CEL.B B RMTION AT JULY 4th DALLES, 898. In Commemoration of the Independence of those United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, AilvcrtUliiE ltate. Per nxh. Oue tr.ch or less in Dally Ilffl ver two Inches Rini under four Inches 1 00 Tcr four lstche and under twelve Inches. . ." ver twelvu inches 60 DAILY AND WEEKLY. t)no Inch or less, tier Inch t- 50 Over oue Inch and under four Inches 2 00 Over four Inches Mud under tuelvo Inches.. 1 30 : over twelve inches i oo sinshUKii'TioN nsici:. One week i? lf One month 50 One vear 0 00 TRIDAY JUNE 17, IS9S A COLOSSAL TASK. Whatever may be the object in withholding information in regard to the transports loaded with troops it is ceitain that the way has been opened tor the landing of troops in j Eastern Cuba. Operations of the navy have not been confined to San tiago. Admiral Sampson is practic- j ally in control of Guantanauio bay, to the east of Santiago, which will , give shelter to all our war tleets and also afford a landing place for a part of Shafter's army. Some days ago a special dispatch was sent from Berlin to the New York Herald and other papers, giv ing views of alleged German mili tary experts on the invasion of Cuba. mi e ,i:,.. .:.,,. 1UCSC wum au u. uwuuuiaBHisj character, the critics holding that the i laumug oi a large army m uuuii as a work of too great difficulty to be mastered by officers In command of our armies. The case of Russian maneuvers on the Black sea in 1897 was cited as an illustration of what n colossal task General Shafter has un dertaken. In this Russian case (which we are told was theoretically the most successful attempt ever made in modern times by a fleet to land large bodies of troops in the j face of an enemy), each squadron succeeded in landing only 8,000 troops in three days. This, it is claimed, is a small matter when ':om pared with what the Americans pro pose. The German writer seems to be lieve that the Americans are going at this matter of transporting and land ing troops in a haphazard manner. The ver' opposite is true. The gov ernment has succeeded in masking the real movements of the transports. It flias also succeeded in confusing the Spaniards as to the point of land ing. Never has so little been pub lished as to any military expedition J in this country ns that under com mand of General Shafter. The peo ple know that the troops are the best in our army, and that they arc on the transports. The Spaniards know that much, but it may be assumed that Goiiornl Miles and Admiral Sampson know a good deal more. The operations of the navy indi cate that there haw been foresight in the selection of a landing place, am) that whon all things arc ready the expedition will land. There will bo no Spanish navy to oppose, and the invaders will meet no Spanish army on shore capable of making success ful resistance. Tho case nlll not bo like that of 1807 on the Black sen, but more like that of 1851 on the hub iea, when Franco and Great ! Britain landed o7,000 troop; in tlio , Crimea in live days. The American j people understand ly this time that I the view of the cmbitono critics that the landing of an army is only a matter of two or throe hours is not correct. W'c are likely to have a little mis understanding with the Kaiser over , tnc L;uirones and Carolines, but it is probable that we can convince him of his error if he has committed one. In the meantime there is no reason ' wh' we should ct mad at the Kaiser. . Our indignation can be put to better , use elsewhere. There, will be ample ! time. for the settling of small disputes ! when the blr one is disposed of. j Manila had, when the war broke ! out, 300,000 population, of which j 50,000 were Chinese, .;,000 conti-J ncntal European, !500 British island- j ers, and three Americans. We are , left to guess as to the nationality of I the remainder of the people, and this is the best they are able to do themselves. ! The people who expected that the ected that the wjipsi,,; United States would three weeks are not different from ! the people who expected to crush the southern rebellion in a month. They are always with us. Cheap Kate fur the Fourth of. Inly. J For the Four th of Julv the 0. II. & N. c0. will sell tickets from The Dalles to 'jni a t n i inn ! n C rutrnn n nrl raf urn 1 n eluding Walluln and Walla Walla, Wash., at the rate of one fnre for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and 4tb. Tickets good for return up to and including July 6, 1S9S. Cleveland wheels are selling in epite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '98 models. Maier & Benton. ! Clarke & Falk manufacture a full line of flavoring extracts. Ask your grocer for them. tf Now is the time to spray nith Parle ' Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong est you can get. tf j One Minute Cough Cure, cures, i That Is what it was made for. , UVe Ire Doigg 'A feat ar?d fi rtstie .priptir.. For Ffeasorble Prices Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Oiue us a trial. tyropi pub. 5o. ALL. fieux Columbia Hotel IS THE HKST ii.oo IEK DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY 0. VI. TOOmEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer G-roc "T "XT War or No You will always have tho benefit of Low Trices at i?dru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, lee Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and - Oysters ill any Style ' Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies TA.. Z. DONNELL, P$ESCSlTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., TJ-I E DALLES, Oil uxho CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Fodorul Streets, Speoial Attention to Feeding Transient Stook. Closed Haok Day or Night, PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALIES, OR. A cordial The Dalles, Op. TTT War & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to fee foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. ever j thing to make you happy. The Foff Spanish Headaehe- Undo H;im iy mixine it (Ioho that will eurtily curt. Jfot nil huiulnuliu curce i lirin' iibout n.'liof mill many hiivu u Imcl client on th" huart mill Hyatimi pinurally. Wo can oflur you onu not ho vlolunt in itH niutliods an" Undo Kuui'h, hut omt wliich will riuiiovt tlio c'iih"i and cun tli.t hfailiiclic. Trv DOOTOK WOODS' HEADACHK CUKK. Put up by ItKUAIJLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles. Porllaoi and Astoria Navigation Co.' r sir Regulator .Dalles City FREIGHT AND PA8SENUER LINE iiktwi:i:n Tlio IJalles.Iooil Hlvur, Cimomlo Lockn mill 1'ort liinil dully, ,'nviit hiinilny. DOWN THE VALLEY Are vou going (EASTERN OREGON? II n, n) money mill enjoy a Ifcuiitllill trip on the Coluiiililn. Ttiu W(!it-jiiniiil train arrlvt'Miit 'I lie Dnlltsi in mnplu time Inr iunHeni.'rN lo taku Die utenmer, arrlvlni; In l'ortliiinl In time (or tlio outKoiiiK Hon thorn anil Northern triiliu; Kant noiinii inhM..iiKerii arriviiiK In Tlio linlles in time to taku tlio ICint-boiiiiil train, l'or Inrtlier inlormiitlon apply to J. N. HAitNKY, AKent, Oak atn-et Kocli. 1'nrtliiinl, Oreiroii, Or W C. AI.UWAV, U'ii. Aitt., Tlio Dallex, Uri'Kon tub coiumoia PacRing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAUTUKKKU W Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON miKD BKKF, KTO, Thirty-live yoarn iniiko a gouomtlon, TlmtlH liow Ioiik Atlolpli Flahor, o( Zuneavlllo, 0 sufl'ored from piles, Ho whs cured )y using throo boxes of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Halve, Snipes Kinersly Drug Co, f4v v7 3& m,KZxa 0. R. & N. CO tJin-Atir I' on timi: !(:iii:iiiii.i;. I'Iiom Iai.i.i:m. AlllttVK I II. 'SI. Kit .Mall 11:150 i. in. Hnlt l.nki , Ilciivcr. Kt.l Knt Wiirlli, Oimiliiii Kim Mh. City, ht. IjiiiIs, ;i,iiii. in. L'llli'iiKO mill IvnMl. Hpokmie l'lyer Wnllii Witllii, fipokiiiic. Hpnkiinc illiilii!iipnlii. Wt. I'iiiiI, Vljcr. 1) ii I ii t li, M llwmikfc, n :n n. m, i;iik'n;:o mid Kmi. r::j p, in. fi p. in. l'KOH I'dltT.ANll. Oi'Ciill Htriiiuslilp4. All hillllllK (lillot KlltjjCCt to rliiinsiu. For tun J'niiichrit bull Jllll a, ii, ll, 1.2,1,',, in. Jl, H, ,. 1 p. in. 7 . 111. To AUHKA- , ji. m, iiill Jtmu 7, I' 8 . in. Dx.huiiday Kitiinlay Id . in. i ii. in. Coluiiililn ItV. Hti'iiIiiL'ru.'Hx.hiniil.if ;To A.sTouiA unit Wiiy ! Ijiiullll(!o. liii. in. Kx.biimliiy Wii.iaMKTTi: Itivm:. i a) p.m. Ori'Kon Clly, NmvlMjri,', l'.x.niniilny Hitk'iii ,V Wiiy 1-niul's. 7(1,111, lViLi,.K.rri: and Yam- .'l.iWpm. Tiii'.Tltur.' him. iuvuii. MimVfd., mill Silt. 'OriKim ;ity, liny(nii, unil Trl. I mill Wiiy-ljiinlltiKS. ! i II. III. TiHs.Tliiir, i unil Hut. WlI.LAMKTTi: IttVKU. , 1.80)1. in, I'liitimiil to t'otvnllln, Till-., llmr, anil Wiiy.ljiiiillni, unit bAt, I.i'.avi: ItiruiiA. 1: l.'i ii. in. JIoil.. Will. mill I'rliluj Ixxvr. I.BWIfiTON. 1 ." l"i ii in. hiiii.,Tiir.. mill Tlmr. KNakk Itivmt. i:l)mrla to I.uwistim. I'nr full purtlnuliirs cull on o. It, A.- ,V. C0.' iiKullt Ttiu IMlli'S. or uililii-HS W. It. IUTItUIS'llT, (i'.'ii, l'ii. Act., l'ortliiinl, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave mill iiro ilnu to arrive tit I'lirtUu W5AVK. ovi:ki-.v.nii i:.- nri'Ni. Salem. Hoie- I InirK, Ahliliilnl, Mil'-1 I rameiilo, (Kleil,rim I KraneUeo, -Molave, ( fl',00 V, JI. l.on AliKelet,Kl Pa HSII vew iiriuiuiM inn l I'.lUt Knit 3;;M A. Jl. Dally ItuK'ljurK unil way ta uoiis fVlu Wixxlhimi lor I Mt. Alik'fl, Hllverton, i Weit helo, lliowiid- I'.M Dully except fiuwJityi. wept Hllinlayj ' I7: A. .M, viiii'.bpriiiKliemmiii I. .-mi utroii ((.'orvnllli anil way iHtlltioilH iJOl'.M. I.NDlIl'JCNDKNfli: I'AKHIvNtiKK i;x)ini"i train Dally (u.ceilHiinilay) lift) l. in. I;"' p. in. (I.v,.... l'ortliiinl . Ar.) ': p. in. .U .MoJIInni'llle .l.v.J :i!U p. hi. (Ar. .lii(li'i'iiili;iii'i',.l.v ) liU) II, i l u) ii. m Dally. t Iiy. except Hiumay. DINING OA 118 ON (X1DKN ItOUTi:. I'UI.I,S1AN IIUKl'KT SI.KKI'IIIW AND HKCONlM'J.AtiS HI.KHI'INI CAUn Attaclieil to all TluoiiKli TriiliiH. Direct I'oiiiieetlon nthali raIllMo with Oajl ilentnl anil Oriental unit I'aolllu mull "teann aip linen for JAPAN mid (JlllNA. Balllnu ilntw 011 a) Plication. , Ku. ItlllifM iill II I Pk'PIH III MNIlTll IK Ilia Aim JAPAN. OIUNAi IIONOM'I.U au AlIHTUAl.lA.eiin lioolitiiliii'il Iioin . J. It. JvlltKI.AND, Ticket ARM" ThroiiBh Ticket Olllce, Wl Thlnl Mrwt, whero thtoiiKli llDketi. to nil polntH In the HtateH, (Jmiinlii mill Kuni)e can bo obtaiiiw i liiwent riitcH Irom . ,. , , ,,.. J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket AKW; All iibovo traliiH nrrlvu at iim 'lci''l,"X (iramlCentnilHtatloii, I'llllimiil Irvnik' 'W YAJIIUI.I. D1VIHION. t 1'iUKCMiKvr D).ot, loot of Jeilermn lrcci. U'ltvu for OSWKdO. Ixr.t1,.'irtd??',w. 7!2()ii. in.; W:8U, liM, &iK, ' Al'S (ami llilio )i, in. on Nutunlay only. "i . "i, anil it:3ii j.. m. on KuihIiivh only). '"i i-WS. fortlaiiil aally nt 'riMO ami : in.i 1 " l$ Mtl5,O:V0iillil7!.Viji. m (aniUOiM n. u! 6;lu i. in, on riiiniluyH only), U-nvo for Sherlilan, weel: ilays, stliMP-111 Arrive nt 1'ortliiinJ, u:a) a, m. I-rtve for Alltl.lIC on Moinlay, Krloiiy at U:4 it. m. Arrlv.- iitn I'orth lu" UHV.'liuriiilay hihI Hatiirilaj it mo.) p. Kxcept Hiiinlay. "Kxccpt Huff11" K, KuK'.i.KH, Jlnniiiier, (I, II. JIAIIK Amt. O. r . 1 uw' The farmer, the inecluwiic nud Hj" b1' cycle rider are liable to unxeleil cuw and bruises. DoWltt's Witch H Salve la the best thinir to keep on H"u' It heals quickly, and Is a well known cure for piles, Snipes-Klneraly Drug to.