The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. XT
NO 82
Principal Results -Attained Was the Demolition
of Santiago's Outer Forts and Occupa
tion of Guantanamo Harbor.
OFF SANTIAGO, June 17. via Kingston, June 18.
The week's campaign in Eastern Cuba resulted in the prac
tical demolition of the outer fortifications of Santiago in an
ticipation of the arrival of troops and occupation of the fine
harbor of Guantanamo, in which today are anchored such
magnificent ships as the Oregon and St. Paul, together" with
the Marblehead, Dolphin, Suwanee and eleven other auxil
iary gunboats, colliers and press dispatch boats in an everage
of seventeen fathoms of water.
Military residence to definite occupation practically
ceased since the bombardment of Wednesday.
An intercepted official report of the Spanish military
commander indicates that his military resources are exhaust
ed. His soldiers are now on half rations. There are sup
plies only for the remainder of June. The commandant has
already seized all private drug supplies, in order that they
may be bestowed on the soldiers.
The insurgent forces armed and equipped by Captain
MeOalla not only proved daring scouts, but turn out to be
brave fighters and good shots with Lee-Metford rifles. Our
own men are warm in their praise and look for unexpected
ly strong co-operation on the part of the Cuban army.
PAIVir"? A1AAITIMP '8 k,,own tlmt in n11 tlie t'ar,ieoueJ
UUIVI ILL AWAI I I INU towns held by the Spaniards, sickness is
Forty Thousand Tcoops Ready to Co
operate With the Americans.
Nkw VoitK, June 18. Captain Rafael
Contu, of the Cuban army, haa arrived
at the Cuban junta here with dispatches
from General Gomez. He was accom
panied by tt lieutenant of the army of
liberation. Captain Cunte and hie com
panion left Gomez in Las Vilas. The
general then had with him a body guard
of only sixty inon a cavalry escort.
There waa but little' food in the region
whero Gomez was mailing hia headquar
ters, so he did not mass any largo body
of men there, but had them spread over
u large territory und directed their move
ments from headquarters. He haa all
arrangements made for tlie concentra
tion of the troops when the proper timn
comes, but keeps them scattered and
employed in a guerilla warfare in the
meantime, so that they muyflnd food.
Tlie captain claims that Gomez cau
cuncentrate 40,000 armed men in a short
time at any desired point. There are
several thousand men who are attached
to Gomez1 army, and are only waiting
for arms to be available ior offensive or
defensive operations.
In a skirmish with guerillas about
three weeks ago, Gomez was wounded in
the ieft arm by a Mausaer bullet. The
wound healed quickly, however, in spite
of the general's advanced age, and wheu
the captain left headquara the old chief
whb able to use his arm as well as beforo
he was hit.
It is understood that a definite plan
for the co-operation of the troops under
Gowet! with the United States troops
when the time for co-operation arrives,
has been arranged between the general
and the war department at Washington.
Meantime Gomez will keep his forces
Captain Coute says that from infor
mation received from Gomez spies, it I
making great havoc among tlie troop?.
Tll l'0SPitttls 1,1 Havana are eo over-
CroWlieu Willi kiuk him jmujci iuiuiwi
attention cannot be given.
Tito coal supply of Havana ia nearly
exhausted, and baa been taken in charge
by Blanco, who has his officers supervise
its consumption. The electric light
company recently received an order to
shut oil' their dynamos at 9 o'clock so
that coal might be husbanded. After
tlie hour at which the light works shut
down, Havana is in darkness.
Cars Arc Equipped For Caring" for Sick
and Wounded Will Transfer Sick
and Wounded Soldiers and Sailors
to Army Hospitals.
Washington, June 18. The hospital
train for the removal of wounded and
invalid soldiers, left here today for
Tampa. The tram constats of ten Pull
man sleeping cars, oue cook car aud a
combination coach. It ia fully equipped
for hospital aervice with medicines, sur
gical instruments and apparatus. The
party, which is under the command of
Major Richard, consists of two commis
sioned officers, two noncommissioned
officers, twenty-two privates and three
From time to time as it becomes nec
essary one or more coaches will return
with sick or wouuded soldiers, sailors or
marines, who will be taken to lfort
Mver. Va.; Fort McPherson, Ga., and
other points where there are army hos
pitals. Those whose condition demands
a high altitude will be removed to A'sh
vllle, N. 0. The coaches which remain
at Tampa will be used as a receiving
Cleveland wheels are eelline in spite
of All the cheap wheels that are offering.
Call and see our Do models, Maier &
Freedom of the City and Islands was
Accorded Them and Many Courtesies
were Shown the Boys in Bine,
Officers and Men Highly Entrrtained by
the Hawaiian Executive and the
Ladies of Honolulu Fed Them Most
Lavishly Expedition Again Under
Way for the Philippines.
VicToniA, B. C, June 18. Advices
today per Eteamer Miowera from Hono
lulu, June 10, say the United States
transports City of Peking, City of Syd
ney and Australia arrived there together
June 1. As soon as the three vessels
were sighted, all Honolulu turned out to
welcome the aoldiera. The docks were
lined with people, and as the vessels
entered the harbor the spectators yelled
themselves hoarse. Such a scene of en
thusiasm haB never been witnessed in
When the vessels docked it was late,
so the order was given to allow no one
aBhore, but the next morning about half
of the troops were allowed to land. Dur
ing the day they were given tlie freedom
of the city. The men visited Walkiki
and other points of Interest, aud had a
pleaBant time generally.
At noon President Dole and his cabi
net received the officers of the expedi
tion. During tlie reception the steam
ers and grounds of tlie executive build
ing were thronged with people.
On June 3d the soldiers were enter
tained on the grounds of the executive
building. President Dole was on hand to
welcome them. The utmost freedom
prevailed, the affair being very informal.
To each man the chief executive gave a
word of welcome to Honolulu. An out
door luncheon was served by the ladies
of tin's city.
The transports left for Manila June 4.
The Charleston steamed outside and
waited for tlie fleet, consisting of tlie
Peking, Australia and Sydney, which
got away about 10 o'clock with the
Charleston in the rear.While the vessels
were in port they took in the neighbor
hood of 1000 tons of coaj.
Of the 2500 men among the various
vessels, but two desertions were record
ed, and they were from an Oregon regi
ment. Two men were left behind, oue
was discharged for disability
and the
other ia in a local hospital.
The voyage down was pleasant and
the vessels traveled abreast most of the
way, although it was necessary for tlie
Peking and Australia to slow up aud
wait for the City ot Sydney.
Eight cases of measles broke out on
the Australia. The sick men were sepa
rated from the other passengers on the
ship by being quartered on the hurri
cane deck, and the surgeons had the
cases well in hand when the vessels
Three Times Shoots the Woman Who
Has Jilted Him The Assallaut
Taken to Jail.
Minneapolis, June 18. Emma Auck
land, a woman barber, was shot and
serioufcly wounded by John Knott, a
private in company D, Seventh Illinois
infantry. Knott fired three times at the
womnnand each shot struck her in the
hip. The murderous assault will not
prove fatal, although Knott admits that
he shot at her heart. The woman Is at
the hospital, while Knott is in jail.
The shooting had been planned, and
Knott traveled 1500 miles to accomplish
his purpose.
Miss Auckland ia employed at a bar
ber shop in this city. Knott arrived to
day from Camp Algei, whera his regi
ment is located. Calling at the barber
shop, he stepped up to Miss Auckland,
addressed her by name, and asked her
to shave him. She refused. They
talked for a few minutes, when sudden
ly Knott drew a revolver, and before
anyone could interfere ho fired three
times at the woman. Knott gave him
self up to the police.
Knott says he became engaged to the
girl in Chicago, but after he went to
Corap Alger alio wrote him a cruel letter
breaking the engagement. He said if
she died lie would soon follow her.
A dispatch received from Camp Alger
says that Private John Knott, company
D, had overstayed brief leave three days.
A description of the missing man, nam
ing him as a deserter, has been sent to
the police in all near-by cities.
Colorado Coal Operators Determined to
Open the Mines.
Denver, June 18. The owners of the
coal mines in Northern Colorado, which
have been closed for the past two weeks
on account of a strike of miners, have
decided to pay off the men today.
A last appeal will be made to (the men
to accept the wages offered, and, if the
proposition is refused it is said negroes
will be imported to take the places of
the strikers. It is understood that ne-
groeB are favored because the miners'
union does not admit colored men to its
membership. It is thought that this
fact will prevent the strikers from in
ducing the new men to come out.
It is predicted that if the mineowners
bring negroB to take the places of the
Btriking miners, serious trouble will re
sult. The sheriff of Boulder county,
where most of the Fortberu coal mines
are located, has assured the mineowners
that he will use every effort to protect
their property in any event, but should
he fail a call on the governor would be
unavailing, as there are now no troops
in the sfate.
Italian Ministry Resigns Kibot Una
ble to Form a Ministry to Succeed
That of Meline.
Rome. June 18. In the chamber of
deputies today Premier di ltudini an
nounced that the ministry which was
formed on May 31bt has resigned.
P.utis, June 18. Kibot has informed
Piesideut Faure that he is unable to
form a cabinet to succeed the Meline
Backleu's Anuva salve.
'Die best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feer
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively euies piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druueists.
' Mr.
savs :
P. Ketcham, of Pike City, Cal.,
'During my brother's late sick-
ness from Sciatic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm was the only reme
dy that gave him any relief." Many
others have testified to the prompt relief
from pain which this liniment affords.
For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
At all times flour equal to the best for
sale at Tygh Valley Boiler Mills, at
prices to suit the times. Also mill feed,
W. M. McCokkle, Prop.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cure Piles. Scalds, Hum.
Thousands of suflerera from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung
diseases. Snipps-Kinersly Drug Co,
DeWitt'sTTttie barly Risers,
The luiiuiua llnir oill.
Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoaui lor the
"uniiWiM'i'imi Trail
Good (Doming )
"The best
We show the latest Summer Styles.
See Window display.
C. J. STUBLtlfiG
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greatest American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from $2.76 to MOO per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.
IMP0ETED COGNAC from $".00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to 20 years old
ALIFOKNIA BRANDIES from $3.25 to $0,00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.)
HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val
Imported Ale and Porter.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot- kinas.
Headquarters for Hoik i '.Trai, ai .nds.
Headquarters for Bran, fckorts, X?lik
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Flour
use ; every
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think eo
call and get our prices and be convinced.
I Highest Prices Paid for
i r """"" "" """"" l,!S
do you uaeai
and Retail
Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles.
is manufactured expressly for family
sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wtoat, Barley and Oats.
If not you should, i
and 9
"Knouun as 2
the best."