CBUE B RHTION AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic; Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire "Works in the evening". The Dalles My Cfaroniele. Atlvei tlalnc ltnten. Prr Huh one ii.cn or less in Daily m ' ver two iuchei ana under lour lucne. ... l m ver (our inches mid under twelve Inches. . 75 ver twelve Inches 0 . SXIZ.Y AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch 'l oO Over one Inch and under four Inches '2 to Over four inches and under twelve Inches. . 1 JO 1 Over twelve inches 1 CO sunssciiifTioN- mice. ' One week T 15 One month One vear. . 50 j G 00 SATURDAY JUNE 2i, 1S9S A LOAX THAT Ii POPULAR. The 6300,000.000 which the secre-' tary of the treasury asks the people, to lend to the government is a popu lar loan in the strictest sense of that . , . ,. term. The fact that the denominations of the bonds run as low as 20 brings them within reach of the great ma- joritj' of persons. Anybody who has -'20 to spare can buy one of these bonds with but very little trouble and with no cost to himself. Bonds can oe naci or national nnu state banks, money order postoflices, sub- treasuries and express oiliues turougli- out the country, without extra charge to the purchaser. In this transaction ( syndicates and brokers do not figure. ' The individual lender deals directly with the government. Tso favorit ism whatever is shown, except that the syndicates will have a chance to get some of the bonds if the indi vidual purchasers fail to take all of ' . . them. In this case, in fact, the small purchasers, the masses of the , , , , people, ore the favored personh. j By this loan the individual citizen ' will be able to feel that he has a new .i. , i . TT ,. t ; the government. lie can realize that be is contributing to tbe defense of , the nation, thoii"h he is not a mem ber of either its army or Us navy. The fruits of his industry and thrift ; arc here utilized in the country's de. j fense, and will tell in the great work which the nation is doing for the cause of liberty and civilization, i The individual thus gains a more :n- tiinate interest in the welfare of the state than he had hitherto felt. He j will take a livelier concern in the manner in which the money is ex- j pended than he nver did before, will j feel a patriotic thrill when he finds his country emerging triumphantly! from the war, nnd will know that he 1 has made a contribution to the vie-! i tory and is entitled to a stmre in the j glory. j There is little reason to doubt that; the entire amount of the $200,000,-1 I 000 will be subscribed by the people.' Larger loans than this have been sub- scribed by the people of France, und there is more .wealth, though less fru gality and economy, nmong the masses in this country than in those of France. The average wage worker earns far more here lhau he does there, but the necessity for sav ing is not so incessant or imperative. Tins loan has many attractions. The 3 per cent rate of interest winch will be paid is about as high as the sav ings br.nks in these days of congested wooy markets offer. Of course the security is better than a savings bask or any ot'jer private financial iMtitutiOfi can furnish. Tbe pros- penty winch litis come to the coun-1 tty since the destruction of the silver j menace in November, 189G. has l made in one' plentiful, and has im-i mensely increased the Government's financial stability and credit. This loan ought to be, and probably will be, subscribed quickly. The bisr auxiliary cruisers like the St. Louis and St. Paul would be well emplot'ed in carrying troops to Cuba. They are strongly armed, and can outrun anything able to cope with them that Spain has afloat. The departure of the Cadiz lleet eastward looks like a pretended ' , movement toward the Philippine;. ; No Spanish ship could reach there! for six weeks' nd then Dcwc-V 'vouI(1 1 I taKe cnar-ie ot it. ! Mre. A. C. Stubling iV. Son will soon , . .. . , be'in on the crecrion of n new bot house especially for ths culture of carnations nnd violet?. The inereneinp trad' mukee this necessary anij Mrs. Stubling feele that her efforts will be appreciated by her patron?. jel" iiiousanus oi sunererj iroin grippe have been restored to health bv One . Minute Coush Cure. It quickly cares couch s, colds, bronchitis, pneuirjoni grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. .'nipes-Kinerely Drug Co. J The farH)t;ri thft ult!Chanlc and the hi- cvee rider are liable to unexpected cute and bruises. DeWitt'e Witch Hazel ! Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. ! It heals quickly, and is a well known I cure for piles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co 1 Cttfth lu Jinr Check. AH cou"1 V88".1,? reentered prior to May 10, 1894, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June 10, 189S- L. Piullii-h, Conntv Treasurer, Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur- nish lodge socials and ice cream festi- vals solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream g0(as are tbe beat m thedty I usf lursc ix niiKH r mrai j.ution lor euuburn and wind chafing. tf TT f",T 1- . t r-ll, T7l 1 T - . ' One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made lar. Use Clarke ik Falk's P.osofoam for the teeth. tf Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw ber'riffE at the Columbia Candy Factory. Ue Ire Doirg Jfeat ar)d flrtstie .priptii.. For reasonable priees.- We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qive us a trial. r)roi7ic;l pub. $o. ALL. e : fieuu Columbia Hotel IS THE BEST 5i.tm I'EI! DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY J. Jil- TOOITIEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply' every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ::iWar or No You will ahv&3's have the benefit of Low Trices a fT)drtu feller's afe. i Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and i Oysters in an' style. Grandall DEALERS IN . nil 1 ..!. C j flU JanfJS 01 i UNDERTAKERS Funeral Supplied embalmers The Dalles, Or. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PHESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.. taho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Speoial Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. m Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tim A. Wvi ml Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR. A cordial The Dalles, Or war & Barget THE DALLES, OR Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The For Spanish Headache 3, I s l J- U:! Tuck' Sum in mixirin a liom that uill surely curt'. .Nut nil hvndnchu curi-H tinnc uuoui reiii'i anu many nave u imo tillect on tin- heart unlnyKtt!m piiiurnlly. 'i. can oiler you onu riot co vlolunt in itn mutbodri n I'luihr Sum'v, but onu which will ruinovf the imupm and cun ibf iH-ndiu-be. Trv DOCIOIt WOODS' IIEADACJIK CLUE. 1'tit up by HE LI A 15 LE ?H A 11 M A CISTE . ' 175 SCCOUA Sired, THE DALLES.!liJSS Regulator Line1 Tie Dalles, Portlanfl anil Astoria Navigation Co.' mm. rrMf.'.: 1 warps' sirs. Regulator S.DaMes City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWKKN The IlulIcH, Hood it I ver, Cucudo Un-kit mid l'orl lund dully, '-t,-i. nunduy. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? . J' vo uioncy and enjoy u lienutlfiil trlpou thf (.lllllllltllll. Till! U'l-st.luillllll trilhl i,rrl ... .,, 1 he Diillm In imipjo tlmn lor pnwmimerH to take the hteiiiner, urrlvlut; in rortluud lu time lor tlte (III tlTOlllir HOUtlieril unit N'lirtlli.rn lr..lii.. I.-,...- Unind imxkuiiKurH urtlvliiK In The Dulleu ill time ... mmu ,im; ir.mil'IIWIIUO trill It. For further iiiforuuitlon apply to J. N. HAKNKY, AKuut, Out Street lioek. l'ortliind. Oreuon. Or W U. AI.l.AWAY, (inn. AKt., I lie Dulleii. Oretion 9 BROS. if r Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Second Stfeet. GKNEKAL J Biacksmiins ; ...AND... j WagonmaKers i EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leuve mid urc due to iirrivo lit I'ortUk i.eavi:. OVliHl.ANI) i:x pri'io', Snli'iii, Itose' litirK. Anhlnnd, Hill1 ruiui-nto, Oeden.Suti ! C:C0 IV .V rnitieluco, Molii U AliKt'le.Kl f'u Moinvi!. ( ,1.1 Cum. i Si'W urlfiuih und t Kllht ... i.in m HiooliiirK mill wny itu fVlii WniKlliuni lor 1'. M DllIlT Dnllv 1 -"i.iiBi'i( Biivcnmii Wl'Ht M'lU, Ht vlllt-,tiirnKll- t Outrun . . . Wi-Ht m'Iu, Hnnviis S i'Xcrit exri'it lil mill I riuudHja, ('(irullU tatiitlullH 17 A. JI . INDKl'KNDl'NCK l'AHSCNdKK. Kxirck train Hilly (cxi'tt)it tiunUuy). li.Vip. im. (l.v. . I'lirtlunil Ar.) h lHii. m 7:30 p. m. Ml MoMllinvlllc I.v.I fi.Nlu, m B:;tl) i. in. f Ar .lii(lcH!liiliti(,L..I.v ) 4.n0n. lu 'Dully. (Kiuiy, t'XM'iit .Mutiny. DINING CAUS ON UCiDK.V ItOUTE. ITI.t.MAN IIUFr'ET SLEKIT.llH AND .-'KCONn-UL.AS.-i bl.KKl'INO CAUh Atluclail to ull Through Trnltm. niri-rt i-miuiT.tloii lit i-ati friilK-lhro with Occl duntitl n ml Ork-iitiit imhI l'nc'.lle mull hiviimxlilp Itm- (nr JAI'A.N unci CHINA. rullliiK (lulv oe ii I iillvutlim. Uutiw unit tickets to KitMcrti iKi'ntf. unil Ku ripjj. AlmiJAl'AN. CHINA. HONOl.t'U tuid Al'KTUAl.IA, cull Ik-tilitiilmtl from J. 11. KIi:KI.ANI),Tlcki't AEfUt. I Through Tlckft OHici', Ul Tlilnl Ktrt-ut. where thrmm'li tli-Kcth to ull imliitH lu tin- KuKtcrn ritntfx, CitiUKln und .uro' cnli Lk.- ohtaluul at Imvi-Kt ruti-ii from J. II. K1KKI.AN1), Tlckt-t AKent. At! nlifivo trulun urrlvc ut und di-ourt lrnu Oriiud Coiitrul Hiutlim. Fifth und lmtie utrwt. YAMHILL IUVIBIO.V. I'uhfHKi:r Huiit, loot of Juilcrwm HtrifU 1 Lcnvu for OKWIXiO, dally, cxct-iit Hundny, at h .U) i. m. j mi a. in iiliiix only). Arrive ni i'ortluml aullv ut 0: 1 fi: III and k:Rl) ii in ull(ll:li. 1:15, C..LD mill 7..V. . in., (uuil lU:Uu u. in . 313 6 in t. in. ou siiiidiiyii onlyj. U-iiv; for Slmrldnn. wii-k dnyh, at 1 .30 p. m Arrive ut l'ortliiiid, i::iu ii. m. U-uvu lor AIltl.IK on M Iny, Wi-dnindur and Krlony ut U 10 u. in. any ut u to u. in. Arr v- ut rortiuiia, iu- duv, T hurMlny und Huturilni it 3 Oft ji. in. Excrjit fcundiiy. K Ki K'.i.EIt, !ntiHi'r. Except Kiituriluy. (i, H MAKK11AM, Anit. O. F. A l'HMi. Ast 0. R. & N. GO IlKI'AKT TIMB CCItKI'I'I.K. FltOM I)ALI.i:h. Al-.l'.IVE FnoX. I'on I 1'llkt Mull 11:0 p. ui. Suit Lukr, Denver. H. fn-t Worth, Omiiliu, Kun Mnll. mik City, fct. I'uln. D.lUn. ia. Uliti-iiKo und Kunt. Kpokitne Flyer fi:;:u p, in. Wnllii WiiIIh. H,okui'. bi;kmie Minneapolis. 8t. I'mtl. Hi". Du lu t h, Mllniiukee. C.Wu. W. Chlfiiu'ii und Knist. t p. n). I'HOJI I'0I1TI.NI'. Oi cilll hti'lllllhllll". All nnlllliK date" ulJe-: to i-huiitte. i For Sun I'roiii'lui'O Hull Jun II, fi.U, l.'.l.'i, 1, Jl, l,X,-M. I i, in. 7 p. in. To AI.A1-K.l- j p. in. oull June 7, b p, III. Ex.miuihty Saturduy 11) . in. i ii. m. Ciiliniihlu Itv. fili'iimeri.. hx.huiid''y TO Arroiii.i unil vtuy IjiiiJIiiKI. 0 n. in. Kx.fcundity WII.I.AMMTK Itivni. I Wr.-.J'' Oregon Clly, .VewlH-ilf, L.t.hiniu) Huieiii i: vny Umd 7 . ui, WiM.AMr.TTK and Yam Mdii .. til. . 1 undid. Ilien.'J liiir, IIIM. KIVKIts. und hut. Oret'ou Oily, Dnytmi, mid Wiiy-l.nmllims. 0 ii. 111. Te..Thur, mill .Hut. l'ortliind to UorVHllUV !. ?' und Viiy-l.iiii(llni;H. und bill. I.KAVK KlI'AIIIA. 1:15 n. iii, Moil.. Wed. mid Frlduj I.KAVI! I.KWIHTOK. , fi;15 bMAi.'f; Itiviui. Itlplirlu U jAIWlMtOII. N. Co.' For full particular! mil on O. U, HKtiii i ue xjiiiien, or uuuien" W. 11. HUKI.llNr.ftp J'u "ak.. i''rll'""'' 0r Gen. Thn nntioll uttructioii ut JioniioviUe every Sunday durinir the BUinuier een on will bo an nttrnctlve and pluaslnf ouidoor epeeliiHy- porfornm" uuder tbe ranigement of the Fredericksburg theater, of Portlnnd. Kotuid trip (roni The Dllei wily 1, i0 l"