CELEB R M T I O N AT THE DALLE: JULY 4th, 1898. 1 In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Bas et Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. 1UC iCUlCd Vaiiy WiTUUltflti, AdvertUlnc Kate. Per vieh. ! One lucti or less In Dally U .W Trer itrn Inphos nnrt lltnlpr four Inrhe..- . . 1 ftt l W ! 1 Xt er four inches and under twelve Inches.. 75 ver twelve Inches 0 DAILY ASD WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch K 50 Over lour Inches aud under twelve inches!. T w Over twelve inches 1 CO i SUBSCltlTTION l'KICE One week One month 50 One year 0 00 are words which do not exist in the i English language. The Novosti Tuesday jrxEsi. 1s9s,h0-uld 1)0t coi;fouml the Uimed OUR FIGHTING POWER. The London Spectator dees not agree with the European critics who believe that the United States has lo9t prestige by slowness in the war against Spain. "The effect of the slowness of the war," says the Spec- tator, "if it is to be v slow one. will bean immense increase of Ameri- can fighting power, especially as re- cards the armaments which can be used at ence." This will be the ef- font nf rl, vnr whntlior ,f ho .l.nrf or long. 'i'U t illc,laK;,ly ,ul siro.ig, navy nas ueen demonstrated, and ttie j valuable agency for Dr. King's New measures before congress contemplate Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and a great increase of our fir-utiii" ' Col(ls- Thii' is tne wonderful remedy power on the sea. Our momifW !'" 18 prod"cil,K sach 1"M ove' . the countrv bv us manv startling cures tones and armories have struck the j It absolutely 'cures Asthma, Bronchitis, war gait, and are now turning out j Honrsunee? and all affectionf of the arras and ammunition at a rate tint 1 throat, cheat and lnngs. Cull at the will keen our armies In the field fullv , a,J0Ve drugstore and get a trial bottle Bupplied. The cpjestion of armament was a serious one a few months ago, but the people could not be made to see it in that light. It is less serious now because the people have been "brought to see the matter in the right light. Thev know that a mere call for 125,000 volunteers does not make an armv. Thev realize what it is to be without arms or equip merits for men ready to enter th field, and the realize as the' never realized before the follv of a! false economy that leaves a nation. that ought to be strong in peace or j war, wholly unprepared for war. ' Not all the evils of unpreparedness 1 are found in the army and navy. J People unused to preparations for war have no comprehension of what preparation means, and are liable to become impatient under the lashings J of self-appointed critics who know less than the people themselves, fjuch critics, posing as the friends of buffering soldiers, or as correspond ents eager to give the people infor mation, may become mischief mak ers, doing the country and the cause ! as much injury as the enemy's spies or paid agents. What shall be said, for example, of a correspondent who reports that the blockade of Cuban reports is so ineffective that ships loaded with piovUions pass into Havana harbor without being mo tested by the blockading fleet? That is a point that Spain is straining every nerve to establish, and here comes nn American giving aid to the enemy on a most important point. Any man with any compre. hension of war or of the gravity of the situation would not make such a mistake, But the new iteneiatfon is learn tog, and fortunately thero are in even- coninnmitv, North and South, many who liave not forgotten the I lessons of wnr learned two genera- j tions ngo. Ihe inevitable outcome of the war will be, as the London j ftpeotlltor t 1 ays, "an immense increase , of American fi"hting power." " Our esteemed contemporary, the St. Petersburg NoVOSti. demnildillC the termination of the war. savs that America must voluntarily submit I her pretensions to a tribunal of the ; powers.' "Must and "voluntarily" States with Japan. "We do not fight ' whrs here for "the powers " to settle. : j and we betray no secret when we in- j j form our excited St. Petersburg con- j ' temporary that, while we may be j sadly looking m awe of that high-' sounding phra;e, we do not care a ! continental for ''the powers." i Louisville Courier-Journal. j I JintenirMns irticBit. Tnere are fe.v men more wide awake and enterprising than BlHkely& Hoii:h S! ! t0"' who SPnrB 110 I)rti,1E t0 SeUUre I tst nf virvthin in thoir Hnp fnr 1 -" ctiatoniera. Thevnnw hnvu the I free or a regular size for 50 cents and 1. Guaranteed to cure or price re funded. Whiioiilni; Cough. I had a little boy who waa nearly dead frnm nn uttnnk nf wlinniiiTie pnnirn. Mv ( neighbors recommended Ghamberlain'u 1 Coush Kemedy. I did not think that ', any medicine would help him, but after ! 8ivi.0K 1,iui.ft lew (,oses of tt,e rnedy 1 j noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured him entirely. It Is the best coutdi medicine I ever had in the house. P. L. Moore, hotith Hiirtiettstown, I'a v. ...1.. u.. rii. ..1.... 1. xr....i.. Use Clarke i Falk'n Floral Lotion for eUHtjarn anu wma tf One Minute Couy;h Cure, cures, riiat is what It was made Jar, Ue fre Doin feat apd Irtstie .priptir;.. For Reasonable prices.- We Print Anything in the Printing Line. (Jive us a trial. l?ror;i;l$ pub. $q. ALL. 'riPsJ&BJ3H fieui Columbia Hotel IS THE 15EST ,i.o IM-R DAY HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JVI. TOOODEY, Prop. The Dalles, Or. CI I hare re-opened this v,rell-knovn Bakery, and am novr prepared to supply every body with. 3read, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Taney Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at ?dru feller's afe. Ice Cream, lee Cream Socia, Candies, Fruits, 2suts and Oysters in any style. Grandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS rfJ EMBALMERS Funeral Supplies The Dalles, Or. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PfESC$lPTIO?i DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opj). A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, Oil mho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLEW , Northwest Cor. Fourth and Fodoral Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Wirl ihJ Jis. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALIES, OR. A cordial War & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes, Ete. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be foun. in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. Closed Hack Day or Night. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, everj thing to make you happy. The Pop Spanish Headache- Uncle Sum ie mixing u Io-i that will surely cure. Nut all ht'iulnchu cur brim? nluuit relief and iiiiuiv Imve u lind ' t'lb.-ct in the heart mill HVriteiii gttnerally. J Ye can oflVr yon one not fo violent In ' itc inethodH ne Uncle ShiiiV, but fine j which will leiiinvc tin chiihi- and (Mire j th- lu'iulucbf. Try DOCTOU WOODS' ! HKADAUHE CUUi:. I'm up by KELIAI'.LE l'lIAlt.MACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, 'Regulator Line Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' sits. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE lir.TWKK.V The IMIIch, Ikiod Itlver, (.'nuciidu I.ooUn tuiil i'urt liuiil iliiily, cfi huiiiliiy. DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going , ( EASTERN OREGON ? If o, .nive niom.y nnd onjoy 11 ticMiitlful trli.oii rVI0 V.'1!!m,i1"' Hiu Wfxt-Iiiiml trnlti iirrlvi t 1 liu Diilli", In iitiiplu tlmo for pHkMuiiHurH to take tlio Mviiiuur, nttlvliiK I" rortliiml In llmo for tho IHIIlfOlllk- hllllthlTM mill V.ptli..r.. 1. ,.' IjoiiikI pnnkuiiKutk nrrlvlntf in 'lho I)iiIi.-h In tlmu " '""iiuiiu moil, for fnrtliur liiforimttion apply to J. J.'. IIAKNKV, AKcnt, Oak htn-ot l)ix:k. I'ortliuiil. Otcirnn, Or W C. AI.I.A W'A V, (iun. Act., Tim Dulled, Ori-Kon tub coiumDia PacKiDg Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON AHIED BEEF. ETC. Tlilrty.lvo yourH nmko a oiitirotlon. ThutlH Jiow long AUolpli Fiehor, of 55ttnevJIIo, O., Buffered from pllea, Ho was cured by uaintf three boxes of Do Witt's Witch Hazul Snlve, Sulpes Klnersly Drug Co. IP I ' 1 . 1 COME ALL. o. r. & N. CO Iict'Aitr inn AlilSIVG PltUX. 1"IU)M tui.i.i:. 1'n-t Mull Halt I.nki, Denver. Kt. Ft Worth, Omiitui, Khii- Mull Mi City, St. Uiulx.l 3.10h. m. ClileiiKo Mini Kiiht. lltftO p. in. Hiiofcmii' I'lyer WiiUn Wiilln, fpokunr, Hpnkiinu .MIuiiuiipollH. M. I'lllll, i'ljtt i it l ii t ii, m tiM-iuiUf,, r. no h. m. Clili'iitfn mill Kust. f,SO p. in. h 1. in. I'iiom I'onTl.iM), Oivtiii HIi'iuiiNlilpi, All iiilllnc ilnti'S biilijirt tn clmiH'L' for Sun Primrlftfo i .-full Jim ::, o. u, 12, in, -l.JI.'.T, Xii. I p. IU. !. in. 'Io amsi: anil Juitf-, a. I p. 111. Ex..-iinilnyjCiiltinililii Itv. fiti'iiniurs. Kx.hmiil'ar tw jtn.iriti.i mill ,1 j v fa'itnnliiy Utulus. in i. m. 1 fin. m. WiM..otKTTi: UtvKi:. p.m. I...nini(liiy()rjKiiii City. .NuwI.otk, Kx.buinlv I rfirum .V V11y IjiuU'it. u. in, iu.amkttk a nii Yam- :i..:op m. J tii-s. 1 imr. nti.i. l:iv:i:n. Mi)ii.,Vm., mid ant. Ohwui City, Duytuit, imil Frl, niul Wiiy-IjindtiiKs. (.11. m. Wn,i,AMKrr: itiVKii. i:p. m. Iii'.'..Tliiir,'l'ort,uiul to corviiiliB, Tin-., l'lmr, mill gut. mid Wiiy-LumlliicH. u,nl gal. Leave ; Htl'lltlA. 1. la ll.lll. .Moil.. Will.' mill 1'rlilii) i I.r.AVK I.nwisTON, .' I.i 11. m, .Sim., Tuck.. mid Thur. S.VAKi: lilVKIt. niputla to l.cMlntiin. I'nr full particular call on 0. K. d: .N. Co.'i nKi'iit 'I liu liullvk. ur uililrci-t W. 11. IIl lM.HNllT, (ivii. I'm. Ai;t., l'lirtUiul, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or ran- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnliib leiivt- mill nn- iluu to urrivn tit 1'ortlaL. LRAVK, 1 OVKH1.ANI) KX- I j firchs, hiilurn, Uno- i ! IllUK, AHtlllllllt, --1IC!- I ii-rji i v J ruiiit'iitii, Of,ilt'li,nnll I o.wj 1 , 31. Krilllulhc.()i .m0),,v, ( j ' I.o Ai)kl'1('n,1:1 I'nwi, ! Ni'v urlcntis iiikI I Kuxt j h;3U A. M 'J,"',-'l,l"'K a,l( w")' "tn ' l'.M Dutir ciccpt huiiiixyfc f VI11 WiKHllmrii for 1 Dully I .Ml. A iiuul. Hllvurlnii. I'xeiint 1 lit nulo, llrowiih- r iundi vi viwe.ojiriiiBiium iinu i ' , I, Natron J i7-!n 1 m IC'orviilIlH iiurt wny I...-0 A.M., ;t()llH WI'.M. I.VDKl'KNliKNrK I'Aa.SKNOlUt, J.xirt.ii train Kully (uxuviit Humliiy) l:Wip, m. (I.v. ...I'ortliiml ...Ar.) 8:'i").m 7:i, 111. Mf.Mliiuvlllf..l.r. :.') . H:i;u i. in. . 'Ar .liiiuiiuiiiluii(.'C.l.v UpUlll 'Dully. IDiitiy, excujit Hininny. D1N1NU CAU8 ON UUDKN UOWTK. 1'tU-l.MA.V llt'l'KET BI.KKI'Kliy AND HKCOND-CIiAKH H1,I5KI'IN( CABS Attucliiit to all ThroiiKli TraliiH. Direct (.oiiia'dtiim at l-mi rniiujluco with Oocl iluutal anil ttrlimtal anil l'aclllo mull mIcmiiwIP Uiii-M for JAl'AN anil OlllNA. Kalllui; Uutw oa iiplillcatloii, HiitcH ami tlflkutK to KiiHiorn potuU mm My roi.0. Alao JAl'AN, CHINA, IIONOl.l UU "I'4 AL'HTKAl.IA, c-1111 do olitiilni'il from , J. 11. KIUKI.AND.TIi'kot Agent. ThroiiKh Ticket Olllcc,i:il Third street. wliT tliroiiKli tlekoiN lo all polnu In tlio KmJ Huteh, (,'iiniiclii and Kuropu win lio ulituiuea loivcut rates from . , J. It. IvIltKI.AND, Ticket Awiit. All nliovu traliiH atrlvo at and depart irw Orand Central Hlatlon, Fifth and lrvniK trt YAMlflU, DIViaiON. I'lMHutiKur DeHit, foot of Jeiler()ii Mtrect- Uuvc lor OKWKOO. dully, except HiiikIiiM' Ui a. m.; l'J:30, U65, 0:16, fi:M, JS:tV-.''' JIJ' (anil ll:,'iO p. m. on Hatnidar only, and UiW. w and :i-;m p. m, on HniiduyH only). Arrive l rortlund dally at (iiiuand;ia in.; ami J.; l:ls,(i;'.'OiMHl7;.Vjp. in,, (a 6:11) p. in. on tJiiiidiiyH only). I-eavu for HlicriiJnn. vivak dnyH, tl:30p.o Arrlvu at 1'ortland, Vi'M a. in. U'rtvc for A1HI.IK on Mondiiy, Wi'f, Frl'liiv iitmiOu.in. Arrive at J'oitland, luw day, T liurHiliiy and Biituidiij it 3:0fi I'. m Kxeept Sunday, lixeept Haturiliiy. ' H, KlK'.i.KU, i, If. S1AKKIIAM. ImiaMor. AmI. (!. !'. V I'"""- The farmer, the nieclmnic nnd t!" ovele rider aro liable to unoxpeuted cuW lutfl bruise. DeWitt's Witch H"1 Bttlve is the best thing to keep on hwl. It lioala nnidklv. and is u well know? 1 core tor piles. Bulpes-Kliiersly Drug Co. )