Chronicle, VOL. XT THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY 'MORNING, JUNE 10, 1898. NO 79 SANTIAGO IS ALREADY F.vp.rv Sniira of Ro.inforro.mont and fsnnnlv Will nmi lb IWn fiit i .. V....V1 Off- Pncltinnc nf uii ivjiuviw vi OFF SANTIAGO DE CUBA, June 11, via Kingston Juno 15. Rear-Admiral Sampson and Commodore Schley with their combined forces are slowly but surely placing such a network about Santiago and are cutting off so effectually every source of outside aid that within a short time starvation's tappings will give way to death's solid knock for ad mittance at the doors of the ill - supply and reinforcement have and is down to famine rations. When Admiral Cervera arrived in Santiago with his for the relief they thought ho would bring, but instead thousand more men to feed. , The only aid he had to offer was tons of ammunition A map of the harbor furnished today by spies shows the harbor forts by Schley, the towed into the bay behind the a mile further up the Vizcaya commands with her broadside two narrow entrances to the oast and west of Cayosmith. Haifa mile north and at the third narrow entrance lies the Almirante Oquondo, and half a mile to the northwest are the Cristobal Colon and Maria Theresa. TRIPLE TRAGEDY AT- TACOMA A Itarlicr Kills His Former Mistress and Her Lover and Then Shoots Himself., June 15. A double murder mill Hllif.ifln atnrtlfxt tin. nitimle of this city tliiH mornitiK. The tragedy occured at the Donnelly hotel ivt 10 o'clock. Clarence Eiuury and 'Lillie Millet wore eat inn n mirly dinner in u private box ut the restaurant, when Jim ltartlett entered, Bitot and instantly killed the man and woman, and then shot himself, dyinu' in a few minutes. The woman had loft Uurtlutt at Dyea to live with Emery, who was barkeeper of the steamer City of Seattle. 'The couple came on the steamer to this city, and were followed by ltartlett, who said he would never permit the woman to live with any one but him. The woman formerly lived in Seattle, ami was about -5 years of ae. li.vrllelt was a barber by trade. After II rliiK the shots, lbirtlott slashed both Emory und the woman with a knife before shootiui himself. Tim woman had been married to $ man named Chandler, who disappeared some years ago, since which time she Iiiib been known by the name of Millet. SAMPSON'S FLEET MUST WAIT Further Operations at Santiago Impos sible Until Shatter's Expedition Arrives on the Scene. Wahiiinoto.v, Juno 15. With Shatt er's expedition ou the way to Santiago and the military branch busily engaged in preparing an expedition to bo sent against Porto Klco, thero is now nothing for the navy to do hut to wait patiently for the troops ut Santiago. One report has como from Sampson telling of engagements between Ameri can marines and Spanish troops in the ohapiwrral, and no mention has yet boon made officially of any subsequent night attacks upon the marines, It is realized at the department that the situation of the marines is a very ON FAME RATIONS vvmviii iiiivi wujlj If fWvaiVe Wirclilnc nnnfinitalir T mrnnl uuiua o naiouipj uuuiuiiU f LLailltU. fated place. Within three been cut off, and Santiago is Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, which was disabled, was Socapa battery, where she lies uncomfortable one, but the department is assured there is no real danger in the situation, because if seriously threatened by overwhelming force, the marines can retreat to the American warships, where they will be in perfect safety. It is mainly sentiment embodied m the de termination to keep the American flag flying over the place where it whb first planted, and thus retaining for the navy the honor of obtaining the first position on shore that, keeps the marines en camped on tlio bay of Guantanamo. Word conies to the navy department that the St. 1'aul left Capo Haytien with operators and instruments for the cable, and it will not be surprising if Mimpsou opens direct communication with the United States via Ilayti at al most any moment. ASSISTING THE AMERICAN FORCES Cubans arc now Co-operating with the American Marines Against the Spaniards. V.hiii.S(ito.v, .Time 15. The navy de partment today posted the following bulletin : Admiral S.unpson reports that he has been reinforced by several hundred Cu bans and that our force at Guautauanio is in a very satisfactory condition. The town of Accoradesos lias been occupied by troops under General Rabi. The men under General Garcia are co-operating with the American forces. Arrangements are being made to give a grand moonlight excursion orf the steamer Regulator on Friday, June 24th. It will bo under the auspices of the Alpha Mandolin and Guitar Club, and will leave The Dalles at 7 o'clock in the oveniug, rotuniing at 12. The club are practicing for the occasion and will fur nish their guests with the Bweetest music, whioh will seem all tho more beautiful at bucIi a time and place. This excursion will bo attended by a select crowd of tho bust people in tho city, and none need have miy hesitancy about go ing on account of ony questionable characters for care will be exercised in the sale of tickets and they are not transferable. Buoklou'fl Ariuuit aalve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorea, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cm hs piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. For 'sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 111 UVl11 11U.IV VUL days three separate sources of now isolated from the world fleet, the people welcomed him of food he brought them seven iii his ships' magazines. that after the bombardment of with two torpedo-boats. Half THE HAWAIIAN DEBATE FINISHED The House Ready to Go on Kccord Re yardinc the Hawaiian Matter. Washington, June 15. The house met at 10 o'clock this morning to re sume and finish the Hawaiian debate. A vote on Rowlands' resolution will be taken this afternoon. The resolution, according to estimates today, will it ceive, with the exception of not more than 12, all the Republican votes, and will enlist the support of from 15 to 20 Democrats and members of other parties. The senate bille granting American register to the ships Specialist and Unionist were passed. Fitzgerald, dem. Mass., spoke against the Newlands reso lution. In ttie course of his speech lie emphasized the failure of the majority of the Hawaijaus to express their desire relative to annexation. He insisted that every power had a right to the gov ernment of their choice. Fitzgerald op posed annexation on tho ground that it would be injurious to the labor element, which would be brought in competition with Hawaiian labor. Supporting the resolution Berry, Dem ocrat, devoted much time to showing that annexation was in line with Demo cratic policy. He reviewed the terri torial additions to the original states to show that practically all had been made by the Democrats. 20,000 TROOPS FOR PORTO RICO Invading Force of the Expedition will he Commanded by General Cop piuger. Nkw Yokk, June 15. A Tribune Washington special says : The Fourth army corps, Major-General Coppinger commanding, has been designated to undertake the occupation of Porto Rico. It will be rapidly in creased to a fofce of 20,003 men, includ ing all available regulars now In the South, with the addition of the best volunteer regiments at Tampa, Chicka muuga and Falls Church, These selec tions will be made in the next day or two with chief regard to the military qualifications of the volunteers and the comparative competence of their equipment. AHERIC1 AT THE BIG FARES FAIR Assistant Secretary Cridler Says the Space Allotted to the United States is a Very Good One. Washington, June 15. Reference is made in a report by Thomas W. Cridler, third assistant secretary of state, upon the Paris exposition, to an inquiry by the exposition authorities as to whether the Americans could furnish the elec trical power to light tho whole exposi tion and run all the machinery. This would require 30,000 horsepower, he said. Mr. Cridler took the matter un der advisement, with a view to securing the opinion of electrical experts in the United States. Mr. Cridler says there are two salient features in the general scheme of tho exposition. The first is its admirable situation in the center of Paris; the next the embellishment of that part of the Seine connecting the extremities of the exposition which will recall to the visitor's mind a modern Venice, and which by its splendor and magnificence will contribute to surpass all previous expositions in Paris. At one extremity the Trocadaro and at the other the Champs Elyssee will be connected by an immense maratime boulevard of decora tive water craft spanned bv fmir large bridges. The space secured for the UnitedStates will be a hall of general manufacturers and bouseholdjfurnishinge, 24,390 equare feet; in the mines and metallurgy 7680 square feet; in the thread, textiles and wearing apparel, 13,003 square feet; in agricultural and fruit products, 18,508 square feet; educational and liberal arts, 11,471 feet, and chemical industry 5160 square feet. MANILA TROOPS ARE EN ROUTE Four Tiausports are Conveying More Troops to the Philippines to Rein force Dewey. San Fkancisco, June 15. The four transport steamers scheduled to leave for Manila are almost ready for the sig nal from Major-General Green's flag ship, the China, to hoist anchor and proceed on their voyage. The Bteamer Senator, which 'ay at her dock all night taking on cargo anil mak ing final preparations for the voyage, moved into the stream about noon. All morning long vessels were being put in shipshape condition, and about noon it was announced that everything was readv for departure. The soldiers spent a fairly comfortable night ou board the transports in spite of the confusion accompanying the change lrom the camp to the ships. It is expected the orders to get under way will be issued about 2 o'clock. KiitoriirlaltiK Orugglhts. Tnere are few men more wide awake and enterpriting than Blakeley & Hough ton, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by ita many startling cures It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Call at the above drugstore and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and jfl. Guaranteed to cure or price re funded. STRAYED From the range near Hood River, a grey mare with grey mane aim tan, branded li on lelt tup, weight auout uuu pounds. Any one giving information leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. Rai.i'ii S. Sjiki.lkv, jun4-w2w Hood River, Or. KODAKS. We sell them because we have the right kind. Any price from $1 to $10, Easy to take, develop and finish, Come and eee a sample of pictuies taken with them, Don.neu., Druggist, Good fDorning ) The (Danhattan Shirts? llllllllllllll If "The best HJnouun" and We show the latest Summer See Window display. A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. C. J. STUBMIiG Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from 12.75 to () 00 per gallon. (-1 to 16 years old.; IMP0ETED 00GNA0 from ,t7.00 to $12.00 ALIF0RNIA BRANDIES from :i.2o ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val ImpoiUii Ale und Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain otai. kv ns Headquarters for Rollc i ira.u., ai. .;mds. TTnJMn4-n P.-n 13 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Tills Flour use; every We sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think so call aud get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley. and Oats. do yoa aueai not yoa should. Knomn as the best." Style?. and Retail per gallon. (11 to 20 years old.' to JO.OO per uallon. (4 to 11 years old.) Hint and Hop Gold Beer in bottle. - vot - i . r .- and all kinds of MILL h'EED is manufactured exprcesly for family sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.