C E U B B RATION AT THE JULY 4th, 1898. OALLESi In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Bas et Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Advcrti'lii? Kale. Per inch. One lr.ch or less in Daily $1 AO ver two inches and under four indies 1 Mi ver four inche anil muter twelve inches.. To ver twelve inches 50 DAILY AVtt WEEKLY. One inch or less. ter inch s so Over one inch and under four inches. river four inches unit under twelve inches. . 1 Mj uver uveive lncues iw SUHSOHIl'TION l'KICK. One week One month 50 One vear 6 00 SUNDAY JUNE to. isos ; H'.-t II CORRESPONDED TS SOLDIERS. AXD A correspondent .of the London j but in the end the instincts of the Times describes the uniform of the ' war correspondent will compel recog American soldier as thu ugliest on ' nition of generalship and soldierly lesord. He states, with a good deal quality. of positiveness, that the dress uni form was the work of tailors and pol iticians at AVashington, and is better suited to the comic-opera stae than to the army. Jn making this comment the cor respondent pays a fine compliment to the discipline and fighting quali ties of oflicers and men of our army. He believes that the discipline of our volunteer regiments answers the ob jection of the German militaiy writ ers to the effeet that American armies never can be as eflicient as European . armies because the men cannot be made into machines. The correspondent of the London Times finds that the American sol diers are the better for not being mere machines, that Uipv act with intelligence as well as precision, and he believes that this war with Snain ! may have great influence in con vine T, , , ang European governments that the , best soldiers are not mere machines, ' but those who, like the American I ... . ... troops, act with intelligence, courage and purpose. J This tribute to the American sol-! dier as he stands will make amends ' i lor the harsh criticism of the uni form. The truth is that the service ; uniform of the American soldier is i one of the best, if not the best, in j the world. There is nothing tawdry about It, no artificiality ; but it is ; simple, in good taste, and well suited to operations in the field. There is i no finer military figure than the ' American ollicer or private in his' service uniform of blue. The dress or parade uniform was changed after j the civil war, not by tailors and pol- j Iticians, but by army oflicers who ! had studied the picturesque features i of uniforms in France and Germany, The present uniform was adopted under regulations of 1881, and modi fied by general orders up to and in cluding those of May 5, 1888. It may not be as soldierly as the service uniform no dress uniform is but it was certainly built upon military , models in vogue in Europe. That is probably the worst thing that can be aid against it. The fact that English. German and French papers have sent corres pondents, or at least representatives, into the field with the American troops, and that most of these arc fair-minded, is encouraging. They will inform Europe as to a good mwy points that have hitherto re- ceived very little attention. The genuine army correspondent will write of men and events much as the l great war correspondents wrote of the battles of our civil war and of the Franco-Prussian war. There will be in the Held hundreds who never will become war corre- j spondents, with comprehension of military movements 01' appreciation of fighting qualities and courage. Hut the people will soon learn which J correspondents have a capacity lightly to describe strategic or other movements in the field. The correspondents from Europe are men vlio have been in the Habit ! of writing about English or German j ' or French armies, and we ninv ox ! i peet some httlo show of prejudice; Kiiterprliiiif; t)iiiKi;Nt. Tnere are iVtv men more wide mvnke and enterprising than lilnkeby ifc Hough ton, who spare no pains to fceenre the best of everything in their line for tinir i many customers. 1 iiey now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Call at the Hbove 'l"89ore and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed to cure or price re funded. Whooping OiiiirU. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. Jly neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that nnv medicine would help him, but after giving him a lew doses of the remedy 1 j nouceu an improvement, anu one uuuie cured him eiltirelv it ,B the be8tC0ll(;ll medicine I ever had in the house.-P. Moore, fjonth Uurgettstown, Pa. For eale bv BlakelevHS: Houghton. To Cure a Cold in One Day, i Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab-' lots. All druggists refund the money If j it fails to cure. L'oc. 1 One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It wiis made lor. Ue fire Doir;? fleat ar?d rtstie .priptip.. por leasopable Wo Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue u$ a trial. $(?ropi pub. $o. ALL. 1 Jieva Columbia Hotel IS THK I Mi ST Sum WiK DAY MOUSE IN THE CITY J. VI. TOOmEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fi)drtjj feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Crandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies 7UL Z. DONNELL, P$ESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., has has uxho CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Speoial Attention to Feeding Transient Stook. Closed Haok Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Wiri mri Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALLES, OR, A cordial The Dalles, Or. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. THE DALLES, OH the best Dress Goods the best Shoes evox-ywuug xo oe ionii m a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join iu the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The Fop Spanish Headache Unelo .Sam is mixing a done that will surely mm. Nut nil lifiuliiidii; etirt'H briiiL about relief anil many liuvt- a bad ell'eet on thf heart and nystt'in gt'iierally. We can oiler you one not eo violent in itH methods iih Uncle Siun'a, but one which will remove the rim" and cure tin- uliiclie. Trv DOPTOIi WOODS' HKADAUHE CUItK. Put up by HELIAIJLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' r I FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE IIIVrWKRH Till! Dalles, Hood I'.lvur, Ciin.'mli! I.ockh unci 1'ort IiiiiiI dally, -(.vnt Huniliiy. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going EASTERN OREGON? If o, . vo money anil enjoy a heuutlfnl trip on ,.!!'- ."'.'i'"'!1"' Jli" wuit-boiinil train arrive at 'I lio DalluM In imiplii tlnm hir pakM.'in.'L'r.i In take the steamur, nrrlvliiB In I'ortliuiil In tinu for tho jaitKo iik Koutla-rn and Nortlu.-rn tralnni Kant Uiinil luiNMiiiKcm arrlviiiK In Thu l)alw In tlmu to takij thu I'.Mit-boiiuil train. For (nrtliur liifiiiiimtliin apply to J. N. IIAI'.NKV, AKt-nt, Oak Htrtut Dock, I'ortliuiil, Oreion, Or W (J. ALU WAY, (it-n, At!t Tlio Dallun, UrvKiin PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTIMKKH OK Pine Lard and Sausages. Curcrs of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RlED I5E13F, KTO. Thirty-dvo youra iiinko h Konorntion. Tlmtls how lontf Adolph Flahor, of Kutieavllle, 0., auUured from piles. Ho wrb cured')y uaintf tliroo boxea of De Wllt'i Witch Hwta elvo. Hnlpee Klwrily -Drug Go. stK. Regulator S.Dalles City Tne CoimnDia Packing Co 0. R. & N. CO l)i:r.itr Foil TIMK HCIIIilllM.K. 1'iiiim Uau.i:m. Ahiiivk I'lCOM. I'liit .Mull 11:80 p. Ill, Halt l.nk), Denver, I't. rnt Worth, OiiiiiIiii, (win I Jluii his city, M. I.i.iils, a. 10 a. m ChlciiKu mid Iiii.it, 1 riiHtkiuic l-'lyer Wnllil Walla, Hpokiimy HlHikiinu .Mlliin-iiiilis. M. Paul, I'lyer I) Hint h, jillwniikir,! i'i.M ii. in. Ohleaifo mui liuit, t- l. 111. I'llDJI PollTM.NIJ. Ori'iill Hteilliislllim. All Milling dates milijeul tn chauee. I'nr Sni i I'niiii'Uvn-- .Sail Jim I!, l!. u, 1(, 111, il, t!7, Wl. I p. Ill, l. in. To Al.AHKA ."ill! JllllU", 'Jo. .1 p. 111. 8 li. ill. K.v.ntilidii.viCnliimlilii Ilv. Hli-mm.-rii.'K.x.htiiiilliy I p. 111. w inn,i.i. mill I 11 , Sitnrday I I.ntiU in p. in. I! II. 111. WI.t,A)IKTTi: KlVKIi, I : p, m. I..v.niiiidiiy Orcein tlly. New here, l;x.ftuiiitay Hnem A Way ljind'8. 7 ii. in, Vu.i,AMi:rri: anii Yam H.mipm. Tiiiji.i irir. im.i, uivmtx. Mini., Wid., mid nut. (itt-Kiiii City, Dayton, mid 1'rl. unit Vuy-jiiidtliK. fin. in, Wu.i.AMKTTrrniVKli. :l.ll). I iic'l'linr, TortiMinl to Ciirviilllsi Tiiu,, lliur, mid .sit. mui Vny..iiiiiii(!t, and bat. t.il.vvi: Ktl-AIIIA. 1 : l.'i n. in. Mini.. Ud. mid Frlitu) I I.KAVE l.KU'lhTON. : I., a. in, bun. ,'1 m-s.. 1 unil Tliur. Hnaki: 1:ivi:i:. lilpiiria to l.uwlnton. For (nil piirtlcnliiri cull on O. It. ,t X. fo,' MKt'lit Thu 1 in I let. . or mlilrof. W. II. IIlMtl.llSltr, (ion. I'm,. At.'!.. 1'iirtliiiiil, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -of Tin:- i Southern Pacific Comp'y. I 'IVnlltu 1 1. ul.it .tv.i ilitn ti. ..rrli-.i .it I'.irtlal l.K VK. h OVKKI.AN1) KX-1 inrir. A n 1 1 In I Ml . Hue- fl;00 V. M. ) rtihifhto, Cki1cii.H)im I.im AiiudK.K! i'iihd. i I Now UrlvaiiH anil 1 1 I 1'jlMt J I tlllllN I'.M fVlii WiKnlliiirii lur I .Mt.Aimiil, Hllvurtoli, i Wt'Ht hi'lu. llniwiiK- ! Dully j t'.Xl'upt Huii'liiyit i !"::) a. M., Dally vllk-,SirliiKlluManil HuiKlayn. i. .-.iiiruii j (CurvalllM IHtlltiOIIN inn! way :t0 I'.M. I.Vl)i:i'K.Nl)i:.NCi: PASUKNOKU. I..vprcs truln Dally (e.xoiipt Humlay). l:W)p. m. (I.v I'ortliuiil ..Ar.i K Wii.m 7:aip. m. Al MnJIIiinvlllo l.v.J -!-Ji H:::op. m. (Ar . linlcpumloiiru..l.v ) un.v. Dully. (Dally, u.xwjit humlay. DINING UAU8 ON OODKN ItOl'TK. l'UM.MAN IIUKKKT HI.KKl'KIt'' AND HKCOND-OI.ASS HI.KKI'INC CAItb Attauhtd to all Through TraliiH. Dlrcfltfoiineotlonathaii fraiuMNCO with Occl dt'iitiil mid Orluntal mid I'aclllo mail IIiiuh for JAPAN mid CHINA. PatlliiK Uatta on hi. plication. . . , .-. Itatu-saml tickets to I.'imturii l"U,,.fc..I",li Jllli nil..). AUoJAl'AN, 01IINA, HONOI.l'I.U Al'tiTKAl.IA.can ho olitalmil fioin .1. II. KIKK1.AND, Ticket AKt- Through Tlkut Olllci-, Wl Third trwt. wlier thionli tlckulH to nil polntH in tlio hinttrn HlulcH, C'aniulu ami Kuropu can bu oliliilnw lutvvNt ratt'K from . ., , . , J. II. KIltKI-AND, Ticket AK All iibovo tralliN arrive at aiid 'depart lru (Iriiml Centriil Htntlon, KKth and Irvimt trw YA.MHM.L DIVIHION. I'amciiKer Depor, foot o( Jeilernoii utrcti. U'nvo for O.SWKOO, dally, t'.'''l'. ""'''''''m (mid ll:o p. in, on Haturday mly. ami V-j.".; t mid :i:;so p. in. on Hiinilayn only). .Vr'V,. I'ortland dully at liUU ami Hiw a , w.S " 11 l!lS,;'J0mnj7;Mp. in,, (ami mo.", n. m, " 4:10 p. in, on bnwiayti only. U-vo for Hhurldiui. week dayn, t DM p. ro Arrive at i'ortland, VVM a, m. U'hvc for AIHI.IK on .Momlay, '")lu Krlmty HtOilOa. in. Arrlv.' at rortlai il, ii" dav, Tliurily mid Haturilai it !l:03 p..m. Kxcopl fiunday. Kxtept Hatiirnaj. it, KvK'.i.KIt, ilaiiHier, ,. i i i.'K'ilAM. AmI. U. VV Airt The farmer, tho moclmnio nnd tUo W cycle rider are llnhlo to iinexpuoted cute nnd bruises. peWitt'a Wltoli Solve Ib the beat thing to keupon hanu. It helH tjuickly, nnd ia a well known cure for piles. Snlpea-Klneraly Drug to.