CBUE B RATION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th. 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Advc rtNluc Hate. one inch or less in Pally ... a a) , ver two inche and under four Inches . . . 1 (X . Ter four lnche and under twelve Inches.. 75 DXH.T isa wmkit. Jnetnch or less, wr Inch j i Over one inch nud under four inche 2 CO over four inches and under twelve inches., i Over twelve inches 1 . . I SUBSCKIPTIOX ritlCE. One week $ 15 j One month 50 One vear 6 00 WEDNESDAY .IUXE 22. 1S9: OUR AltJJY AT SASTIAGO. .... , The first division of Genera! ahaf-; ter's army is now in Cuba, The O')- ject of the expedition is the capture of Santiago, the capital of Eastern Cuba, and, after Havana, the strong est position occupied by the Span iards. Just now Santiago is more important to the Americans than Ila vana, because the finest cruisers of the Spanish navv- are in the harbor. The capture of the city insures the capture or destruction of the ene- m''s fleet. Admiral Sampson's fleet ha? de stroyed nearly all of the stroncer fortiGcations at the entrance of San tiago harbor, and virtually has pos session of Guantanamo ba' to the east. A part of Shafter's army is expected to re-inforce the marines at Camp McCalla, and so extend the lines as to make the 033 a safe bar- j OOr IOr ttie transporti and ffar ves j w roruana euuer wis year or iub iui- sels. This will be the first step jnilo,v5ne- establishing a base of operations on ! fiuhan soil. After the trnorw have I , , , j , , . , .' been landed and have established! their camps, dispositions will be made for a combined attack by f army and navj on the Spaniards at j Sintinon " ' . , . . 1 Iherc is little prospect of an im-; mediate battle unless the Spaniards 1 have concentrated a force iare ; encugh to resist the landing of our j troops. This is not probable, be- I came tbe navy Is in position to cover tbe landing of the entire army at any chosen point. If the landing is at Caimanrra, eight or ten miles from the entrance of Guantanamo baj, there is a railway from there to the City of Guantanamo, fifteen miles to the north, which would probably be looked after at once. I Caimanera is a health' place at all j seasons, and vessels of any draught can enter the harbor. Vessels huv- j ing a dreught of fourteen feet can lie at the wharf and transfer cargoes to the railway cars. If this is to be j the base, the first operations of the ; urmy will l,e directed to making it secure against any attack. This is fifty miles east of Santiago, and bay the campaign in Guantanamo would be preliminary to the movement against Santiago. There is a landing place within a few miles of Santiago, but this would not be nvnllnllln nil n Rito fnr n lnrni fnmn General Shafter has with him the flower of the American nrtny. He lias studied the situation thoroughly; be is one of the most determined and energetic ofllcers in the service, and campaigning in earnest will be gin as soon as he has established kiin elf on Cuban soil. It has been the twiBCW of lite navy, to mislead tbe Spaniards as to Shafter's real plans. These will be developed when the army is read- to strike. t ;t- i- . ; l .... v. u . .1... mnrched up the bill and then inarched clown riCJiin, the Cadiz lleet re mnined at Ceuta. North Atrica. on , its wnr to Manila, just lcnn CllOUCU . - J - - ! t0 turn around and steer back With i all expedition for home. The man who speaks of this struggle as a fea tureless war has no appreciation of uic picturesque. The Educators. The National convention of teachers will be held in Washington, D. C, July ,7-12. The membership is very large. reachIn rom ten ,0 fiteen thousand a vear. A stronr? effort is beine made j to hold the meetinc of the national as sociation at Portland nest year, and, with this in view, arrangements will be ; , made to organize an excursion party to j visit Washington, leaviac Portland Julv ! ls. It is expected that the lowest round trip rates will be secured, and that all ' of the trans-continental railway lines ' will inin in these lowest rates and in the work of secur5ng the mwtm j0r Port- jand. All persons wishing to join this ex cursion will receive the benefit oi the 1 reduced rates and extended time, and j can have the advantage ot visiting J Washington, tne Omaha exposition and i the great cities of the Eastern states. City Superintendent Frank Rigler, of ! Portland, state manager, and Prof. E. B. McElroy, a director of the H. E. A. ior Oreiron. are takin" active stens to or- anize an attendance from this state this year, and to bring the association Whuoplnc Congh. I I had a little buy who was nearlv dead from an attack of whooping cough. My!; ... .7 f .is , neighbors recommended Chamberlain e 1 Cough P.emedr. I did not think that1 anv medicine would help him, but after j givini: him e iew doses of the remedy 1 ' noticed an improvement, and one bottle , 1 T t I. t I. curea uim entirely. Jt it ine ueai couku nmlicine T ever had in the bmw.v. E. Moore, Sonth Burirettetown, Pa. For sale by Blakeley & Honghton. Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. if One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made far. Ue pre Doing fleat apd rtstie Priptir;.. por FJeasopable priee5.- We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (jive us a trial. (ropKI pub. ! 0 ALL. Jieui Columbia Hotel IS THE BEST 5i.oo PER HOUSE IN THE CITY J. JVI. TOOmEY, Prop. sa PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No War You will ahva's have the benefit of Low Prices at f)dr(j feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oygtei'S ill any Stvle Grandall DEALERS IN J JdQfjs of UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. funeral Supplies 7VL Z. DONNELL. PESCIPTI0J1 DRUGGIST I TOILET ARTICLES 1 1 1 Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., has has uxho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Tm 1 Wirt ui Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALIES, OR. A cordial i -1 rrt DAY The Dalles, Or. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OIiJVt the best Dress Goods the best Shoes has everything to be foun first-class Dry Goods Store. in a STEPHENS.! Btos. -Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The For Spanish Headache- Uncle Sam is mixing a done that will surely cure. Not all headnche cure? bring about relief and many have a bad utTeet on the heart and system generally. We can offer you one not so violent in its methods as Uncle Satn'p, but one which will remove the cause and cure the nVndnrhe. Trv DOCTOK WOODS' HEADACHE CURE. Put up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Scconfl Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line.V Tie Dalles, Forfait and Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator S Dalies City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE 11 ET WE K.N j The Dalle, Hood I'.lver, Ciiundo Locks aud I'ort- iuiiu UIUIJ , ift'lir ftUIIUtiy, ( DOWN THE VALLEY , OK TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are vou going The Dulles lu nmnlii time fnr the xiL-iiinur, nrrlvliiB in Tortliind In tlmi! Ior thu oiilBdliiK ooutlierH una Northern trulim; Kimt Ixiuiul j..ii.'iuiikii iinlvlnt: in Tho 1Ju1Ii-h In time to tuku the Luxt-Uiuiid triiln, tut hlrthur Infonimtlou njijily to J. N. HAKSKV, ABimt, Ouk otrret Dock, rortlimd, OrcKon, Or W c. AI.I.AWAV, (ien. Ant., Tim Dalle. Ori'K'on j I IT , f Horse Shotting a Specialty Steond Street. J w 4gb 1 t GK.S'KltAI, J Biacksmnns Waliaters 0. R. & N. CO I Dr.puix i timj: ciiKiiru:. Ar.civc Foil FltOM D.U.I.KX. KllOM. Flut Stilt I.nlc. tleiivfr. Ft. fat Mull Worth, Omahu, Kan Mull 11:50 ji.tn. Mm City, rtt. UmU. SI" a. tr Chluiigo mid Knit. KKikimc VViilla Wnlln, fiokiuie. tiiokunc Flyer Mltiiirujiolli. pt. I'mil, Kijcr (: p. :u. I) u 1 u t h, Mltwnukee, i jo a. ra. CUIcucu mid Kust. S i. m. Fmom I'okti.amj. 4 j,. ni. Orrnti Kteaiuhltlji. All sullliiK (Intra nubjift to ctiiuieu. For ?rn FroneiM'o-- sull Juii .", t'i. y, 13, l.'i, 1K, "l, .m, t., :ta Tp. in. Toalacka , p. n. sull June 7, "Ji. b ji. in. 4 ji. n. I.x.suinJny C'oluralilii IIv. Stfiunern. Er.huudsj To .Wor.u mid Way Snttminy IjinailiRv 10 ji. m. i fin. m. Willamette Hivkr. I ,or, n. Ex.autiUuy Ort.'KOii IMtr. Nun Ihtc, Ex.sund J ' aivioni it W ay Ijihc u. in, iLi.Aiir.rrr. and yam 3 :ai n. m. Ttics.Tlmr.' kill IdVKiui. lion ,Wrf., mid tvl. utt'con miy, jdiyton ami i n. . una ny-1 jiud ItiRs. Cn. m. i Wn.LArTT: IttVEU. 1; 30 p.m. TucTlmr, i'ortlnml In CurtulIU, liic . rhu:, r und e'nt.j und Wny-UiiidliiBs. ulidiat 1.i:ax'e j ItirtuiA. I.IS11.111. Mon.. Wud.J nud Hrldii) I.KAVI I.EWIfTO.V. '. : a. m. nuu-.Tuco.. ' und Thu:. S.VAKK ItlVCU. llljiurla to liulHtuti. I'or full jiiirtlculiir call on 0. U. & N. Co.'J f.yclit The iMlltfc. or uddrcBx v. 11 iirituisiiT, Gcii. I'uh. Act., I'ortisnd, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIIE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnlnn leave and uri; due to unire ut 1'ortUn LEA vr.. . ,- OVKKI.AN1) KX I lircus bnlein, Kone I huric, Atihlitnd, bm- , (..nn ! v J rmnento, Ogdcn.nuti U.W 1 . M. Krucl,i .Mojuvf, f , j Ia AUKelen.Kl 1'hho. ; I New orkuus una I I Knxt 'lioseburg und y ktu .tliiim . IfVlu Woodlmrii lor t ! I Mt.Ani-t'l, riflverton. fi:30 A. i'.M Dally except Dully exeejit rJunduyti ett field, HroHiik vllle.tjjirliiKtleld und (.NllttlMI ICorvitlllt I IHtutlOIIH . und woyi t":3o A WI'.M. I Kijitvss tralo 1NIIK1' K N 1 ) K N C K I ' A ri d K N C, K I i . Dully (exeejitotinuuy,. !:.') 11 in. l'lirtlmul AM S'!S.B : i. 111. 'Al ..MC.MII1I1 Villi' l-v .-,,,) a, is fi.ito i. in, lAr.Iudej.endenee. I' 4 1 . Dully, (Dully, excejit bundiiy. DINING CAIta ON OODEN KOl'TK. ITM.MAK J1WFKKT HI.I;f I'KR? AND BKCOND-CI.AHS HI.KKl'I.Nt' CABS Attiiehed to nil Through Trulim. Direct connection ut ecu l-rimcluc U1,, dentul mid Orlentul und 1'ucllle nnui "if",11" HneK for JAl'AN und CHINA, bulling dsM on iijillcutloii. , , . . Fn. Itutes Mid ticket to Kiutem I""11,.??,0 fj rone. Also JAl'AN, CHIN A, HoNOLt LU AL'hTKALIA.eiui t-e otitiilnd (roiii . J. II, KIUK1.AND, IH'Ket Aseo ThrouBh Ticket Othee, liil Third Mrwt, vfh through tii'ketH to nil jK.lntx l" 1 1 HUteii, Cumidii und Enrojn: cuu Ui outaiiiw lovveNt ruten Irom . ,.nL J, 11. Kn:Kl.ANW)1'letAaL All ubovo trulim urrlve ut umi ,r'..'V. Oruud Centrul Btutlon, Filth mid IrviuK . . ..mi i.iiiumV lA.llllll.K i'lllfl"'" . ,.Atft. FuMuugcr Deit, loot of Jtilemoii mrwfc U-kvo Ior OBWECIO, 'JBny,j!XW.tfcuuly. 7iii. m.j l-':3u, !;!, 6 la, 6 ft, ''?Jl Cntitl U:: i. m. on Huturduy only, u v.w . mid a;80 j., in, on tiundnrv oitiyi "' Vi-js, 9 i . . . """7 ' . '"""V... .Ti ir 1. m . S ' t:lt) p, tc, on tjunduyt only), Udive for Hhuridun, week uJ liMP-0 Arrive ut I'or tin tid, j:M 11, 111. Uve lor AIKIJK on Mondiiy, Wrliiuy ut I): W, in. Arrivf Vi'V auv, Thumduy una Muturfluj i" - Except Bundiiy, Except oiituniu)'. li, KWK .1J! , U, 11 " Ait 1, - ' 1...., n. K. ill (i. H MAltKlM. . 1 nk'ii. 'inUUt;i lie"" - - - . Tlie farmer, the mechanic ntul tbe bi cycle rider are liable to unexpected nw - .1 , .!.. Witch II1" Salve is the best luluf to keen on B Tr tioala nnlnlU- anil ll ft Well ".. .' . ... I., rtrllfCO cure ior puei. BqijiBBi-v - -