusic Company Harry Liebe, PUACTlCAh Ai: worii iroiiiMv iitteiuli'il In, itiul v,'nnMUl. 174 VOGT BLUC aavaffvsaujpsa-TRNjrs Take Your JVIeals at the Clarendon Hesfcciurant. 2 JOHN DONOHUE. Prop. T in- Cliirullilnii Ik the hit Ijt-tiui'iuit In The llalle JVIcals at All Hours. Second St. The Dalles, Or. ST0 Cigars. Woy do wo retail more CiuarB than ot'tier."'.' Why do Binnkcrf ko out of their wuy and jmae cipirB of tlie Name t;rade? Not beoitiiHO we have better ciyare or butter lirandH, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, becatife we have the fluent ci L'r ciiHe in the Btate and keep our cipire in better condition. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. PALACE fatcliakerycwcta GOIiUJWBlA GAflDY FACTORY FHI3SH CANDIES, NUTS, CJCIARS ANJ) TOBACCO. Ice Cream Parlor in Connection. CAREY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street. 5. f. lap ffordei?. Has a full Line of Watches that can he Inniuht at icasonahlc prices All Goods us represented. Naxtdoor to First National Bank, Subscribe for T Chronicle PROFESSIONALS. . A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OMleeovi't French V Co.' iinntc t'liiinoo, t in: iAM.i:af oitiruoN. -)AN ROBERTS, Attorncy-jit-litiw. CulU'i tluiiH it Hjicclnlty., TltK DAt.MM.OIlD.ox IMivsicii jiaiis and Surgeons, (iKt'lat nttriitloii given to lUrRery. lumiiK. ;i unit 2g, Tel. vfrt in.icic II (ItttNTIKOTON I U V.NHNUTON ,t: WtJJSOX, i 1 atiokniiys at 1.AW. Till: UALI.K.-, , Olllwovt'r 1'lrt.t Silt. Jlnnk. ri:(iox, ; r ATTOrtNKY At LAW. II IK UAl.l.l.. Uillec jivci Plrst Snl. Il-uik. I'KKUO.V, J TILLMAN CARLSON, D. Willi Dr. S II. I'rndur, Ixmuim D. S. l'iit' purtiiilk, ?r . full upi.tTur inttiT, : :d. (lltirr iiliipiii" U7i.. I'iiiiiU.Im lloiist-, .:" Km n.h I mid i, rliiiMnmi Jllnck l ..chas. POT.. Butchers and Farmers ..tehange.. Ki'i-m nil ilrutiKlit the ccli'hrnt"l 1-iil.rMIIIA llCUlt. nckiiKUl I'llk'i-il tin' host Ikmt In The Italics it tin' iikiih! price, ('nine In, try It mid lie riir.viliccil Alu tt . I'iiiwii hriiudii of Wlni'i, l.tiiurn unil ('Ik'um. Sanduuiches of nil I; I ml ii nlwnyi. im linml. -r4 GUNNING & flOCPAft fiKNKIiAI and. DKAI.KItK IN Iron, Steel, Cn;il, Wheels, Axles iiiiil l!l;icl;siiiitlisSiiiilies. hpfcllll llttlilltlllll will he KlVl'll lu nil (MIlKnCn oi work. Ml 0UK WORK WARRANTED. Wicrou Hheii In coiuurtiim- Tel. 157. BEOOND STREET. Schlitz's Bock Beor. Frenli and the first of the neiiHon at the Midway. OF SWEETS. BiacKsinittiii Rorse-snoeii Fine Woteh Work a Specialty. THE DALLES, OR. ajaB