C E L E B RMTION AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening1. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AdTcrtlnlnc Kate. -Per inch. One tr,ci; or less in Dally SI 50 tct two Inches and under four inches. . . 1 Co ver Jour inches and under twelve Inches.. 75 tct twelve inches 5n DAILY AKD WEEKLY. One inch or less, per Inch J2 50 Over one inch and under four inches. ... 2 CO Over four inches and under twelve 'uches . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 scBscr.ir-rioN rincE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 FRIDAY - - .JUNE 54. 1S95 HAWAII IS IFO.V. To all practical ends the Ha-! of war vessels in ample time to give waiian islands are now a part of the j them a chance to save themselves United States. Data just issued by j from damage or disaster. Admiral the bureau of statistics show that Sampson bof.es to have the neck of since 1875 the United States has Santiago harbor at his disposal be taken more than 180,000,000 worth fore the first blow arrives, and it was of the 200,000.000 of exports sent with this end m view that he landed from the islands; and of the 81U0,- marines in the presence of an enemy, 000,000 worth cf imports into the so as to secure such protection as the islands within the same period, the entrance to the harbor would give United States has supplied ?70,000, 000. That tells the story. A meri- can enterprise, capital and intelli-; gence are the driving forces in the islands, and where these rule, Ameri-. can government must follow. ! It is absurd to talk of a plebiscite among a population so heterogeneous as that of Hawaii. The nnnnlntinn ! inn nn" . i i cf 109,00u is approximately made up of 31,000 native Hawaiians, 24,- 000 Japanese, 21,000 Chinese, 15.000 , .rortuguese, a200 Americans, 2000 r. .... , . , . r, Bntish and a handful of Germans. , t : t .u ii It is easy to see wherein the old na-1 tive monarchical form of govern-1 ment failed to meet the requirements H of this mixed population. And it is equally plain that a home govern- ment, based on a plebiscite taken in i such a race mixture, would be as j preposterous as a plebiscite would have been in the early days of Cal-1 ifornia, when the great bulk of the population was made up of Jndians, Mex icans, Spaniards and Hawaiian islanders. Even popular govern- ment must have its limitations. ! The test vote in the senate Mon day made it entirely plain that an-1 uexation is practically accomplished. The established and universal' rec- i ognized government of the islands,' has declared unanimouslj for annex ation; the American house of rep-1 resentatives has passed the annexa-1 tion resolution by an overwhelming! majority ; the senate has expressed ' itself by a vote of 44 to 15; the' administration is for it, and the great bulk of the people give their assent. Statesmanship which woulJ 6hrink' from the acceptance of this responsi-' bility, because there may be a few minor problems to woik out, is not! the statesmanship which has built' up this nation. At the close of the revolution, the Allegheny mountains ! formed praetically the western j boundary of the United States, lie-! yond that line lay the unbroken' wilderness a vast expanse lying un der the shadowy claims of France, of England, of Iiussia and ot Spain. But brave hearts and clear brains were not lacking, and these tri umphed over every feeble stand taken by timid souls against tern'-1 torial acquisition. Spokesman-Be- precautions rue ucinu taKen to protect our war vessels in the tropics against the annual "West Indian bur-! ricanes. "We now know." says the ' secretary of agriculture, "that during ! July, August and September storms come swirling up from the equator, pass along the Carribbean sea, and then come northward across the isl- ' and of Cuba to Florida and the east ern coasts of our continent. The navy is more afraid of these cyclones I necessary to have a safe harbor." i Signal stations are being established ! alone all the islands nnd it is hoped ( that the advance of the cyclones may ' ! be communicated to the commanders I the fleet, even if lie failed to pene-j Irate farther. As Secretary Wilson points out, there is little danger that the Spanish fleet would attempt to escape while a tornado was raging, even if the sunken ?Ierrimac were not fn the way. 'Let the skv fall flat nnd sink us in an abyss before hearing the for . . , . , eign invader's foot tramp on Spanish soil," exclaimed Senor Galvez, presi- . , . , bh benor Galvez has ceased to re- , , , , ,.,.. card Cuba and the Philippines as gQ.j ' T, i ... . t, -,, The special attraction at Bonneville eVerv Sondav dnrintr the Bummer eea- eon will be an attractive and pleaaing-j outdoor Bpecialty performance under the management of the Frederickebarg iijea'.er, ui rurimnu, nouriu trip mre . from The Dalles only f 1. 1C lw Use Clarke & Falk'a Floral Lotion for 1 eunbnrn and wind chafing. tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures, Tbn is what it wa made ar. L'ae Clarke & Falk'e Kosofoam or the teeth. tf Ue pre Doir;? Jfeat arpd flrtstie .priptir.. For reasopable prices.- We Print Anything in the Printing Line Qive u$ a trial. Qr;ro9i(;l pub. o. ALL. fteua Columbia Hotel IS THE BEST 5i.oo PER DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JW. TOODQEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No war You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fiydrqw feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Xuts and 0sters in any style. I Grandallfi Borget DEALERS IN fyfo All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. 7. Z. DONNELL, PESCflPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., has has caho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. ii Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tm k Hui mi Jm. T. RobertsoR, Props. THE DALIES, OR. A cordial The Dalles, Or. THE D ALT ftS OT? usiijlljQ, KJX the best Dress Goods the best Shoes has everything to be fonn first-class Dry Goods Store. m a STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, everj thing to make you happy. The Fop I'Spanish Headache Uncle Sam is tniiinp u dope that will surely cure. .Not nil headache cures brine about relief and many have h bnd effect on the heart and system penerully. We can ofTer yon one not so violent In its methods ap Uncle Sam's, but one which will remove the caiihe and cure th headnrhe. Trv DOCTOR WOODS' HEADACHE CUKE. Tut up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES. Regulator Line The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' r stis. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN Tuc Dulled, Hood Hfver.C'HM-Adf Locks nud l'ort Intid dully, Ht,.t buiidiiy. ( DOWN THE YAUBT Are yon going ' ( EASTERN OREGON ? ' ,iIf ?.0t,aTlc,mo"V7 Bn(1 enjoy dutiful trlpon . tlii-CpluinblH. Tue wf.t-U.und trnln nrrlvi nt 1 I lie )llt lu ainitlb Mint) for pamcticiTH to tnke tin fcti'ttinf r. Hrrivlnif 1 II Portlhllfl 1 f l Unit tfr Mm 1 bound twkM'iiKerii nrrlvliiK lu Tlie UuIm lii time to Ukf the twit-bound trnln. for further information apply to J. J'. UAKNKY. Agent, Ouk btreet licxik. Portland. Oregon. Or W c. ALLAWAY, Cien. Apt., The Dulled, OreKon 9 LANE Bs. J Horse Shoeing a specialty. Sacond tvt. ' ' Pi,. 1 1 T7V 7 7 Ci 7 GKNKKAI. Jj Biacksfnirns Waliaters COME ALL. 0. R. & N. CO Dr.rtr.T Fun timk t.cnr.:)ri.n. KltOM IlALLRk. Ai:r.ivi KliOM. "I Past Mall 11:10 ji. in. Suit I.nkr, Denver, fi. Kmt worth, otnntm, Kan- Mill n City. tit. Imln, 3 10 a. is. Chicago and Knt. Simkiinu Kljer U:'M p. in. Walla Walls, HjioUiic. .MIuncapolR M. Paul, I) u I u t ti, Milwaukee, Chleaeo nnd Kant. Stxilane Oyer. " W a. n. S l. in. I'uov l'oHTl.ANn. Occnii Steatnublpv All hnllltiR date nubjcct to chance. Tor San KroncUco S5iiil Jun a, r. v, u, is, is, 21, 21, 27, M. t I.ia. p. in. TO ALASKA . in. Mill June 7, 22. h . in. i p. in. Kx.MiudnrXVilumtilu Jlv. Stearneris. Kx.sundiT (To Amouu mill Way Huturiiuy Ijunainca. 10 p.m. . fin. m. Wilumrtte Kiver. A 3) p. m. I'.x.auudnjr On-con Cltv. .NewlnTj;, Kx.Minday sulem A. Way Uuid't. in, Tin HH.I.AJIETTK AS II V AM 3 1. in. Tuen.Tnur.1 HILL KIVEks Mon..Wl., , orecon uty, iiayum, and tiL and nny-iJindlnEH, I Tue..'Tliur,!l'ortl LLAMETTE ItlVKIl. t M P. m. timid to CorvulHu. Tuk.. Ihnr. nnd t.' nnd Wuy-UiudlURK. uiidfctt. .1. Ixavi: KlI'AlilA. 1 4h n.iii. Mon.. Wed. l.r.Avr LtWIT0!(. i a m. un.,TBM.. and Ttiur. S.VAKK ItlVKK. Ill juirlu to LvnUton. uud 1'riduj j for (nil iartlculurk'All on O. J!. i Co.'i r.Ktlit The Dallu. or uddimi. W. II. HfllUtXKT, Gen. I'b. Agt.. l'ortUud, Or EAST and SOUTH via !The Shasta Eoute I or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. TrnliiN It-nve nud nrv due to nrrire nt 1'ortUi LEAVE. I f OVKU1.AN1J KX-) 1 prnii. bnlvm. Koe- ' I burs. Athlnnd. Snc- r. m m J ininento, Ugdcii.SHii 0.00 I . M. KrMJt.Uw)i 6 jioj.vc, i r New urleuu mid I Knut ; 'B'UO A. M '"0,,t,ljurK Hid war tu ' f Vlu WiKKlboru lor Diillr I -Mt.AsiKel, Hllvvrton, r.x Diir vxwpt Suudsri. fcundiivi i viiic.oiiniiBiiviunuu tNntrou 17::i0 A. M. I CorvulHu KtllttOUH nnd Hiiyj wl.M. INUKl'KNUKXW: I-AferiKNGfi: hx),res trtlB Jinlly (e.tcejt fauiidn)' l;)p, ta, (I.v. ..IVirtlnnd . Ar.) ;-'" iSS: .ffaj-M J-StJ. 8 2r..ra Dally, (Dimy, except Hunrtay. DIKING OAKS O.N OODKN 1101'TE. PULLMAN HUKKKT BI.KKJ'KltH AND KECO.VD-Cl.ABSi BLKKl'JM' CABS Attached to all Tluouxh 'Iruiim. Direct couiiectlon nt kail rranclwo with Orel deiitnl nnd Oriental mid 1'aclllc muii ''J-","""'? line, for JAPAN und CHINA. BalUnif dU at iilicatlou. nU- and tlrketa to Kactern l1'1'..??. -nd rut. AlMiJAl'AN, CHINA, HU.W"- AC'BTKAI.IA,cuu be obtained (torn J. li. KIIIKI.AND, Tit kct Agent. Through Ticket Otllce, W Tlilrd Mreet. wkert throuRh ticket to all -lnt I" the twf Btatea, Cnniidnniid Kurope can be obl.mes low eat rate, from , ,.,. J. 1). KIHKLAND, Ticket Awt. All abovo truln. arrlvo at and dejrt liw Oraud Ceutral btutlon. Kllth and IrviliK H"1 YA.MII1M. DIVJHION. 1'a.Mmger Dejwt, fojt of Jeflermn .treet. U-uve for OSWKOO. dnlly, exce.t Puudr. 7:ZUH. in.; K';30, l:bi, &.16, ;j?00i 5 (and ll;yo p. in. ou Saturday oiily. aua V.. w and 3:U0 p. in, on bunda. iil'J- .A',J. i s5, Portland Qally nt C:40 and 8;au a m ' 0 4:15, 6;20 and 7:65 p. m., (and 10.05 m," 6.10 p. ui. on tiuudayi only), isave for Hheridan. week day, H:3PB Arrive at Portland, SiiUO a. w. U-ve for A I it LI K on Monday, rlnv utDiiOa. m. Arrive ttt.Por,1?fl' 1 Krl'ln day, iv, TJiurdy nnd Baturdaj it 3;0J p. iixcept Bunday, Jt. KK'.K, Maimer. Kxceit fcaiuruaj. (I. If. MAKKIIAJI. The farmer, the uiechuulc mid tbe b' m-.du rl.lr . Ilulilu to UMtXl'MlW C0V. and bruine. DeWitfa Witcu Halve U tbe bet tbinv to keep W W It beali quickly, nd i el' D Co care for pilet. Bnipef.Klner.ly MV