GBLB B RKTION m AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th, 1898. I 1 In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AilvertU lus 'tiatpfi. v Per inch. One incli or less in Daily Jl BO ver two Inches nnd under four Incho" i no ver four Inches and under tivelvo Inches.. 75 ver twelve inches 00 DAILY AND WEEKLY. dneinch or less, per inch 50 Over one inch nnd under four inches 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 SUItSUItll'TIOX I'UICi:. One week $ is One month 50 One year : 0 00 WEDNESDAY JUNE 15, 1S9S ANOTHER BUGABOO. The opponents of an expensive war policy have been scared out of what little wit the' had by a buga boo of their own manufacture. Their cry now is that if we attempt to con trol the destiny of Cuba or the Phil ippines or annex Porto Rico and Hawaii we will load ourselves with new burdens of debt. They contend that to pacify Cuba we will be com pelled to maintain n strong army there for several years, and that if: we become responsible for the gov- j ernment of Cuba we will become re j sponsible for her ibt ; that in PortO i BICO and the Philippines it will be ' 1 all outgo and no income, and in ad- dition the expense of a lnrge army in each. ! All this is based on the assumption , that Cuba. Porto Rico and the Phil ippines have not been self-sustaining under Spanish rule; that their taxes any station in Oregon and return, in and revenues have not met the ex- eluding Wallula and Walla Walla, penses pf goverement. If this were j true it would prove nothing as to ! what they would become under j American supervision. Florida nnd Louisiana were not very prosperous under Spanish and French rule, but the' made rapid progress under American rule. Texas was poverty stricken under the rule of old Mexico, but it soon became a great common wealth under American influence. The prosperity of Calfomia dates from her admission to the American union. The condition of any island or colony under Spanish rule is no index of what ic would be under the supervision of the United States. Hut the record shows that Cuba was always, under normal conditions, a source of profit to Spain. A pamphlet published by the colonial oflicc in Madrid, with data and sta tistics compiled from "oflicial rec ords," is authority for tho statement tlmt from 1850 to 1800 the annual surplus in the Cuban treasury never fell below !J,00(J,000, while in some years it rose to $5,000,000. This was in addition to a yearly contribu tion to the Spanish crown of 82,000, 000. Up to 1808 the finances of the island wero in good condition, al though tho expenses of the military expeditions to Mexico and San Do mingo were paid out of tho Cuban treasury. Tho debt of tho ten years' war was paid by Cuba, not by Spain, tho revenue running up to $34,000,000 per annum. In prosperous times tho yearly in come of Cuba was estimated at $80, ,000,000. 'Of this amount forty per went ito state, jprovlnclal and as Cuba was in peaceful times, she was a source of profit to Spain. Porto Hico has always been more prosperous than Cuba. The climate is more salubrious anil the soil more productive. Jy its position the island is peculiarly adapted to be come the center of a nourishing com- merce, " but neither industrial nor commercial resources have been de veloped. The expenses of govern ment are not heavy, and when an j ara,-v lias been quartered in Porto liico the local government has main tained it. The same rule has been followed in the Philippines, wheie1 the military forces consisted in 1895 ; of 3,000 Spanish and 18,000 native! troops. All the expenses of the arm, nil the outlays made in sup pressing insurrection, were charged to the local or colonial government. ! If we managed the Philippines and I Porto Hico no better than the Span- ) lards they would not be a burden, j i Neither would require a large army I of occupation. American supervis-l ion would probably greatly increase , f the prosperity of both, and certainly j would be to the benefit of the people. The .Modem beauty Thrives on good food ami eunehinc, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her rni S'offS with health and her face blooms with its beauty If 1 .er syetem needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy ghe use3 thB gentle and pleasant Syrupof Figs, made by the California Fi Syrup Co., only. Cheap Kate for the Fourth of July. For the Fourth of July the O. K. & N. Co. will sell tickets from The Dalles to Ticket8 on Eae July 2d, 3li aud 4th rackets good for retimi ,, t0 and including July 0,189S. Cleveland wheels are selling in splta of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '98 modele. Maier & 1 "tin ton. Now is the time to spray w ith Paris j Green. Clarke talk have the strong est you can get. ' tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tint Is what It wu made for. mm We fire Doing feat ai?d jlrtstie .priptii.. For Ffeasopable priees. Wo Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. QfyropKlg pub. $o. 'A ALL Jiem Columbia Hotel IS TUB liliST 5I.OO I'HU HOUSE IX TUB CITY J. JVI. TOOmEY, Prop PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gr cc War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Trices at fT)dr((ij feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream rfoda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS ri EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies 7VL Z, DONNELL, PESClPflOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams it Co., uaho C. F. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Stroeta. Speoial Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. mtt Closed Haok Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. TmtA. Wrt iimI Jot. T. Robertson.lnp. flKJNMtfim A cordial DAY The Dalles, On. vsfrvMTrvsmws'srsjKrs7 & Biuret THE DALLES, Oil Iobes, Burial Shoes, Ete. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be form in a first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing' to make you happy. The pop Spanish Headache- Uncle Sam it niixinc u done that will purely enrii. Not nil licndiiclii! cnnH hriii'i iihdilt ridinf nuil iiiiiny hnvti a bail client mi tlin heart anil Hyutt'in j,"'iioridly. Wo can oiler yon otin not eo vlolt.'iil in its inutliodH tin Undo Siiid'n, hut oihi which will niniovc tin; run!' and itun tho l.oadiiclio. Trv DOri OU WOOIXS !1EA1)A(3?IE CUKE, l'ut up by IiEMAIlLE niAU.MACISTS. 175 Secoud Street. THE DALLES, Regulator Line Tie Dalles, Portlanfl ana Astoria Navigation Co.' FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE JIKTWKK.N Tlio Dalli-H, Hnml Itlvur, Ciik'hi1i IjicUh mill I'liri luilil ilully, cTO'iit Hmiilay, DOWN THE VALLEY Aro vou going (EASTERN OREGON? on to II no, wivo money iimU'liJny ii boaiitlful trip on tliu Columbia. 'l"Ju tttt-tjoiiml train arrives at Tliu Dallui in muplb llmu for pukrvlivurH to titku tliu (itt'iimur, iirrlvlnir In I'ortlanil In llimi (or tlio ipiiIkoIiik 8onlliurn iniil Northern tralim; Kant iMJiiml pahKCDKCiK iirilvliiK In Tlio DiiIIvk In time to take tlm ICaiit-ljiiiniil train. l'or Iiutlivr tiiformiitlon apply to J. N. HAKNKY, AKint, (ak rttriot Duck. I'nrtlanil, OreKon, Or W (;. Ai.I.AWAV, (jrii, At Tint Dulles, (huKon PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANUKAOTUUKHb OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KlKD 11KEF, KTO. Thirty Wive yearn mnko u Konoratlon. That la how Ioiik Adolpli FUhor, of ZhiimvIHu, O,, auiturud from plloa. Ho WMfMMrMl oyimbm kr ibMM oJ Dt) WUt't iWlHh Hwl Hulva; 8iHp. 'm6 sirs. Regulator .Dalies City Tfie columDia Packing Co fK00, 0. R. & N. CO Dni-.vuT Kou timi: M'liiiiiiir.i:, I'KDM D.U.I. KS. AlllllVK I'ltOM. Knit Mull i. in Halt I.aki , Denver. I'l. I'nt Mull. :!:I0 ii. ill. Worth, Oiualiii, Kan fax City, Kt. Lnilli, ClilraKD mill Knst. Hpotiiillc Klvcr W'alln Wnllii, Hiol;aiio,' BiioliMiiu lliiiicaHillK. HI. I'aul,' l'ler. Iu I n t li, Mllwaiikiv,! ():Mn, in, Clilcao anil Knit. ; ."i:;:u p. in. , in. I'llOM I'OI'.TI.ANII. j Ot'i'iin HttaiiiHlitii. All KiiIIIiik ilalri siihJctH lit uliiuiiti) ! Tor Kan I'miieWt'o- I 1 p. in. Sail Jim :!. i;.y, ,i;,, 18, 'I. i "7. rji ' 7 , 111. To AI.AMK ,' p. in. Sail Jiinu 7, '2.1. h p. 111. lix.hiitiilayjj.'iilunilila I'.v. Hteiuni'r.i. I p. 111. Kx.hnuilay iu .iMiiniA aim nny mummy IJIIIillllKS. in . III. n ii. in. Wii.i.a jiEi-rr. I(ivi!i. i ui, i m i:..hilliilny()ryKiiii CUy. NiiwhciK.'li.x.ftiiiiilay naiuui ,v ny uillll .j 7H.1II, lVii.i.uiKT-rr, anii V..m :):;) p iii. Iitf.'lliir., nii.i. Kivmiy. Ll.ii.,vii., anil .-sat, KlrcKon city, iMytmi, anil I'rl. ! anil Wny'biuilliiKf. : On. m. Wti.i.AMinTB IliVKit. r:Uip, iii. Ilic.Tliiir.jl'iirtiaiiil to Corvallls, Tn.-., llnir, mill fat. anil Wiiy-lmilliiKsi, anil but. i I.i:.vvi: I Itll'UIIA. l:l.' a, in. .Mull.. unit 1'rlila) I.KAVK I.Kwn-ro.v, ." 1 1 a in. him., 'I in., mnl Tliur. K.naki: ICivnu. Hiparla to ljuwlxton. Kor full parllcnlarM call mi (). It, N, Co.'h Knt 'Die Dullon. or w. ii. liinti.iiNitT, (it'll, l'as. Ak't.i IMrtlaml, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route t)K TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Iwiveaml arc ilnu to nrrlvn at l'ortliu. I.KAVK. I UVJilU.A.MI K.- Drmtt. r'liiL'in. ' I IjlirK, Aalllmnli Hue riiliimito, Ck1i;U,Hjiii KrancUeo, .Moliivc, 'fliOO V.M.A I.o.iiK'ele,l,l I'kko, New orlumiH anil I I JZHHt J llloKclmri; mul way ! lii.'tO A. 51. r.Ji Dally ij.xiwpt rilllliliijll. I f Via Wooilliuni Inrl .Mt.AliKol, bllverton, itlllllH Dally VXCi'Jtt Knnday ; vllU',nprliiKlie!il anil I Natnm J (Ill I-eilf, imnTiii.- I7!W) A. M,i ICorvalllM mnl way iKtittlnni i! :W1',M. I.NDIII'KNDKNOK I'ASHKNKKIt. Kxiri' trulu Dally (u.xcept rnimlay). l;W)p. m. (I.v. ...I'orlliiiiil ...Ar.i Sitt'i w 7:!a)p. m. 5ai McMlniivllli'..l.v, ';' " H:.'tlp. mu A r. J ll.J .M'OI I'li'IK-i;.. I.V - l 'Dally. (Dally, uxc;pt biinilay, di.n'im; cauh on ohukn hoi'tk. 'UI.I&IAN IIOKI'KT HM'.Kl'Ulty AND HH(;ONI)-(JI.ASB H1.HKI'I.N( C'AKb AttuclHii to alt TliroiiKli Triilnn. Dlrci!tt'iiniivtlon iithmi KrancUn; with 0jl' iK-ntal mul OrK'iital mid lnlllo mull "li"'ll"u1, lllii'H for JAl'AN mnl OUINA. KullInK datw on a pllcrttlon. . ... i wn. HiittiH mid tlokutK to 'lni poliils j' ' ' moo. AUoJAI'AN, UlllNA. IIONOl.lll.U Al'HTKAI.lA, tan ho r.hlalntil liom f J. II, KIHK1.A.ND, Ticket Ak'Mit. ThroiiKh Ticket Ollleo, IHI Third t'l'oti'Veru thioimh tlokuiH to nil polntH In tlio i!Hur HtatoH, Cmimliuiiiil Knropu cuii ho olJimiii'i lutvuvt mUsH Irom , , ,,. J. II. KlItKI-AND, Ticket AKi J. All nhovu traliiM iirrlvo at urn ilcpurt I row (irumU.'ontiMlKtatlon. KHthiimi IrvniB lwlb VAMIIU.I. DIVIHION. Vokwimt Dpol, loot or Jeiterton lnet. Uwvo lor OHWKdO, dully, except MW'n, (mid lliiw p. m. on biitunlHy only, mid . ' nnd ;i!3() p. m. on HiuuhiyH only). ' l I'ortluniJ OHlly ut Mito mid H'.M u m.i " Milft,fl;i;oiiiiil7!W'. m., (mnl Wioa l A ,a &:!() p. in. on Hunduyii only), Leitvo for Hlierlilmi, weok iluyn, at l:W p. m Arrive hi rninaiiu, v.w . U'uvc for AIKMK on Monday, WV'JMJWSf. Krhniy utViW.ii. in. Arrive t Vrtl, ' lu lv, Thnrfcday mnl Huturdiii u 8i03 p. m. 'Kxcept Hunduy. Kxcept Hiitiirnui. It. KcK.M.KU, (1, H. MAHKiiA"'-, Amt. (I. I'. A I " Atft iialiaaer The furmer, tho meuliiuilc und Hjo oyolu rldor nru llublo to tuiexpeutei cuts ntul brule. BoWltt'fl Wild. Bitlve in tho bout thing to keep on Jnn' i i.. ami la h well known cure for pllw. 8nlpe.Klnwly Drug Co.