SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK 1Mb' Taii-jlMe Sis Skirls. V' I.- " 77" w LOT NO. 1-Udlfp'all wool cloth halts in Navy and ISlnek $4,00 LOT NO. L'-Ladies' nil wool doth Hiitrt in Nuvy and lilack, of a mperior qualitv of goods with silk lined jacket $6.25 LOT NO. .'i-Black all wool, Irench Serge, Hiiit with nlk lined Jacket. A votv hand cornuHiiit $9.95 Your choice of our fmitsat .lG,f0 and $17.50 for SKIRTS. Ulaek, fancy Mohair, t-kirls Nuvy I'.liii', xerge ts . . . . . . . Kaney, Bayadere ;StripH, skirts ut. . . . $12.00 $1.15 $1.83 $2.03 and $3.00 Clothing For Those Who Wish to be Uiell Dressed. I Our II. H. ct M. line of GUARANTEED CLOTHING iH too well known to require uny extended notice and wo will Pimply make' thiH announcement. For this week we will soil any Ton Dollar Suit in our stock for $7.85 This doe? not represent cost to us but us our losa is your train the bene fit in nil yours. Come early and make your selection before the line is broken. A full line to tided from now. La-;1 -v l l I ! Ill-' l 1 j .CTvl All Goods Marked in l'hiin Figures. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JUNE 28, 18518 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The loreeuHt for today is fair weather. If you want a $10 milt of clothes for $7.85 go to Pease & Mays. Use Clarke & Talk's Floral Lotion for sunburn nnd wind chafing, tf Don't forget that Kollar keeps the beat ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke & Falk have the purest nnd strongest I'arls Green in the market. Chorries, raspberries, blackberries and dew berries, at The Dalles Commission Company. tf II. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and lianjo. Headquarters nt Jacobsen's. tf The Fourth is near at hand. Ru your oranges, lemon", nuts, etc., of Th Dalles Commission Co. tf Recent tax collections amounting to some $4,000 weio bunded into the bank- by Shoritr Driver yoHtsrdiiy. Furnished rooms to rent, also cults of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Rlock. 17 You will enjoy your Fourth of July in 11 tuilor-iuiido suit. I'oaso it Mays will sell you one this week for a little money. KlloiiBburg is prepared to receive bi'.ls for the construction of the electric light ditch, and also (or bonds to the amount of $8000. The Dalles band has begun practicing for tho Fourth and will certainly do itHolf proud on that occasion by Us splendid music. At tho council meeting Saturday night Wnavo sustained its reputation as a tem perance town. An ordlnnnce granting license to soil liquor was voted down. Tho Columbia Southern began lnyinj steel on tho extension frow Wnseo to Moto Saturday. The grading ifl 'lone to McDonald's bridge, a distance of eight miles. Yeflterday tho employee of Maya & Crowe's hardware store kept busy un loading a carload of Rushford wagons which have just been received from the factory. Just received at tho Campbell & Wlb son Millinery Tartars a new and com plete Hue of sailor, huts in all the newest designs and ehadeB at prices that can not bo undersold, W. S. Jack informs the Sllverton Ap penl that from one acre of land which ho hud planted to strawberries, ho has plokw! 5400 boxes of line borrlea, Mr. .lack found sale for his berries at a price averaging a little over three cents a box. The executive committee for the Fourth of July celebration will hold a meeting this evening for the purpose of completing arrangements and selecting oflieera for the day, as well as complet ing the program. Don't forget that A. 15. Estehenet lias taken the agency for the Troy Laundry and is ready to give his entire attention to all orders sent to him. Address A. 15. Estehenet, general agent, or ring up phono number 115). tf Two hundred and twenty Mexican burros were driven through Long Creek on Wednesday, enroute to Seattle. They were brought from Southern Utah, and will be sold in the Sound city to Klon dike outfitting companies. Saturday evening a very pretty wed ding took place at the residence of Louis Ostlund, on tho hill. The contracting parties were O. P. Weberg and Miss Eva L. Walters, both of this county. The young people loft today for Wapi nitia. Numerous bunds of fcheep are en route to the runge.s of the Greenhorn moun tains. The early dry weather has made the range very short in the mountains, and while th m late raiiiB have been beu elieial, the range will not lurnlsh suf ficient pasturage in its present over stocked condition. Amateur photography used to boa. matter full of dilliculties. Tut re used to be trouble in getting 011 tills and sup plies. Donuell, the druggist, keeps everything you want. Cameras, plates, films, p.iper, etc. Wo also make de veloping and toning solutions ready for use. J2tf A deaf and dumb man living at Mab ton, Yakima county, tilled up on liquor a few days ago and had to be locked up in a box car to keep him from killing some one. He demolished u show-case in lteckuer'e store, and kicked over u case of goods before he was brought un der control. Warmer weather prevailed Suiiday over the Columbia river basin. The rivers continue to fall, but the rate of fall is lens than it was last week. It will be not to exceed 0,3 of u foot a day at Umatilla nnd ut Portland, and not to exceed 0,0 of a foot ut The Dalles ; after Friday the full may bo more rapid. The D.ill'ea Steam Luundry begs to in formslts patrons that Mr. A, 15. Este linnet is no longer in its employ. Mr. S. Burns will take his place on the wugou; should he fail to call upon you ring up telephone 841 tuvJ your wants will bo attended' to Immediately. Give us your work nnd we will try to please yon. Mr. Frlzzoll, of Gilliam county, n wool hauler, while coming dow n tho long hills nenr the John Day Saturday, wtts thrown from his Beat nnd tho wheels pinned over his chest nnd nrms. Dr. Aldington examined him nnd found him to bo suffering from internal Injur ies. Hecnnnot live. He has a wife nnd two children. The interest in bowling nt present is on the decline rn account of warm weather nnd outdoor nmupements, how ever, a few good daily scores lmvo been mnde at the club alleys during the week. riiey are na follows: Monday, Brad- haw 02; Tuesday, Miss A. SchannoSO; ednesday, N. J. Sinnott 515 : Thnre- "Jiy, John Bonn 40; Fridny, Phillips oG; Saturday, Hrndshaw 54; Sundnv, Phil lips 4.'!. A trnvclin; man visited Golaendale Saturday, an 1 declared lie is on the in side to the extent of knowing tbnt the Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy railway will bo running through trains over their own track into Portland before 1000. Tho Union, Cornucopia & East ern railway, now building to the Seven Devils mining region, he believes will form the "Q" Snnko river link of ex tension. The Umatilla Hou9o a'leys lead this week witli high scores. Prof. Birgfeld and Harry Eeping lead while the former champion, Mr. Maetz, fell short of his usual good score. The daily (.cores were as follows: Monday, Harry EspingS!); Tuesday, Harry Ksping 0?j Wednes day, Prof. Birgfeld 04; '1 hursday, II. EspingoT; Friday, II. Maetz 02: Satur day, H. Esping 50; Sunday, H. Es ping 00. The lawn eceial to be given by the ladies of tho Congregational church on tho church lawn Wednesday, will be more than a social. A choice musical program it being prepared. The pro gram will contain the "Grnsehopper Cantata," a male quartette, and in sttutnental selections and solos. Ice cream and cake, will be eervrd without charge. Tho admission will be 25 cts; children 15 cts. Saturday Alexander Mcintosh dis posed ot his wool clip for a trifle oer 13 cents per pound at the Wasco Ware house, while other sales were made to day at in ices ranging from 12'u to 131.. cents. These sales practically opened the wool market for the season, and as the prices range from 12 to 14 cents, the season promises to be an exceptionally good one for the wool-growers, nnd the prices offered in The Dalles make It an object for wool men to send their clip to this city. Yesterday morning n special train of the Great Northern, consisting of five private care, passed through the city, carrying officials of the Northern Pacific and O. II. & N. Among them were: C. S. Mellen, president X. P. R. R. ; J. W. Kenrick, general manager; J. M. Hannuford, trntlic manager; E. H. Mc Henry, chief engineer; E. B. Adams, C. Frotnberg, K. Kotcii. Chas. Bitiler, J. P. O'Brien, superintendent of the O. R. N., and B. Campbell, traflic manager. Sunday evening when Mr. Adams was coming to ttie city with a load of wool, one of the sacks became loose and slipped out nt the end of the wagon. He did not notice the loss until he reached the city, and immediately went back to look the matter up. About a mile out of town he found the mark on the road where the sack had falkn, nnd also marks of where it had been pulled over the bluff bv someone. A diligent search failed to locate the lost article, ami it was. in nil probability, stolen by Indians, or someone who packed its contents into smaller bags and carried itnwnv. No duo could be found, and Mr. Adams will have to be responsibl" for the loss. Yesterday Mr. Dawson's latest c u toon on tho Hawaiian annexation ap peared In Pease & Mays' window. In this ho represents Uncle Sam standing 011 the army and navy with eongiess nt his back, while he is in the act of pick ing the apple representing the Hawaiian islands. On the same treo are other tipples representing Cuba, Cape Verde, Porto Rico and the Canary islands. Beside Uncle Sam stands two female figures, repiesenting the North and South, holding baskets in which aro ap pies representing the like possessions secured heretofore. England, France nnd Germany are also in tho cartoon looking with eyes of envy at the action of tho United States, while ho repre sents Uncle Sam ns saying, "I'll nick them now before they f.tll into oilier hands, nnd let my mugwups howl after ward." Everybody reads Tun Cjiuo.mci.k. A PLEASANT EVENT. MIm Eilytlm ltnmlnll HrcPlrm A Ulrttl ility ttuVrln Tarty. A very pleasant, birthday surprise party wa given to Miss Edythe Ran dall nt tho residence of iier parents last Saturday evening. A number of friends were invi'.ed by Mrs. Randall, and as the Alpha Mandolin and Guitar Club were among the rest, (i delightful even ing was spent in trained, conversation and music, as well n9 paHalMng of tho abundant refreshments nhich the young lady's mother served for the occasion. Miss Randall received not only the ron-1 graduations and best wishes of her' friends, but also a number of beautiful and costly birthday gifts. Ttie cele brants remained unj'il a late hour when ; they bid Miss Randall good night and wished her many other birthdays as happy as her nineteenth. Those Dies-! ent were: Miss Cora Joles, Mattiej Stroud, Hilda lick, Eva Ileppner. An-1 n'e Sandrock, Valesc.i Liebe, Edith 1 Fisher, Lizzie Schooling and Eilythe Randall, Messrs, Irwm Parkin", Clinton j Alden, Finri: Sandrock, James Reese ' and Prof. Rtan. I Royal mike the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure nOVAL BAINO POCR CO., NtW VORK. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon begin on the erection of n new hot house especially fur the culture of carnations and violets. The increasing trade makes this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels that her efTorta will be appreciated by her patrons. jel 7 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice h tierehy given that tho co partnership heretofore existing between D. S. Dnfur and Geo. H. Dnfur, under the firm name and style of Dufur & Du fur, is this day dissolved. Geo. H. Du fur retires from paid firm and D. S. Dufur will hereafter conduct said busi ness, collect all debts and credits due said firm and pay nil bills nnd liabili ties outstanding against said firm. D.ited this 27th day of June, 1S93. Gko. H. IX'Kint. D. S. Di-Kun. j Your summer's vacation will be in 1 complete without one of our Magazine I Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate ' it. Takes twelve pictures without open ing the camera. Gill at Donnell's drug store and see them nnd the pictures taken with them. Prices $3.50, !G and $10. 18-nlt-tf Just ttlhat You uuant. To Cure n Cold in Oun Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnb-j lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety 11s wo are Miuuitig never be fore graced a t-inglo sleek. P.enl imita tion cieton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yonra for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAXJSB, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tilli9ery Parlor 'The Prodigal Father" was, consider ing the excellence of the performance rendered, poorly attendad. They prom ised to give a laughable show and kept their promise to the very letter. The characters in the farce comedy suetained their parts well throughout. Their dancers were good, while their special ties weie excellent without exception. They used splendid judgment in their specialties by making them short and thus unlike many companies do not tire their audience but keep them in a con tinual round of merriment. Consider ing the show throughout it is one of the est of the kind that has ever been in the city, nnd whenever they play a re turn engagement they will be greeted by a crowded house. All the latest novelties in veilings just I received at Campbell it Wilson's null! ! nery prlors,direct from New York City, j the headquarters of fashion. 1 Buy a Plano.ihover, reaper and header. 'They nre the best, nnd the prices are 1 the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf DeWitfs Witch Hazei Salve Cures Piles, Scalds. Llurns. Under the management oT Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Brirgs' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation nnd all stomach nnd liver trouble. Snipes-Kincrsly Drug Co. The new official Hag of the president of the United States is printed, for the first time correctly, on the cover of the July Ladies Home Journal. The flag was recently adopted as the president's emblem, and henceforth will be em ployed to proclaim his official presence. When he is at the White House the flag will be displayed there, and wherever he may go ns president of tho United States it will be 111 evidence. Its publi cation in accurate color detail will be a matter of much interest, inasmuch as it will acquaint the public witli the president's emblem. Cheap ItntcK fur tli Fourth of July. For theFouith of July the O. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to any station in Oregon and return, in cluding Wallula and Walla Walla, Wash., at tho rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d anil 4th. Tickets good for return up to nnd including July 6, 1S9S. Wulltnl. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS has vonioved his store to tlio Vogt Block, next door to the Posloflice, where he will he pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will he sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. . Cloudy Weather Preferred fop Sittings. '1GZ 1 MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR. n , .I-!...-,. I V TOUT Ol I1VH IL'.UIIS 1 V 1 1 UIIYITB IU work on O. li. x Ts. grade between Ar-1 lington and Umatilla; wages ifo.SO per day, call on J.s. Ikki.and, Agent. While mountain neii r 166 Cream Freezers. A good wife likes to please her husband with the cooking. She needs pure and fine-flavored tea baking powder collee flavoring extracts soda and spices ScJiilliug'sBest, of course. Tor sale by 1,, Rorden & Company au You Sn Our ladies' 'Ivanhoe' Price only $35. Up-to-Dato in lwery Respect. Adjustable Steel Jlandle 15ars. Celebrated Ci. & .1. JJoluohable 'fires. MAYS & GROW Wo have opined our renting department with a Hue of new wheels. NO ZINC IX CONTACT WITH CKBAM TUP ONLY FKKBZPK MADE HAVING MOWS THAN TWO MOTIONS. KOlt HAWS nv rnaier & Benton ..THE HARDWARE DEALERS,. 167 SetiOWl St, THE DALLE?, OR. REMEMBER Wo have strictly Kirst-Clasa Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To foe sold at tho Lowest Market Rates. phone 85. J- T. Peters & Co.