The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 16, 1898, Image 3

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    m ,
The most complete lino wo have ever
ollercd U now asking your Inspection.
Mndu from dainty nmtorinls that are
cool and airy; just tho thing for this
hot summer weather.
Our Prices are
at Kock Bottom.
oe to
Tho ch.-;,p(.Mt. Wrapper wo have uro made from '.ho best quality of
Simp.nV Prints. guaranteed to bo fast colors. Our better gradeVare
mode from fine Percale.- ami Iippct Organdies, very handsomely trimmed
in Luce and Km broideries.
Be Going
to -the Coast,
or perhaps to tint inouiitnina. It makes no difference, however, where
you pi, uh wo have anticipated your wants and are opening up n complete
lino of
Trunks, Grips and Telescopes.
Come in mid sec those. You'll iind that, we have remodeled our lines nnd
added the latest novelties ti them. It !h 'Unnecessary for us to-mention
prices, uh you always lind our prices right.
Wootnen of tlie Fifth nutrlct
Ht ThlH 1'lBOl.
AlKJoods Marked in
I'lain Figtireu.
The (Dalles Deily Ghromele.
JUNE Hi, im
Jco cretin i
CoHeo.und cake
Served in tlio MuKiii! building.
illy tliuiiudiuB of th. Lutheran church.
rForocust for today, .occaHioiial rain-
J)oit't forgot that .Kellar keeps tho
foout ice orcum soda ir. tho city. tf
Ciurko Vl Falk have tho purest xnd
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Hood River strawberries by the mito
at Tho Dallen ComiiiUwion Company's.
3co.roaiu .nda, ic cream and straw
berries at tlio Columbia Candy Factory..
Souvenir spoons of American battle
ships ut T. A. Van .Nor.'Jen'd. Priced
cento. 8-1 w
11. U. Iiyiui, teacher of Mandolin,
Guitar and itunjo. iitiadquurters at
For correct etttloH in mvilinery go to
the Campbell & Wilson J&Illinory Par
lore, on 4ku:oud 6i. to
Leave orderH for ire with -the Stadol
man Commission Co. Office .cold storage
building. l'lioniuK). tf
Furnished rooms to rcnt.rilso eults of
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply
to 10 mid M, Chnpuuiii Ulock. 17
, . . , . . . i improvements
A de.rabk. poH.Uon to do Koneral
house woikcm be obtained by applying
nt this olllce. Girl niu&t be a good
.cook. .10 Ht
Wo urn sorry to announce tho eoriouH
illness of H. D. Parking, who in confined
to hlfi room with a painful attack of
Vdu can tret $1 exituruion tickets to
llornnevlllo un( return ovary Sunday at
olthor the dooot or Umatilla House
tiokftt offices. HMw
Yetordav morning ninety Walla
Walla troops passed through the city en
rowto to the rresido nt San Francisco
And thou to Manila.
All the latest novelties in veiling just
received at Campbell & Wilson's milli
ner)' purlore.ojiroet from Now York City,
the headquarters of fashion.
Our Kastern Oregon fanners can now
have little fears of a drought this year.
Yestordoy'd rain will certainly Insure an
abundant grain harvest, although ripe
strawberrleH and other fruits are said to
have sulfort'd seveioly from the rainfall.
At Grues Valley, Oregon, on June 7,
1808, Mr. 11. M. Haw ley and Miss May
Mi Dougherty were united In marriugo.
Iioth the contracting parties are well
and favorably known in thie oountv and
I state, and 'IV: b Ciiuonicw: -estende to!
' them its best wishes.
j I. 'LI. D'Aroy baa aeked the canvass
ing board ot flls-rion oouutj'ito recanvaee
the vote cast for lituifdf .and Judge
Boise for clrcu'it judge. I an affidavit
rliled with the3unty clerk Monday, Mr.
tD'Arcy sots forth that the results ar
rived at by the canvassing board diller
essentially from the returns. pabhshed
i:i the;i.i)WPiiaiors. lie thinks that a
recanvass will show his citation.
Tho second eesslon of tho fifth district
convention or the Woodmen of the I
World met at Fraternity hall and whs '
,.n.i i. .
mnuu in oroer at iu O CIOCK tills tnom
log by Jainea Taylor, and C. II. Marsh,
of union county, was elected temporary
chairman, and W. D. Harper, of The
Oallee, temporary ceoretary. The fol
lowing committees were appointed:
On credent Ink James Taylor, John
Heiiin, V 0 Ilitidlo.
On order of business S I Harworth,
S 1 l'nrdy, M J An.lerson.
On refolutions G A Hnrtman, L X
Liggct, J M Filloon.
The committee on credentials reported
tho following delegates entitled to seats
in the "convention :
Moro, 210-L II Martin.
IViTieville. L'17 1' D Poindexter, L M
Oufur. 215 M J Anderson, and T II
Athena, 171 H 'I Curtis by G C Os
liorn, proxy; V M Sheck, by G COsbom
proxy ; S G l'urdy, by C G Osborn, proxy ;
'Lake France, by S V l'urdy, proxy.
Weston, A Best, by G S Mar-
tin proxy; GS Martin.
La Grande, 109 S It Harworth, E V
Shaw, R L Lincoln, by S R Harworth,
Kim; Ofty, 80 C II Mai-sh, D J (K
Deering, by C H Marsti, proxy.
Pendleton, OS G A Hartman, G W
Tim Kay of St. ,Torph' ch.tnl OIvp n
Nplenillil KnlertnlniiiHnt X.nit MRlit
at M'lilrh .Mnny Krlinil ami
I'm flit (Vpre rri-M'iit.
Tlie cloning exercises for St. Joseph's ,
school took place at St. Mary's Acade- !
my hall last evening anil was largely .
attended by parents nnd fiiends of the
little folks, who are under the superin-
tendance of Sister Mary John.
The program was opened by a match
and chorus by about forty little fellows,
nnd was very ably and harmoniously
rendered and betrayed marks of careful
train in L". ,
Johnnie Brocan distiniruilied himself i
by his rendition of "Mr. Ward's Lee-,
ture." The selection, which was a dilll
cultone, was very well tendered.
Xextcatnea piano solo, "The Spin-;
nitig Song," wh'ch whs played in a way '
that surprid and delighted all present.
Tho next number was entitled "Klon-1
, dike,1' and consisted of a dialogue and I
song by about twenty littlu fellows. .
7 lief were web drilled in every detail
and this number was very creditable.
A monologue by Gcome Bunch, en I
titled "Tomorrow, or (tie Music of tho
future," was hiuhly amusing. Ho was
assisted by eight little boys who rep
resented eacn cf the eight notes of the
The gun drill followed. Iu this about.
Royal makeg the lood pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Puro
terval the water now present will run
oir ami tho next supply will not bo suf
ficient to produce a lurther rise. With
in six days tho riso will probably cease.
Cult for .MnKum-etliig.
Baker, C.A Cole, by G W Bafcer, prexy
j In accordance with the usual custom,
! the voters of Dalles City are requested
to meet in tho circuit court room at 8 p.
m., Friday, June 17th, to mako prepa-
ration for tho coming city election.
; M. T., Mayor.
Just ttthat
Vou ttlant.
the ladies of the Lu-
J K Milkr, by J P Walker, proxy.; J P
Walker, T F Howard. L O "Sheek, by J
E Beam., proxy, A.I Gibson, and 'M H
Adarca, 07 T A Lieullan, and 'F S
Curl. j
Mt. 'Hood, 59 W 13 Harper, D H 1
Roberts, C1I Brown, by 'O F-.Stephens,
proxy. J L Harper, J M "Filloon, Jas C
Columbia, 57 A M Barnett.
Condon, 5SE W Moore, by'F 'B Ste
vens, proxy, E A Kelson, by F B Ste
vens, iproxy, F B Stevens.
Arlington, 56 F C Kindle.
Fossil, -13 Fit Morris, two'votes.
The report was on motion adopted.
The temporary officera were made the
permanent officers of the'convention.
' J LP Walker, F C Hindle and'-L U Mar
tin were appointed as a commsttee on
milesge and per diem.
thirty little fellows anwared. and the 11119 evening
manner in which they did their parts ! tberan clinrch w ill servo ice cream nnd
showed that thi-y were true American . Ci,kui aI1(1 lf the weather la cool, coffee
boys, well drilled" and prompt to obey and cake, in the room underneath, tho
the commsndf of thoivcaptain. " j Masonic hall, on Third street. The pro-
The drill was concluded by the singing jcee(Ja will be for the benefit of tho
of "Tenting on the G.d Camp Ground," ehurch, and since it la for a worthy
by the entire company of little patriots. I caso P"""c patronage should be
A piano and violin solo bv Roger and Hberai. ilie ice cream will bo lurnialied
Teddie Senfert followed, and tor little I b' Andrew Kellnr, which is sufficient
ones they did themselves proud. , recommendation, while tho beat talent
Hammond Geltner recited "Mi. Tran-1 ln the city, Profs. Birgfeld, Lundell and
script's Slide Boirn Hill," in a way that , Kyan, will entertain the gueata royally,
would do credit to a much older boy. All aro cordially invited to attend the
A song and chorus, "The School Fes- 1 Ecial.
by twenty-five bovs, was the next
Woihiliic of Mr. Vlllliini Iliierlt;
MInh I'sitiUne Driivr.
The twenty-sodond annual meeting of
tho llomoeopatliic Medical Society con
weued at the Methodist cliroh at 0
d'cloek Tuesday raoruing. There waB
a ainall attendance., but a very interest
ing and profitable meeting was held,
mid soineof tho papors caiisod an ani
muted discussion. J)r. Eaheluian was
eleuted president for tho ensuring year.
The society adjourned to meet in Port
land next year.
Four hundted visitors are in the city
of Wivlla Wnli:i to attend tlio 10th eti
.campiuont of tho G. A. JL, department
of Washington and Alaska, and kindred
organizations. Tuesday .afternoon the
eouncil.of administration of each organ-
ideation kohl a nweion preliminary to the
regular oucaiiipiuont, which begun yes
terday, when the-io was a big parade. A
number of veterans are camped near tho
city, in army style.
The O. JK. & N. Co. has added many
to the Bouueviliu pictii
grounds, and this Loautitul Ppot is nov
in eieel lent order. During the summer
A ipretty wedding occurred at 9 o'clock
last evening at the residence of the
bride's parents in this city. tJ.e con
tracting parties being Mv. Willitm A.
IJoeri ig and Mies Pauline M. Drews.
The ceremony was perfoimed by Rev.
Ilolr.7., of the Christian church. Fred
Drew, brother of the bride, served as
best man, while Mies Bertie Glenn acted
the part of bride's ainid.
The residence wrs beautifully tieco
rated 'with ivy, ferns and a profusion of
After the ceremony a splendid wed
ding supper was served and a pleasant
time wan enjoyed by til who were Jor
tunate. enough to be present.
Mr. JSoering holds a poeWon in the
Umatilla House in tins city and is
known 'by everyone as ; younc man cf
honesty awl integrity, whild tlve bride i3
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'rederiel:
Drews, oi diie Dalles, an3 is liiguly es
teemed by all who know her.
The wedding was of tomewiat of a
private character, only tutiuiate 'friends
and members of the family being
The young -couple will lr tJay or
tomorrow for a wedding tour to Cslifor-
;nta. llie uhhinici.k wishes tueaa the
in II measure of happiness and euoeefs in
their married life.
number. The-foveral parts of the song
wereang by different boys, while the
chorus was joined in by the entire
group. Their singing showed application
to the work and sound training.
The orchestra rendered the beautiful
selection, '"Scenes From Chikibood."
This was prokibly the best nutaber on
the progrom and although a hearty en
core wr givea they modeEtly refused to
The fong and chorus, "One Wish,"
delighted -everyone and was followed by
the awarding of class honors by Eev. A.
Bronfegeest. The gold medal for highest
class average, which was donated by
John Hampshire, was given to Johnnie
Brogati. The medal tor application, do
nated by Harry Liebe, was won by
Walter Boos, while Herman Goelner
won that offered for Christian doctrine,
which was donated by James Skully.
Rev. Father Eronsgeest made a short
address of congratulation to the boys,
after which the entertainment was con
cluded by the singing of the chcruu
' America" bv tho entire school.
Tn Cure u Cnlil ill Ono liny.
: Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnb
i lets. All druggists refund the money if
' it fails to cure. 25c.
New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such
wide variety as w e are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real Imita
tion creton ellecta nt ordinary prices.
Good paperB at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D'. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and
Miss Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Bripjgt
Old Stand.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt'a Little
Early RiBers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Snipes-Kinorsly Drug Co.
Weather liureau ltepurt.
J. H. CROSS nas I'oniovod his store to the Vogt'
Block, next door to the Posl office, where he will be pleased
to greet his manj' iormer patrons and a liberal share of now
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Cloudy Weather Preferped fot Sittings.
The weather is cloudy, showery and
quite warm over the Columbia river
basin. Tuesday the maximum temper
ature decreased a few degrees. The
rivers continue to rise elightlv. The!
very small rise ia indicative of an early
cessation of the rise.
At Umatilla the rise in the river will
be about two feet more; at The Dalles
I about 3.8 feet more and at Portland
about one foot more. The temperature
will slowly fall over the Columbia river
basin, then the small amount of enow
yet remaining will not be tnelU'd until a
warmer period again occurs. In the in-
Chapman Block.
iav You Sr; Our adis'
j At
season tickets will bo sold at Tho Dalles Kpreseivo
to Bonneville and return every Sunday
for the low rate of 1 for tho round trip.
Tickets will bo sold for train No. 3, leav
ing The Dalles at 0:55 a. in. every Sun
day, and will be honored for return pas
sage on trains .Noa. -1 and 'J, same date.
A general rain fell over this seotion of
Eastern Oregon yesterday. P.irties
coming from the Bukeovon country
state that heavy rains fell in that vicin
ity in the morning; ulso at Sherar's
Bridge, Dufur and other places In tho
Inland Empire. A very heavy shower
fell at Dufur at about 3 p. in. about the
same time as the down-pour heie. Old
timers hero say that yestorday'a fall,
while it lasted, was as heavy us they
have ever seen, the streets being Hooded j
nnd tho .roads covered with mud mid
pools of water.
'Xno llalleH Volllltr I'DOjiln .Married Yi-ri-
terriuy Atomlug Jn 'I'll I h City.
tho hour of 0 o'clock yesterday
niornUg at the homo of tho bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Rowe, George
Cooper and Frances Etta Rowo were
united in marriage, Rev. J. II. Wood,
of the Methodist church', officiating.
Only relatives ofthe young people were
present, and the ceremony was very im-
We iuipio
Price only $35.
ibb cream Fieezers.
Up-to-Dato in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel llandlo liars.
Celebrated G. it ,J. Dolaobable '.I
A competent girl ; ono who ie u good
cook, and who Is kind to children. Good
wages to the right parly. Apply to this
office. tf
The contracting parties are known by
their host of friends iu and about thia
city to be, in every senstyof the word,
most estimable young people, and seem
perfectly suited to sped a happy life
together. Mr. Cooper, having spent
his boyhood daye oh the home farm
near this city, and attended school here,
has grown to be n iudiiBtrons, uoble
young man, of whom any city may well
feel proud.
Miss Rowo wila graduated from our
High school, aiid has since taught in
the public school with great success,
winning, by ler sweet, womanly man
ner, not onlythe love of her pupils, but
the esteem ot all who know her.
Mr. andMre. Cooper left on the 7
o'clock train yesterday for Portland,
where he is engaged In the commission
business and where they will mako
their homo. Tho bo&t wishes of the
community follow them,
Clarke & Fulk manufacture n full line
of flavoring extracts. Ask your grocer
for them. tf
Wo have opened our renting department with a
Hue of new wheels.
FOR s.w.k MV
Wo have strictly First-Class
juaier & Benton
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To toe sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
1 Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.