Utmhk. VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1898. NO 80 MAM n m i u 1 11U Defenses at Caimanera, tlic Terminus of the Railroad Leading to Guantanamo, Were Reduced. CAMP M'CALLA, Guantanamo Bay, June 15, via Kingston, June 10. The- brick fort and earthworks at Cai manera, at the end of the railroad leading to Guontanamo, wore demolished today by a terriffic bombardment conduct ed by the Texas, Marblehead and Suwanee. The warships opened fire at 2 p. m., and the bombardment lasted an hour and a half. The Texas steamed slowly up the channel leading to the fortifications, followed closely by the Marblehead. The Mar blehead stood off to the west side of the bay and opened with her 5-inch guns, knocking down part of the wall. The Texas then throw in some 12-inch shells, tearing down the walls of the fort and throwing bricks and mortar thirty feet in tho air. After badly damaging the fort, the Marblehead shelled the earthworks and barracks at the west end of the harbor. She knocked them into tho air, and when the Spaniard fled from the fort, they were shelled by the St. Paul and driven into the bushes. Tho Spaniards only fired five shots, which did no dam age. After the ships stood out into the .harbor. the.Spaniards opened fire on the Marblehead's launch, which replied vig orouslv. The Suwanee then turned back and shelled the bushes, driving the Spaniards DESTROYS CHANCES OF EARLY PEACE Departure of Shutter's Expedition Com mits the Government to a Vigor ous Prosecution of the War. Wahiiinhton, June 10. A leading member of thu diplomatic corps said to day that the departure of Shafter'a army of invasion into Cuba put an end to all preHont prospects of peace. While none of the foreign representatives had ever made peace representations to the gov ernment, yet peace negotiations always seemed to the members of the diplomatic fraternity as -litliin the bounds of possi bility, and even probability, so long w tho troops remained at Tampa and Key West. Now, however, with 15,000 A in i f on ii us till lit ra it limit to take a noa't- tlou on Spanish soil, it 'ih said tho con ditions heretofore opportune for peace have- undergone a material change, as the United States is committed to an nggresaive land campaign, and it also makes it impossible- for Spain to adopt any other course than that of defending her soil against invasion. The cabinet crisis in Franco may ex ert indirect influonco on the present war. Hanotaux, the minister of foreign affairs in the present French cabinet, lias been foremost in overcoming tho anti-American spirit shown by the poo pie and the French press. He lias, moreover, exercised a strong repressive influence on Spain. He was able to do tills through ids peculiarly close and persoual Intimacy with the Spanish ambassador at Paris, Sonor Castillo, and through him to have a considerable part in shaping the policy of the Spanish government. The course of Hanotaux lias been hlghlv gratifying to the authorities here, and they would be glad to see lilm re gain control of foreign affairs in France. What is feared particularly in demo cratic circles is that Hanotaux' with drawal, along with that ot the Meline cabinet, will bring some llery deputy to the head of the foreign ofljee, thus giv ing free rein to the popular ill-feeling ugainst thu United States. WAY FDR SHATTER inland. A TO THE WAR FUND An English Divine Expresses the Patri otic Sentiment of England for this Country. Washington, June 10. Hon. James F. Meline, assistant United States treas urer, lias received through Speaker Heed a letter from Hume Elliott, of Manchester, England, enclosing a postal order for 10 shillings, 0 pence. In the course of his letter Mr. Elliott says: "Will you kindly accept half a guinea as a very small token of a great regard for tho United States in its present high and righteous enterprise? It may fur nish a cup of cold water to some mem ber of your army or navy, bravely con tending in the interest of Immunity and justice. "May I venture to add that this sun i.lu ottering does not spring altogether Iron, a now-born sentiment. When last lobrated tho diamond jubilee of our beloved queen, behind my pulpit platform wero grouped three nags me royal British standard in the center, tho one side hung the union jack and on tho other the Stars and Stripes. The explanation is simpie. Wo felt that in tho United States iE.hit.iiur so many loved ones had gone, countless hearts of kith and kiu were beating in sympathy with our own. Mnrnnvnr. It BUeillS llllllOSt UUpOBBIOIC fnr no tn rmriird tllO StarB Olid Stripes like tho emblem or any other nation aB out-and-out a foreigu flag. Had It not been bo regarded by ue, it could not have occupied the position it did on tho august and memorable occasion I have reference to. "Moy God bless, protect and prosper tho United States." In bis reBpouso Mr. Meline says : "Bo nleased to accept the assurance that your generous expressions of eym- imthv are received with tlio leenngs they naturally inspire, coming os they do from the near kiu of a great part of the population of this country." Use Clarke & Fulk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf SPAMS I SOLDIERS Six Thousand Volunteers and Many Regulars Flee From Puerto Principe and Neuvitas to Join the Cuban Army. NEW YORK, June 1G. A special from Key West says that advices from the headquarters of the Cuban civil gov ernment in La Guanaja, Camaguay, report that over 0000 Spanish volunteers and many regulars from Puerto Princi pe and Neuvitas garrison have deserted to the Cuban patriot army. The immediate cause of the desertion was fear in spired by the proximity of the American fleet. GERMANY DARE NOT INTERFERE European Powers Would Not Tolerate an Attempt to Turn the American Victory at Manila to the Kaiser's Advantage. New Youk, June 10. A World dis patch from London says : Neither HuBsia nor France, and still leBB England, would tolerate any at tempt to turn America's galhint over throw of the Spanish fleet and virtual capture of Manila to Germany's special advantage. In the jealousies are a gaurantee that America will not be troubled by any interference in the Philippines. This is the opinion in high political quarters here, where the utterances of the Berlin chauvinist press are treated as of no account. The arrival at Manila of Admiral Diedrich, the German naval chief, it is said, is simply because of the desire to witness the operations of Admiral Dew ey's squadron for nayal reasons. ALL MUST SERVE THE FULL TERM Disgruntled Sailors on the Harvard and Yale Will Xot Be Released. New Yosk, June 10. A Tribune spe cial from Newport News says: Those of the American line employes abioad the scouting ships Yale and Har vard who have not deserted will be forced to servo their full time according to the term of the mercantile enlistment. The 000 foreigners on board the two ships, however, maintain that the American line and the government is breaking the agreement with them and norpietentlv refuse to go to sea, or it car ried by force, to discharge the duties that will be expected of them. The British and German vire-coneuls Have refused to interfere iu the matter, and the only course left open for the men is tn ilesurt. and if they do they tan be apprehended by officers of the law. wituupiuir cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping cough. My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Oouuh Remedy. I did not thiuk that any medicine would help him, but after giving him a few doses of the remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and one bottle cured hi in entirely. It Ib the beBt cough medicine I ever had In tho house. t E. Moore, South Bureottstown, Pa. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. ESERT I A BODY TRIED TO FORCIBLY COLLECT MONEY An English Woman Arrested at Dyea on a Charge of Having Attempted to Murder the Postmaster. Skagway, June 12, via Victoria, June 16' Mrs. Sarah Rowley, an English woman, has been arrested on a charge of attempting to murder Postmaster Steel, of Dvea. She learned that her , brother had left $125 for her with Post 1 master Steel. Wiien she asked him for 1 it he is said to have informed her that I it had been lost. She then borrowed a j loaded revolver, and, aiming it at Steel's ' head, demanded her money. She wae at once arrested and held under $5000 ' bail for trial at Sitka. On her way to j Skagway she jumped overboard. Her j husband leaped into the water to save her, and both narrowly escaped drown ing. At the pack-train gambling house Samuel Dunderhofl dropped dead after losing considerable money. HOBSON'S REWARD President Will Recommend His Ad vancement Ten Numbers. Washington, June 10. The presi dent will send to congress today a rec ommendation for the advancement of Lieutenant llobsou, who sunk the Mer rimac in Santiago harbor, ten numbers in the list ot naval constructors. Arrangements are being made io give a grand moonlight excursion on the steamer Regulator on Friday, June 24th. It will be under the auspices of the Alpha Mandolin and Guitar Club, und will leave The Dalles at 7 o'clock in the evening, returning at 12. The club are practicing for the occasion and will fur nish their guests with the sweetest music, which will seem all the more beautiful at such a time and place. This excursion will ue attenaeu oy a seiect crowd of the beet people in the city, and none need have uny hesitancy about go ing on account of any questionable characters for caro will be exercised in the 6ale of tickets and they are not transferable. Uuokleu'i Ariuca salve. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevel sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cuius piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or inouev refunded. Price 25 cents per bor. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. KODAKS. We sell them because we have the right kind, Any price from $1 to $10. Easy to take, develop and finish. Come and see a sample of pictures taken with them, Donne Liv, Druggist, Good (Doming ) The Manhattan Shirts? illliiifii If The best Ysnomn" and We show the latest Summer See Window display. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. C. J. STUBLtlfiG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from .$2.75 to .$0.00 per gallon. (-1 to 15 years old.; IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to $12.00 MFOKNTa BEANDIES from $:i.'-'5 to ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot a., kirms. Headquarters for Rolk J '.Trail'., ai. ,;mds. Headquarters for Bran, aborts, XSlfbSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour uee ; every We sell our goods lower thau any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices and be conviuced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barleynd Oats. do yoa uueap not yoa shoald. "K;noxtn as the best." Styles. pur gallon. (11 to SOj-earscild stti.00 per gallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Blatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. ib manufactured expressly for family Rack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.