B RMTION AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Ail vnrtlfttiic Mutes. Ptr inch. One 1i.cn or less In Dally H fiO vox two inches ami under four Incite;.. ... 1 tio ver four lnchc nml under twelve inches.. 75 Tcr twelve Inches 6" DAILY ATJ WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch f'2 W Over one Inch and under four inches 2 on Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 So Over twelve inches 1 00 SUltNCKIl'TION 1'ltIOi:. One week ? 15 j One month 50 One vear 00 I THUUSDAY JUNE 10. 1S0S THE HERO OF SANTIAGO. An assistant naval constructor. ! heretofore engaged in the routine' duties of school-teaching, and a de lapidated tramp steamer lately used as a coal-hulk these are not on the face of the case promising material for the building of an heroic saga. Thpre is not in them much that is reminiscent of Nelson with the glass at bis blind eve. or Farrcut lashed to the rigging. One would instinc-; lively look elsewhither for stirring! flnnrle Tlincn nro null- tlio fittinrra , of an age of commonplace, in which ' veins are tilled with water instead ot blood, and passions are regulated by measure and weight. Hut in that instinct would be forever wrong. I For in an hour in Santiago bay that, man and that ship gained immoital-1 ity of fame for the sheer splendor of , deliberate daring such asKingOlafi and his Berserks might have loved to j I e' f i Inside the bay was the Spanish ileet, half a dozen superb fighting ships, and the shores were lined with , batteries and the bottom dotted with mines and torpedoes like that which j destroyed the Maine. Outside lay the Ameiican lk'et. And the nrob-1 lem was to block the narrow gate- j way so that the Spaniards could not! get out. It was to that task that this man ! addressed himself, with his seven comrades and tlie old coal-hulk. There was none of the dash and ex citement of battle in the job, no blazing and thundering of big guns and darting of torpedoes. At least there was none on Ilobion's side. Ifd.and his men and their defenceless ship sailed slowly into the awful trap without a stroke in their own de fence. A literal hail of shot and shell swept down upon them. The chances were that they would be riddled, or blown to atoms. 15ut calmly and steadily the ship was moved forward until the narrowest part of the channel was reached. Then an anchor was cast out at the bow. In instant peril of death they walled patiently, as inch by inch the title swung the great hulk around. At last she lay right across the chan nel, her length reaching almost from ahoro to sliore. Tlieii they dropped another anchor nt the stem to hold her fast in that position. Then, as I Grcnvillc said after Iiis immortal j light, the word was given, "Sink mo I the ship, MaUcr Gunnel'! Sink her!! Split her in twninl" And by the hands of her own crew tlio ship was j sunk, effectually barring the harbor against Ccrvcru's exit or Camara's CBtrance. The work was done. Then, seeing there was no escape in . their open skiff through the storm of shot ami shell that fell about them, Hobson and his stven men calmly rowed straight to the nearest Span- I ish ship, whose uns were belching out death against thorn, and gave j themselves up as prisoners of war. 1 The name of Hobson is added to ' the list that already bears the 1 T.' .. t ,.f I ' uauius ui lunt'j itiiii ui x iiiiiiyui, ui , Perry and Decatur. It was a stnaM I proceeding. compared, with their great battles. Rut its results arc not j i!.iiWinim( 1 1mm c nl ...i. nlilr, I . .1 1 IIISllllllU.llll III LIlWlllOll T 13, llll WI1U manner of its doing sho.ved its doers to be possessed of the highest hero ism known in mortal conflict the heroism that goes to the performance of supreme duty without a single ..1.., . .1.,. . 1... . : : .1 mui mm, 11. is um, ind that in the lace ot all but cer tain death. New York Tribune. "With the submarine boat Holland aoing in one direction and the war balloons in another, it is probable that Spain will eventually be-caught between a cvclone and an earth- (lua0, The .Modern Iteiiuty Thrives on jrood food and eunshino, with p,enty of eSttrc-.e , th(J Qp(;n air Uw form trlowp with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the clennainn action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Fig, made by the California Fig Syrup Co., only. Cheii Hates for tlin Fourth of Jul)'. For theFouith of July the 0. R. & N. Co- wil1 eel1 ticketB from The Dalles to any station in Oregon nnd return, in- eluding Wallula and Walla Walla, Wajh t nt ,he rato of one fare for t,,e round trip. Tickets on sale July 2d, 3d and 4th. Tickets good for return up to and including July 6, 189S. c,oveian(i wheels are eelling in spite 0f all the cheap wheels that are offering, Call and see our '98 models. Maier & Uent011- J y0w is the time to spray with Paris ! Green. Clarke & Falk have the strong-1 est -vou ca et- tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made (or. Ue Ire Doigg fleat apd f rtstie .priptii.. j" For Ffeasopable prices.- We Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qje us a trial. 5r)ror;i; pub. 5o. I ALL Jieixx Columbia Hotel IS THIJ UEST 5i.i)o lEK DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY J. M. TOOOIEV, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc War or No War You will always have the henefit of Low Trices at Ipdru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Grandall & Burget DEALERS IN RofcieS, All kinds of undektakers Burial Shoes, Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. 7VL Z. DONNELL, P$ESCflPTIOrl DRUGGIST TOILET 'ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, Oil has has 1 uaho CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Fodoral Stroots., Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. .Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Turn A. Ward nnd Jos. T. Robertson, Props. THE DALLES, OR. A cordial The Dalles, Or. the best Dress Goods the best Shoes j 1- , i n uas everymmg to oe ioun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. j COME ONE, everj thing1 to make you happy. The For Spanish Headaehe- Undo Siitn iH niixiiiL- n iIdhc tluit will surely oiiru. Nul nil lmiiilnnlit! curcn i brini: about rt'.VwA anil many lutvo a luul i'(l'i'i!t on tin' hunrt nml HVdtt.'tn udiinrally. I Wo can ollur vou onii not ho vlolont itH mi'tlmuH as I in:lu Satn'a,' hut nun whiuli will rouiovc tint chiim and ctiri! tin iMMilachi'. Trv I)0(T()I WOODS' IIKAIUCHK CI' UK. I'm up hy UKLIAHI.E I'lIAHMACIRTS. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' mm V.I FREIGHT AND PASSENUER LINE HKTWKI'.fl Tlio Diillt-s, llooil Itlver.CincinUi Lockn mul I'ort Imiil dully, "ro-tit hnmliiy. DOWN THE VALLEY ( EASTERN OREGON ? K no, mivu money nml mijuy n iiwintUiil trip on tiiuColiiiiiblii. 'Uiu wmi-lioiuiil tmlii tirrivi-M tit llio Dalles In mnplo llnii) for piihu'Iikitn to tnko tlio sU'iiinisr, iirrlvhiK In i'ortlmul In tlmo for tlio outKoIiiK boiilliL-ni mul Norllivrn ImIiih; IChiI boiiuil piiKuiiKurb iirrlvlnx In Tlio DhIIun in time to tiiku tlio Kaxt-boiuiil train, Kor fiutliur liiformiitloii apply to J. N. IIAKNKV, AKViit, (Mk Hirisjt Dock. I'ortlmid, Oivtron, ui i. iMiiiiin.lt, I it'll, Ai;l., Tliu Diillo.',, uriKiin II PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAUTUKKHH UK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD BKKF, KTO. Tliirty-llvo yonru uiuko a K"nortln. TlmtlB how lonif Ailolpli FJahor, of Znnuivlllo, O., BiiU'oroil from piles, Ho won cured hy ualuic three, boxoa ot Do WUt WUeh Hazel Snlve. Snlpca Klntraly Urns Co. Prefers Regulator S Dalles Cilj Ttifi Rnliimnia Pantinn Rn ....u,... . ..Ulll. w. COME ALL. 0. R. & N. CO Dl'.l'AliV I'CIH timk m:iii:iiiii.i:, auuivis I HUM D.VI.I.n.s. j i.-,.UM rinlt l.iiki , liciivur. Kt.l i'n.t Worth. Oiinilia, Kim I mj j;ix :lty, Kt. l-ouix.1 a ioii. ln. Clilt'iiKo mill Kunt. 1'lHt .Mull UXO i. in, Hpokani! Flyer Wiillii Wnllii, hpitkuiiv, HiHikmiu Jiiiiiii'iipniiii. hi. I'niii, vijcr, A:So i, in, i'ii ui i n, .Minviiiikw, ii ;t)A.m Clilrno nml Cant, i. in. I'iiom I'oi;ti.ani. (Ii I'll II Kll'llllislltp4, All Hiillltin lnti' MilJcot locliiumu. I'nr Sun I'niiiclii'ii. I I p. ui. SilUtin ;i, ti.u, 12, 1:,, lo.f -i, .i, wi. 7 p. in, To Al.AHKA- .-ull Jitnu 7, I p. 111. b . in, Kx.Hiiiiiluy S'ltiiiiluy Hi p. in. ' 1 ,1 111 Cdliiinlilii Itv, HU'iiinert.Kx.iiiili(liiy w tinniiiM mill , uj UlllUlllKS. ii ii. in. Vim..imrtti: liivnit i mi p. nt, in , 'Xin,1,1,l,,''(,rJ-'''11 '', Ni-wIhtb, Ks.MmiUy HiiIoih ,t Wily IjiiiiI1!!. ii. in. 'WlLI.AMKTTK ASII Y.IM- ,'l.,lp 111. 'JiiDL'ilmr.' iiim. Kivmu. .Mull, .Villi., , mul sut. Orwm City. iMvtcm. nml Krl. i : nml Wiiy.liinilliiKs, ' I'll. Ill, j WlM.AMKTTi: lilVHII. I . p. 111. j 1iR'..TIiiir,!l'ortiinnl tu Cnrviillli.'Tin;., llmr, mul Silt, mul Viiy.juiiilii-;s. nml bat. I.kavi: Itll'AlilA. 1: I'm. iii. Jlilll., Will, mul 1'rliluj ' I.IIAVK I.r.U'lliTON. .1 I I 11. 111. iHilll.rilrj.. i mul T)i nr. 8.VAKK HlVIIIt. lilpuriu in lAiwIntmi. For full piirtlcillnrn cull on 0, 11. A .N, Oo.' HKvnt The 1iillib. or iiitiln-.ts W. II, lliritt.llNKT, (iull. l'lii. Ant., 1'nrtluuil, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OK TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave mul rc due to arrive at 1'ortUL m;avi:. I OVKIil.ANM) i:. I pri'nh, Hiili.'lil, ItOku . I lllirK, Aallimiil, pin Km- 1 1 .Hilll l( lve, ( , U.UU 1.31. . K rji i u-1 ii. Molll II.ON AllKOll'N,!'.! I'iiko, 1 1 Xmv urlviiiiH mul I Kiist .-i m ,Hi".'l)iir(! nml wiiy etii n.i A. -i,lh 1'. M Dully HiiiiJitys. f Vlu wooiiinirii lor I iiii.. i i ,.. I -Mt.AiiKi'l, rillvortoli, i ...i wt Hiilo, llroiviih vllk-.tiprliiKllolilmiil ' .'Mull hlliiilny i INiitroii 17 :a a. n. ICorvnlllN Istlltlllllh nml way I .joi'.M. iNi)i:i'KNni:N('i": i'.KHi:sii:rt hxprc" ti" Dally (excupt Huiulay). I;N . in, (l.v. ,.,1'ortliiinl Ar.t ? 7::aip. in. Ja .Mi'MliinvllU' l.v. ';:; '" h;!ajt. in. (Ar lii'l'.'ponili.'iii:i.'..l-v ' '"iJi Dally. (Daily, u.xci'pt humlay. DIN'INti CAIIH ON OdPKN ItOl'TK. l'in.l,MAN 1IIJ1TKT Hl.i:!!!'!'"14 AND HICCOND-OI.ASS HI.KKl'INO (JAIw Atlaoluil to nil TIiioiikIi Tniliw. Uln-ct I'onnoctlon at han Kuinclwo '"'.n ileulal ami uilfiitnl mul raollli) nU IIiioh furJAl'AN anil (JIUNA. HallluB ilti 0" iiipllcutlon. , .i'ii. ItatvHi.ml tlcknU to Kimli'iii l' 'il" 1 1 1 fojMj. AIkoJAI'AN, OIIINA. IU)N'll''U ana AC.'KTUAl.lA.cmi ho olitiilmil fnim , J. II. ICIUKI.AND.TlcliL'IAKUit. '1'liroilKli Ticket (Xlllou, 131 Tlilnl "Vlum tliroiiKh lluketa to nil polntH In " W HtiileNOiiiiulaiiml Kuroj-e tan bo omww lowest nilen from KmKmM VAMHU.I, IUVIHION. . I'ukkuiiKi-r lpot, foot of Joilerwin U'live for OHVK(iO, ilally, 'Ai-cpt Htnid")'. f t.'MI .. ... . Wl I'M f.'lfi. li"J.), '.'. I- (mul liiiso p. in, on Batnnliiy oiiiy.aim .- (t l!iw, ii.io, "i ,,.. ,,, m mm ;i!3ii ii. in. on niinniiyn . 1:33, I'ortliiinl ially nt (iiioaiiilHi.w ii ' 1 3;ii MilA,o:i!Oninl7sMi. in., (ami lo;0. H. Aiiop, m. oiiiiiiilajH only), Jx-'iivo for HliorJilan, wuok ilayn. liMr- Arrive nt I'lirtlmul, VM a. in. U-ave for AIHMK on Moii.lay, WK'C Krlniiy at U: 10 a. m. Arrive at J ''" ilav, Tliurmay anil riatiinlai it i."1 !' '" Kcvpt Huiiilny. "Kxccpt BiituntitJ'. vlanukor, Ami. (1. ' The farmer, the ineolmnic nml ,J0 JJ cycle rider are lluhle to unoxpoctetl cv mid bruLe,. DoWltt'H Wll.il. '" Salve in the best thing to keop on I. J It heala quickly, nd 1b h ' "T cure for piles. Snlpen-Klnewly Urugo.