The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1898, Image 3

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    w- A I
TV S3?
Tho most complete lino wo have ever
nflored i now asking your iiipootion.
Mitdo from dainty materials Una are
cool isnd uiry; jiiHt the thing for this
liot summer weather.
Our Prices are
at Rock Bottom.
75e to $3.00.
Tho cheapest Wrappers we have are made from the licHt quality nf
SImwnn'H I'rlntH, gunraiiti'..l to bo fast colors. Our better grades are
made fniiii lino Percale anil Lappet Organdies, very handsomely trimmed
in i.aee iukI JOinliroidi'rii'H.
Be Going
to the Coast,
or perhaps to tin) inoiniiuiiiH. It uuikou no difference, however, where
you no, tit) wo luivo anticipated Jour waitta ard uro opening up a complete
line, of
Trunks, Grips and Telescopes.
Come in and ceo thi'wo. You'll find tltat ive have remodeled our lines and
atldi.'d the Intent novelties to thorn. H icunueeoesiuy for us to mention
prices, iifliyou always (ind our prices right.
All Goods Murked in
1'liiin Figures.
The Defies (Daily Ciironieie.
.11 XI2 15. im
I 'or ecus t if or today., occasional rain.
Don't forget that Kollar keops the
best ice oroum soda in tlio e&y. tf
Clarte .& IFulk have the purest and . ulatiuns thut lie now lelf-apa Fowler
'owners are not selling tiieir wool, it
I they are not in need of money. They
I expect that higher 'prices -will prevail
before lone.
I 'On Monday, Juno dStli, in iVendleion,
I a sou was honi to tlw wife of'W. II.
I Fowlor. Harry lute always been "mon
j areli of all lie surveyed:;'' but his right
I will mow he disputed. iiia Dalles
j friends, Iiowever, xtonA -their congrct-
' ..I...!...... I... I.. IK V
strongest PurisiGreen in tho-tnurket.
Uo)d 5iverrnwberrlos ly tlio crate
at The Hallow Coiiimiosion Company's,
ice crc&ui soda, iuoieroujji rsnd straw-
uorriee at tho'Columbia Candy Factory.
Souvenir aiioons of li.morictU' buttle-
ships at '. A. Vnn 'Portion's. Price 25
cents. 8-1 w
Clarke A Fa Ik inanuftioturo a full line
if flavoring extracts. Lak yottr grocer
fur them. tf
If. M. iiyau, toucher of Mandolin,
Guitar and iuitjo. Meudquartors at
lucuhsou's, If
For correct styles iv millinery j;o to
the Campbell & Wlllsou Millinery Par
lors, on Second til. to
Leave orders or ice with 'tlio Statlol-
uiitii Commission Co. GJiioo.culd storage
'I'liilding. Phone -ill.
Lttnd Commisfliowsr Dinner Kermann
has written to Ben Birow.n, of Burns,
advieiug liiui thut an : ll'ort 'Cs beinc
iiuidoito consolidate Mie 'Harney .and Ijs.
Grand iland otlices. Mr. Ierumn sug-
g-twts that unless reuBene exist lor the
proposud cnusolidatiox tiiut the move
tiieut tioiwatched.
Robert, -Smith, who man e seriously
injured Toy a horee at 'Dutch Flat on
Monday 'even intc. was ta.i;on to tit. 'X'in
fontV hospital in Portland vesterdoy
As vet itiuthinir definite can 'he said
about hifi injuries, hut it is feared tiiftt
Ids hack iis broken, and if sudii is tlio
case they will result fatally.
The fourth annual tournament of t he
Haeterit Orejjon and Washington Fire
inmi'fl Association comiuciicoJ yesterday
.f 1 1 nil will continue tiiree davs. Trains
lliiiifi. ii imt fr.m Wnlln Wull.i Rrlrur
I'urnisiieit rooujfi to, also eima ot n.lkt,..,... n ,i ., iu...
I Will , I A II I I .1 KK'H . Jlkl UIIUJ ( in((iu
attendance and
La Grande
17 '
tfoonis suitable (or housakoopiiii
'h II) and '20, Chapman Block.
Yoatorday a party cliar'od witli lieintr
drunk and disoiderly, was lirounJit be
oro Kocordor Siiiuott aud licud livy dol-
Tuetorday a inarriaK Jiconso whs is
I Bued bv County Clerk Kolsay, to ualwin
Ihimvko and Miss Leouora Frcmiiao
j Uoth youut; peoplo are of Mosicr, in this
' A laruo slilpnient of Oregon cherries
, wus made to Denver lust night. This
Ih almost tlio first slilpinout of promi-
( nonce from this city, but Iroiu now on
diirlni; tlio season tlio amount will in-
crease dully,
A meeting of tlio amusoiiient com
inittoo of the Fourth of July celebration
will bo hold at the club rooms this
evening at 8 o'clock. All mom hers of
the said committee uro requested to bo
present by the chairman.
A large number of workmen uro being
distributed along the lino of
k N. through Eastern Oregon to help in
the repair work of tlio line, which is at
present being made. We understand
the company pays fl.fiO per day for
common Inborore,
The groator part of tlio wool clip of
linker county and much of thut of Grunt
i being stored in Uuker City, Flock-
number of people are in
iinany more are expected.'
Yesterday eveniug Georgo Ferguson
tfUiruod from Albtny accompanied by
Mrs. Forguson, who went below in hope
that a change of oiiuiato would improve
Iior health. It did not ngree with her,
however, and she returns to Tlio Dalles,
believing that this climate is as good as
any. Her many friends hope to see her
fully recovered in a short limo.
J. W. Lathrop, of Orovillo, California,
passed through LJiig Creek the other
morning en route to tlio fctickeon river,
Alaska, Mr. Lathrop lias a good outfit
consisting of eight head of mules, und
was accompanied by three men. He
will join u partner at Spokane, from
which point they will go on the Spokane
overland route to Alaska, where they
will operate mining claims.
F,. W, McCoinae, ono of tho best-
known wheut buyers In Eastern Oregon,
drove several mlleB on the Athena road
Friday, and on Ills return eaid that al
though ho had bought wheat, in tho
great valley ot California for many years,
and hud always boon a close observer of
tho growing orops wherever ho wna, yet
he has never Been wheat looking better
than it does between Pendleton and
Athena this year, Byi the Eait Ore
gonlan. Every spear seems to be per
fect, the heads are even und unless
something unusual occurs within the
next three weeks, Umatilla county will
harvest herbiumer crop.
The cooler weather winch has pro
vailed dttrins; tho past few days makes
tho crop prospects much morn cheering
in Eastern Oregon. Dnring tho hot
spell many of our people were very anx
ious to go to the seasido and mountains
for summer outing", and quite a number
have already gone; hut the cooler wea
ther lus cuiM-d others to change their
minds and put oil' their summer vaca
tion until later in tlio seneon.
Luton reports from Antelope state
that Murdoc McKay, who was shct on
Tuesday, the "lb, by William Rolfe. is
still alive, although in a dangerous con
dition. The following description of the
wound has bcin civen by Dr. Pilking
ton: The bullet ftrnck tho fiftli rib lie
low ami to the left of nipple and de
flected downward, passing between the
fifth and sixth ribs, lodged in tho back
abont two inches below tho twelfth rib.
Sherifr Gray, of Crook county, accom
panied by Gx-Sheriu" Combs us guard,
arrived hero Monday from Prineville,
huviiii: in chareo a craRV innn married
j Hunter, whom lie is taking to the asy
I luin at Salom. Hunter is well known
Here, Having worked for some time at
his trade as wagonmaker -for .1. L.
Thompson, the blacksmith, -and while
hero his Hrange actions were noted by
ninny. Mr. Gray ami party left for 5a
lem on the early morning train yester
day. A serious aceiitent occurred to D.
Uronson Friday afternoon, while riding
a gang plow near Athena., says the Pen
dleton Tribune. The plow struck a rock
and threw him teward'tiie ground, bnt,
as he fell, one of tho 'lovers piercei his
bowels, inflicting a. terrible wound, lie
was finally assisted 'to the houes and
taken to the home of his son-in-law,
William Himmi, at IFrsndleton. A phys
iciul temporarily dressed the woucd,and
today will perform tfce necessary "opera
tion. Mr. Kronsoi"ives in the -eastern
part of Pend-leton.
A salmon was catght MondfiyfflfTScar
boroiiph head by 'Henri Pouknla and
Henri Ylitiwo, and delivered to Elmore's
cannery at .Afltorie, having on 'inscrip
tion oa the right ill just beneath the
eye. The 'inscription is plain, but the
letters are foreign to any who -have yet
sosn the Ceh. Tho fish is a ftt-o speci
men, of nboutlS&Vpounds weight. It was
a great 'iicriosity and wag viewed by
ntmir interested people. There is no
doubt that the letters tre iijiscribed
with ue kind of imperiebetble ink
wl!n thectfch was small.
Trcop G, 'Fourth cavalry, left'Fort
Wallt Vnlla 'for tlio 1'reflidio at 1
o'cloofc 'this morning over fche'O. K. A
X. Tdo troop "will be underahe coji-
uifiiid'Cf (Lieut. 'George Otaiercn. 1 lie
horse wei6 shipped yesterday morning.
The eoldiera ore -exceedingly anzious to
go. atKl primis6 turgive cood account
of thettisekres. Che members al troop
A, the oi:i!y 'treop that will be left at
Fort Walla Wnllt after the departure of
troop G, :a-re 'defected, aad oavy the
gool fortiuM! of Choir comrade. The
troops wiiL, in mil , probabtiity., pass
througlt"7 o'cloek this'iuorn
iug. Mary BSIleis iLotse is to moee her
home ia 'Ortron. ,,8ome tioie Airo a
number of her adm'rt'ers living in Min-
nesota presented 'her with a home in
th"at etate. It wub expected he would
etuy there tfie r-ost of her life, but Mary
I.lleii has evidently clianged her siind. I
During her bojouru in P ortland this year i
slia.met J. Adam Uede, 'the sound-tncxiey
A VAIN attempt:
I.nnt DUtnncn Com puny AcMln Trylne
to KUabllsii nn KxctiHiiKr-
At present we have another instance
of where outsiders are endeavoring to t
step in and take business away from lo
cal concerns by offering empty induce
ments. The long distance telephone
company, whose manager is a Portland
man, and which leaves no money in The
Dalles more than tho rent of a small
ofTce and wages to two employes, is en
deavoring to make another fight for
business in this city by giving a contract
for a year at cheap rates and witli prom
ises of unsurpassed service. Their ef
forts are overlooked, however, by tho
thinking public who know what the
local company has done in reducing the
rates so that every one can afford to me
phones in residences and places of Imti-j
ness, and at the same time give as cood Kim-nn i-iiit; uimirkimi.
service as is possible for any company to j There are fo.v men more wide awake
give- , and enterprising than Hlnkokn- & Hough-
The Senfert & Condon Co. have j ton, who spare no pains to secure tho
started and made a success of their I best of everything in their lino for their
business when the lona distance coin- many customers. They now have the
pany was in its nitfst flourishing condi- j valuable agency for i)r. King's New
tion, and there is little danger that they Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Royal makes the I nod pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Just ttlhat
You lUant.
i Now ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
i wide variety as we are showing; never bo
i fore graced 'a j-imrle stock, ileal imita
tion cit'ton t'llt'cls at oitliiiary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small pric, at our store on Third
street. Also a full lino of house paints.
will sustain any .injury by the action of
the opposite (action.
Weather llurraa Report.
Warm weather continues over the Co
lumbia river basin. Monday the max
imum temperature ranged from 7S to
SS". Yesterday morning the tempera
ture ranged from 58 to 60'. The absence
of a marked rise under the influence of
the 'high temperature, indicates that the
supply of snow is almostcxhausted, and
that hut a further slight rise is likely
to occur.
The Snake is stationary at Hiparia
and tho Columbia at North port has risen
only .4 of a foot; at TTmatilla the riee is
only .2 of a foot.
Tho river will continue to rise slowly
for the next several days. It i expect
ed that the maximcm raise at Portland
will not exceed 21 feet, while at The
Dalles 30 feet is thought to be the limit.
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy
that is producing such a furor all over
the country by its 'many startling cures
It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness and all' affections of tho
throat, chest and lungs. Call at the
above drugstore and get a trial bottle
free or a regular t-i.i for 50 cents and
Guarantee'l to cure or price re-
: funded.
We Bfll them because we have the
right kind. Any price from to $10,
Easy to take, develop and finish.
Come and tee n sample of pictures
taken with them.
DoxNEi.ii, Druggist.
To Curt; a Colli in One Day.
Take Laxative l'romo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tbo money if
it fails to eure. 23c.
D. W. "VAUSE, Third St.
Under the management of!
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and.
Miss Mvrtle Smith.
Mrs. Brigs' Old Stand.
IenfniT.n "Cannot l Cnrrrl
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the inucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rambling sound or
imperfect hearing, aud when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness-is the result, and
unleee the inflammation 'can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which ie nothing but an in
flamed eoadition of the mucous sur
faces. We wili give-One 'Hundred Dollars for
any case . Deafnees (caused in catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Becid for circulars; free.
F.J. Ohkkcv & Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Plies, Scalds. Burns.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse tlio liver, cure con
stipation and all stomach and liver
trouble. Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
WhoiU'llli; Cough.
I had a Jittle buy who was nearly dead
from an attack of whooping cough. My
neighbors recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Henaedy. did not think that
anv tuedicitie would help him, but after
giving Lim a lew doses of the remedy 1
notieed an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. Jt is the best cough
medicine I ever had in the house. ,
E. Moore, foutu JJurgettstown, Pa.
For sale by BUkeleyS: Jloughton.
J. H. CROSS lias removed Ins sfore to the Vogfr
IBlock, next door to the Postoflice, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
Cloudy Weather PrefeppcdjoP Sittings.
Chapman Block.
THE dalles; OR.
A competent pirl; one who is a good
iw,ini.rr. u.-.n nnir iwi in H.u Icook, and wiio Is kind to. children. Good
cuiupaigu in defence of itihe gold stand
urd. Mrs. Lease aud Mr. iUedo are well
acquainted, and meeting l.iim at the Im
perial hotel she informed him of her
Intention of making herhouioin Oregon,
as sheeould not stand the rigorous fit
uiuto of Minnesota. Mr. Iknie saw his
epportuuity and took advantage of it,
promptly replying to Mrs. Leaee, saying:
"Wo have luit few reasons to offer in
defense of Minnesota's climate, imt you
haw given tho best one we have'
1 wages to the rigid party.
to this
Willie iupD
Atlrut tun, Co. U.
A special meeting of Co. G will be
hold at the armory tonight, Wednesday,
at 8 o'wioek. All members are request
ed to be present, ilv order
Lieut. G. A. Uaktiji.l.
UuaKluii'u Arimuk culv. J
The host salvo in the world for cure,'
brumes, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fevei
eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains.
corns, und nil skin eruptions, and posN
lively cui hs piles, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac-'
tion, or money refunded. Price 26 cents '
per box. For sale by Blakeloy and j
Houghton, druggists.
igb Dream Freezers.
iai? You Our ladis'
Puiee only $35.
Up-to-I)a(e in Every Respect.
Adjustable Stool Handle Bars.
Celebrated G. it .1. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
lino of new wheels.
I was seriously ufilictod with a cough
for several years, and last fall hud a
more severe cough than over before. I
have uBed many remedies without re-
calving much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Hnmedy, by a friend, who, know
ing me to bo a poor widow, gave It to mo
I tried it, und with tho most gratifying
results. The flrst bottle relieved mo
very much und tho second bottle hits ab
solutely cured me. 1 huvo not had as
good health lor twenty J'earB. Uespect
lully, MrB, Mary A, Ueard, Clureniore,
Ark, Bold by Blukeley & Houghton,
roit s.w.k n v
1161886011181 THE DALLES, OR.
maier & Benron
Wo have strictly First-Class
Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowe&t Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co