It's No Secret v!S iiint!ll!1 f ,,01,ni5 biisinesp. ru lllcTiil because t pavs to bu llM;ral. Tin! better wo servo voii iliu butter bold wo have on ' Your Trade Perhaps yon haven't trio.l up. (.r. hap? yon would like to very well litre's the chance. Shoes Shoes Our regular Jfl.00 Men's Cordovan Congress Shoe for $3 65 Oi:r regular if.'l.OO .Men'? Tnn Lace Shoe for 1.7& Our regular $:;.()() Ladles' Tan I.acoor Button Shoo for......... $2!oo Our reiMibi- M Ww' Tan iiare Toe lintton Shoe for 95C Our Chillis' Tan SMiur.. Toe Button, sizes 0 to 10 7SC Shirt Waists In Shirt regular Waists we offer you our SI. 00, SI. 25, SI. 50 S2.00, S2.50, S3.00 WAISTS pot 75e And you enn have vour choice. All Goods Marked in l'luin Figuris. PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles Daily Chronicle, SUNDAY JUNK 1!0, IBl the intentions of the farmers to plant every acre of land that is fit for cultiva tion next season. With prices next fall like those of the past season, the fann ers will have money to throw at the birds. Among the pleasant features at the Fourth of July celebration in tins city will be an oration by the well-known at torney and speaker, Wallace McCain -tnant. of Portland. He is an attractive and forcible speaker and will certainly entertain his auditors. Amateur photography used to be a matter full of difficulties. Thfreused to be trouble in getting outfits rfnd sup plies. Donnell, the druggist, keepB everything you want. Cameras, plates, films, paper, ttc. We also make de veloping and toning solutions ready for use. j26tf The Dalles Steam Laundry begs to in form ite patrons that Mr. A. 15. Kste benet is no longer in its employ. Mr. S. Burns will take his place on the wagon; should he fail to call upon you ring up telephone 341 and your wants will be attended to immediately. Give us your work and we will try to please Bonneville and return every Sunday al J you. either the depot or Uiintilla House ja6per Coovert, civil engineer in the ticket ofllces. 1U-hv employ of the Portland, Vancouver & Just received at the Campbell & Wib 1 Vakima Railway Company, left Vancou son Millinery Parlors a new and coin- J m Thursday with a party of surveyors plete line of sailor hats in all the newest I aI1j prospectors for the vicinity of Klick- designs and shades at prices that can itat j)ase on the proposed line ol tne WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Monday night, At the Vogt Grand, ' Great comedy, "The Prodigal Father." 1 The forecast for today is lair and warmer. Don't forget that Kellar keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke & Kalk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. Hood Kiver strawberries by the crate at The Dalles Commission Company's. II. M. Kyan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar und Banjo. Headquarters at Jacobsen's. tf Leave orders for ice with the Stadel lunn Commission Co. Office cold storage building. Phone -JU. tf Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 You can get l excursion tickets to amination In the justice court Monday. He unto his name as Billy Bales and says he is from Portland. However, peoplo who know him say that libright nntno is Dally. He is an unfortunate wretch, incapable of taking ch himself and it wool I be a rel'ief for such a man to bo dead or in the states prison. The Fourth of July amusement com mittees have offered a prize of flvo dol lars to the buck Indian appearing in the best native costume in the parade and five dollars to the squaw nppearing the same. Anyone who can converse with the Indians should make it n point to tell them of Hie prizes offered and try to induce as many as possible to join in as it will be a great attraction on that occa-sion. The rivers continue to fall. The weath er condition yesterday morning were favorable for fair and warmer weather today and Monday over the Columbia river basin. There is but little more snow in the mountains, so that no mat ter how warm it may be, there is not enough snow yet unmelted to influence the falling rivers. The fall will bo from .3 to .5 of a foot a day for four or more days at Umatillaand at The Dalles, with a corresponding fall elsewhere. It has been pome time since The Dalles has been visited by a good show, and it lias certainly been a long time since such an aronser of mifth as "The Prodigal Father" has been rendered here. It contains new music, songs, dances and specialties, and will certain ly be a merry concert with merry com edianp, there being twenty people in the company, all artists in ttieir respective parts. Secure your seats before it is too Mfite. r ai.d 1 n If VKIllUMIt 1 Cllll II Ulll Cascade Locks last evening, where she has been visiting Mr. Geo. Morgan. She reports him in a critical condition and all hopes of his recovery has been oneiL2JIe has, however, much vitahtv and may live several weeks. He sfill converses freelv with everyone and takes great interest in the war news and latest happenings. He seems to realize that he is going to die, and is resting aty and seems perfectly resigned to his fate. Beginning July 1st Wasco is to have two daily mails, the Columbia Southern railway connecting with both east and uest-bounci Spokane fivers. The Etage line from Grants will be discontinued, Watco being the terminous of the south tni stages This arrangement will make an nujJUTTant change, both in the mail and passenger service to points south, as stages will meet both trains of the Columbia Southern, at Wasco, the mcrning stages making all southern connections We learn from J. E. Edwards, who has recently returned from tiie Stickeen River, that Capt. Johnston, the popular skipper who ran the Dalles City for the D. P. & A. N. Co., is employed on that stream running a boat between Fort Wrangle and Glenora, which is a trifle over 150 miles. The fact that it takes four days to run up stream and eight hours to return will give an idea of the swiftness of the Stickeen River and the hazardous position which the captain holds. At present the climate is quite mild in that section and the stories of mosquitos have not, accord ing to Mr. Edwards account, been over drawn in the least, as the pests make life miserable for evervono living there. A Laughable Treat. to "The Prodigal Father will be the at traction at the Vogt opera house, Mon day evening, June 27th. The piece was of j evidently constructed for laughing pur poses only, and It- fulfills Its mission. The plot, which is very gauzy, centers on the escapades of Stanley Dodge, who misses his ship to Africa through flirt ing with an actress. His son becomes a prodigal, marries the actress and regu lar mix-up results. The complie.itiniH are of the most amusing kind, and the fun is intense from stait to finish. To properly interpret a farce comedy re quires tho services of competent special ty artists, for the success of such a play depends largely on the introduction of novelties. The company presenting "The Prod igal Father" has been carefully chosen, and the many songs, dances and nied- leva are rendered in such stylo as to call fur t!i enthusiastic applause. Lynn Welcher, who has starred in tho play 'or the past three seasons, is con sidered one of the best character actors on the stage. Miss Rose Melville, who assumes the leading female role, is a young lady of preposessing appeatance, and a decidedly clever actress. Her de cidedly clever Imitation of "Sis Hop kins, the jay girl from Slab Hollow," is one of the hits of the vaudeville stage. THE CHURCHES. St. Paul's Episcopal church, on Fifth and Union streets, Rev. Jos. DeForest rector Morning and evening service as usual. The pastor, Rev. O. D. Taylor, will preach at the First Baptist church this morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no evening service. Services at the Congregational church today as follows: Sermon at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. bv Rev. II. P. Jones, of Col fax, Wash. Sunday school and Endeav or meetings as usual. At the Calvary Baptist church, corner Seventh and Union streets, services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in., Elder W. S. Wilbum, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock and Young People's Society at 0:30 in the evening. All are cordially invited. Appreciated. not be undersold. Arlington peoplo are making great catches of driftwood which tho high water is bringing down the river. The other day one man told his catch to Lord & Co. for 100. Mr. Dawson, the popular and talent On behalf of the members of the Alpha Mandolin & Guitar Club, I desire to thank our many friends who contrib uted to tho success of the excursion given iTiuay evening, aieo 10 uio Daily Times-Mountaineer, the Mousing Ciuto.sici.K and tho Jacobeen Book Music Co., which latter kindly loaned to the members of the club the piano, which was a source of pleasure to all and contributed largely to the success of the excursion. H. M. Rva.v, Musical Director. Cheap Kitten fur llm rmirlli of July. For tho Fourth of July tho 0. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to n ii v etrttinn in Oregon and return, in road, for the purpose of further investi-I lu()i, WulluIl; Walla Walla, .1 1 1 !i rn..... t h atimr the coal deposits louuu their c ------ several weeks ago. Bill Cook, of the firm of Cook Bros , who have a small wheat Held of a few hundred acres five miles east of Condon, phvu Mini, while the few extremely hot ed cartoonist, in the employ of Pease &, days of a couple of weeks ago injured U in 1 1.1. I.....,t firstfliiotintl nil ..nnu 1 PrU I H WilHHL IU 11 III UU 11 VI ivco wuys. win iiHvu uio iuvco r u...v. vxh III t n the more w nuow Momiay. n extern, mo vuvi, "- will be on the annexation question miu will be a good one. Stop und see it. On next Wednesday evening the ladies of the Congregational church will give a luwn social at the church. A tine pro gram ia being prepared, and refresh ments will be served on the lawn. This is a delightful place to epend a few hours, and no doubt many will attend. Robert Husbands, while loading a car ol strawberries a couple of weeks ago, wrote on one side of a crate, "This car was loaded by K. Husbands, Hood Ulver, Or." Monday he received a 1.11,,. f... ... nhl hp hoo male ubck in weather since lms brought out the worst of it to such an extent as will Insure a first-class crop. The novelty of the eummer of 1898 will be the new sparkling beverage, "The Admiral Dewey." The great sue cess achieved by this novelty since its introduction has been phenomenal, but not more eo than would be expected from so superior an article. Honor the hero of Manila and try this most pleas ant beverage ut tho Columbia Candy Factory. Last evening Nlghtwatchmaii Wiley and Marshal Lnuer arrested an unfoi- 111 letter irotti an uiu w,u,",v - - - i.i,i 1,1,,, X.. I I... .t.w. ,li 11 t lilt had found his 1 tunate onlum neiiu anu louteu xiuurnrnn maun; -- . , i,u,,.n, UVm address on the strawberry crate. jail. He was wanted for ln un.o ,-ountv 1 nosure, and was certainly a sorrow ful farmers iruiu 'i:,..,.. ki.. ,, from the use. or IVI1L. UCllJIk " " r Mate that the prospects (or a largo grain crop were never better. The acreage own thin year is fairly large, and It ii more likely the disuse, ol the same. He was lodged in jail and will have hU ex- Wash., at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and -1th. Tickets good for return up to and incliidlngjnly 0, 18i)S. "Tho Prodigal Father," which will bo given hero Monday night, is ono of tho most mirth-provoking plays 011 tho road. If you have read tho newspaper comments in places whero they have played, you will know tho company is good. Bo sure and see them. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf The makers of Schil ling's Best tea baking powder coffee flavoring extracts soda and spices believe in their goods to the extent of telling your grocer to give you your money back if you don't like the goods. no lfor tale by L. Rorden 81 Company J t educed Kutes. The Southern Pacific company will carry passengers between all stations on its lines in Oregon at one fare for the round trip on the Fourth of July. Tick ets at this rate will be on sale on the afternoon of July 2d, on July 3rd and 4th, and will be limited to expire July 5th or Oth, according to the distance. This is more of a reduction than the company has been in the habit of mak ing for this occasion, but in line with the wide spreat' spirit of patriotism throughout the country at this time, they are anxious to offer as much in ducement as possible to enable the peo ple along this line to attend and partici pate in the celebrations arranged for at so many different points. It has been some time since a theat rical company has visited The Dalles, and no doubt the "Prodigal Father," which appears here Monday evening, will be greeted by a large audience. Newspaper comments regarding this play have been very flattering, and the company has been well received wher ever they have played. WHiiteil. Four or five teams witli drivers to work on 0. R. it N. grade between Ar lington and Umatilla; wages $3.50 per day, call on Jas., Agent. Buy a Piano mov'cr, reaper and header. They are the best, anil the prices are the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf Willie iuntaiii Ice Groin Freezers. NO ZINC IX CONTACT WITH CKUAM TUP ONLY 1'REEZFR MADE HAVING MOKE THAN TWO MOTIONS. KOH 8AI.B JIV ..THE HARDWARE DEALERS.. 161 Scuoiiil St, THE DALLES, OR. maier & Benton Royal make the food pure, wholesome and dellcloui. POWDER Absolute) Pure ROYAL OAKINO POWOtB CO., HE YORK. The 0. R. t N. Co. has added many improvements to the Bonneville picnic grounds, and this beautiltil spot is now In excellent order. During the summer season tickets will be sold at Tho Dalles to Bonneville and return every Sunday for the low rate of !fl for tho round trip. Tickets will be sold for train No. Ii, leav ing The Dalles at 0:55 a. in. every Sun day, and will be honored for return pas sago on trains Nos. 4 and same date. 10-lw Your summer's vacation will bo in complete without one of our Magazine Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate it. Takes twelvn pictures without open ing the camera. Cill at Donnell's drug store and see them and the pictures taken with them. Prices $8.50, ijO and 10. 18-alt-tf vogt Opera House ii liA, June u. TIip Kinink'st Show of tlio Season. Keyed Up-to-t)ate. Tho I'unny Karen Comedy, The piompi Fainer" A Merry Concert of Merry Comedians New Jlit.slc. Sours, Dances, Specialties. 20-PEOPLE --20 Roservorl Seats 75c. Back Soats 25c. Children 25c. To Curo u Cold in fine Day. Tako Laxative Broino Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. All the latest novelties in veilings just received at Campbell & Wilson's milli nery from New York City, the headquarters of fashion. DeWitfc'5 Witch Jiazei Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Uurns. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon begin on the erection of a new hot house especially for the culture of carnations and violets. The increasing trade waken this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feela that her efforts will bo appreciated by her patrons. je!7 A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DoWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS has removed his store to the Vogt. Block, next door to the Posloflice, where he will be pleased! to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY,. GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will bo sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Cloudy Weathep Preferred for Sittings. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. THE DALLES, OR. Jiav You Si Our Iadis' 'Ivanhoe' Price only $35. Up-to-Dulo in Evory '.Respect. Adjustable- Steel Handle liars. Ceiobrated G. cfe J. Dotauhablo Tires. M f,S & CROWE. Wo have opened our renting department with a line of new wheels. REMEMBER. Wo have strictly First-Class Phone 25, Fir, Uak ana Maple Wood. To he sold at the Lowest Market Rates. J. T. Peters & Co.