CBUE B RMTION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Baset Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Gaines, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. . UK UdUtib 1cUiy WlTUMtflK. 1-, Advertising (Sate. i'cr inch. . 1 - I. 1 1 .11.. ft Zjl vcr two inches and under four Inches. .. l Co vcr (our Inches nud under ttrelvs Inches. To ver twelve lncho 6" DAILY AND WEEKLY. due Inch or less, per Inch f'2 .V Over one Inch una under four inches. ... '2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inchei. . 1ft)1 Over twelve inches 1 00 suuscmi'TioN rnic:. One week $ 15, One month 60 j One vear G 00 I j JUNE 2S. 189Sl Tuesday A GOOD JSEGIXXISG. Europeans probably will have a finer appreciation of the strategy in cident to the landing of General Shafter's nrmy in Cuba than Ameri cans. There has been more talk in Europe than in this country of the difficulties in their annual maneu vers. This is our first experience in forty years in handling an army of ! invasion. The people appreciated , .nnitlipr thn ilimmiltiP nrr Ihn dun. , , j gers. luey expected tuo troops to land, Spaniards or no Spaniards, and their view of it is expressed in the , triumphant "There they are:" : T. .,,:, r i . Hut the question of landing was a . ... very serious . one. The generalship of officers, the courage of soldiers, the co-operation of the navy, the trustworthiness of the Cuban allies, i correct information as to localities I and roads, a mastery of details, and j . . ... a comprehensive grasp of the inili- j tary situation, all were factors in working out the problrm. The game of (Wflivinor fin nnnmv ns tn tin. rnnl ' movements of an arm- has been played again with rare success at, Santiago. As played it was a mag-1 nificent spectacle. There were in the foreground over sixty war ves-1 sels and transports. The line of battle threatening the .Spanish posi tion was over twenty miles long. Up to the very minute of hnding the Spaniards could not tell where the blow would fall. Uut after the landing had been made everyone realized that the army had struck the shore at just the right point. There is a lesson in this for the smoothbore critics. They must feel that General Shafter knew more about his own business and trade than they did. They should admit that I" is way of being well informed and then going ahead is better than that of the home strategists. There is chance for hot work on land and sea at Santmao. Admiral Cerveta may be inclined to divert attention from the Spanish army bj a bold dash with his cruisers, gunboats and 1 torpedo-boats. Tiie Spanish general may make a dash on Shafter's army before its lines ore foimed for as sault. The Americans will be pre pared for both, and in the meantime will push the Spaniards toward "the beginning of the end." Gen. lllanco'e air of pretended ) confidence will quickly end ns eoon j as Santiago falls and the march on , Havana begins. His forts at Ha vana occasionally lire on the block ading vessel now, because the blockaders refuse to waste their lowdr on tbc forts. When the 1 tinny "ots in the rear of Havana and Sampson's squadron gets in front of j it, the day of (loon; for Ulanco and ' ! his men will come. It will nndoubt ! eri ly be found ihen that the forts at t Ua ana are as easy a mark for the American ships as those of S:n .Inan and Santiago have been. The firing of the Havana forts the e days, therefore, will not anger the Yan kees. They shoot best who shoot last. Gen- ElnnK0 13 n"oycd because our arm' does not attack him at tltc points he most desires to defend. if r.lnnf-n will Iip imtinnt lm will "ot all the fighting he can possibly de- J sire, but the places and methods of , i attack will not be selected by him. He is bottled up until we want him. Iteflttcvtl Itntt" The Southern Pacific company will j carry passengers between all stations on , its lines in Oregon at one fare for the, round trip on tliv Fourth of Jul'. Tick ets at this rate will be on sale on the 1 afternoon of Julv 2d, on July :!rd and 4t' and wi,J be limited to expire July otn or oin, nccorump to Hie uiaiaiice This is more of a reduction than the C0Ilipnnv has m in the hllbIt ,)f muk j,,,. for this occasion, but in line witli the wide spread ppirit of patriotism : throughout the country at this time,; tliev are anxious to offer as much in- - .... , , ducement ae possible to enable the peo- I pJJ nIo)g tbig ,jne ,0 aUend nn(1 p;irtid , pate in the celebrations arranged for at i so many different points. j i A little boy asked for a bottle of "get ; "p in,tl,e ?orninK ns. ,ttBIt RB 'ou n;" j the druggist recognized a household name or ..DeVitf8 Little Early Rlnn" j and cave him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipation, tick bead-J "die, liver and stomach troubles. ; Kuipea Kinersly fJrug Co. a Scotchman has constructed a bicycle 1 which he can take apart and carry into , a train, after huvinc folded it within the s''a(;e occupied by three umbrellas. , . 1 Cleveland wheels are selling in spite , of all the cheap wheels that nre.ofleriiif;. Call and see our '08 models. .Maier & Uenton. 1 One Minute Cough Cure, cures, j ThHt in what It whs tnaiir (or. j Ue pre Doiijg Jfeat ar?d flrtstie .priptir;.. For Reasonable priees.sj Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qive us a trial. $l?ror;i;l pub. 3o. ALL. Jl fieixx Columbia Hotel IS THE HKST $1.00 l'l-K HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JVI. TOOmEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ' War or No You will alwaj's have the benefit of Low Prices at fr)dr?w roller's afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Grandall DEALERS IN fill kilUlS 01 UNDERTAKERS ip EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Crmppal SllOOlieS 1 ' 7. Z. DONNELL, jPHESCSlPTIOfl. DRUGGIST j ! ! TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. !opp. A. M. Williams cfc Co., THE DALLES, OH has uuho CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stook. mat Closed Hack Day or Night, PRICES REASONABLE. Tm A. Wiri mi Jn. T. RrtartsM, i A cordial DAY The Dalles, On war & Burget the best Dress Goods lobes, Burial Shoes, Ete. has the best Shoes nas everytnmg to De lotin in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Props. THE DALIES, M. invitation is extended to Himpire to join in uib COME ONE, COME ALL everj thing tomae U licit) Sum ia mixing' n (Iuhu that will surely cure. Nut nil hemlnuhe curi'H living uhuiu ndiiif and many hiivi; u bad efiect on the heart andHystum itnerally. Vi cnu oll'er yon omi not ho violent in itH uiuthodH a h I'ncle Sam'u, hut one which will remove the viw and cure tlx- headache. Trv DOCTOU WOODf-" HKADACni: CIMU5. 1'ut up by KELIAB LE l'l I A KM AGISTS . 115 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator LineV The Dalles, Fortlani and Astoria Navigation Co.' r Wrah FREIGHT AND PA8SENOER LINE HKTWKKN The Dulk-, HoimI hlver, Ciic(lo Uc)tH mill I'tirt huut ihilly, -'.'i'iii huailiiy. DOWN THE VALLEY Ofl TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are vou going II no, tnt c rnonny and enjoy a teilitl(ul trip on the (.'olllliiblii. The tte.t-bniind train arrlv-cn at The Dulles lu iiiiiiiIu time (or HnenKerH to take the hteainer, arriving in i'nrtlanfl In time lor the oiiIKoIiik tioiithcrii and Northern tmlni; Kimt i.oilial piiiwenKerH arrlvliiK III The Dalle in time tu tuke thu Kimt-bounil train. for (tirther Information apply to J. K. I1AKNKV, AKellt, (Ink Htreet Doek. 1'ortlHiitl, Oreiton. Or W (J. Ai.l.A WA Y, (ien. AKt., Thu Dulles, oreKon Spanish i , ""J ii :'"&) MA '."M t' '' 1 'i ' I rir "" UIMfflHWiinmr'' Regulator Dalles City jf OKNKKAI. BiacRsmiins : Wagonmakers j W Horse Shoeing i W m Specialty. j t ond Street. 1 the residents of the Inland uuieurttuuu. you happy. The ! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP Till. Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnliis leave itiul uti iluo lo ntrlvc nt l'nrtlnu i 1 l.KAVK, , (IVi:itl.AN! KX ) I iircus, Hiili'iu, llow ! Imri;, Ahlilnml, Hue- I n mi m J rniiiiilllo, liRili'H.Hiili 1 o.W l f ', Kmnuim.,,, Miijavc, f I I.o AHK'li-',r.l rum, i I New Orli'iiim mill I I!iiMt ! . t ltiiulitiii; mill way klu '' A- M-itlmih ' ( VIh WniHllitira hir r. m Dally exci'pt Hinuluyj. Dully f.n;it Huli'Jityj I .Mt.iMlKl'l, Hllvtirliill, ViNt KWii. llrmvlih- vUli.-,Hirll1:llt'lil null I i.N'titnm .... i lT::a) a. .m. ((rnrviilllii itlltll)llh unit way I M l'.M IKDKl'KXDK.VCK I'AHHII.NHiKlt. l.xprcu tmlii Dully (except Huuilny). XfS p. in. (I.v. . I'nrtWiiil . Ar.) h:n.m 7:p. mi. Ai .MeJIinnvIlle I.v. fi.fyi,ni h:.jitp, in. (Ar . IiiiIi,iiiiIuiii'i.,..I ) l. .'flu, m Dully. tDiilfy, except Hiiliilny. DINtNCi OA 118 O.N OCIDKN ISOt'TE. i't;i.i.iiAN iitrri'KT .si.i:i:i'kup AND KIICOND Cl.AHrt KI.KEI'INti CAKh Attuolieit tu nit 1'lirminh Triihei, Dln-:t eniiiii'ctliia nt f (tit frinichcii with Octl don tal Hint Oriental nut! 1'ncille malt ittenuiiiblp linen (urJAI'A.S 111 tit CHINA, hulling ttitUK on ll iillcntlDU. UateMiinl tlrketK tn HitKtura ixilntf. mid I!u rnjHj. AImiJAI'AN, OIIINA, IIONOl.n.L' miC Al'tn'ltAl.IA.emi lie (ihtiilnitl limn J. 11. lUKKI.AND, Ticket Agent. TlirmiKh Tlclet Olliee, l.'tl Third ntrwt, wlttre thrnim'h HeUetN to till Mitlti In the Ktettcrn Htittex, (.'itiiiidii mid Kurtipe vim lie obtiiiiiett t Inneit Tiiten from J. II. KIIIKI.AND, Ticket ARtnt. All nliovu trnlim arrive nt iinti ilupnrt lron (Iriinii Central Htallun. Kllth anil Irvine utrcett VAM1I1I.1. DIVIKION. I'iiteni;er Deimt, toot (if JetlerMin UwL 4Ma for OSWlttiO, ilnlly, except Wnmliiy.M 7;.'0 ii. in.; lil.jai, l..Vi. f l.i, ft. -a, "ri:U" p.m. (mill l:'M p. in. on Katnriliiy only, mill 'j:iiu. m ami p. m. dii HuiuIhjk iinly). Arrive at i'lirtlnnil nnllv at It) ami hllii) n in iinl 1:3S. I Ui, 0;JU mill 7 p. in., (null 1U;0. u. in , 3 0 & 10 p. tn. mi HimtluyK onlyj. U'uve (nr Kliurlilmii week itnyn, at l;30 p. a Arrive nt i'nrthiuil, ):'Mn. in b-nve for AIltMl-: on Monday, Weilne-idiiy mid Krloav at y. Id a. in. Arrive nt IMrtliiml, Tuw (lav, Tliurxlny anil Hitturilni it 11 M p. in. Kxcepl riniidny. Kxcept Hntnrilny. Ii t K'.i.KIt, Jl Minuter. (i, 11. .MAI'.KIIAM, Amt. (i. K. .v I'iuin. Ak't 0. R. & N. CO Dkiwht Koii timi: fcitv.wi.t:. I'miM li.ti.i.i. Ar.r.iVK rmiw. I'ttht .Mull Halt !,nk Denver, l-t. Worth, (imiilni, Kim xiiH IJity, ht. Umlf, UhleiiKti and lliitt. Knt Mull. :i iu it. m. 11 :M p. in. Kpokmu! Klyt r ::;i ), in Walla Wnlln, Kpokiine, H"ikiinc .MIliiifttpollH. ht. Paul, Klu-r. D ninth, Jillwnnl.ee. fi :.". ChleiiKo and 1-joit. K p. III. I'nou roiai.ANii. Ocean Hlcaiiihtilps. All .Sill 1 1 tIK tlilU-H nil 1J 't to ehiuiKe. I'nr Hint l-'innclseo--hull Jill) il, Ii. il, U, ., lb, ai,.M,s7,i!o. 1 I p. 111. I p. Ill, 'I'll Al.AHKA ; p. in. Hull .iuhu 7, :. h p. ill. Kx.hliuthiy Kiitiiiilny 10 1. in. i ii. in. (,'olnnihla Itv. Hteiiine,Kx.hini'l"')' To Amoiiia and Way. jiii'lliiK. fia. in. Kx.bmiihiy WlM.A.MKTTK ltlVllll. I I 11?1' OreKon City. NinvlwrB, 1-...i-iiuj rntlein .v way ijiihi r. 7 II. III. fwil.l.AMHrri: and Vam- P..'"' Tiies.'lliur, him. kivkhh. M1"1','!!.1, " iinuhui. oreiHin city, Dayton, n" ami Way-LiiiitlliiKH. Ii it. m. it i -ii ii. in. TiieTlmr, and. Hut. It ll.t.AMKllf. IVIir.lt. 1 ' ',1,11. I'ortlantl to CorvalllH, 'Inc., I '' anil M iiy-uiiHUiitf". I.KAVK Hll'AltlA, lH.'lll.lll, Men.. Weil, mid i'rldaj I,i:avk Lkwiit0' r. i:,i. in. Hnakk Hivmt. Itipitrlit to LuwlBtim. IHIIIL.THW" Miitl'iaut. Kor full piirtlmihirN call on O. It. & Co-' itgfiit 'i'iie Dallu, or uddtcnH W. II. JlUltl.liNin. (ion. 1'mh. Ah't.i rortliindt The snet'lal iittrautlon Ht Jloilllvill ovory Sunday tlurltif? tlio HUimnur w eon will bo Hn uttrncllve mui )iu'H outdoor Bpeolnlty perfornmiico uuoer the uianttgeniont ol the Fredericksburg thMter, of Porllnd. Round trip f" from Tbe Dullei only 1. 10 lw