C E L E B RMTION AT THE DALLES JULY 4th, 1898 P In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. CO Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Ghi'oniele. Per mch. AdvertMnc Kate. One inch or less in Dally l ft) ' ver two Inches una under four inche lwi Ter four inches and under twehe inches.. o ver twelve inches 50 n.nv ,v 5-' 50 Over one inch and under four inches Over four inches and under twelve inches. Over twelve inches J tAI J . 1 w siiitscnirTioN rmci:. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY JUNE IS. 1S9S JIOW THE WAR WILL HELP. . This war will benefit the country m other ways than those which are ordinarily considered, says the Globe "Democrat. It will forever prevent the recurrence of the condition of un readiness in which the present con flict found us. Two war balloons, it is reported, have just been bought iu France, will be in readiness for active use in a few days, and will be sent to the army which is about to invade Cuba. A supply of smoke less powder, it is learned fiom an other source, is being gathered as rapidly as possible, to be used in stead of the older kind still em ployed in the navy. The factories which manufacture the Krag-Jorgen-son rifle, the gun which is used by the infantry of the regular army, are, being rushed to such ar. extent that i:nteririiiiB nrugsim. if the war should lust ten or twelve Triere are few men more wide awake months longer enough of these guns and enterprising than Blakeby & Hough wnnlil ho nn i ,.i nil ti.o ' ton' who 9Pare 110 P"'"9 t0 secure the . ... .. .. i .u.u. w.w- insurgents who are likely to be found. Aside altogether from the settle ment of the Cuban problem forever, t and from the acquisition of the Phil-, ippines niul Porto Rico, whieh the 1 war win onng, H win snow us wuai we lack in the way of national tono nn,l in !, a .!,. . 1 1 J for the future. The country was very fur from bein reatiy for war, when war came. The men, in con-! gress and out of it, who shouted earliest, longest and loudest for war. ! were the men who howled down all ' attempts urged by patriotic and' sa-1 acious perons to make adequate preparation for war if it should : come. These men oppoicd every ' addition which has been made to the navy, nnd prevented many additions which were urged, and which, if made, would have enabled us to have sent Spain out of Cuba without the firing of n shot on our side, or to have ended the war in two weeks if Spain refused to get out peaceably. The defeated, right along until the war actually came, all endeavors to increase the regular army to a figure which would insure national safety. The trivial increase of the army which the spur of actual war extorted from lhei was accompanied by a stipulation which seeks to reduce the army to its old line after the war cutis. All this will be prevented In the future. The blindness, cowardice anil folly which kept the navy down near that of bankrupt Spain nnd hold the army far below the jevel cf that of little Switzerland, will end now. One of the argument of the oppo- ONE, COME nunts of an adequate arm) and navy has been that such things are unre- ; publican and a menace to liberty. j Another argument equally childish is! llmt a country with 70.000.000 of in-1 habitants and over 70,000,000,000 . . I. . of Wealth, as llie I lilted Mates has, needed neither standum army nor ! navv. These big figures of popula-JI I ' tion and national resources would, I thev contended. protect it from ; assault. i Neithfr of these idiocies will have . any standing in the court of public opinion hereafter. The present war, 1 tuouih against an antagonistic cion jtemptibh weak, has shown that great .population and immense wealth, iiu ' less when thej are tiansmuted into j ! fighting shits and fishtmsr men,' would leave a nation as powerless as the giant China proved to be when assailed by the pymy Japan. Admiral Summon has provided a good harbor for tlie army' transports when they arrive, thirty miles east of Santiago, in addition to several landing places near the besieged city. The admiral is a man of ex cellent foresight. Geographers suy that the summer climate of Cuba is better than is gen eralh supposed in the United States. The opinion usually held is based on the bad sanitary condition of Ha vana, Matanzas and some other of the seaports. best of everything in their line for their I manv customers. They now have the valuable agency for i)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Coble. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing sueh a furor all over flip nnnnlrv liv its ninnv atnrtllnrr pnrr.R It absolutely 'cures Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness 'and all aflectioriB of the uiro.u, untsi huh nius. uau ai iue (le-iabove '"Kore ntid get a trial bottle Iree or b regular sizo for 50 cents and Guaranteed fun,je(jt to cure or price re- One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That 13 what It was mailo fjr. U3?S Ue fire Doin$ feat ar?d f rtstie .prirptir;.. For Ffeasogable Pnees.v Wo Print Anything in the Printing Line. Qiue us a trial. ropi pub. $o. ALL. "N fieixx Columbia Hotel IS TUB HKST ,i.o PER HOUSE IX THE CITY J. JVI. TOODQEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened' this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer 3- roc War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low 1 'rices at i?dru feller's afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in an' style. Grandall DEALEltS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. ! pUIlGFal SllPPlieS j Z. DONNELL. PHESCHIPTIOJ1 DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp,. A. M. Willianif ct Co., has has caho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Speoial Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. Closed Haok Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, A cordial DAY The Dalles, Op. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. AND PERFUMERY. Till-: DALLES, OH the best Dress Goods the best Shoes has everything to he foun first-class Dry Goods Store. m a STEPHENS. Props. THE DALLES, OR. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, everj thing to make you happy. The Fop Spanish Headache-- Uncle Sam iu mixing a done that will I mirt'ly aire. Not nil hi'iulniihe euri'H i briiis about rtdiuf and many have a bad I'll'eiit on tin- heart nnd Hymeni generally. I We eau oiler you one not go violent In 1 itH metbotlH as Uncle Sam's, but one which will lenioVH tint nuiei and enre ' thf luMulaebf. Trv IKXM'OIt WOODS' , HEADACHE CURE. Put up by r7 'ML KELIAHLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line "hp ta p? Pnp tanri ami Actnnai iuu uuuuu, iuiuuuu uuu notuuu i FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWJillN ' TIic DilU'H, llond Itlvor, Ciurado Locks iiml I'ort liinil tlully, .'To-lit niimluy, DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou troinrr ( EASTERN OREGON ? llo, mivn money nuil enjoy 11 Ix'iiutirnl trip on -lirilJJi.. 'Ihu wt-bounil trial n nrrlvi' nt 'I ho DiiIIun In umplo tlmu lor i)asfiiKcrn to take the Mi-amcr, iirilvliiK In rortliiml In tlmu for tlio oiiIko n bontlivrn mil Northern tmliiN; Knt. boiiuil iMikkc-jiKvih itnlvlm? In Thu DleH In time to tuku thu KHHt-hoiiuil triiln. ror iiirmer inioriimtlon ily to J. N. JIAKNKV, Axent, Oiik Street Hock. 1'iirtliinil, Oregon, Or VV li. ALLA WAV, (ien, Ah't.i Tilt) Diillex, Uleuon Tne Columtiia PackiDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUHKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIED 15EEF, KTO. Thirty-flve years make a goneratlon. That Is how Jon Adolpb Fisher, of Zmiesvllle, O., aull'erod from piles, He was cursd by ualnic three boxes of J)e Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Snipes-KiiMrslyiDrHgOo. st si st . . S7 ? I Navigation Co.' 1 : stre. Regulator S Dalles City COME ALL. 0. R. & N. CO Diii'iur Kill! timi: cciiiaiL'i.i:. I'llOM IMM.IM. AlUIIVK I'l'.DM, Siilt l.iik' , Denver, Ft. Fnt Worth, OiiiiiIiii, K'mi a ii City. M. Ij.iilt, .1.1i)n.in. Chlonto iiml KiiHt. .Mull lll.'O p. Ill, hlM llillHV Flyer 6:S) , in Wiillii WiiIIh, Hpnlciuir, Himknno .MlmicflpolK M. I'mil, rijcr I II ii 1 a I h, .Mllwmikic,, r, mi , in, I Clllrai!!) mill Knit, h , in. I FlSOM I'OI'.TI.ANI), i (Icnui K tL-ii lit nlii ,f. i All .-nlllllK itntt'S Klllijtol' 1 tit I'llllllUU I i Fur Mill KriniclM'd SiIUiiii 11, rt. j, Vi, j:,, ii,,, I ! t J 1, ! , !), I . ui, p. in. JTl) ALIHKA Still Jmiu 7, '.' .ri i. ni. h ii. m. ' K.auinliiy!('iiliinil)lii llv. Ktuniiicii.. Kx.iji'ind'iir 1 1, ni. .ir.iuu,t II II I, IIY Sitiiriluy IjiiuIIiik,. lu ji. in. Oil. III. U'!I...MP.TTK UlVKU. l.rflti.B, l.x.niiiiilny'Orwiit .('lly. .S't-wliurc, Kx.Miinliiy .-muni .V Vny Liinil . I II. Ill, lll'.'l ll'l WlM.AMETTi: JSIiVn .1-ain m Tiu'i.'i inr. itiM. uivuiio. linn, Aviii.. mill nut. OrvKiui City, Dayton, mill Wiiy-biiiilliiKs, iiml Ftl. fill. III. Wtf-LAMRTTP. ItlVRII. I .IWi tn Tuv..Tiilir, I'ortiiinii to Ciirviillls. Tiie., Ihut, nun hut, mill ny..mi(lliiji, muth.H. I.k.wi: Hll'IIIA. 1: I'm. in. i .Mini., Wtil.i mill I'rliluj 1 I.KAVK t.r.whTON, ir.4ia. a tlin.,Tm., mid Tliur, snaki: Iitvi:i: 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 tl to l.liW 1-11(111. For full nirtlciiliir.s cull on O. It. iX- X. Co.'i iiKdit TIk.' liiillco. hi iiililn.ox V, H. lll'KMINKT, (ion. 1'iif . AKt-i l'lirtlainl, Or east and south via rne onasta Koute OK TIIK i Southern Pacific Comp'y, Tniliih li'uvi'aiiil lire flue to itrrlvu nt 1'otlIiL LKAVK. OVKKI.AND i:x I iiri'Mi, hiili.'in, Hnu I ImrK, AhIiIiiiiiI, Sue j rnmiiiito, okiI!u,Shii I KriineUeo, ilojuve, l.oh AliKIen,Kl l' to. lilCO f. M New urlciniN nun 1 V.mt hai v M l'elitirB iiml ny lions l'.JI except fVlii Wooilliiirn fori ! -Mt.Aimiil, Hllvurtnn, , ! Went Hiilo, llrowiik- , i vllli.,rirlliKlleliliiliil 1 t. Natron Dully vxi'vpt Knndnyd IT.'M A. M. It'orviilllH (ftlltlllllS unit way Wl'.M. I.NDKI'KNDKNi'K rABrillNdl.'lt J.xpress train Dully (except Hnniliiyj. i;Gnp, in. d.v. ...I'ottliimi Ar. 8:25 . ;). B "::) P. in. JloJllnnvllle l.v HVM p. in. t.vr . . Inilcien(k'iire..lv 'Dully. (D'Hll'i except tjuml.iy. DI.NI.Nfi CAItb ON (KiDKN IIOUTK. l'i;l,l,.MAN llUri'KT Hl.LKI'UKP AND HKCOND-OLAHS HLKKI'l.S'C CABs Attiielicil to nil TIiwiikIi Trillin. Direct connection ut fciin 1- nuiclwo wltli On ilentul iiml nrlentiil innl i'lieltlc iiijill U lines for JAI'AN mid CHINA, hillliis iilpllciitlon. l4jiU. HIIICS li III I CKCIK III I'.mhiuiii .l''""Titl 11 ma liu. AIM. JAI'AN. OIIINA. ,lll)M"-LI'U ,D IliU, AUSTRALIA. ,t'iin liiMilitiiineo ii , J. II. KIKKI.ANDi Ticket Ami" , II, KlUKI.A.M'i lOt Olllt'C, l:ll Tllll TliroilBli Ticket Olllcc, l:ll Thlril V''i JJtSJ rtirn i'Ii iwtLrnik rn 1111 1 uiiut n v . s to mi point i l,,.v..r.:.;, .1 HtiitiiH. i.'iiioiiIiiiiihI Kurono cull w ui"" lowcut tiileH from ,i i.,.t int. j, it. Miini,Aii', 1 T,V,rt iron All iibovo triiln iirrlvo nt 11ml 'K '?"( .1 c.,, ut...i,,ii I.' (Hi mill lrvini. Onimt Ccntnil Mutton. Klltli nml VAMHll.ti DIVIHION. , 1'niHoiiRvV DHit, loot of Jeiiuwon mrw Ia-hvo for OdWKdO, l",r';ltt5d,fB. (niul U:iaj p. in. on Hiilimliiy mil 1,1 11 it mill ,1,011 i. lll.illl nmni"j " ; ' . 1 iiriiiiini iiiuiy 111 , . m, 4:lM;uinuil7!M. M (,iml 1UM ' S'l Alll ti. tn. mi HillillllVK olllV). Lenvo for Hlicrlilim. week (lny, t 0 Arrive itt I'ortluml, u:30 11. m. U-nvo for A lit LI K on Mon.liiy, .,'11 Krl i.y nt ti. 111. Art vh ut I ',a " ' dv, TliurHlay 1111U Sutiinliu I - Kxeupt Bniiiliiy. "Lxcept Kiitunw. K, KoK'-I.KIt, JliniHMtr. A Hit, (i. f."J- The farmer, ttm nieolinnic n h J a,l l,il.M. DuWItt'fl Witfll .Salve is the best tlilnn to keep on 1 W ' 'J H l.oal. ni.li.Ule. and id ft W0U " . J cure for piles. Snlpes-Kliierily