C E L E B RMTION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME ALL. A cordial invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and everj thing to make you happy. The festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The DalleS Daily ChMniete. iFeyioustrnnsactionswcrcsweinawnyj J . bv his loises in the .Julv nnu beptcm-1 i ber deal recently entered into. Advertising Kates. Thus Loiter follows MuGcorImJ PfriiicA. , ITntnliinsnn mirl llir nhtnr rinrinrr nmi Oue lr,eh or less In Dally SI 50; vcr two inches mid under four inches. .. j co; brilliant operators on the Chicaco ver four lnche and under twelve indies.. 75 i yer twelve inche jo i Produce Lxclmngc who liau tbetr daily akd wEEKtY. rH11 of successes for a few months or ne inch or less, rcr ir.ch ?2 50 i Over one inch and under four inche. ... 2 eo ' years and then met disaster. 1th Over four inches and under twelve iuebe 1 50 " over twelve inches lea Leiter. Waterloo followed closer I I fieux Columbia Hotel For Spanish Headache 0. R. N. GO SUUSCIUI'TION l'KICK. One week $ One month 50 j neary One year l 00 THfRsDAY - THE FALL OF LEITER, ! after Austerlitz than it did in the I case of most of his forerunners, but 15 1 Waterloo sooner or later came to all of them. Demand and supply determine price in the long JCE 23, ISOS.run. Individuals or syndicates with, ; large capital and resources ma cur-' S tail supplj for a time, but in a com- ruodity like wheat, which is produced ; The fate of Josenh Leiter. the dr. in many countries and at varying ! throned wheat kins, shows for the degrees of distance from the equator thousandth time that, the laws nf north and south, this feat can not be trade carrv swifter and comnleter 5:ePl UP lo?- Ic is vain t0 attempt j punishment to their violaters than to frame laws to prevent or punish that which any mere statutory enact- cornering of markets. The oomuier ments could inflict, says the Globe- cial lliws wuiclj tue cornerers violate Democrat. Along until two or three do tbls work quicker and surer, weeks auo Leiter was popularly re- -Leiter displayed ski'l and daring, but puted to be worth from 3.000.000 he macle the blunder committed by , tn fttft.nnn.nnn. nnrl nroflinf inns worn i almost all his progenitors. He as made that in a year or two his for- fsumed because of his initial sue tiint would 1p n? hi ti,ni nf tm cesses that the experience of his Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers or the forerunners carried no warnings Astors. But his rise was far quicker w'hich ue was bound to respect, than was that of any of those mag- , Letter's fall teaches tiie lesson anew nate, and, of course, he operated in tuat natural laws can not be sus- a different field and by different I pcntled indefinitely for the benefit of j methods. A little over a year ago an-v man or an-v collection of men, he first appeared in the wheat market, , however audacious and resourceful, and he scored a series of brilliant I . . , , , , , , IVhooplnc Cough. successes which have had fow paral-1 , , , . I had a little twy who was nearlv dead lels in the history of any of the great from an aUack of whoopintr couirh My speculative exchanges. He appeared neighbors recommended Chamberlain's' to have the Midas touch. His pur- Couph Remedy. I did not think that chases seemed to immediately turn any medicine would help him, but after into poW. He onm n nrPn P. Ivin him 6 ,eW do9eS o tt,e remed-V 1 ! . , , , . noticed an improvement, and one bot'Ie national character. Ihe bread riots .j u-. .i.i.. t. i. .., w,. ... IS THE BEST 5i.oo PER DAY HOUSE IX THE CITV J. JW.'TOOmEY, Prop. The Dalles, Or. I'm: TIMK KriIKDt'l.r., I'llOM Dai.m:. Fust jiilt I.nk, Denver, It Mult ; Worth, tiiiiiiliu, Kun 11:30)1. in. mm City, St. Uinta. Chicago n i id Kimt. Auiiivi 1 11UK. Mull. 3 10n.ia. TV PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am nowprepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. r War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at flydryuj feller's ?afe. ,X'-;?v l t Fir b p. in. ! Wis . t Uncle Sam in mixinc a dofe that will suri:lv cure. Not nil lu'iidnche curt-H ItrinR about relief and many lmv u bad fll'ect on tnt) heart and nytm-iii gunerully. We can oiler you one not po violent in its methods ae Vncle Maui's, but otm whi:h will rt'tnove itui cnusn and enre the lieudnche. Trv DOCTOU WOODS' H EADACH Ii CL'liE. Put up by Flyer S;SU i. m. 1 p. m. tVnlln Wnlla. HK)Liit)c, Sriokaiie Mlli!ii'nioliK. St. 1'iuu, hjCI, Itulut h, .vllwiitikrc, (, oo. a. Ctilcufo mid liukt. VUOV l'01'.TI.AMl. Oci-iiii Htcmntililiii. Alt snllhik' iliiU- ubiir.t tO (.llllllKC. For pfiii FrotitiM-o--itll Jim 3, rt. U, 12, 1."., is, 21, it, it, :w. 4 p.m. TO A1.ARKA shII JuuuT, 26. j p. m. b II. 111. Inn Kx.Miiiiliij'jCnlniriMn Ilv. HleHtncri. Kx.sundaT I'lo Amiltl.v mid Wi:y Sittinluy lotiUltiR. 10 l. ill. ; Cn. m. Willamette IIivki:. i:x.bunduy()iti;(iii citi. Ni-wlwre. hi.Buadiy 1 Suluiii A Wtiy Ijind . Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts Oysters in any strle. Ji ELI ABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoufl Street. THE DALLES, 7 H. Ill, fW'lLLAMLTTi: ANK AJ! 3.3)p.El. Tur.Tliur. hill itiVEiis. Mon.,tt'ei, uiulfciil. Ortvou City, Diiyttin. andfrL j mid Way-l jinrtiiiKii. fin. m. i illaxetti: llivrr.. -I ;p.m. Tuc.Ttiiir, l'lirtiuiKl to (orvulllH, Tue., that, mid Hal.' mid NVny.laiiidliiCh. nmlSaL l.KAVK lill'AI'.U. 1 : li ii.iii, Mon.. mid Frlduj K.vaki: Kivki:. liljmrlis to LvnlHton. I.CAVI LEWlSIO.t. ,'. liLB. .-un.,Tc.. nd Ttur, Regulator lAne and teeth. tf U7e fire Doing fleat apd rtstie por FJeasopable prices.- in Italy, Austria and Spam were at- medicine I ever had in the house. tributed. thouch not with entire jus-' Moore, Sonth Bureettstown, Pa. . , . . For sale bv Biakelev & Houghton, tice, to his control of the markets. ' '. lie was a force with whom politician Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotion for and statesmen all over the vorld 8UnburK and wind chafing- tf were compelled to reckon. Then, One Minute Cougbr Cure, cures, even more swiftly and suddenly than Th,t u what it WM m.dc ir. his emernento. bis efillnnse mi. L'se Clarke & Falk'e Rosofoam or the H is the old story of the folly of attempting to set aside the laws of trade for any considerable length of time, and the foolhardiness and fa-! tuity which seize men who score a I success at the outset in this endeavor, j Leiter bought wheat low and in large quantities, with the expectation that ' operators and dealers in jt would be compelled to some to him ultimately for their purchases, and have to pay him the price which he would fix. . The conditions were on his side. The world's wheat yield in 1890 and 1897 was small, and prices were, on the whole, fairly high. He looked' for a repetition of the short crop this ; year, and this, with the war, which was seen to lie inevitable hulf a year or more before it came, made him believe that it would be compara-' tively easy for n bold and skillful speculator with an abundance of money, who could hold a large quan-' tity of wheat out of the market, to j send It up to higher figures than were touched in many years. For a time be succeeded. Success incited rash-' nesg. Then came the big crop in the United States and the prospect of a I fair-sized yield in the rest of tbe world. This precipitated a drop in pnc, tad ike profits of all Leiter's I DEALERS IN : n 4 i 4 f p. h i kinas ot Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS Funeral Supplies! embalmers The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. The Dalles. Portlaifl aui Astoria Navigation Co.' flu. K For full luirtlcuhtrh call on O. K, iV X. Cft'i iiL'cnt The Dulltfc. or mldtex.- W. II. ni l'.LllNRT, Oeu. I'm. Apt , rtittUnd. Ot EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE I as rfe Southern Pacific Comp'y. ; TruliiH lenve and hic due to arrive at I'oruii 7. Z. DONNELL, PSESCItfPTIOrl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. iOpp. A. M. Williams & Co., Til ID DALLES, OR i jstrs. Regulator S Dalles City I FREIGHT AND PASSENUE.R LINE IiKTWEEH j Tlie Uullts, lUtftil Klvcr, Ductule Ixxtk and 1'ort- miiu Ulill, -Tc'iir ounuiiy. l.KAVr.. i Are T0U gOillg We Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue d5 a trial. $r;ro9KI pub. So. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. , C. F. STEPHENS. uxho DOWN THE VALLEY on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? If no, snvp motioy ntid enjor u rx-sutlful trlii nn Uic (.(iliimlilii. 'Jh(-wHjuiii(1 triiln urrlvcHiit 1 no 11h1Ii: In imiiilo tlinu for jmivii:crt to tiiku the ek-iuncr, nrrlvliip in rortlttnd in time for the rmiKHliig houthcril uml Northern trnlnn; Kimt Ulind ).MkeiiKerH nrrlvliiK In 'J ho I)nfh In time to Uikc the hunt-hound truln. for further Inforiniitioii iijily to J. X. IIAI'.XKV, Agent, Oiik 8trtet Dock, J'ortlanrt, Orwon, Or W C. AI.I.AWAY, (ion! Agt., "I'he fiiillen, ort'con OVEK1.A.ND KX iiroib, enlvin, Koi Imri;, Aiihlnnd, hue c.-m ! m ) ruinento, Ogdoii.niiii ' b.w i . ai. Fruncll(W)( Mojiivc, ( ,r.i i U) Alini'Icf, New urluKim BIO. uud 1 I Kimt s-so M '"""t'hurc end y iLiitim f Vht WiKxlhurn I t tiHilt- ! I Mt.AiiKi'l, bllverloi,, KtlliaiiVi vii .;,oirillKWiu..u troii 17:S0 A. M.! liij txctft :!0P.M. CorvnllU und KtHllnn'.,,,, . IXDEl'KXUKSCK I'AHaiiNf.KH. ll,rws ulB I ;M) i. in, ":'M p, m. b.-itu p. in. Ihilly (exeejit oitnilnyj I,v, ..I'ortluiKl ''-J nn villi' l-v ( I id n ci- 1 ' !l,V, ..Tort Al McMIn Ar. .lndfi! CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streots. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. i i oiosea Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tm A. War mhI Jit. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR. I liAHE 4 3 GENEKAI. Biacksmiins : AND WagonmaRers ; i i Dully. f Uuiiy, excejit bunnny. UININU CAIIS ON OOlit.N ilOl'TE. I'UM,.MAN MUKKCT HLEEi'KK? AND HKCO.ND-CLAHd BI.KEl'lNCf CA" Attiiohwl to nil Thruueb Tralin. Direct coniu-ftlon lit fcmi rnili'-bfo deutiil mid Oriental und I'Hi'ilic muli 'P"' ,5 lllie for JAI'AN und CHINA. bulllUC "c lliitea hiid ticket)! to KnMern i it fja roiH., AloJAI'AN, CHINA, lliiNOatU fc Al'STItALIA. eim he obtiiln-tl'r,;i'i. t J. li. li I KK1.AMJ, Ticket ARC&i. Through Ticket Olhec, 131 Third 'fl tlirouBh tlekei to nil point i" " ,1 Htte, Canada and Europe eun to oblaii.w All Hiiovo trulnH urrlvu lit urn I W Ormid Cuutr! Htntloti. Klfth mid lru ' VAMIIiU. DIVI8IO I'MMitigur Deiot, foot of Jedemoii iltcct t Ik Horifl Ihnalncr a Specialty, r l4ne for OSWEGO, dully, m.i l'.';ao. l:M, &:I4. t-t! 11:M p. in. on Hiiturd)-oiiiy, m';'15re ,t 7 (mid Portland dully nt 'frAO mid '" S , U N:15, OVA) mid 7:65 p. w '(ui'J W:w m ' &:iu p. in, ou tjuuduyk oulyj. Unve for Blierldnii, week dny. 39'" U-flve for A I KM E on Mommy, JJJJfp . r tMny at 9:10 n. in. Mtlw Ht lor" na, duv, Thuuduy mid aoturuuj Except fiuudiiy. 'Except Siiturday. iluuiwor. Ami. O. i.i'; . . .. ..,! the bl Tlie fartnur, tli inufiianic cycle rider ore liable to Unc xpectecJ c and bruise. DWM WUcb oane in iim ucm, It helB quickly, end is well "" nil,, for r. g. Hn nee-Jvllierei; MMV - w