The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 23, 1898, Image 3

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    ...The Ax Has Fallen...
this time on the prices of
111' n P 9HT WHISTS
Never in the history of our business has
this cut been equalled.
Mm Am
Shi i
t vaists we
fcl.L'o, tfl.oU, tfli.UU, ..OU
can have your choice
For 75 cents.
"We want to let them go and we have decided that
COST CUTS NO FIGUKE in the matter if you want
one come and get it for just
One half the marked price.
"We make tfie
move the stock
have the room.
New goods
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
.IUNE 13, 189b'
Jle m to deimrt us the clock Hounded eight,
Aii'l cettim,' IiIb list mill ills cime,
His who ki-etly murmured, "Now, doii t stiiv
out line,
Dear Churlle, 'Heinember the Mmtie.
With thut somewhat startling injunction iu
Ife win. Imek home nt ten witli Ills i't,
Kor should he Miiy Inter lio very well, Knew,
Whut ii Eteut blowing Ui he would get.
Moonlight, excursion
Uy the Alpha Mandolin Club
Friday evening on the Regulator.
Weather forecast for today is fair.
Don't forget that Kellur keep3 the
beBt ice cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Fulk have the purest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Hood River strawberries by the crate
at The Dalles Commission Company's.
II. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin,
fiiiitur mid Ilanio. Headquarters at
Jacobsen'e. tf
The boats of tl e D. J'. & A. X. Co. will
leave Portland hereufter at 7 a. m. in
etead of 0:30.
Leave orderB for ico with the Stadel
lunn Commission Co. OHice cold storage
building. Phone W. tf
County Clerk Kelsay issued a tnar
tiago license yesterday to Franklin
tNoblo and M. A. K. Palmer.
Furnished rooms to rent, also Eiilts of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
' to 19 and 20, Chuutnnn Uloek. 17
Huvo you purclmsed tickets for the
moonlight excursion? If not, you had
better do so at once, or you will purely
miss n treat.
You can set $1 excursion tickets to i
Bonneville and return every Sunday at
either the depot or Umatilla House
ticket ofllces. UMw
The river last evoninf stood nt 30.8,
ehowlnjj u full of .1. Yesterday's tem
perature was -76 maximum, the mini
mum being 40.
There will be a special meeting of
Unthbou Sisters this evening for the
election of oftkers. All members ore
requested to bo present.
All the latest novelties in veilings just
received at Campbell & Wilson's milli
nery from New York City,
the headquarters of fashion.
A Scotchman hns constructed a bicycle
which he can take apart unci carry into
ft truln, after having folded It within the
fspace occupied by three umbrellus
lin Is till villi; wool
J for Jacob Wollner, etaried the ball roll-1
our regular
and 13.00 waists
and von
inducements as we wish to
are coming and we must
ing yesterday by purchasing the first
clip, nbout 25,000 pounds, paying a good
price, somewhere about 12 or 13 cents.
Portland schools closed yesterday, and
exercises were held in the aeeembly
room of the high school last evening.
The graduating class is one of the largest
in the history of the school, numbering
LoverB of good music as well as poet
ical wit, will be pleased to learn that
among the passengers on the Regulator
last night waB "U. P. Sam," whose dul
cet tones will no doubt be heard on our
street corners today.
Last night at about 9 o'clock a Bon
was born to the wife of W. H. Mans
field. Instead of walking the ties, as
most printers do, Billy can now walk
the Iloor. The Ciuto.vicu: congratulates
I Uim
r m
itn on his change of occupation.
Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon
begin on the erection of a new hot house
especially for the culture of carnations
and vtolets lue increasing traoe maues
TtiiIsTWwury and Mrs. Stubling feels
that her efforts will be appreciated by
her patrons. jel7
The National Congregational Council
will convene in Portland on the 7th of
next month, nnd will bo attended by
Contrreuntioiifiliets from every part of
the United States. A very instructive
and iuteiesting time is expected, and
many will attend from this city.
One very attractive feature of our cel
ebration will be the singing under tiio
leadership of Prof. Lundell. Besido a
double male quartet, a large chorus of
of mixed voices will furnish govern)
selections. Those who have been asked
to aid in this chorus should consider it a
privilege to do so.
The ministers nro not thfe ouly ones
who are being kept busy in the matri
monial market these days, although
they have been doing u land office busi
ness. Justice Filloon, determined not
to be outdone, Tuesday tied the knot
which united In marriage Win. A. Doyle
and Alice Spoonemore.
Tuesday evening during the time of
the social given by the ladies of the
Christian church, Lee Buskirk and an
other boy were coming down the stairB
leading to the basement. The boy un
intentionally gave Lee a push, which
caused him to fall down the stairway,
breiikiug his collar bone. Dr. Kshel
ltian was at once called uud reduced the
Herman Naylor was oriested yesterday
morning, having forged a check for $5.
He uavo the check to Jordon, who after
ward wus going to pay it to Joe Parodi.
However, the latter being tomew.uat
auspicious as to the way it was made
out, refused to accept it. Naylor then
took it, saying he would make out an
other, but instead tore it up and refused
to pay the amount. Accordingly ho
was arrested.
R. O. .Judson, who whs the prime
mover in the Wool-Growers' Associa
tion which was held here, is now busily
engaged in planning a convention of
farmers, which will bo held in Astoria
on July 20!h and 21st, principally in tho
interest of dairymen. Invitations will
be sent to every farmer in Oregon nnd
Washington, and tlmm who know Mr,
Judson aie assured of its success.
Kvery day numbers of people from
California nro arriving m Portland,
driven thero by the drouth.. A gentle
man from Southern California, speaking
of their coming, said : "People up hero
in emerald Oregon can form no idea of
what a lurfitilo southern drouth means,
and the snffcting and impoverishments
which it InfKrib on people. I ehall sell
my Southern California place and buy
(r small farm in Oregon."
If anyone lias an idea that The Dalles
is not all right in a business way, they
will soon change their minds by visiting
the different warehouses whero wool is
daily arriving, and then watching tho
teams going out loaded down with
supplies. Then call nt the commission
houses nnd see how much fruit is
shipped, not speaking of the other ship
ments made, and if The Dalles Is not
all right, whero do you find n place that
The annual convention of Christian
churches of this state begins this morn
ing :it Turner, near Salem, and will con
tinue until July -ith. Rev. Boltz and
wife.ol tho Christian church of this
city, went down on the boat yesterday
morning to be in attendance at the
opening sessions, and will bo absent
from the city for about two weeks, dur
ing which time the Sunday evening ser
vices at the Christian church wijl be
dispensed with.
The Good Intent Society, which met
with Mrs. D. M. French yesterday after
noon, was pnrticulariy favored by hav
ing with them Mrs. Hoxter, of the
Portland Refuge Home, who gave n
most interesting talk concerning the
the work of that institution. Those who
hea-d Mrs. Hoxter speak at the Metho
dist church one evening last winter,
were deeply impressed with the work
tliie institution is doing, and have, Eiuce
that time, felt more than a passing in
terest in its welfare.
Wednesday's weather report says:
"The Snake river eIiowb a marked fall
this morning. The Columbia remains
stationary. Cool weather continues
over the entire Columbia river basin.
The upper rivers will continue to tail
slowly. Tho fall will be observable at
Umatilla Thursday, at The Dalles Fri
day, nnd west of the Cascades on Satur
day. The fall will not be rapid but will
be continuous. There is absolutely no
danger of a further rise."
It is authoritively stated that on a new
quarts location on Willow Creek, four
miles above Malheur City, three men
have pounded out daily from thirty to
fifty dollnrs iu gold with hand mortars
and in the past twelve days have taken
out a total of sixteen hundred dollars.
This bonanza rivals the Great Northern
mine at Canyon City. It is said that
the ledge Is two feet in width and be
tween well defined wallB. There is a
widespread excitement over this find of
yellow metal and mining men of long
experience who have seen the property
are emphatic in asserting that a lasting
and prolific quartz mine has been un-(
Much is said in the Oregonian con
cerning Oregon's Official Roster, dedi
cated to tho Second Regiment, Oregon
Yolunteer Infantry, and compiled by
Amelie do F. Smith, of Portland. In
looking over a copy last evening, we
find it to bo a very valuable little souve
nir; especially w ill it be so in after years
when, ninvhnp, many, the likeness cf
whose faces can be found therein, and
whose signatures also appear, have giver,
their lives for their country. It is
ne'.itly gotten up and bound together
with Manila hemp. As we turned over
the rmues of the roster we could not
help feeling a pride that it contained so
many familiar signatures.
The Pendleton Tribune says: "It iu
said that the wheat fields in tho vicini
ty of Sand Hollow are beginning to
show eflects of what is snpposed to bo
the Hessian fly. The heads of tho wheat
turn white and the grains wither away.
These white heads can be teen in largo
numbers, but so far they are not enough
to eil'ect the yield. The fly is supposed
to luy an egg in tho joint of the stock,
which hutches into a worm that destroys
the plant. Tho insect has oeen known
in tho county for several years', but the
injuries have not been great enough to
cause much uttention, and no one has
made an exact study of tho parasite."
VutH Iu Your UUttclm.
All countv 'warrants registered prior
to May 10, 1891, will be paid nt my
office. Interest ceases after Juno 10,
1898. 0. L. Pnii.i.ii'H,
Countv Treasurer.
A first-clasB milch cow. Must be gen
tie. Inquire at this olllce, je2L3t
Ice cream sodu, Ice cream and straw
berries ut the Columbia Candy Factory.
Inll 1'flnpte Pavnrccl In Thin lltgard
Ntiiiirrou I'lncon for an On tin jr.
Dalles people do int fully appreciate
their advantages as regards summer
outings. Few peoplu nro so situated
that they have tho choice of such varied
means of enjoying their vacations.
Around us on every hand aro mountain
streams flowing through the most beau
tiful vnlloys, just tho Ideal place to
pitch a tent nnd take up an abode for n
few days. Or to the northwest is Mt.
Adams, wiiero not ulmie can tho beauty
of tho scenery bo enjoyed, but Trout lake,
near by, furnishes hid pie sport for nim
rods, nnd the berry patches nil the fruit
one would desire. Many take advantage
of tills latter fact to prepare berries for
winter use.
Then to the south of us is grand old
Mt. Hood, whirli, from the fact that
good accommodations are furnished nt
the inn, makes it grow to be moro popu
lnr every year ns a lesort.
For business men, who wish their
families to bo in close proximity, where
they can spend tho Sabbath with them,
Model Springs, Cascade Lucks, Hood
River, Collins' Lundmg, Jewett's, nnd
numberless places nlomr the river, fur
nish the very spots to go for an outing.
Then, too, how fortunate we nro in
being bo near tho seaside, and in having
thrco different resorts of this nature
from which to make a choice. Fares are
so cheap to either of these places that
most any of our citizens can spend n
portion of the summer enjoying the
ocean breezes nnd bathing in the surf.
These mentioned are not the only
places were an outing can be enjoyed,
but they arc too numerous to enumerate.
Truly we are a favored people in this
regard, and none should take up the
winter's work without having improved
these opportunities to refresli themselves
and become rested.
Suilley's Gliost.
Ghosts, hobgoblins and such uncanny
specimens are usually supposed to fre
quent old manses or haunted houses
and like spookey places; nor would we
think of discovering or encountering
one of these unwelcome visitors in u
new school building, especially in broad
daylight. However, such was the case
yesterday afternoon at the new building
on tho hill, when one of the workmen
came near losing his life from fright.
Being sent down to clean out one of the
duct9 in the basement, which had al
ready been covered with wood, prepara
tory to giving it a cement covering, lie
found himself in utter darkness, and
what was hit horror to also find that he
was not the only occupant of the duct,
but in tho other end loomed up a ghast
ly figure with white winia. Soon his
fellow workmen saw him "bob up se
renely from below" with a horrified ex
pression and shaking from head to foot.
As soon as he could speak he made
known his awful situation, nnd although
assured that it must be hia imagination,
no spirits being allowed on the ground,
he flatly refused to re-enter.
After much discussion, one bravo
workman, armed with n six-shooter,
ventured cautiously in. Creeping steal
thily up like a nigger ton hen roost, what
did he behold but a poor, litrlo white
chicken, flapping its wings for want of
breath, and with apparently no "fowl"
And yet Smiley declares that he is
not chicken-hearted.
Your summer's vacation will be in
complete without one of our Magazine
Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate
it. Takes twelve pictures without open
ing the camera. Ctll at Donnell'a drug
store and see them and tho pictures
taken with them. Prices $3.50, i)6 and
$10. 18-alt-tf
ice Guam Freezers.
ron ham: jiv
W(lle Mpa
maier & Beaton
Royal make the food pare,
wholesome and dettclout.
Absolutely Pure
Clii iip KnteN fur tlio Fourth T .Till y.
For the Fourth of .July the O. It. & N.
Co. will sell tickets from Tho Dalles to
any station in Oregon nnd return, in
cluding Walluln nnd Walla Walln,
Wash,, nt tho rate of one faro for the
round trip. Tickets on talo July 2d, 3d
and 4th. Tickets good for return up to
and including July 0, 189S.
Thousands of aufl'erorj from grippe
have been restored to health by Ono
Minute Couuli Cure. It quickly cures
cougliB, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and nil throat nnd lung
diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Ico Cream wholesale and retail at the
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials nnd ico cream festi
vals solicited. Don't forget that our
ice cream sodas nro tho best in thecitv.
Tn Curo a Colli In Ono Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnbr
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 2oc,
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong
est you can get. tf
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns.
J. H. CROSS has removed his store to tho Vogt
Block, next door to the Posl'oflice, where he will bo pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and PEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Cloudy Weatheir Ppefepped fonSittings.
Chapman Block.
Jfau You Srp Our
Up-to-Dato in 10 very "Respect.
Adjustable Steel Jlundlo liars.
Celebrated G. & .1. Detachable Tires.
Wo have opened our
1 1 ti ti of
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates,
Phone 26.
Just CUhat
You GUant.
New idem in Wall P.ipor here. Such
wide variety n we are fhowitig never be
fore graced n clnglu stick. Itenl imita
tion creton ell'eels at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small prion, at our store on Third
street. Also a full lino of house paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and
Miss Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Briggs' Old Stand.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation nnd nil stomach nnd liver
trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Price only $35.
renting department with, a
new wheels.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Oak and
J. T. Peters & Co.