The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 17, 1898, Image 3

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Tlio nuiHt eompleto lino we huvo ever
hIIVtimI is how asking your infection.
Made from dainty materials that art:
cool mill airy ; just tho thing for tliia
hot summer weather.
Our Prices are
at Rock Bottom.
75e to $3.00.
Tim cheapest Wrappers wo hnvo are made from tlio host quality of
Simpson'M Prints, iMiarnntecd to ho fast colors. Our bettor crudesure
made from linn Percales and Lappet Organdies, vi;ry handsomely til mined
in Iieu and Kmbroideries.
Be Going
to the Coast,
or perhaps to thu mouniaiiiB. It makes no difl'ereuee, however, where
you go, iih wo havu anticipated your wants and are opening up n complete
line of
Trunks, Grips and Telescopes.
Come in and ceo those. You'll tlnd ihat-we have remodeled our lines and
added the latent novelties to them. It is unnecessary for us to mention
prices, as you always tind our prices right.
peeted. For a time it was feared that
he would loso his leg, but tho doctors
have, concluded they can save H.v Her
son, Albert, who was recently graduated
from Ann Arbor medical college, is in
Portland with his father.
Tho ico cream social given by the
Lutheran ladles last evening was a
grand success. At 0:30 tho ico cream
gave out, but a new supply was imme
diately seemed which was amplo to
supply all demands'. The program was
varied and Interesting throughout. Ir
win I'atk ins and Professor Uvan ren-
idered two uuitnr anil mandolin solos.
Miss Clara Niekelson iravo a piano solo,
while Misses Clara and Julia Nickelson
rendered iwo beautiful inotruinental
duets. Professor Lnndell also sang, and
his selection received the usual applause
and encores. Miss Georgia Sampson
played several selections on tho piano.
As yet we have not learned hat tho
proceeds of the festival were but are
sure the ludles realized a handsome
All Goods Marked in
Plain Figures.
l)ntcn 011 Which It Will Ho Ilclil
ix oth for thu
llfiltl t St. Mnry'K Acnrtptny YrMorilajr
VlrKlmn HlUgei, nrnilutf With
1 1 Itrli lliinoro A 4ili!inllil Program
1 iirdiiKlimit.
The commencement exercises of St.
Mary's academy took place in the largo
hall of the convent yesterday afternoon,
and was well attended.
The stage was beautifully decorated
with flowers, potted plants, and the class
colors, lavender and white, while in
large letters above the etane was the
motto of tho class of '08, "To Higher
Levels Kite." The young ladies were
all attired in white dres?es and the effect
throughout was very pretty.
The program beaan promptly at 2 p.
m., the opening number "bein a selec
tion on the pianos, a Sonata by Mozart,
by eight young ladies. Ench and every
one of them executed their parts fault
lessly, Tlio entile school then joined in the
beautiful chorus "Willi Music Glad,
Our Welcome Blcnd-i." Their sinuinc
I was faultless, beinu sweet and harmon
1 ions.
A dialogue "The Troubles f the Little
Folks," was well rendered, and tho ap
plause was certainly sufficient to prove
that it was highly appreciated.
The nuniher following was an essay by
Miss Mary Virginia Hillgeu, of Dnfur,
the graduate of this year. Her subject,
"The Harp," was handled in a most
thorough and charming manner. She
traced its origin and history down from
ancient times to later years when it was
emblematic of the Emerald Isle. Her
illusions were well made and betrayed
the marks of application and learning.
Hillgeu is the only
year's class, s-till her
Alma Mater may well feel proud of the
class of 'OS.
The piano selection, "Vase Brilliante,"
by eight young ladies, was played in a
manner that would do credit to artists,
and certainly reflected great credit alike
on the pupils and their teachers.
An aesthetic drill by fourteen girls, in
The exposition to be held in Portland
this year, opening September 22d and
closing October 22, promises to be tho
largest, best and most successful ever
held. In 1895 and 1800 it was given
under the auspices of well-known busi
ness men of Portland, as it will be this
It is conducted, not for profit on the
part of the committee, but to display to
the neoploof the Pacific Northwest and
to many Eastern visitors who may be ! Although Miss
sojourning in our midst, the wondertul member of this
resources ot tins lavoreu section ot our
There will be given prizes consisting
of cups, medals and diplomas for all the
the best.and most meritorious exhibits
of grasses, grain, fruits (fresh and pre
served), vegetables, etc,
Exhibits from Eastern Oregon will
certainly take some prizes, bpace is ' costume, wasTemarkably graceful, and
free. Exhibits will be transported with- ( anf from the little tots of six summers
out cost and there will be no expense to ' to the older girls, did their paits admii
the exhibitor. I ably
Anyone wishinc to make exhibits or 1 fjie beautiful drama, "Virtue Re-
any inquiry concerning the exposition 1 warded,"' passed off without a percept-
will receive a .prompt reply when ad
dressed to V. B. Struble, the secretary
Royal make the food pure,
wholesome and deltcloui.
Absolutely Pure
Just tUhat
Voci GUant.
to Mary Mclnemy for proficiency in
instrumental music.
The afternoon's entertainment was
closed by an eloquent addref-s by Rev.
A. Bronsgeest, in which he kindly com
plimented the young ladles for their
splendid effort?, nB well as givinc; them
a rich store of kind, fatherly advice.
The exercises from beginning to end
were most successful and were heartily
enjoyed by all present.
A Dimk'J' Klltertttlniuctlt.
Cedar Circle will pve another of their
delightful socials at Fraternity hall to
night (Friday.) A good program,
with dancinc. Price of admission, 10
cents for ladii; irentlemen 15 cents.
Everybody come. Yon will be welcome-
Call fur MHHMneellng.
Xew blear, 111 Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore (traced a MiikIh stock, ileal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary pricep.
Good paper? at cheap paper prices.
Elegant, de-iuns, tneteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full lino of house paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
i Under the management of .
In accordance witli the usual custom,
thi vritHr nf D.illcq fihv nr rinni-9ti!
to meet in the circuil court room at 8 p. Miss M'rt,u Smit1''
m., Friday, .luno 17th, to make prepa-1 1 (
ration for the comingcity election. j Ml'S. Bri!gS Old Stand.
M. T. Nolan, Mayor. ;
I A torpid liver robs von of ambition
To Cure a Cul.l 1.. One Iy. an(J n,ing yQyn hmMu ' IJeVitt'a Little
Take LaxRtive Bromo Quinine Tab- Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
lets. All druugists refund the money if stipation and all stomach and liver
it fails to cure. 25c. troublo. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
of the Oregon
Portlan J, Or-
Industrial Exposition,
Mr. .1. L.
Mlllor mi (I Alius I'lninn JlHelt
United In Marriage.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 17, 188
Fourth of July
At Tho Dalles', Or.
Don't forget that Kellar keeps the
best ice cream soda in the city. tf
Clarke & Fall; have the purest, and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Hood Uiver strawberries by the crate
at Thu Dalles Commission Company's.
Ico oreiiiu Boda, icu erenni and straw
berries nt the Columbia Candy Factory.
II. M. Ryan, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at
Jacobson'a. tf
Leave orders for ico with tlio Stadol
nian Commission Co. OHioo cold storage
building. Phono -ID. tf
Furnished rooms to rent, also eults of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 10 and 20, Chapman Block. 17
A desirable position to do general
house work can be obtained by applying
to Mrs. V. Lord. Girl must bo a good
cook. 15-Ut
Tim forecast for today is fair weather
over tho Pacific .Northwest Saturday
and Sunday protuiso to bo fair and
Last night two carloads of mutton
sheep nnl live carloads of cattle were
whipped to the Union Moat Company at
You nun trot 1 excursion tickots to
Bonnovlllo mid return every Sunday at
either the dunot or Umatilla House
ticket ofHct'H. HMw
Tlio Masons pf Condon have pur
chased ground, and will soon coninionco
thu erection of a two-story frame build
ing, -10x10 feet.
Carev Ballard will havo charge of tho
refreshments on board tho boat the
night of tlio excursion, and everything
served will be fir.H-olass.
All tho latest novelties in veilings just
received at Canipboll & Wilson's milli
nery parlorH.diroet from New York City,
the headquarters of fashion.
A social and business mooting of tho
Epworth Leugiie will bo hold this even
ing at the M. E. church, Cake and
lonionade will be served, A large at
tendance is requested. By order of the
A pocketbook, containing letters of
recommendation for V, J-. Sykes, and
other articles wliioh may be of value to I
the owner, has been found and can b
had by proving property and paying for
this notice.
Mrs. A. C. Stubling & Son will soon
begin on the erection of a new hot house
especially for tho culture of carnations
and violets. The increasing trade makes
this necessary and Mrs. Stubling feels
that her efforts will be appreciated by
her patrons. jel7
Citizens of Goldendalo have com
pleted .arrangements in the matter of
cash subscriptions for celebrating the
Fourth of July in tlio most elaborate
manner ever known in Klickitat county.
A grand bull will be given at tho armory
in the evoninw.
Lieutenant G. E. Bartell, of this city,
has received orders to recruit thirteen
able-bodied men, which is The Dalles
apportionment for tiie second call tori
volunteers. As soon as the men ure
chosen, an examining physician will
come from Portland to examine th i
boys. When mustered in thoy will g
direct to Manila to enlarge Co. L at thai
place. '
The Canby camp meeting wi'l be helil
On Wednesday evening, June 15th, i
Mr. J. M. Miller and Miss Emma Mack i
were united in matrimony. The cere- j
mony was solemnized at the residence j
of tlio bride's mother, Mrs. Andrew
Kellar, of this city, llev. L. Grey, of the j
Lutheran church, ofliciatini;, and was i
attended by only a few intimate friends
-Land members of the family.
The dining room was beautifully dee
orated with flowers and evergreens, and
a splendid wedding supper was served.
The bride, is favorably known in this
city, and is a great favorite with those
who recognize her worth and know her
sweet, generous disposition. The urooui
is an enterprising young business man
of San Joaquin, Calif.
The young eouple left on the early
morning train yesterday for their Cali
fornia liome.
July 1-11. this year. Tlio evan
services will be in charge of Itev. Joln
Nangle, the Peter Cartwright of the
Pacific slope. Sermons on the IJighpr
Life and lectures on the Piblo daily by
eminent preachers of the M. F. church
Clean straw for campers, free pasture
for horses. Good board at very leason
able rates.
Cooler weather prevails over tho up
per Columbia and warm weather pre
vails over the Snake. At Kiparia the
Snake is stationary indicating that the
present rise from Umatilla westward is
from tlie unner Columbia. There is
now enough water in tho streams to
produce a rise for at least three days at
Tho Dalles. By that time the effect of
the current worm weather oer tho
Siioko country will be shown.
The O. R. & X. Co. has added many
improvements to the Bonneville picnic
grounds, anil this boautilul spot is now
in excellent order. During the summer
season tickets will bo sold at The Dalles
to Bonneville and return ovory Sunday
for the low rate of $1 or the round trip.
Tickets will be sold for train No. 3, leav
ing Tho Dallos at (1:55 u. m. every Sun
day, and will be honored for return pas
sage on trains Nob, -1 and 2, same date.
Wo learn from Mrs. Johu O'Leary,
who came up from Portland Wednesday
nluht to attend the graduating exorcises
of St. Mary's Academy, that her hus
band, who was shot several weeks ago
by young Walker at GritBs Valley, is
getting along as nicely as could bo ex-
The Flual ICimiilnutlDtis.
Wednesday the result of the final ex
amination of the pupils of St. Mary's
Academy was made known to the youug
ladies of the various departments.
Those who reached the required maxi
mums were honorably promoted to the
higher guides. Premiums for excellence
in the minims' department were award
ed to Genevieve Fish, Alice Nolan, K.
Skibbe, 11. Donovan and Delia Brogan.
Tho honors of the day, however, were
reserved for four young ladies, Misses
Edna Smith, Lizzie Brogan, Rosemary
Baldwin and Annie McNoil, upon whom
were conferred diplomas of graduation I
for having successfully completed the ,
H,gramniar course oi siuuy requireu oy i
Kne inBli(utioii?The teachers and young
flaHlUH uf miademy express them
selves highly pleased with the results of
the year's woik. An Oiiskuvkk.
able error.
The orchestra, consisting of about
thirty pieces, appeared, and by their
beautiful and harmonious playing of dif
ficult selections from the old maters,
astonished everyone and drew hearty
applause from the large audience.
The musical program was concluded
by the vocal trio, "Sunshine, Song and
Flowers," after which the entire school
i marched on the stage, where the gradu
' ating honors were awarded to Miss Vir-
ginia Hillgeu, a gold medal and diploma
j being presented to her by the iustitu
) tion.
! The gold medal, donated by Rev.
j Bronsgeest, was given for proficiency in
I vocal music to Miss May Johnston.
I The gold medal, given by the institu
! tion for Christian doctrine, was awarded
' to Miss Virginia Hiligen. The gold
; medal for highest class average in the
senior department, which was donated
by Dr. and Mrs. Hollister, was awarded
to Miss Edna Smith.
The medal for highest class average in
the preparatory elass was donated by
the institution to Miss Mary Howe.
A medal donated by Mies Jane Con
nors, of the Portland Business College,
was awarded to Mary A. Connelly for
proficiency in plain sewing, while the
gold medal donated by Miss Catharine
BroKan, of The Dalles, waB given to
Mary Goelner. A gold medal donated
by James Dugan, of Ashland, was given
J. H. CROSS hfls removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to the Posloflice, whore he will bo pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Cloudy Weather Preferred for Sittings.
Chapman Block.
jtev You Sq Our Iadis'
Price only $35.
les Mm Freezers.
All able-bodied meu wanting to enlist ;
as volunteers for the purpose of joining
Co. L, now at Manila, call at the armory
every eveninz at S o'clock.
Lu-.vt. G. E, Baktull,
Recruiting Officer, a
The Motion! tit'Uiity
Thrives on good food and sunshine, witli
plenty of exerclso in tlio open air. Her
form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system i
needs the cleansing action of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant I
Svrunof Figs, made by the California!
Fig Syrup Co., only. ,
AViiiitiil. i
A coin potent girl ; one who is a good I
cook, and who Is kind to children. Good ;
wages to the right parly, Apply to this
office. tf
Ice Cream wholesale mid retail at the '
Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur
nish lodge socials and ice cream festi
vals solicited, Don't forget that our
ico cream sodas are the beat in the city.
Up-to-Date in Every Respect.
Adjustable Stool II audio liars.
Celebrated G. it ,1. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
lino of new wheels.
167 Second St, THE DALIES, OR.
rnaier & Benton
Wo have strictly First-Glass
rir, Uak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 85.
J. T. Peters & Co.