...The Ax this ti mo on the prices of LADIES' CflPES lllll SHIRT Never in the history of our business lias this cut been equalled. 0immm SHIRT WAISTS. hi Shirt Waists wo offer vou our regular $1.00, SI. 20, 1.50, $2.00, 2.50 and "3.00 waists, and you can have .your choice For 75 cents. LADIES' CAPES. "Wo want to let them go and we have decided that COST CUTS NO FIGUJJIC in the matter if you want one come and get it for just One half the marked price. We make the above move the stock have the room. New uoods All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JUNE 21, 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Glove fitting is an art. Pease & Mays make a specialty of glove fitting. Don't forgot that Kellar keeps tho best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke & Falk have the purest and strongest Paris Green in the market. Hood River strawberries by the crate at The Dalles Commission Company's. Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. II! M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jacobsen's. tf Dent's glove, handled by Pease it Mays, is without duubt about the best glove made. Leave orders for ice with tho Stadel man Commission Co. Ollice cold storage building. Phone -10. tf All members are requested to be piet ent ut the special meeting of the Eastern Stiir this evening at 8 o'clock. Furnished rooms to rent, also euits of rooms suitiiblo for housekeeping. Apply to in mid n. (miinniHii Block. 1" Wo are sorrv to learn of the illness of . I Freas Sunders, who has been confined to his room for the past three days. And still tho clerk is kept busy iesu ing marriage licenses. Yesterday one was granted to Alex. Stewart and Rachel Rowland. You can got $1 excursion tickets to Bonneville mid return every Sunday at ir.'....iiu iiAoup! either the depot or U.U'.llI... ...WW. tickot ofllces. 10-lw Friends of Conductor Win. Dunn re' port that his condition was much im proved yesterday, and it is hoped he will speedily recover. All the latest novelties in veilings just received nt Campbell & Wilson's milli nery purlorB,direct from New York City, the headquarters of fashion. Dent's English glove la handled by Pease & Mays and their success with it has been marked. Not one pair bus been returned oil account of imperfec tions, Be euro and remember that the ladles o( the Christian church will serve ice cream and cake this eventng at the church. Music by the mandolin and guitar club. Yeiterday tho river stood at 30,7, having fallen slightly, However, the Snake is rising. From reports It ie Has Fallen... 18 inducements as we wish to are coming and we must PEASE & MAYS. judged the Columbia will lemain sta tionary for a few days. At the Umatilla alleys last week II. Maetz carried away the honors every day but one. The scores were as fol lows: Monday, 03; Tuesday, 71; Wednesday, 04; Thursday, 59; Friday, 72; Saturday, OS; Sunday, Harry Es ping, 77. Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon begin on the erection of a new hot house especially for the culture of carnations and violets. The increasing trade makes this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels that her efforts will be appreciated by her patrons. jel7 Nothing is more pleasant than a sail on the Columbia by moonlight, espec inlly when you are entertained by. the sweetest kind of mtiEic. Friday oven ing will be your opportunity to enjoy a moonlight excursion. Boat will leave the dock at 8 p. m. Tho high scores at the club alleys for the past week were: Monday, Houuh ton, 55; Tuesday, Mrs. Fish, 50, Vic. Schmidt. 61 ; Wednesday, Bradshnw, 70; Thursday, Win. Ketchum, -IS; Fri day, C. Ballard, 45; Saturday, Vic. Schmidt, 50; Sunday, John Bonu, 45. . Sunday moining, Glen, the 2 year-old son uf Mr. and Mrs. Guy Price, who have recently come to our city, and re side on the hill opposite the home of X. i .... .1 ... (l'.,,.tn ..f Simonson, died from the etlects oi measlep. The itinera! took place from the Christian church yt'6terday after noon. Wuid received by Dr. Ilinehart as to the condition of Mr. Geo. P. Morgan is not encouraging, no improvement hav inn been made. As he requires her whole attention, Mrs. Morgan has been , , ...... eOUipellCU to give up lliu nuuuui, nuain she has been teaching since removing to the Lucks. WfllS Invitations have been received by Ticket8 will b(J 8ol,j or truin Xo. 3, leav friends in this city to attend the mM j,,,. The Dalles ut 0:05 a. in. every Sun Huge of l!ev. Earl Wilbur, pastor of the ! duy( nm, wH1 ,J(J ll0nQrej f(jr rt;tl,rn ,jn8. Unitarian cliurcti in Portland, and Miss ' QU tra,n8 Nog 4 ,uul 2 eBIne tlUt Dorothea Dix Eliot, which occurs in j 10-lw Portland on the 30th of this month. Thousands of sutlerer.j from grippe During Miss Eliot's visits to our city as L,u bufll rfcHtor0,i t0 jiealt)l by One a teacher iu vocal culture she won the Mnute CoK, cur0 jt quickly cures friendship of all, and their best wishes C0UK,g( coltiBi bronchitis, pneumonia, will follow her iu her new relation ln 8rlppe. nstliuia, ia nil throat and lung "'u' ! diseases. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co, Sunday evening the Episcopal church I . r ": . ., . , i , .? , 1 ,. ti , , Ice Cream wholesale uud retail at the was crowded to its in est carats ty, the i . . , , . n , ... . , . , , , . . ,'. Co umb u Candy tactory. Orders to fur- occas on be ng the v sit of iJ shop Mor-, , , , . , , , . ... , , ., , ,, , . nish lodge socials and ice cream festi- Ita v v V i Mtu tHU UUIIUI UinvtVll i ten persons. This parish is in a very -floitriHhiug condition at present under the pastorate of Kev. Joseph Do Forest. Recently the building bus been enlarged and h new ohancd placed therein, which aa greatly to its appearance. The decorations Snnday were very dainty and artistic, while the singing was un usually good. i Sunday mornlne when .Indsn Rlnke- Icy went down into the basement of his I rosidence to attend to the wants of h'1 big dog, Guy, who had been Pick i t J several days, he found him slretchc 1 oiu uean. uny, wi,o was a St. Human , was w hut mii-lit be termed "the bluest dog in the puddle," not in size alondk but popularity, for everyone knew him Mr. and Mrs. Hlnkoley will miss the bid pet greatly, for ho peemed almost hut man, ami they have had him for tin past nine year. Guy has bad hti "day," and is now buried near the eem-f etery across Mill creek. 1 The quiet of Sunday, was disturbed by three fights, showlm? that The Dalles is is not entirely rid .f several characters who have lotm been an annoyance to nil law.abid'ni! citizens. The only arrest made was that of Frank Heater. In a dispute between Heater and a man by the name of Murray, the latter was pretty badly done up, receiving a bad Cash over the right eye, beside other In juries, which were immediately at tended to by a physician. Heater be ing arrested, was placed under J500 bonds, remaining in jail for lack of funds. He is to have a preliminary ex- arnlnation before Justice -Filloon this I morning at J o clock. Sunday evening at 10 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents on Court street, Miss Minnie Julian and Mr. Her man Johnson were united in marriage, liev. Wilbum, of the Calvary Baptist church, performed the ceremony in the presence uf relatives and a tew friends.' StrrToTTmionTwT industrious, honest young man, is em ployed as a fiieman by the O. It. & N. Co. The bride has lived in The Dalles but a few years. However, in that space of time she ha won many friends, who-e best wishes are extended to her. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left on the boat yes terday morning for an extended trip to the Sonud and California cities. Yesterday a flag staff was put in place on the new school building. It seems that Mr. S. B. Adams, who has taken an unmual amount of interest in the building, had promised the contractors a bos of cigars provided the staff was in place by a certain date. Yesterday the workmen were smoking the bet of ci gars when our reporter visited them. It hasi been arranged that a feature of our Fourth of July celebration will be the raisinir of the flat; over the structure. The parade will halt in front of the school, and after addresses and music, amid the enthusiasm usual on such oc casions, "Old Glory" will be raised. MARRIED. Henry V. Zelgler ami AucuFta Melius Joined In Wedlock. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Meins, on Tenth street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding last evening, ! when at 9 o'clock their onlv daughter, Augusta, was given in marriage to Mr. Henry F. Zeigler, Rev. DeForeet, of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating. About twenty immediate frien Is of the family were present to witness the ceremony. The bride, who was attired in white organdie over blue silk, looked very sweet as they stood under an arch of flags, from which was suspended a white floral horseshoe. Beside the bridal party stood little Maud Golden as ring-bearer. At the close of the ceremony congratu lations were showered upon the young couple, and later the party sat down to a supper, which was replete in every detail. Mr. Zeigler has been a citizen of The Dalles for the pa6t year, and at present is night cashier at the Clarendon restau rant. None but the kindest words can be said in regard to him, as he is known to be an upright, steady joung man. The bride lias lived in The Dalles from her infancy, and is, a young lady whom any man might well bo proud of winning, being possessed of a sweet dis position and winning, womanly ways. Mr. and Mrs. Zeiuler left on the early morning train fur Seattle, where they will visit the parents of the groom, making a trip to Victoria before return ing home. Tiik Ciir.oxicLu joins their many friends in wishing them well. The O. It. & N. Co. has added many improvements to the Bonneville picnic grounds, and this beautiful spot is now in excellent order. During the summer season tickets will be sold at The Dalles I to Bonneville and return every Sunday for tliH low rate of .1 for tho round trio. vols solicited. Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are the best in thecity. Now ie the time to spray with Paris Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong est you can get. tf OUR NEW SCHOOL BUILDING. A Ntriietiiro to lie Vrnml or lomotlilng Concernlm; Hip Plan Will hoon j l!u Oomnleli'.l. While there are maiiv tlnngp which The D;l!t!H has oecHsion to feel proud of, and justly to, her greatest pride should be in the excellency of her schools, for a city which lias such line schools certain ly recommends itself to any who may be in search of homes where their fam ilies may have the bent lit of a good edu cation. A importer in goinn over the new building inw being elected on the coi ner of Tenth and Union streets, was particularly pleased with every part of tho building. Situated on e high luvfcl, from every window the grandest of views may be obtained, and each room has an abundance of windows, to that the light i nrrfict. Ii is of brick and its dimension are COsOS feet. The entrance to the build will be bv concicte stairs, twenty three feet long, which lead into a latge hall 24x00 feet. This hall is one of the most attractive features of the structure, affording ample room fur ilrills-, etc. On the lower fl tor urn four rooms 32x29 feet, and supplied with cood-eized dressing rooms. The stairs leading to the upper floor are iilatiorm stairs ten feet long, half way np neing a landing 8x24 feet. Up stairs i a hallway 20x21 feet, and directly in front is an immense room 31x03 feet, from which open two larire recitation rooms, one 10s 31 and the other 31x33 feet ; also two circulai-'haped cloak rooms. On either side of the large windows facing the city are book cases, or reference libraries, between which i3 a comfortable seat. This will be the main room of the high school. Indeed this entire floor will be used by that portion cf the school, while the lower floor will be occupied by the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. In the southwest corner is stniated the library and the principal's office com bined, nnd a hall connects this with a labratory r.nd apparatus ro?m 18x32 feet. lhe workmeu aie now employed in placing a concrete tlo ir in the basement, which h to be divided by a partition and used as recieatinn rooms fur the pupils in stormy weather. Two large Morcau heaters will furnish hot air for the heating of the rooms, and this Is considered at present the best method of heating now in tue. Every precaution has been taken to make the ventilation faultless, which i quite neo esary in school rooms. The entire building will be well lit by electric lights, twelve being placed in tho high school room alone. The building will be completed some time between the fifteenth of August and the first of September, so that it will be ready for occupancy when the fall term of school begins, which will be on the first Monday in September. The apportionment of teachers has not been completed as yet, but will be pub lished later. Mr. C. J. Crandall, as architect, and Messrs. Sylvester and French, as con tractor, certainly decerve much praise for the manner in which their work has been done, while the people of The Dalles are to be congratulated upon this substantial and worthy addition to our already flourishing city. CITY ELECTION. Little Interest Displayed--Kesult In the Dllleient Ward-. Yesterday's city election was an ex- remely quiet one, and one could scarce ly have told from the appearance on the streets that anything unusual was going on. Less than one-third of tho vote that should have been cast wa polled, ice cream Freehs. X0 ZINC IX CONTACT WITH CRIiAM TUP ONLY VUHWR MA I) 15 HAVING MOKIi THAN TWO MOTIONS. KOK 8AJ.U 11 V ..THE HARDWARE DEALERS.. 161 SGUOua St, THE DALLES, OR. iWljite Main ttoyal makei the food pure, wholesome and detlcloui. ROM POWDER Absolutely Pure nOVAl 6KINO POWCCR CO., NEW YORK. 50 being the total number. Tn the 'second ward the interest was somewhat more noticeable where A. S. MacAlllpter land M. Randall were runnini! for water .oinmissioners. The result of the elec tion was as follows : First Ward Mayor, M. T. Nolan, 34; reasurer, ( J. Crandall, 37; council man, Andrew Keller, ;o; water com iiissioner, T. J. Seufert, 30. Scattering ote For mayor, Tom Glavey, 1 ; Gns Billiard, 1 ; W. A. Johnson, 1. For water commissioner, h. . uutnr, l; i. . Crossen, 1. Total voles cast in tho frard, 37. Second ward Mayor, M. T. Nolan, 1 134; treasurer, C. J. .Crandall, 130; ouncilnntn, J. E. Bitinott, 141 ; watr ommiFsioner. M. Randall, So, A. S. MacAllister, -VT. Scattering Treasurer, I. F. Hampshire, 1. Third ward Mayor, M. T. Nolan, 70; reasnrer. C. J. Crandall. 71; council- Inen, long term, F. Gunning, 00; unex pired term, W. II. Butts, 68; water otiunipsioner, J. S. Fish, OS. Scatter- ng for mayor, a. K. thompson, 1. AVnuleil. competent girl; one who is a good cook, and who Is kind to children. Good wages to the ritrht party. Apply to this j 0f)jce j , tf OVAL J. H. CROSS nas removed his storo to tho Vogt Block, next door to tho Posloflice, where he will bo pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and. FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Cloudy Wcathep Preferred for Sittin g s . MY WORK Chapman Block. au Vou Si Our Up-to-Date in Every Respect. Adjustable Steel Handle liars. Celebrated G. & J. Detachable Tiros. Wo have opened our line of REMEMBER fir, Uak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates, Phone 26, Just LUhat Vou ttlant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety us we aienhow ing never be fore uraced a c i 1 1 ,r t ! Block. Real imita tion cieton effects at ordinary prices. Good puperri ut cheap paper prices. Elegant de-nriiH, tni'leful eolorinits, yoiira for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillii7ery parlor Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Uripgs' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con- .stipation and all stomach and liver tronblo. bnipes-Kinerfly Drug Co. NOTICE. MY SUCCESS. THE DALLES, OR. tadis' Ivanhoe' Price only $35. lA S & CROWE. renting department with a new wheels. Wo have strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co.