The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1898, Image 3

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The J niofit com plot ( line wo hnvu ever
ollercd is now iifkine your inspection.
Made fioin dainty materials tlmt. are
eool arid airy; jiif-t the thini-for this
hot suinmeiweather.
Our Prices are
at Hoek Bottom.
75e to $3.00.
The cheapest Wrnppcri we tmvo are made from the best quality of
Simpson's I'rlntu, L.imranieel to ho fast colors. Our better irrades'ato
made from fine Percale-Mind Iippet Organdies, very handsomely tilinmed
in liei! and Embroideries.
Be Going
to the Coast,
or pMrlmi.H to tin mountaiiiH. It makes no difference, however, where
yon pi, an wo have anticipated your wantH and ure opening up a complete
cents por pound. None of this wool ie
shipped East, but is eold to the mille at
Oregon City and oilier Pacific coast es
tablishments. Tlits class of wool gene
rally carries with it an odor that would
put a pine factory to chame.
News was brough to the city yesterday
of the death of Marguerite, the little
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Glary,
of l)n f nr. She was their only child and
an exceptfonally bright little girl for
one of only two years. Her h is a
Had blow to her bet caved parents and
they have the sympathy of the entire
community in which thav live. The
funeral will tnl:e place Irom the home of i
the parent", on Tynh Hidire, today,
Captain J. II. Duke", of Hood Itiver,
lately receivd from his old home in Ill
inois, the mvohI which lie carried
t it... ,.t..!l .. T. -.-1....
......... .... .,v ww. a slole, commissioner, and a ballot being can,
From Intti ui..w. nnK ...,.1 7 " '
" huh M, l.1u rum,vil !,.
Xomttmtlntm for Councilman nnd Wntfir
Cum in iKtlonnrnt
Last evening meetinifs were held in
: the different wards fur nominations for
i coniicilnien and water commissioner?,
! wilh t tie follow ine results:
! The meeting in the serond ward was
j called to order by Mr. C. F. Stephens,
and on motion Mr.. .Stephens was elcct
jed chairman j while Mr. John Michell
! was nleclnd ponrptnrv of tbn itipntim.
Mr. ,T, K. Harnett was then placed in
nomination and on motion the secretary
cast the ballot of the meeting, and Mr.
i) ... . i ' . i .i ,
I iiitiucu iiHvinu received mo liuaiiimout?
j vote, was declared duly nominated conn
Messrs. M. ltandtill and II. V. French
! were placed in nomination for water
Royal maket the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute! Pure
line uf
Trunks, Grips and Telescopes.
Come in and see these. You'll find ihat we have remodeled our lines and
added the latent novelties to them. It is unneceee.iry for us to mention
prices, as you always find our prices right.
All Goods Marked in
I'hiiii Figures.
j since the prcuit war begun and lie ex
i pects to co.nn ml a company if more
troops are called for, he caused the lost
sword to bo advertised. A few days ago
it came to him by expiess. It has en
Braved on the scabbard his name and
the battles he passed through, and of
course he values it very highly.
A new mining district is being devel
opened at ttie head of Pierson creek, 23
miles south of Pendleton. It has been
known for several years that gold ledges
existed in that section of the country
and a little mining has been done, but
nothing very rich has ever been discov
ered. Wednesday nine locations were
recorded at the county recorder's oflice.
ot claims newly found. The main ledge
is thought to be discovered, and the
projects aie encouraging. Several as-
j says are reported to be from ijCO to .f-IO
I a ton.
j Last evening Nightwatnliman Wiley
I was kept busy with a number of Indians
I. i . ...
who nau secured liquor lrom some
source. Two arrests w'ere made of In
dians who were intoxicated and bois-
terous and all that prevented others
from going to the skookuir. house was
that they betook themselves to their
I camps near the river and behaved like
I gentlemen. A Klickitat Indian and his
better half drove down Second street at
a rapid rate and were pursued by the
nightwatcliinan. In spite of the fleet-
j ness of the Indian's horses he was over
j taken at Nolan's corner and an explana
tion demanded. He stated ho was not
drunk but feeling good and was allowed
to proceed on 'his way after being ad
monished not to make so much noise in
the future. Mr. Wiley at piesent holds
an enviable record as u sprinter.
votes and
Mr. French Mx.
In the third ward the meeting was
called to order by Chas. Bayard, with
It. Pi. Sinnott as secretary. The nom
inations for council men were Frank
Gunning for the long term, and W. II.
Butts for the short term.
Judd Fish was nominated for water
In the fust, ward Andrew Kellar was
nominateld for councilman ; while Theo
dore J. Senfert received the nomination
for member of the water commission.
T. M
Collver and Mlm Carrie K. Jloorf
Uliltrcl III Matrlace.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
.iuxk id. mm'
others, of the upper country, disposed of
about 1000 head of cattle to a party in I
Salt Lake. Twenty-eight carloads were
shipped yesterday morning,
j The funeral of Mrs, It. A. Spivey will
take place from the Calvary Baptist
Grand church at 11 a. m. today. Friends of
Celebration the departed are invited to attend. The
Fourth of July interment will take place in Odd Fel-
At Tim Dalles, Or. J" cemetery.
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the License to wed was issued yesterday
beat ice cream soda in the city. tf to Mr. Herman Johnston and Miss
I .Mi nne .hi mm. it is understood that
l.ll- I....... tlii. Liifuut ntwl!
.. .... ..... , . .. , . Mr. Jo 111- I
.!..-' !.. . I l.... 1 " '
I Bton is a fireman on t lie O. I!. & N.,
Hood ltivor strawberries by the erate while Miss Julian is well known in this
at The Dalles Commission Company's, icity.
Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw. Professor Iiyan lias offered to the
berries ut the Columbia Candy Factory, young lady selling the greatest number
Clarke &.
strongest Paris Green in the market.
II. M. Ryan, Readier of .Mandolin,
Guitur and Uanjo. Headquarters at
Jacobaun's. tf
Leave orders for ieo with the Stadel
inan Commission Co. Oflice cold storage
biilldinif. I'hone !!. tf
Yesterday Itoe Grimes shipped a car
load of fine beef cattle to the Union
meat company at Troutdule.
Furnished rooms to rent, also units of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 10 and 'JO. Chanman liloek. 17
A desirable position to do general !
house work can be obtained by applying
to Mrs. V. Lord. Girl must ba a good
cook. 15-3t j
You can get $1 excursion tickets to
lionnoville and return every Sunday at
of tickets for the excursion a handsome
folio of guitar music. This is quite an
inducement to the young ladies, and all
aro working hard for the coveted re
ward. Mrs. A. C. Stubling it Son will soon
begin on the erection of a new hut house
especially for the culture of carnations
and violets. The increasing trade makes
tit is necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels
that her efforts will be appreciated by
iter patrons. jel7
Yesterday word was received in the
city that William Dunn, a well-known
railroad conductor of the 0. It. it X.,
waH very sick and that hopes of It is re
covery were not entertained. We un-
lestand that he is pullerlng from an
iiMunk of t.i'nhoid iinenmonia.
either the depot or Umatilla House
tiuket ofllces. ' 10-lw i Last evening a party of young fo'ks
censistiug of .Misses Aliie Jcowiami, Joeie
The pastor, Itev. 0. D. Taylor, will
preach at the First Baptist church tiiis
morning at 11 o'clock. There will be no
evening service.
At t he Lutheran church this morning
I there will be no service. Sunday school
, at the usual hour. Bible service at 7 p.
m. ; evening service at 8.
' Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil-
i burn pastor At 11 this morning
j funeral of Mrs. K. A. Spivey will take
I place. .Sunday school and other eer
j vices ae usual.
' Christian church, Rev. Boltz pastor
Subject at the 11 a. in. service, Acts
v; at 8 p. in., "What We Plead For."
The ordinance of baptism will be ad
ministered after services in the evening.
St. Paul's Episcopal- church, on Fiftli
and Union streets, Rev. Jos. DeForest
rector Morning service and Sunday
school as usual. In the evening Bishop
Morris will conduct the service, and con
firmation will be adminiscered.
Methodist church, corner Fiftli and
Washington streets, J. II. Wood pastor
Class meeting this morning at 10.
Preaching service at 11. a. in and S p.
ni. by Rev. N. Evans, of Goldendale.
Administration of the Lord's supper
at the close ot the morning service.
Sunday school at 12:20. Junior League
at 4 p. in. Epworth League at 7.
A Ni l lulls KmiiMviiy.
List Wednesday the marriage of .Mr.
T. M. Collver, of Marshtield, Coos coun
ty, and Miss Carrie E, Moore, of Dufur,
was solemnized at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. II.
Moore, the Rev. W. C. Smith officiating.
The ceremony took place at 1 1 o'clock
a. m., in the presence of a goodly num
ber of lelatives and friends. After the
solemn word were spoken which made
the happy couple one, they were hearti
ly congratulated by those present, after
which all repaired to the dining room
where they partook of a most sumptious
repast prepared for the occasion.
The bride and groom were the recipi
ents of many beautiful and useful pres
ents. Shortly after dinner Mr. and Mrs.
Collver went to The Dalles for a short
stay, after which they will visit friends
relatives at Haystack, near Prineviile,
from whieh place they will proceed to
their future home at Marsh Geld, Coos
The bride is well-known here as one of
our most highly respected young ladies,
and the best wishes of the entire com
munity wiil follow herself and husband
to their future home. Dntnr Dispatch.
Weather Ituri'iiii Iiiinrt.
Just UUhat
, You ttlant.
New blrrt, in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety w wh ate show iiig never be
fore graced a flugle ft"i'k. Real linitn
tlon ciettm effects at ordinary price?
Good paper- ut. cheap paper prices
F.legant di'siuiw, tasteloi coloring?, youra
The tetnporatnie is normal or above
over the entire Columbia river basin.
With these temperature conditions ti,0 j '"r a small price, at our store on Third
upper rivers will cease to rise. These
facts show that the snow is melted fioin
the mountains except on the higher ele
vations and that a further rise will not
The river above the Castades will re
main nearly stationary or fall Elightly
for the next, twenty-four hours, when
the fall will be quite steady. West of
the Cascades the fall will begin on Mon
day and Tuesday. The Willamette at
Portland will' rise probably .3 ot a foot
more when the fall will begin. For the
next seven days the fall will be slight,
after which it will probably be more
Wnntpcl. ,
street. Also a full line of house paints.
W. VAUSE, Third St,
A competent girl; one who is a good
cook, and who is kind to children. Good
wages to the riiiht party. Apply to this
office. tf
Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials anil ice cream festi
vals solicited. Don't forget that our
ice cream sodas are the best in theeitv.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and
Miss Mvrtle Smith.
Mrs. Bripgs' Old
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins vour health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, 'cure con
stipation Hiid all stomach and liver
troublo. Snipes-Kineridy Drug Co.
A l'leaxmit I'urty.
A very pleasant eurprise party was
givent Friday evening to Mis Alvina
j' Horn by the confirmation class of the
! Zion Evangelical Lutheran ciurch. and
the i flvunimr u-na unpnl in a rorv nlnne.
ant manner, each one feeling at home.
After three hours ot pleasure, refresh
ments were served. The crowd then dis
persed, wishing to spenl many more
happy evenings together. Those pres
ent were: Messrs. FreJ and George
Weigle. Georce Sorenson. Pete and The
odore Xickelsen, Tony Paulsen, Alfred!
Prinz, Oscar Beck, Hubert Liest, and
Misses Christine Xickelsen, Margaret
Schroeder, Cama Sorensen, Bertha
Wyss, Alvina Horn, Annie Stubling,
Annie Golbeson, IJanna Schawbe, Xellie
Davenport and Mrs.P'terson.
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Green. Clarke it Falk have the strong
est you can get. tf
J. H. CROSS has removed his. store to the Yogt
Rlnrk. lifivi. rlnnr in tlio Pnsfnflin wliftvo lifi will lio nlnnsodl
to orfiot his mnnv invnior natrons find a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Cloudy Weather Preferred fort Sittings.
Chapman Block.
wiiiie mountain
Yestoiday some- of the la rye tiees iu
front of .Samuel Urooks' residence were
cut down on account of the Injury they
do the lawn.
Having beine: unavoidably detained
iJov. llutcher will not occupy the pulpip
ut the Coneieuationiil church today as
was expected.
All the latest novelties in rollings just
received at Campbell & Wilson's milli
nery jiarIors,direct from Xew York City,
the lioadquurterH of fashion.
The ladles aid society of the Christian
church will give an ice cream social on
Tuesday evening next, The mandolin
nnd guitar club will furnish music.
j The oflice of tlio Wasco Warehouse
Company is buliiK moved into the new
j bulldlm.' Mini when finished it will bo
' Squill In every way to any iu the state,!)
At the solicitation of the committee of
live, M. T. Nolan, the present incuni
bent, hits consented to accept the nonii
(nation for mayor and his name will be
'on the ticket at the election Monday,
Yesterday Tom Burgos and eon nnd
J Jenkins, Dora X'eilsen, mid Grace and
I'M n a Glenn, returned from a two weeks
outing at "Maidens' l!est," Hood River.
They report having had a delightful
time; but aro, nevertheless, glad to get
back to The Dalles once more.
Your summer's vacation will be in
complete without one of our Magazine J about the head and
Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate , ladios sustained a
Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock i
Mrs. William Crawford and her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. N. W. Crawford, and a
little girl were coming to The Dalles in a
1 hack. In driving down a hill about one- j
j half mile from thu river something went i
, wrong and the team became frightened
and started to run. All three were i
I thrown out iu a pile of rocks and the
! ladies sustained severe injuries. They
wore brought to The Dalles and taken to
i Dr. Donne's oflice, where Drs. Slither-,
'laud, Logan nnd Doiine attended them, i
' It was found that the elder Mrs. Craw
ford's arm was broken just above the I
1 wriet and she was considerably bruUed
body. Tlio young
dislocation of the
ice cream Freezer?. J
Jiav You Si Our ladies'
Price only $35.
Uprto-Date in Every Jiospect.
Adjustable Steel Handle liars.
Ceiobrated C. & .1. Detachable Tiros.
it. Takes twelve pictures without oppn-; shoulder and was otherwise painfully
ing the camera. Cull at Donnell's drini- bruised. The little girl was not injured
stoie and see them and the pictures n the least. They will remain in their
taken with them. Prices $8,50, sfO and room in the Chapman block for a few
$10. 18-alt-tf i days before they aro removed home.
Antelope will celebrate July Ith in a j T,Hl 0 Ki & N Co Jm8 addt,d manv
most patriotic manner. A free basket iln,,roVoment8 to the Bonneville picnic
dinner will be served to all guests and .,rolllrt ad this beautitul snot in now
a flog raising and patriotic exercisos will t PxnniiHt order. Ourim? tlm amn,r
be held. Horse races, bicycle and foot ! B(l)1HOtl ,i(.knfs . sol,i ... TllH nio,a
races, as well as a baseball game between t0 1onnevii0 nnd retUrn everv Sunday
the Antelope and Sherman county tenuis , for the low rBte of fl for Uie roun, tr,
will take place. There will also be twi. .ill l. ml,l fnf tr..i., k...
. I L. .. 1 1 l . I. I I ''' I ,w '
griwiu nun in wiu ovoiunn,
A great deal of Indian wool has already
Wo have opened our renting department with a
lino of new wheels.
been disposed of at this place, says the
Heppner Times, bringing from 10 to 10,34
ing The Dalles at 0:05 a. in. every Sun
day, and will be honored for return pas
sage on trains Nos, 4 and 2, same date.
maiRr Rennn
161 SeiiOM St, THE DALLES, OR.
Wo havo strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.