C E L E B RMTI ON AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. c Grand Parade, Baset Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening-. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Advertising liatt-ft. Ptr vich. One lt.cn or less In Dully f 1 tt ver two inclie Hurt under four Juchc. ... 1 00 ver four l:iche and under twelve luche. . 75 ver twelve inches, 60 DAILY AJ"I WEKKLT. Jne Inch or less per inch Over one inch anil under Jour inches. 2 w i ml I Over four-inches find under twelve inches l w Over twelve inches 1 00 MTltSCKII'TION rmcE. One week ? 15 One tucnth 50 One year C 00 SUNDAY - - - .JUNE 20. 1S9S OBSTIWCTIOX IX THE SEXATE Leaders of the opposition to Ha waiian annexation in the senate ad mit that the resolution will be passed. They know that delay in the matter may seriously embarrass the admin- istration and may invite complica- tions that will be difficult to adjust, and yet they give notice that they will prolong the debate until the middle of July. If the resolution came before the senate today for a vote it would be adopted and there would be no embarrassment and no!0f tjie ijottle. complications. Under the circum- stances there is nothing to be gained V,v ,lolnv nnrl mxnl, trf i oninnrl hv prompt action. The proposition is so simple that all the people will be quick to sit in judgment on the ob structionists. The policy of obstruction in the senate is contemptible at an' time, but just now it is dangerous; not more dangerous to the country than to the obstructionists or the parties the represent. Men like Senator Teller see this. Men like the gover- i nor of Montana have spoken lor j their part' in that state. Senators j "White and Jones of the far "West cannot make the annexation of Ha-1 waii a party question, nor can they drag Democrats after them. Sena- j tors Hale, Hoar and Morrill of the far East cannot speak for the Re publicans. Senators Spooner, Gear, and Thurston are making no friends by their hesitation. The president and nine. tenths of the people are in favor of an annexation. It is ad. xmtted now that annexation will be accomplished. There is ro good reason wbj' the government should not have at onse all the advantages from a military point of view that will come with annexation. While the senate is hesitating and wasting time in talk our soldiers bound for the Philippines are re- ceived by the people of Hawaii with j as much enthusiasm as though all ; IlawaiianE were Americans, In tbeBe ! clearly. The nnti-nnnexntionists have tried to make it appear that the native Hawaiians were opposed to annexation. In the reception of the American troops ut Honolulu the natives were us enthusiastic as any others. Whatever may have been tbeir attitude two years uo, or one year ago, the' are now in favor of annexation to the United States. This disposes of almost the last argu. ment in tile bands of the obstruc tionists in the senate. The argu ments for and against annexation1 have been heard and a decision has 1mm given by the people. There is Mtwia droning over tbe coast! tu- ONE, COME tional phase of the question or clis ciiEiinsr the matter of military ur gency. All these are of the past. i The question before the senntc is. l lAVill senators be so unpatriotic, so i' ; stubbornlv indifferent to the inter i i j ests of the country, so oblivious to , the importance of our control in the i acme, as to prevent immediate action ? If there are am senators willing to go on record, let them do so and take the consequences. Jt not, let them stand out of the wa. Chicago Inter-Ocean. The rumor that received a shot in General Blanco the leg spread rapidly and was magnified into fin-! other triumphant victory tor pam before it reached Madrid. War taxes will be so widely dis tributed that the individual will hardly feel them. But he cannot avoid seeing tLcin. The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, would be all right if it would con- j tinue in a state of eruption. ! The Cadiz fleet ma' be swift, but' experience has tawrlit it to beware ' i A little boy asked ior a bottle of "get ! UP il tbe morning RS fitSt US VOU can," the druizist recognised a household name ior "DeWitt's Little Early Ilisere" and pave him a lottle of those fKtnons little pills for constipation, iick head ache, liver and etomaeh troubles. J Sni8 KinereJyDrnpCo Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our 'OS models. Maier & Benton. Ons Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tht U what it vas mudc for. - Jast ttlhat You New ideas m U'all Paper here. Such wide variety as we are thowing never be fore graced a Hintrle stock. Iteal imita- tion creton eflVicts at ordinary prlcee. j J3C for a tunal! price, at our Biore on Third j D. W. YAUSE, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON fy'llipery ParIor5 Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand. ALL. fiem Columbia Hotel IS THE BUST 5i.oo PER HOUSE IS THE CITY J. JVL TOOOQEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No war You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at flydrw feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits Oysters in any style. I CrandallS Borget DEALERS IN tyfo fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. 7UL Z. DONNELL, PtyESCniPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.. THE DALLES. Oil I f 1 1 -.' "- . - - . uuho CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE, Tm i Ward Mi Jm. T. Robertson, , A cordial DAY Nuts and r-- . i has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. Props. THE DALLES, Oft. invitation is extended to empire xo join, in xne COUE ONE, COME ALL every thing to ma e For Spanish Headache- r' Uncle Sum is mixini: a dope that will Hiin-ly cure. Not nil hpiulnchu t:urtt br'niR ubout relief and many inive n bnd effect on thf heart und syetein generally. We can offer you one not ho violent In it int'thodf m I'licle Sam's, hut one which will remove Uie c:iii" und enre the li.'iuliu:h'. Tr DOCTOIJ WOOIW HEADACHE CLTKE. Tut up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SGCOUll Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator .DalIes City FREIGHT AND PASSENUtR LINE Tlic Dulles, IIwkJ Ulvcr, finciido UkVh und l'ort lund dully, nviii oundity. DOWN THE VALLEY Are VOU gOitlg EASTERN OREGON ? H no, nn e monuy mul enjoy n oemitlful trip on CoIjjuiIjIm- lliu c t-bound triiln urrlvcmit 1 lie Dulles In itinplo tiinu Ior pituM-iimx to tuku niv KK-uiiu-r, iirrjvuiK III J'orilund III tllliv Ior the outKOlni; boiitliurn and Nortlirm trulnn: Kiwt. wiun pum-iiKi. urilvtiiK In TIju Dullea in tlmo to tuku tlie Kuxt-lxiund truln, Kor further inlornuttloii apply to J. N. IIAKNKY, Aiccnt, Ouk Btreet Dock. l'ortlund, Oregon, Or W O. A LI. A WAV, Cit-ii. ABt., 'f hu Dullen. Ureunu BROS. Horse Shoeing Specialty. Second Strt. u I GKNKItAL BiacksmiiDs ; ...AND... Wapqateis the residents of the Inland ceie oration. you happy. The 1 EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. ' Trains leiicnnd ure line to arrive r.t I'ortlsL I , ovi:iu.ani ex-v ; tirvft sulmn, Mow- ' 1 I Lure, AkhlMid, .-uc- j 'On I ! miut'iiwi, v'Kuru .run , 1 rritnnlwo, Molnvo. I . . . . t. Urll'KUM .kit k"!n i m iltKMsburc Klid wiiy tn A' -M-;ti(m i f Vln WiKHllmrn lor ', I' M Dully sunduyn. Daily . 1 MLAiiKoI, rillvrrtim, , Wot M'ln, itmwiik- J Ci(tit I ..III.. I. .1.. ' LNutrtiu !?:: A. M. IC'DrrulllR Ixtatloiih r.na wuyj .M,.iM IMlKl'KMlCNi II I'AnHi:.Ntii:il. l.X.rin train iMiiiy (uxt'Lniuuuny), l;Ki ii. in. n. l.v. . I'ortlHinl Ar.) S.2Tm. m n. Ml. MeMlliin-llIc .I.v.J r,U, in . f.r . J tirtt-jxilidfiier.-l v ) i.itit.tn 'Mi i. in. b;! p. m. f.r .InrtcixJliili-i Dully. Iail-, ciucjit bunnay, DIKING CAltS O.N CXiDKS KOt'TE. i'CUJIAX IlUhTKT SI.KEl'KUH AKI nEC-ONI)-CI.Ajj sLKKl'LVO CAUb A ttiiebwl to ull ThroUKli Truing. Direct fniiiKiitliin nt Mm rrKtifihco ltli Orel ilt'Utr.l mid Dtit'iitnl itnd I'licltli' inuti ptcnmkhlp liufk Inr JAl'A.S und CHINA. Sattlfa dnti- on n pllciLtliui. Ituu utiil tlrW't to KnttTU jxilnt mid Eu fojKi. Alsi. JAI'AN. UlllNA. HONOl.V LC und Al'fTHAUA, cim t0 (htHliic! Imin J. II. KltlKIiAM), Ticket AECUt. Thronch Ticket OHIcc, l.t-l nilrd htrttt, white ttirntitrtt ticket to r.ll tKilntx In tin- Enbiern i htMlo, t'linudH und Kurojx; cult bo obtiilucd t Hiucift ruivK iroin J. It. KlUKiaND. Tlcktt ARint. All utiovo tnilne urrl ut nnd lli'imrt Ihot Oriitid ( futrul btntlcjii, Klltli r.nd Irvmc (.trii'tt YAMH1M. DIVISION. I'linicnKfr DtjK.t, loot ol Joncrkou rtrvct. U'livi- (or OSWE'iO. dully, cxri-'pt tuiidiiy,t 7:.D u. in.; 12 !), 1 5 16, C Uj, "X OS . m, (iuhI ll :ju ii. in. on Miturdtiy only, nnd 9 00 a. ra I nnd Z.Mi n. in. on h'uiidnMt only:. Anlrv at i i'orttitiid cinlly ut Cil0 uud H::w u m. inidl:U. i t.l.'., G.-.M itliilT. .Viji. m., (undlU:05u. m , 3 15 a iu i. m. on buuuiij h only;. U-iivi' for Blitrldiin. wirk duyii, ut J 30 j. ta Artlvf ut l'ortlund, ),'M it. iu. U-ftvi- ior AIHL1K on Mondiiy, Wwlni-hdnT uud Krlrtuy at If IU it. in. Arrlvn ut l'ortluna, Tui iluv, Ttr.irhdny mid nntunliii it 3.05 jl in. Except fcundiiy. Kxccpt Euturdny. K K. Kl.i.EK, (i, ii MAUK1IA.M, lliniucr. Aunt. U. y. .V I'rniti. Act 0. R. & N. GO DCI-AItT 1'OU TIMK (Cllf.lH'I.K. 1'KUM DAIXtC AlMllVK lllOM. Kiikt Mull 11:00 p. in hnlt I.ukf, Denver. H.i Fot Worth. Onmhu, Kun Mill. mix City, hi. Louis, 3 10 a.m. ChiciiKO uud Kiiht. Hpokiinu I'lyer &::i0 p. in Wullu WullH, HpoUne. gi;l.iiiic .MIiineupollH. Pt. I'uill, ) lef. D ii 1 It I h, .MlliviiuLte, 0-M u Chleuuo uud V.utl. 8 p. in. 1'KOSI I'OUTHNP. Oceiin Utt'uinilil. All aniline dates nuhjeet to eliiiuKO. Tor 8iiu FrcmrlM'o Bull Jun 3, . Ii, l'J, 15, 1, SI, :,rt I p. m. p. m. To AI.ahka bull June 7, 'J 5 1. w. 8 p. III. Kx.hitndiiy Kuturdiiy 10 p. III. (Inluiiiutii l!v. fa'tonmert. Fx.huiiUuy i ii. in. 10 AlTOItIA mm uj uiuainen. i. .i. , ii iiil.. Jib l i r in i n, Kx.buii(lHy,OrcKoii City. Newlwit', l-X-eumi'iJ (i ii. in. m I... ..,, ,i "iin. m. liiiiem iv ay jjiiiu n. 7 u. in. Wai.AMf.TTJ: a.vdYam- f I' 1 Ointon City, Jin) ton, iimmi uud Wiiy-Ijimllnni,. 'i'neii.'lhur. uud but. C ii. in. Tue.,Tliur, Pi.rMi.iiil In Cirviilll. TlH'.i IHUl uud Hut. uud Wiiy'IiudliiL'x. i tut. I.KAVK lllt'AIUA. 1 MS 11.111. Mou.. Wed, und J-'rldii) WAV I IXWIKTOS. &..ia.W; mm..' ,; mid Tliur. HNAKK HlVKIt. ltlpiirlu to LewUtoii. Kor full purlluulum rail ou O. It. & C0, ucvlit The Dulk. or uddieMi W. If. Hl'JtUl.MtT, Oon. IMf. AKt., l'ortlund" Tlio fipuclal uttractloti ut llonevllI ovory Sunduy during tlio HUtium'r eon will bo an wttrttctlvo nJ vmv$ outdoor specialty purformancu the manogeujont ol the Frederlckibuij tbeter, oi Portland. Itound trip fe from TUe Dllee only f 1. 1U iW