Wrappers W n appers The rnoct roinpleto lino we have, over ofl'ered is now nsklnn your 3fcctli)ii. Made from diiinly materials that nrti cool imil airy; jtibt the thing for this hot till 111 tiMjr weather. Our Prices are at Rock Bottom. 75e to $3.00. THEY'LL NEVER BE LOWER Tim cheapest Wrappers wo liavo nro made from the beet quality of SiinpHoii' Print., uimiiuittM'd to ho fiitl colorH. Oar hotter grades aro inadi' from flno lin:al- and Iippot Organdies, very handsomely tiimined ill Ivui'i; and KmhroidenuH. You'll Soon Be Going to the Coast, 1 1 or perhaps to the mountains. It makes! no difference, however, where you-go, iih we have untieipitted your wants and are opening up a complete line of Trunks, Grips and Telescopes. Count in and see these. You'll find Unit we have remodeled our lines and added the latent noveltlcH to them. H ie unnecessary (or us to mention prices, iih you always find our priced right. All Goodp Marked in I'lain Figures. PEASE & MAYS M. Parry from the state normal at Mon mouth; Mrs. Maude Slmfnonn and her brothers, Meeprs. Howard and Perry Oaunt, and Robert Belcher from Wlion 'college; hIho Evcnjtt Locan from En j geno. Mrs. A. 0. Stubling & Hon will soon begin on the erection of a new hot house especially for the culture of carnations ! and violets. The increasing trade makes ! this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels ' that her efforts n ill be appreciated by ; her patrons. j17 I A number' of our property-owners I have been enterprising enough to build jiiew sidewalks this summer, and their actions in this regard are certainly com- inendable. T here are others, however, j who should follow their good example I I in this direction nnd put in new walks. I I Some of our sidewalks are in such a i J condition that it is almost dangerous to i , walk over thi and thev should be re-1 built by ail no-ans. A remarkably larco number of Indians ! are in the city at present. This is ow-! ing to tho fact that many aru returning1 from the berry patches at Hood River, j while others are her" to spend the fish-1 j ing season. Those who have been pick- j j ing berries have money and are awaiting 1 every oppottunity to secure intoxicants (at any price, so that the authorities are 1 1 . uuey heeping a waicn on tiiem to pre- i vent any depredations being committed. Yesterda Mrs. L. Spive.v, wife of P.. i A. Spiyey, died at her residence, in the I Bettingen block, in this city, of con- ! CITY PRIMARIES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY .lUNIi 18. 181)8 to take part in the Fourth of July cele bration. All members should be in at tendance. Bishop Morris, of Portland, will be iu the city Sunday and officiate at St. Pau.'s church. The administering of continuation will take place in the even ing. Mr. Brooks received word from Rev. Butcher yesterday stating that it would be impossible for hiui to be in the city I Sundav and occupy the pulpit of the i lf Congregational church, as was expected. (j If southern Gilliam county should J produce as good a crop this year as last, and the indications all point to a better one, the domand for transportation will be so strong that the Columbia Southern railroad will no doubt take heed and tap the great wheat belt farther ou into the Ninteiior. Your summer's vacation will be in complete without one of our Magazine Cyclone cameras. Anyone can operate it. Takes twelve pictures without open ing the camera. Call at Donnell's drug store and see them and the pictures taken with them. Prices -f3,oO, .fG and $10. lS-rtlt-tf The Fourth of July committees are , j doing everything in their power to make the celebration a success and it certain ly will be such. Tlio business men of The Dalles have been very liberal In do nating money towards the celebration, and there is nothing lacking at present to assure its success in every regard. Warm weather continues over the Snake river country, while comparative ly cool weather prevails ovor the upper Columbia. The upper rivers have com menced to fall. It appears that the main body of snow has now been melted and all danger of higher water lias passed. It cannot bo stated with abso lute accuracy that uo further rise will occur, but such a conclusion is reason-1 able. , The catch of fish fell ofl'n little Thurs-1 day night, but the quality is exception-1 ally tine, says the Astoria Budget. The, Hteelheads are finer than they have been ' in years. One was delivered at Tree- j cott's weighing 18 pounds, The so-called branded fish are delivored to the differ ' ent canneries nearly every day. Some- , times they resemble letters, und again quaint figures. They are 6cars from sea! r sea lioii bites, WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Grand Celebration Fourth of July At The Dalles', Or. Weather forecast for today, fair. Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the host ice cream soda in the city. Clarke & Falk have the purest and, strongest Paris Green in the market Hood River straw berries bv the cratd ut The Dalles Commission Company's Ice cream soda, ice cream and straw'' berries at the Columbia Candy Factory. II. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jacobsen's. tf Leave orders for ice witli the Stadol nian Commission Co. Office cold storage building. Phone -ID. tf Furnished rooms to rent, also suits of rooms mutable for housekeeping. Apply to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17 A desirable position to do general house work can be obtained by applying to Mrs. W. Lord. Girl must be u good cook. IT) -lit You can got ifl excursion tickets to Bonuevillo and return every Sunday at either the depot or Umatilla House ticket offices. . Kl-l w All the latest novelties in veilings just received at Cainpholl & Wilson's milli nery jurlors.direct from New York City, the headquarters of fashion, itov. N. Evans, pastor of the Method ist (ihurch in Goldondale, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church In this city next Sunday morning and even lug. A locomotivo on the Sumpter Valley railroad jumped the track near Baker City, Tuesday. No one was hurt und but li'.tle damage was done to the loco motive. At La Groudo there is n demand for laborers which it seems impossible to supply, owing to the fact that the aver age "laborer" does not take kindly to the care of sugar beets. The ladies of the Christian church will sell ice cream and cake at the church on Tuesday evening. Make no other arrangements for that date, hut go and see them and you will enjoy. the evening. Tomorrow evening a meeting of the! TTuaf Hnrl linan tnam u-111 lia linlfl nfc tlial Thmimarin T.ntHn Pftltatrifo Vila A.irlni. MM. ..WWW lnltl -I I I I WW ..W.l V .W... f MW. , .UWWt.u, ..-.... I 1 !... I 41... I ...... T......t ! -l..ll.. .. .. !..., T I HUSO IIUUEC, lur Ug IIUIUUBO "I Mil it I1W1UK I OUII UCUIIIO .UwlHIIUIB HIIU .UCEBIB, Hi sumption. Although still in her prime, being but 21! years old, Mrs. Spivey has been ailing tor a considerable time. Finally her malady turned into con sumption, and she sank rapidlv until the end came. She leaves a husband ! and one child, about -1 year old. The funeral will take place from the Calvary I Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock. ! The twenty-sixth annual reunion of the Oregon pioneers was one of the most 1 pleasant and successful that has ever j taken place under the auspices of the! Oregon Pioneers Association. The rec- j ords of these annual meetings will fur-1 rush much valuable data to the future historian of the state; while the meet-' ings thein&elves are a source of genuine . enjoyment to a not inconsiderable nutn- j ber of our people who find their greatest pleasure in living over events of the j past. Serving thus a two-fold object, j those under w hose auspices these meet-' ings are held and by whom these record-" ' are kept, perform valuable service to1 the community, both present and pros-j pective. I W. W. Rice, of Susanvil'e arrived iu I Long Creek Mondav brincins: the news ' of a narrow escape from drowning of Robert Hamilton's two childit-n in j Sloan & Haskell's mining flume. The ! little girl, 3 years old, while playing near , the edge of the flume was seen by her eldest brother to fall in. Without a mo ment's hesitation he went to the rescue of his sister. Though there was a full head of water running ill the flume with pucIi velocity as to carry large boulders out of the mine, he succeeded in holding his sister above water until help arrived and the two were rescued. It is a mir acle that both were not drowned, as Mr. Rice says a grown person would have great difficulty in saving himself in the flume. Ilsld nt llie Court lltnitn J.xt.t NlRht Cnniltdiitp r.ir Mnor 'ol ClinMiti. Li.'t evening about 150 citrus col lected at the court lious to athnd tho city primaries. Mayor Noiim called the ine-ting to oidor and John Minhell was electe 1 chalim.in. The selection of a secretary for the meeting was next in order. R. B. Sinnott was chosen secre tary on the first ballot. Tho nomination for umyor was next in order. Ali-x rnoinpcn was nomi nated by C. E. Bayard and seconded by M. T. Nolan. Mr. Thoinpsrn dec'ined the nomination and a motion was made that a vote be taken, hut Mr. Thompson airain declined. Charles Phillips then nominated Chailes Stephens, and the motion was seconded by Mr. Butts. Mr. Stephens also decline.!. Thomas McCoy then n 'imed M. T. Nolan, but he de clined to accept another term. Henry Maier wa nominal, d by Fred W. Wil son, and he, like the others, declined tho nomination. As no one could be found to accept this nomination, that of citv treasurer was next iu order. Profesor Gavin placed the name of C. .1. Crandall the present treasuior, in nomination. His nomination was seconded, and as no turther nominations were made, Mr. Crandall was cliubi n nominee by accla mation. A motion was made and carried that a committee of five citizens be anpointed to consult tome good citizen and have him place his name in nomination for mavor. The following gentlemen were chosen as committeemen: M. T. Nolan, C. L. Phillips. N. J. Sinnott, A. A. Jayne and H. L. Kuck. A mee ing for the nomination of coun cilmen will be held in the different ward; kt S p. in. today .as follows: That of the 1st ard in the circuit court room ; 2d ward in the county court room, while those of tbuSrd ward will meet in the council chambers. As there was no further business to attend to, the meeting adj juined. Xnun ue Acluicil I'.i'jiiirt. The following is a report of the Nan sene school, for the third month, com mencir g May 9th ami ending June 9, 1898: Number ot pupils enrolled, boys 5. girls 13, total IS. Those who have missed no days are, Hattie Adamf, Ruby Monie, Belle Adams, Everett Wilson, Rhuda Adams, Dora Moore, Minnie Wilson, Clar.i Moore, Darwin Adams and Pearl Wil-on. Those whose deportment bne reached 100 are, Nancy Neely, Pearl Wilson, Hattie Adams, Daisy Butler, Dora Moore, Belle Adams, Rhoda Adams, Clara Moore, Darwin Adauis, Everett Wilson, Minnie Wilson and Barbara Neely. Visitors during month were James Moore, Win. Adams, Dave Wilson, Polk Butler, Mr. Selleck, Nathan Myers, Burnie and Roy Selleck, Eben and Ralph Butler, Elmer Wilson, Howard and James Selleck, Mesdames Wm., Adams, James Moore, Dave Wil son, Mary Butler, Ada Moore, Misses Hattie and Nellie Wilson. O. R. Dke.ms, Teacher. Royal makei the food pure, wholesome and detlcloui , tw sill POWDER Absolutely Pure B0Vl BKINO POWOtq CO., KEW VORK. by IInz"l Wnuil ; instrumental slo, Mrs. Collins; recitation. Mrs. Hunsa ker; auction; selections by tho Hayseed band; recitation. Nova Dawson ; guitar solo, Mr. Ryan ; recitation, Hazel Wauil ; guessing contest of old sayings; piano silo, Mrs. Collins; vocal solo, Mrs. Stephens. AVnntiMl. Just ttlhat You CUant A competent cirl; one who is a good cook, and who 13 kind tochildren. Good wages to the right party. Apply to this office. tf Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the i Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur I nis-h lodge socials and ice cream festi I vals solicited. Don't forget that our ' ice cream sodas are the best m thecitv. New ideac in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety u wo mot-honing never be fore graced a single stock. Real nnitc tion creton i-UVeis at, ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper priceB. Elegant defigiiH, tasteful colorings, yonra for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , Cures Piles, Scalds, Ourns. 4- OWE FOH A COSE. JUrnoTO Pimply, rriTent H l.,:'1'',' Kuniy thalllood, FILLS CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillipery Parlor5 Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Mrs. Brigs' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and rums your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse tire liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver troublo. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS has removed his storo to the Vogt : Block, next door to the Posfoflice, whore he will bo pleased I to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ! ones. For CHOISE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, j GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. Hoys, Attention! An Kiijuyal)'.? Kvtnlntf. Cloudy Weathep Preferred iop Sittings. All boys and young men between the ages of 10 and 25 years who would like to serve their country by helping to make our Fourth of July celebration a grand success, should be present at the Armory on Monday evening, June 20th, at 8:30 o'clock. All there will be put through u few simple movemements, so that they will be able to make a good appearance iu the procession. Boys, this i'b a chance to show your patriotism and do your part. When so I many are offering their lives even for j their country, surely all will be willing to devote a few hours to helping out j those who are devoting so much of their time to making the day a siicce-s. Do! not forget tho time and place. Uniforms will bo furnished free to all taking pait. j A llox huclttl. ; MY WORK MY SUCCESS. The Dewey social, given by Cedar Circle in Fraternity hall last evening, was certainly one of tiie most enjoyable events of the season. The program was arranged in a manner that made it i pleasiug to all present, and the dancing afterward was equally enjoyable. Georgia Sampson presided at the j piano, and, in company with Professor j Chapman BlOCK. IVyan, as mandolin player, furnished j splendid music for the occasion. ' The program consisted of music bv fl.'Vm the mandolin and guitar club; recitation I P THE DALLES, OR. Jteu You Sr? Our ladies' Hi A box social, under the auspices of Nansene school, was conducted by C. R. Deems, late of Pennsylvania, for tho purposa of raising funds to secure a , library for tho school. The entertain-1 ment was a success, both socially and ( financially. First a program was well rendered by the school, after which was the sale of the boxes, and in each box i was lunch for two. There was if 15 50 realized by the sale of the boxes. The O. R. & N. Co, has added many Improvements to the Bonneville picnic grounds, and this beautiful spot is now in excellent order. During the summer season tickets will be sold at The Dalles to Bonneville and return every Sunday for the low rate of $1 for the round trip. Tickets will bo sold for train No. 3, leav ing The Dalles ot 0:55 a. in. every Sun day, and will bo honored for return pas sage on trains Nos. 4 and 2, same date. 10-1 w He in ins cream FreezersJf Ivanhoe' Price .only $35. Up-to-Dato in Every .Respect. Adjustable Steel Handle lars. Celebrated G. & ,1. Dotaohable Tires. MA S & CROWE. 1 We have opened our renting department with a lino of new wheels. t A large number of college students from this city auit vicinity, who have been nwny attending echoodiiring the year, returned ou the Rtrulator last eveuiiiir. They wereMisses Anna I To Cure a Cold Iu One Day. Take Laxativo Bromo Qulniue Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 25c, Now is the time to spray with Paris Green. Clarke & Falk have the "strong est you can get. tf X0 ZIXC IX C0XTACT WITH CREAM THF 0XLV FKEEZFK MADE HAVING MOKE THAN TWO MOTIONS. rou BALK 11 y t Dialer &Bepi) .THE HARDWARE DEALERS, 161 Second St THE DALLES, OR. REMEMBER. Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.