The Dalles Dally Chrr.iiiui. THK ll.VI.I.KS, i;K(I(in THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality nnd simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and &kill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svnup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syiiup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist, one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pa ties. The high standing of the Cali tornia Fir. Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FKANCISOO, Cat. lOCISYILLE. Kr. NEW YORK. N. T. I'EltSONAl. MENTION. E. C. Thomas, of Hood River, was in the city yesterday. Peter Mclntire, a veteran wool buyer, is in the city from Oregon City. Taylor Hill and wife, of Prineville, are iu the city for a few day's visit. Miss Bessie Young returned last even ing from an outing at Hood Iiiver. P. Griffith, a prominent sheep man from John Day, is visiting in The Dalles. T. M. Baldwin, nashier of the First National Bank, of Prinoyille, was in the city yesterday. The recentlv elected city attorney of Portland, J. 51. Long, is in The Dalles on a business trip. Mis3 Virginia Marden went to Hood River yesterday to visit the family of E. L. Smith at that place. Herman Nichols, son of Peter Nich ols, formerly of this city, is up from Oakland, Calif., visiting friends. V. A. Hindrix, of Dufur, went to Ortvii Citv yesterday to look after Lu-iv'ss nterests iu the vicinity. Jann'J U'hiiten, of Antelope, who is engaged in the cheep business in that section, is in the city on business. Miss Lizzie Eiirck will accompany Mr. and Jlrs. Sargent on their eastern trip, etoppmg in Crucio to visit relatives. Mis? Sarah Root returned trom Hood River on the Regulator last evening, where she has been visiting for a week or more. Charles Bayard and wife returned last evening from a short visit to friends at Hood River. They were accompanied by Miss .May Jones. Mrs. Russell Snwall and little son came up from Portland last evening, and will spend a few davs with iter sis ter, Mrs. H. W. French. ' Mr. John Clayton, who was formerly employed at the railroad shops here, t cania up from Portland iast night, and will remain a day or two renewing old , acquaintances. ' . Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent and Miss , Katie Sargent will leave on the boat this morning for Portland, where they I will take the Northern Pacific for Omaha 1 and other eastern cities. Miss Emma Davenport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Diivenpo'rt, who were lioth former Dallesites, came down from Colfax yesterday morning, and will spend some time visiting her uncle, Mr. R. G. Davenport, and wife. Mr. P, Ketcliain, of Pike City, Cal fliys: "During mv brother's late sick ness fmn .Sciatic rheumatism, Cham herlaiu's Pain Halm was the only reme dy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale liy Blakeley & Houghton. TYGH VALLEY ROLLING MILL At all times flour equal to the beat for eale at Tysjh Valley Roller Mills, at prices to suit the times. Also, mill feed. VV. M. McCoaKbK, Prop. mchlO-Orn Thousands of suiTwrerj from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Couith Cure, It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung dleeatiee. iSnipes-Kineraly Drug Co. Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Candy Factory. Orders to fur nish lodge socials and ice cream festi vals solicited, Don't forget that our ice cream sodas are the best in the city. One.Minute Cough Cure, cured. Thut i what It ws mte fur Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotion for unburn and wind charing. tf Erervbody rMda Tmh Oheoniouc. Hlmrt llitml School. The- nnderslitned will commence teach I ill short-hand If n suitable number of scholars cun he obtained by thu 15th of Juno, 1 808. I will teach either thu original 11 tt man or thu American Standard SvMem of l'honograpliy, us mils the scholar, and must have u class of not lr?s than ten. I will rteoive applications np to Juno loth, and earnestly request all persons desiring instructions in phonog raphy to call and see me on or oefore that date in ortler that 1 may nrranue to get text books and lis terms of tuition. I). S. DuFttu, Official Reporter 7th Judicial District of Oreuon. Dated, June 11, 1S9S. junell-lo dw Bad management keeps moru people in hard circumstances than nuv other j one cause. To be successful ouu must : look ahead and plan ahead so that when ! a favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time. A prudent and careful man will keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Din rhoea Remedy in tuo house. The shift less fellow will wait until necessity coin- 1 ..i i, I .i i.:.. ,....,:....'. I ,C4S 11 it II 11 1 1IUI1 I II III 1113 III: PI 1 111 I CU U1I1 i ! for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to '; pay, besides. One pays '2o cents; the I other is out one hundred dollars and J then wonders why his neighbor is get-' 11(1 I1UIICI I11I11U 1 i;'"!" lUUIbli For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. T!ow to Look OiiimI. Good looks are reaily more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the 1 1 Cl III- IllitUI I YV, IMi IIOIUII UII1UU3 1UUIV , if vonr kidnevs be effected, von have n pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Elec tric Bitters" is a good Alternative and Tunic. Acts directly on thu stomach liver and kidneys. Purities the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, anil gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store. 51) cots per bottle. 5 Use Clarke & Falk's Rosofoam tor the teeth. DeWitt's Ltttie Early Risers, The Itmims II-1!.- ollU. Use Clarke fc Falk's Rosofoam for the teeth. tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkice, Tiik D.iu.ns, Op..,) Miiv 31, lS'Ji. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named fettler ban lllea notice of his intention to make tlum proor in supjiort of his claim, nnd ' that sal. I proof will bi inacfe beforu the Register '. and Keeeiverut 'lhe Dalles, Oregon, on Wednet- I day, July 12, li'js, viz: Albert II. .svha3', ff 3Imlr, Homestead Amilic.itlon .No. 4011 for IhoSKi, . section 19, Township X, ItariKe 12 K, W. .M. I He names the following witnesses to prove his I cotitinuouH residencs upon and cultivation of I said land, lz: ' L. Kvans. George Kvnns. James Ilrown anil i Sidney M. Jlriggs, all of Mosier, Oregon, juiU II JAS. F. MOOKK, Ueghter. Notice. Notice Is hereby siven that the unilertisnied, Kniirad Ixihrll. has presented his petition to the Honorable County Court of the State of l)rei;on for W'aseo Crunty, avltinc that his name be chanKed fioui Koiiiml Jjihrll to Kourinl lihrll Hooter, and that said petition will bee.illed up for hearing and heard fay said Court at the Coun ty Court room in the County Court Home In Dalles City, Wasco County. Orwou, on Thursday the 7th day of July, lb!fj, at 10 o'clock a. rn. ol said day, said day bciru; om; of the days ' of the regular J u I v lt9i term of said court. All persons uiu hereby notified to appear at sid timo and place and show cause, If jny there bo, why an order of said f.Ymrt should not be nmdo decreeiriK said change of name as above men tioned. Dated this 7th day of June, lb!K Juib-i KONltAD I.OHItl.1, IHIHIIHIHHIWHII I A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. Hubiiifjer Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to (JIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch bold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Paste! Pictures! They arc 13x19 inches in sizc.and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. KQMMtf) HO tQQVJmt 9 mSuSM These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned partel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colore used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel niclures arc the correct thine- for the home, nothincr surnauinrr .1 t- ..... . ..t i ' j "r.!..i" i. ' " in -iii iii uc.uuy, niimcbs oitoior aim artistic merit. One of these pictures ff g - a0taM. .B with eacfi 'nacknLof EiluSTIC AlSilCII purchased of your grocer. It is the best is oiu ior io cents a package, ask your beautiful picture. ALL MMCM KEEP EUSTIO STARCH. ACCEPT HQ f UUTITHTE 50 Years 50 Undlsputed'eupremnev in thu World's Competition. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Incronses Yloicl of Wool. Enhances Vnluo of Flock Cheap, Safe, llar.dv, Clean, Wholesome and Odor leys. Recommended by .Manufacture-", Scour eis and U'nyeis. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, THE DALLES, OR. C. G. Roberts, General Agent, 217 Ash Street, Portland, Oregon. Hi 3 i:ni:i:ai. r k ...AND. y 1 " Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Second Street. I DRS. BON HAM DENTISTS. Gold Filling, Crown and Bridge Work a speciality. Dr. Bonham gives every Wednesday from 10 to 12 a. rn. for free extracting, absolutely painless. Gold fillings $1.50 and upwards. CHAPMAN BLOCK. vH ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS llrmoTn Pimpli-K, Pri-trnt L:ir-i llrmlacho ami Ilynpipnn. druWt. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phil" p" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ! I,..vr OrFICK.TlIK IHLLES, Or.,) May 10, lh'JS. ( Notice is hereby given that the following. luniiil seitlei has filed notieo of his intention to make Una! proof In siipixjrt of his claim, and that said pr-iof will Ih made bo.'ore lhe Keglster and Km her at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, June '.7, Ds'J;. vU: .lo.rpli II. Hull, nfTlix lulls, Homestead Application No. ."ilil, for Ihu w'i. ne!, See. Ii, '1 p. 1 N, It la K, W. M. Ho names the inllowlng witnesses to provo his continuous reiideneu Usjn ami cultivation of saiil laud, viz,: A. Walters, Frank Obrlst, W. Wolf, James Hall, all of The Dalles, Oregon. m-Jl-ll JAS. K. MOOKK. Kcgltter. Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and . Iris. laundry starch on the market, and grocer tor tnis starcn ana get a HSIIDS wagonmakers II, M. 1lKO , Cnihlci First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OnECJON A utmttrnl Hanking Business transacted DepoaltH received, subject to Sight Draft, or Check. Collection)) made and proceeds promptly remitted mi day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New Vork, San Franciaco aitvl "ort land. UIKtCOTMKM I). P. TlIOMI'HON. J NO. S. SOIIKNCK, En. M. Wim.mvh, Uko. A. Liuuk. (I M. Bi;.M FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rttANHAC I' A HNKUAI.HANKINII HUH1NKH Letters of Credit iesucd available iu the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegiapluc Transfers sold on New York. Chic acn, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Dm gon, Seattlo Wash,, and various points iu Oregon and Washington. Collections made at nil points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRAOTIOAL All work jiromjilly nttoniltil to, ami WHrrnntnl, 174 VOGT BLOC Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Giass ipes-Kindy Drill Co 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n 0 ullman j. 8. HCHRNK, t'rentrtent. watctaakerUeweei Sll iii ! ! Sleeping Car j Elegent Dining Cars ; TotLrist I Sleeping Car UT. I'aTiT, 1 MIN.SKAI'OI.I i JMJf.irrii KAIUIO TO riit,Ni Pint UltOOKSTON I WI.NNII'KO j IIKI.KNA an ! IIUTTK Thitobgh Tickets TO UlllCMUO WAHII1NI1TUN rilll.AHKM'llIA 'KW VIIHK HUSTON A Nil AM. I'OINTH KA8T Mini NOIITII for Information, tlrno OHrdii, mapmtnn tlekeu cal on or write ui W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dftllua, Oregon -oa A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A IK, ilorrlnon Cor. Tlilnl. t'ortUnd Oregon JtHl Ktat HmU. Tho Launhlin estatn nfferB for sain all heir land property in and near The Unlit??, cmislstinK of city lots, blocks and Hcri-iiK4. Terms reasonable Apply to tm uudmivnt'd at the oflice of thu Wasco Warehouse Co. ,f . H. F. Lavuhun. Ch-ii In lour Dlisoks, All totint v warrants registered nrior o May 10. 1MM. uiili hJT ..'i . . oflh'H, Interest ceases after June 10, Flags and Banting. IWaps of Guba. Latest Illustrated Newspapers. 1 w " " AT I. Boole & fDusie Company, A little boy asked lor a liottlu of "get up iu the morning as fast as vou can," tliu druggist rm'ognia'd a lmiiHehold name lor "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" and gave him a bottle of thine famous little pills for constipation, sick head ache, liver nnd stomach troubles. J Snipes Kinersly Irrng Co. Take Your IVIeals at the Clarendon Restaurant. JOHN DONOHUE, Prop. lie Clarcniloii Is the Io?t Itotuiirunt Iu The Dalles. Meals at fill Hours. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Cigars. Wnv do wu retail more Cigars than others? Why do imnkurs o out of their wuv and pa-e ci'n'iir. of tlm fniw grade? Not beuaii'u svn hiivc better cit'iirp or better brand, or any greater vnrlutvj no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ri gar eiiHi) in the unite and keep uur cigaie iu better eonditinn. Snipos-Klnors'y Drug Co. Fur Nttlti IMiunp. A lot 100x160 feet, on thn blulF, east of the fair grounds. A desirable resilience location. A. S. Mac Ai.i.irtTKit. Chronicle Olllcu. PALACE GOIiOIWBIA GAJ1DV pflGTORV FRESH CANDIES, NUTS, CIGARS A N.I.) TOBACCO. Ice Cream Parlor m Connection. CAREY BALLARD, Prop. Second Street. 6. f. lap JNfordei? I A Has n full Line of Watclics that can he houclit at 9 y re.istmaiiic prices All Nxtdoor to Flnat Nstlonat Bank, Subscribe for The Chronicle PROFESSIONALS. J.J A. STURDEVANT, Dontist. Otllco over French .V Co.'m limik 'I'lmnofi, TIIK IAI,!.KB, OttKtlON. J)AN ROBERTS, Attorncy-at-Liiw. Collectlmm a Hporlulty. Steonil .Street, THU DAl.t.lM, OUKttOM ;;;r,,.c,H.KN,H,,l,','KU i,u j Pliysieiaiis and Surgeons, i B.cclul attention Riven to surery, j ItonniK 21 anil 22, Tel. !fJA Vout lllnni. II H llltNTINUTIW II h ,,, KUNI1NUTOS' .t WtlJiON, ATI OII.S'HYS- AT LAW, TIIK DAI.I.KH, OltKUO.N. I Oltlcoovcr Klrxt Nut. Hunk. ' w"M'"Nl ITmi'.l). V. WII.HON, I1 ATTOKNKV AT LAW, rill'. i.VI. , KH, () UKIOV (illico ovci Klt Nat. IPink. uu' ' TILLMAN CARLSON, D. D. S Willi Ir. B. II, Knuier, Dentist. riates- I'lirtliiN, f,': full upiier or lower, 7 .V). llltlci!plioini'J7ll. Iliiiattlla Ilnuse,'37, Itooms 1 mid .', Chapman lllock. .GHAS. FRflNH- Batchens and Farmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught thu eulvhrateil coi.t'AtiiiA ni:i;i;, uekuowi edsl the l, liver Iu The Dalles, ut the usual prlee. (.'nine In, try It and he nmvlnrnl. Aim the I'liii'st hraiiils of Wliiei, l.l piors mill Clears. Sandcuiehes of nil Kinds always nu haiul, Frenh ami the llret of the H('ii"i)ii at the .Mill way. OF SWEETS. (ioods as represented. itZ f 1 1 GUYING & flOCKPftl Z oi:ni:uai. 7 - I Z m.f. 2 Horse-snoeing. ni:Ai.i:itb in Iron, Steel, Con, Wheels, Axles Z mid Blaclsmitlis'KSiiiilics. Z hpet' ntteilllon will b given to all classes of uiirs,. ALL 0UK WORK WARKANTEI). ? Wagon Hliop lu connection, Tel. 167. SECOND STREET. Schlitz'a r Bock ! Boor. I Fine Wateh Wotk a Specialty. THE DALLES, OR. Uouatv TrHtrr.