VOL. XT THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1898. NO 78 INVADERS WILL SOOI IBM The Entire Attention of the War Deparment Will Be Turned to Porto Rico. WASHINGTON, Juno 14. With the first expedition actually out oi the country, the authorities here have quick ly turned their attention to another expedition even more important than this initial one. Jt is expected that plans for embarking a second invading force will be matured at once, and that as a result another expedition will leave from an Atlantic coast point within the next ten days, this time for Porto Rico. There are about fifteen transports available, and the list will be increased as rapidly as possible. Some of these may be used for the latter expedition but those on hand and to bo secured will readily accommodate a force of 10,000 men. Recent reports from Porto Rico have indicated that the Spanish forces there do not exceed four or five thousand men, so that it may be doomed necessary to send a large arm' of occupation. Such as it is, however, it will have an important mission to perform, and with this force pursuing an aggressive campaign in Porto Rico, and Shafter's 15,000 men on Cuban soil, an abundance of stirring action is as sured from this week forward. SECOND EXPEDITION Epup FOR H Good (Doming Work of Loading Thirty-five Hundred Soldiers and Their Equipments on Transports at San Francisco Began Today. TWO DISASTERS IN ALASKAN WATERS Schooner Alton I'nibnbly Lost With All on Hoard. VirroitiA, 15. C, Juno 14. Ctiptuin IMercon, of the Hohooner II iistler, which arrived hero from Cook's inlut this morning, Htutox that tliu schooner Alton, which nailed from Tticomu recently for the Jior.th, earryini: a crew of bis men, in believed to liiivi! been lost durum tho Revere (iiilu which occurred on Mav "ifi Moran's Stern wheelers Come to Grief in Queen Charlotte Sound. s c SPANISH 9 e PREFERENCE 5 (? ? .2 fj Spain Expresses Her Choice ol J American to Kehcl Occupation ) C of Manila. 5 f? 9 Viknna, Juno M. Neue i'reio IVt-HHo h;ivh Spain Iiiih requested y tlio powurH to ure,o the United J p Htuteo to occupy Muuilii should the town Kurronder, and not allow the iuburgents to do so. ( J Victoiha, B. C, June 14. The cap tain of the steamer Lapwing, which has juHt returned Irom Alert bay, reports that nine stern-wheel t-tentners of the Mom n fleet of eleven were eerioiifly damaged while attempting to ctohh Queen Charlotte Round. The injured vesHolp nut in at I'ort Alexander, where they will hu repaired. and many Hhips did not move until some time this uiornintr. It in supposed all the vessels are now fairly under way. Allowing three days for the trip, Shaft er's forces will he in the vicinity of San tiago by Friday noon, and it is expected the debarkation will take the rent of that day and night and part of the following day. CREDITORS ARE UPON HIS TRACK SAN FRANCISCO, June 14. Thirtv-fivo hundred soldiers left Camp Merritt this morning and marched to the transport steamers which are to take them to the Philippines'. nil - i lie camp presented an exceedingly busy scene, but there was an air 01 orderly excitement over the whole. The men who have been waiting so long for the order to embark were delighted at the chance to prepare for the voyage and nros pects of going to the front. One by one the different com panies took their departure, and it was nearly noon when the last soldiers lett. The steamers China and Colon are lyinsr at the Mai dock and the men ordered to these vessels marched down Third street to Brannan and thence to their respective ships. lliose who boarded the China were: The First Colorado volunteers, two Utah batteries of lisht artillery, and half of the Eighteenth regular infantry. ihose on board to Colon are the Twenty-third regiment oi lnlantry, and a part of the Jiaghteenth. At the Facihc-street wharf, where the Zelandia and Senator are lying, the Tenth regiment of Pennsylvania vol unteers, and the First Nebraska are waiting for orders to vii uuuiu, m i 10 jiv. liJ tui) u.jjui,ii;u UIlUli U1U ilUUL Will SU11 tomorrow. do you uueai? The CDanhattah Shirts? CRISIS IS NEAR IN CHINA The Decrepit Imperial Government Is Menaced From Within and With outCouncils Conflict. was said that the prince had lapped into nncoiifccionsnesB and that the Chinese doctors in attendance bad mistakenly pronounced Dim dead. It was added tiiat the prince had 6inee awakened, but his condition was critical. PROGRESS Of THE INVADING TROOPS Reported Not Yet to Have Left Key West Cause of the Delay Not Known. Washington, June 14. OfHoial infor mation Iibs reached Washington to the efluot thnt the fleet of ,trunoports with troops for Santiago nuppoced to have left Key Went wtterdii.v f.ir Culm, had not Hilled id I" ii early hour this morning. No reiiMto Ioin liitxo Elated fur Ibis very unexpected il.day in the movement uirtiiii'i Sim' i.uN UIIIuiuIh positively ili-cino to dii-ciiHH the manor, hut clearly Hlh.W i'V llo-ll IIMIIIitl. lllUC tilU HOWS IB unwelcome, W'ah iimiton, Jin e 14 Liter advices ri'ivivml ilumu' Hm alieruoou hIiow tiiat a -hhi" wiih niiiiMllv made yeHii r lay from Aey Weal, hut I lie luoveiiieill diuggea An Attachment Against the Property of Yohhk Meter is Issued in New York. Nkw Vokk, June 14. Justice Daly, of the supreme court, lias issued an at tachment against the property of J.isoph Loiter, tlio wheat speculator of Chicago, for $7011,023 for money advanced. The attachment was levied upon funds bt loni;iK to Leiter and deposited in the Chase National bank, Hanover bank and other financial concerns in the city. Chicago, June 14. It was slated by friends of Leiter that the attachment it sned against him in New York will not affect tiie situation and will not force an assignment. MORE FIGHTING AT MANILA Insurgents arc Striving Desperately to Capture the Town. Hum. in, June 14. Advices from Shanghai to the Frankfort Z-itung say. news has been received iroiu Manila to the .fleet that there is fighting every night around the town. The insurgents It seems a o tiylog to capture Manila and esUblUu an iiulupemu ut gov rn went before the Amuricins land. Shanoiiai, May 20. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) These are trying times in China. The imperial government is passing through n crisis. The intrigues and cross-intrigues of the court, the general and constant friction between the MuuehuriHii and the Chi nese imperial councils aio complicating nmtteis. Piincu Kung, the imperial adviser, is at the point of death. It can be stated upon the highest atithoiity that at his death a leorganization of the council of state will be made. ihe famous viceroy, Chang Chi Tung, is now in Shanghai, lie will shortly go to Peking, at the reqiikst of t lie emper or. It is presumed that at the death of Prince Kung, Viceroy Chang will he made one ot the immediate councilors of the emperor- Though Chang Chi Tung is an elderly man, he ranks with Li Hung Cluing in progressive ideas, It will be a new era for China if Viceroy Chant: docs enter on the duties of the council chamber, for then he and Li Hung Chang will he able to outvote the third member, who isnn ultra conserva tive. There is, however, one condition to note; personally Li and Chang have been enemies, The world will probably imv. a fine chance to learn whether these two great leaders in western ideas in China will Bink out of sight their per sonal differences and work together for ttie reformation and consolidation of the empire. The emperor is fully alive to ttie crisis on. In an imperial proclamation now being sent to the various governors, ho frankly bemoans "the present great troubles of tlio empire," and miuwioiib his subjects to invest in the bond? of the new national loan in order tiiat he mav be relieved from financial cure in a the uiidst ot these international compli cations. On Mav 5th the extraordinary an nouncement was made that Prince lUirg who was previously reported to have expired on May -u, was still ftilve, it FIERCE FIGHT AT GUANTANAM0 American Marines Ajjain Attacked by a Superior Force of Spanish Troops and a Pitched Buttle Ensued. Ni:w York, June 14. A special dated Caimanern, June 13, via Mole St. Nich olas, llayti, today, reports that there was a renewal on Sunday of the Spanish attacks upon the force of marines landed at Guantanamo Friday last. The light ing is paid to have lasted nil through Sunday night, Camn McCalla and Crest jllill being attacked by greatly superior j forces of Iho Spanish. I The battleship Texas, gunboat Mar- blehead and collier Abaranda supported the marines by directing fire upon the I coast and particularly tho bushes which nil through these encounters have served to screen tho movements of the Span iards. SPANISH WARSHIPS ALL AT SANTIAGO Lieutenant Blue Has Seen the Entire Fleet From a Vantage Point Inland. Wahiii.soto.v, June 1 1, The nnvy de partment today pofiid the loi)u,iiig bulletin: . "Mol, S'. Nl. holm, .lime U. Lh ii tenant Itluo lias j int. mlumni niir dftniir of seventy Matul in il a ni i,b renali mi of Iho harhitr f SrOitiati. llotepurM ih.tt tin; Span'ph fl -i-i i I there, 111 thill l!i tfiui,ir-h iilliiclvd vigori oily IK" at ( iuiin itnumo. An ou'poMif f nir iiift'iiieH urn kbltd ami th-ii li'xlir lu'inljt' , lmi'1-.iruii'ly. Suigi'on (Jtbbe twi killed. SAlirBON." liliBfflyil maaamm If not you should. C ( The best nouun" and Knouun as the best." We show the latest Summer Styles. See "Window display. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. C. J. STUBlilflG Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agenoy for the Greatest American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from .f-J.To to iO.OO per gallon. (4 to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to $12.00 per gallon. (11 to i() years old.' AtilFOENIA BRANDIES from J.Xao to jO.OO per gallon. (4 to 11 yewi old.) ' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. HOP GOLD BEER on draught, and Val Jtlatz and Hop Gold Beer in bottles. Imported Ale and l'oi ter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ota.. kir.ns. Headquarters for Rolk ,i rai3 , a, -mds. Headquarters for Bran. eLrta, dMT,"LkrnB Headquarters fcr "dyers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. Thin Kliuir in nianufactiired exprensly for faintly uhh; eerv fiuck is xuttrauteed to give eatlefaetiou. We cell our vomit lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo e tl) and uel.our prices ami be convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wlwat, Barley and Oate.