Tt Dalles DtHy ChrciH-jUt. TOE DALLES, - - - OKKC1UN i THE EXCRLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the oripinality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svrop Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing: the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Ftps is manufactured by the Caxifokxia Fig Svbup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pei ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Srittrr Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has piven to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is iar in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and "bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneScial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FttANCISCO. CaJ. XOUISVILMl. Ky. NEW TORE. N. T. PERSONAL MENTION. L. E. Morris, of White Salmon, is in the city. J. C. O'Leary, of Sisters, was in the city yesterday. Mr. T. F. Doty, of Colorado Spring?, is a guest in our city. T A. Van Jiorden returned on the 11:45 train last night. Mr. H. Herbrine came up from Port land on the boat last evening. J. II. Smith, a Bheepman from Cen- terville, came over from that place last evening. Mrs. .Dr. Burdick is in the city in the interest of the Viavi MedicineCompany, of Portland. W. E. Miles, representing the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co., came up oa the late train last night. Miss Virginia Marden, having spent the past week at the home of E. L. Smith nt Hood liiver, returned on last cvening'e train. Among those registered at the Uma tilla, we rind the names of M. H. Van Gelder and family, of Wasco, and John Hinkie and wife, of Prineville. Mrs. B. Moorehead, of University Tark, who spent yesterday with the family of A. M. Kelsay, left on last evening's train to visit relatives at Wasco. Mr. W. H. Kay, father of Mrs. Jos. Deforest, who came to The Dalles some months s'nee with his daughter, will leave on the evening train for his home in Decatur, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Bnssell Sewall, who have been visitine relatives in the city for the past week, will return to Port land this morning. Mr. Sewall has re cently been elected dintrict attorney, nd will enter upon his duties about the first of July. Mies Bartlett, who has been visiting the family ot E. L. Smith at Hood liiver, passsd through on the 5 :20 train last evening on her way to Walla Walla. After visiting for a Bhort time there and at La Grande, elie will return to her iiome in Esu Claire, Wis. Miss Carrie Butler epent vesterda in the city and will return to Portland to-' day. In company with Miss Nellie she i will leave for Centralia this afternoou ! to visit their eister, and about the 27th I they will sail forSkaguay to spend their ! vacation with their parents. I Mrs. M. E. Horter, of Purtland, who was in the city during the winter in the ' interest of the IJefoge Home, came np J last evening, and i. a guest of Mrs. C. j j. uranuau. .Mrs. riorter will visit Goldendale ami other towns near here in the interest of her noble work. Cheap Uatr. fur the fourth of July. For the Fouith of July the O. 11. & X. J Co. will tell tickete from The Dallee to any station in Oregon and return, in cluding Wallula and Walla Walla. Wab., at the rate of one fare for the I round trip. TicketB on eale July 2d, 3d and 4th. Tiekem good for return up to and including July G, 1693, Thousands of suflererj from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Couzh Cure. It quickly cures coughs, eolds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung dlseasee. .Snipeg-Kinersly Drug Co. To Cure Cold In On Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c, Now ie the time to spray with Paris Green. Clarke & Falk have tbe strong est you can get. tf Use Clarke & Falk'a Boiofoam lor the twith. Witt' Witch Hazel Salv GUN fiU. SMsUto, I KnterprlnlDK DrugglM. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than lllnkel ;y & Hough- ton, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now haveVhe valunble agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its ninny startling cures ! It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, ' Hoarseness nnd all affections of the throat, chest nnd lnngs. Cull at the ' above drugstore nnd get a trial bottle , free or a regular size for 50 ceuts and $1. Guaranteed to cure or price re funded. j Bad management keeps more people in hard circumstances than any other one cause. To be successful one must look nhead nnd plan ahead so that when a.favorabif opportunity presents itself lie is ready to take advantage of tt. A little forethought will aiso save much expense nnd valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia rhoea Remedy in the house. The shiit iess feliow will wait until necessity com pels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay. besides. One pays 25 cents; the other is out one hundred dollars and then wonders why his neighbor is get ting richer while he is s;ettiug poorer. For sale bv Blakelev & Houzhton. I was seriously afliicted with a cough for several years, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without re ceiving much relief, am being recom mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, know ing me to be a poor widow, gave It tome I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved me very much and the second bottle has ab solutely cured me. I have not had as good health lor twenty years. Respect fully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard. Claremore, Ark. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Mr. P. Ketcham, oi Pike City, Cal., says: "During my brother's late sick ness from Sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the only reme dy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by Blakeley it Houghton. The special attraction at Bonneville every Sunday during the summer sea son will be an attractive and pleasing outdoor specialty performance under the management of the Fredericksburg theater, of Portland. Round trip fare from The Dalles only $1. 10 lw Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offerinp. Call and eee our '93 models. Maier & lienton. KODAKS. We sell them because we have the right kiii J. Any price from $1 to $10. Easy to take, develop and finish. Come and see a sample of pictures taken with them. Donnkll, Drngeist. A little boy asked lor a bottle of "?et up in tbe morning as fast as you can," the druggist recoguiztd a household name lor "DeWitt's Little Early I'.isers" and cave him a hittle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver and stomach troubles. Snipes Kinersly Drue Co. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it v5 mdr lor 1 A Beautiful Present 1 MnilTMIIl MW MM ill In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x10 inches in size.and are entitled as follows: fa Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. .1 . These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in tbe orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are tbe correct thing for tbe home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. :iHcfESro, Elastic Starch purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on tbe market, and 13 sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. DeatnvM Cannot he Cared by local applications, ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one wny to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is causpd by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you hnve a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ts en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condi'iou of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any eae of Deafness icau'd ny catarrh' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. ( he.vky & Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, "oc. (-10 DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. Gold F'lling, Crown and Bridge Work a speciality. Dr. Bon hum gives every Wednesday from 10 to 12 a. m. for free extracting, absolutely painless. Gold fillings fl.50 and upwards. CHAPMAN BLOCK. me Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCFACTCKtKs OF Tine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1ED BEEF. ETC. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncc, Tltr. ru.E. Or., M.y 16, Iz-rt. i Notice i- hereby siren that the followltic named -ettlei hits tiled notice of his intention tt mate final proof in Minium of his clnlm, hiiiI that said tirrof will maite twfore the Kesiter and Receiver at The Duller. Oregon, on Monday, Juried, lyja, viz- ! Jurih It. Hull, nf Thr Dal Ira. ' Homestead Application No 3slS, for the w , ne4. ew. S3, Tp. 1 N. It U K, W. 31. He names the tullowiiie witnesses to prove i hi continuou residence upjn and cultivation of aiii land, viz. - A. Walter?. Frank Obrist. W. Wolf, James Hall, all of The Dalles. Oregon. JAS. F. 3100UF.. Reratcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, The Vxu.r.-, Ob..i Jlay :il. lsth. Notice is 1 ereby given that the following named e:tler has filed notice of his intetition to make tinal proof iu support of his clnlm. and that said proof will iw made before the Register and Receiver at 1 be Dalles. Oregon, on Wednes day, July 13, viz AlWert H. hirpufy, of .Mosler, Homestead Application J.o. 4J!I for the.E section 19. ToH-tiship N. Range 12 E. W. 31. He names the following witnesiea tu prove his couttnuou-t tesidence upon and cultivation of said land, viz 1 Kvan. George Evans. James Ilrown nnd Sidne-- 31. Hrlggs. ai: of iio-Ier. oregor.. juul it Jas. F 3IOORE. Rcghter. ONE FOR A DOSE. Roraote P.rapln, Prrrnt Ki.ionn, I'urifr thelllood, are HUchen'l Ljdiia. PILLS t,oc jno. . will Mii ttBiiii, It--, or foil Iwx for i-cMiu, dnstuij. DR. BOSAHKO CO. Phila. Pa. Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. it. M. Hl. , Caihlei : First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A general banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. 1 Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold os New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKS D. P. Tuoxphon. Jno. S. ScnR.VCK. Ed. M. Wilmakr, Gko. A. Li km. H. M. ItKAt.l.. Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. 0 n ullman Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car Elegent Tourist MT. I'AIII. Ml.N'.NEAI'OLI ni:i.UTii lAlAH) rit CItOOKSTON WINNIl'KO IIKI.K.VA n llt.'TTE Through Tiekets CIHCAUO WAKI11NUTON I'Ul I A SEW VOUK BOHTOS AND ALL i 1'OINTS EAST kin! MOUTH Kor information, time enrds, map and tlctcu cal on or write to W. C. ALLA WAY. Afjent, The ImIIwi, Oresoc Oh A. D. AHLTOX. Asst. G. P. A., ij rrlsoc Cor. Thin!. I'ortlani! OrwtOL 50 Years 50 Undisputed supreinacv in the World's Competition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value of Flock Cheap, Safe, Handy, Clean, Wholesome anu uuorlees. ' Reeonnnended by Manufacture's, Kcour ers and litiyere. Bold by I PEASE & MAYS, ' THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Rolrts, Generul Aijent, 217 Ash Street, Portland, Oretron. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. . Tit ASH ACT A KSEKALBANKINO JJU61NE8 I Letters of Credit ieaued available in the Eastern States. ' Sllfht Exchange and Telwrraphit ; Transfers sold ou New York, Chicago, bt. Louis, fean Francisco, Portland Ore- Kon, Seattle Wash., and in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all poluti oa fav orable tortus. ' J. S. 8CHBMK. President. Flags and Bunting. Maps of Guba. Latest Illustrated Newspapers. AT I. C. Nickelsen Book St music Company. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly ntteadeJ to, mid warmnUM. j 174 VOGT BLOC Meals at the Clarendon Restaurant. JOHN DONOHUE. Propr be Clarendon Is thr best Restaurant in The Dalles. Meals at All Hours. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Cigars. Wny do we retail more Cigars than others? Why do etnokcrs po out of their wny and pass cigars of the same i;rude? Not because we have letter eisnra or better brunde, or any greater variety j no, not that. Why, becauso we have the fim-Ht ci L'ar custe in the stHte und keep our cigars in better condition. Snipes-KInersly Drug Co PALACE GOItUIWBlA GflflDY FACTORY CAFE. FRESH CANDJES, NUTS, CIGARS AND TOBAf'CO. Ice Cream Parlor m Connection. CAREY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street. lap Jorder;. 1 ' Has a full Line of Watches that can be bought at reasonable prices All Goods as represented, Hxt doop to First national Bank, Subscribe for The Chronicle PROFESSIONALS. ..-.-WS'S'SS ."--'iViStn-ii-.i.i. . J.J A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & ro.'s Jintifc l'lionoO, TIIK riAI.LKS.OUEOOX. J)AN ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Sit'lnlty. Swiml Street, THE h.VU.KS, OKEG0.V J-ltS-(IKl.SKNmHtrFKR & HlfEIIV, Physicians and Surgeons, SjHtlttl attention t;Jvcit lo nursery. UooniMI Mill 21. Tel. ICS VogtlllocS: II k lll'KTtJfr.TOX 11 witso.v I I I I'NTI.VGTOS & WILSON, 11 ATIOKNKYS AT I.AW. TIIK DALLES, OREGON Otlicc ovr First Nat. limit. ' ITWKD. W. WII-BON'. r ATTOK.NKY AT LVW. Till'. UAI.l.K;, OKK00.V, Otllce met Tlrst .Nat. Unit. y TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. S. With Dr. S. II. Frniler, Dentist. I'lntes I'Mtlitls IS, lull uiter or lower T 30. ORleo ihmio -7i. L'mntilln Hoiiie, Itcxiimt 1 mid C'hujiimtti Itlock. ..ghas. m Butchers and Farmers Exchange.. Keep on draught the celebrated COI.I'.MillA It K Kit, acknowl edged the iM-st b-er in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try it and lie eouvlnced, Al'i the nitwit brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sondcuiehes nf lilt tv I tiflti ntu-iiVK nfi Imtirl U j GUNNING & HOCKMAN, GKNEUAL mil... HDrse-snoeing. UEAI.EUS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles and Ulacksniiths'Siijiplies. Hivcin! Httctittntt will Riven to all chum.' in work. ALL 0UK WORK WAKH ANTED. iiRoti Shoi in conncctiot: Tel. 157. SECOND STREET. Schlitz's Bock Boer. Fresh und the first of the h.'Uhoii at the Midway. OF SWEETS. Biacksmiimng Fine Watch Wotk Specialty. THE DALLES, OR.