mm 75e to $3.00. THEY'LL NEVER BE LOWER. Tliii ehi'niM'Ht Wrappcrn we huve are made from 'Jus licet quality of .Hitnpson'H Prints, Btiarnntiii-il to ho fast colors. Our hotter gradeij'are mucin from flue I'orciilt'H and Uppet Organdie-, very handsomely tilmmod in I.nci! mid Km broideries. 01 pcrhupH to the iiiomi tuitiH. It makes no difference, however, where you go, as we huve anticipated your wants and are opening up a complete line of Trunks, Grips and Telescopes. Come in and see these. You'll find that we have remodeled our lines and added the latest novelties to them. It is unueceesary for us to mention prices, as you always find our prices right. All Goods Marked in 1'lain FigureB. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - - JUNE 14. 181)8 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The weather forecast for today is oc caalunal ruin. Don't forgot that Kellar keeps the best ice cream soda in the city. tf Clarke it Falk hove the purest utid Btrongeut Parle Green in the market. Hood Hiver strawberries by the crate at The Dulles Commission Company's. Ice cream sodu, ice creuni. and utraw burriuH ut the Coluiulmi Cundy Factory. Souvenir spoons of American battle ships ut T. A. Van Nordoti't). J'rice 25 cents. 8-1 w Clarke & Falk manufacture a full line of flavoring extracts. Ask your grocer for them. tf II. M. Kyau, teacher of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Headquarters at Jucuhseu's. tf For correct styles in millinery goto ttie Campbell k Willsoti Millinery Par lors, on Second St. tc Leave orders for ice with the Stiulel iiiau Commission Co. Oiliee cold storage building. Phone 41). tf Saturduy evening George Young, of Kidgoway, was duly initIated;inio Cub eudu lodge, 15. I'. 0. K. Furitislied rooms to rent, also suits of rooms mutable for housekeeping. Apply to 11) and 20, Chapman Block. 17 There will be u meeting of the Fourth of July committee on piogram this (Tuesday) evening at the rooms of the D. C. & A. C. ut I) o'clock. Lovers of good music will enjoy a treat the evening of the 24th if they i-'O on the excursion given by the Alpha Mandolin und Guitar Club. Koine of the latest songs, rendered by lies Myrtle Mioholl, the popular vocal ist, will bo one of the tittructioiiB of the luoonliglit excursion the evening of the L4th. Yentordiiy the Itegulator brought 000 bead of sheep belonging to Judge Mays M . r III 'l .1 ... l.t ,1M Iwiuhlrjl f 10 lOllllls lununig iwr biiiiiiiu'i mohiic. I This niakes 1(100 that Mr. Mays baa sent down Sunduy and yesterday to the Ska V mania county ranges. On Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock the closing exercises for St. Joseph's school will take place in the ball of St. Mary's Academy, while th,e graduat in exeiclses for the ncudeiny will take on Thurtday ufternoon. A telegram sunt by Dr. Logan mid wife yesterday uuiiounces that they will Wrappers Wrappers Tim iiiiihI. complete line vf have ever olli-ri'il !h now asking your iiispeeilou. Mailt! from dainty materiiils tlmt are cool iiml airy : jiiHt the thing or this hot cummer weather. Our Prices are at Rock Bottom. You'll ! Soon Be Going to the Coast, PEASE & MAYS, arrive home this morning. Their nu merous friends will be glad to welcome them biiek, and oiler them their hearti est congratulations, hoping that their future will be full of happiness. About 11 o'clock last night n pleasant fall of rain set in und continued during u portion of the night. If this rain is general over Eastern Oregon, it conies as u blessing und will do much good to the crops, us well as cool of!" the atmos phere after the recent hot spell. The following are the high scores for lust week ut the Umutillu House bowl ing alleys : Monday, H. MaeU, 67 ; Tues day, J. Kirchofl', 73; Wednesday, H. Esping, 01); Thursday, H. Maetz, 114; Friday, H. Maetz, 00; Suturduy, H. Maetz, 78; Sunday, H. Maetz, 0". The Big Four Comedy Company ur rived in the city on the Regulator last evening, and will give u performance in this city Wednesduy night. It was their intention to play tonight; but their hauuauo being delayed ou account of the large amount of freight ut the portage, .they were compelled' to postpone the performance. All the rivers ure slowly rising. It was exnected that u creator rise would ( be shown yesterday morning, but not occurring leads to the belief that the snow is melted except on the higher mountains, Comparatively cool weather has prevuiled over the Snake river country, so that a further rise may be expected, with higher tempernture. Tbe committee on music for the Fourth of July celebrution held u meet ing Sunduy and decided to havo at least three brass bunds from the . outside ! along with the Dalles bund. This will I certainly utlbrd u Bulllciencoy of patrlot ic music lor the occasion, and it is cer tain that everything else in the turnout; will beinuccordunce with the musical program. The name of J. S. Landers was among tbo hotel urrlvuls in Pottlund yesterday. The professor will spend some time with frieuds in Salem and other valley towns during his vacation. The Dulles is to be congratulated upon ugaln securing the services of Prof, LunderB in its schools, ns it wos feared for a lime wo might be compelled to looee him, he having intended to return to the K.tst. While it Is cusloinury for many of our citizens to spend their holidays in the ahadv nooks und along the creeks en joying a picnic, it is to be hoped that this year everyone will feel it n duty, us well uh u pleusure, to celebrate the Fourth ut homo. Many huve contrib uted liberally to make the day a success in every way, and wo are expecting many of our neighbor! to join us in making glad opr natal day. Let m all bid themi welcome, and with them en joy onrsolves in the fullest sense of the word. A number of our voung people are combining business with pleasure, and while on a vacation have pitched their tents near the Hood River berry patches, where they ctn cither spend their time resting In e.imp or be profitably engaged in berry-picking. That littlc'of each is done is proven by the fact that one i young lady reports that "she makes $1.50 a day, while another is growing wealthy ut il", cents a day. The Pendleton Tribune gives a very complimentary notice to a young lady who for n number of years attended St. Mary's Academy in this eity, and was recently graduated from St. Joseph's Academy in that city, Miss Catherine i M. Qiiaid. Many will remember her ns ; being a particularly bright pupil when here, and will not he surprised that sho is spoken of as being one of the bright est students ever graduated from that school. ' Yefitonlav a livplv rnnou1') v nntnrrcA in the East End. A freighter was mi- f loading wool when his team became ! frightened and rar ns far as James Blnkeney's residence on Fourth street. At this point they ran Into a team be longing to Lew Oakee and both teams started down the street. Mr. Oakes eon was in the wagon when the runaway started, and saved himeelf from prob able injiiry by jumping. Both wagons were more or less injured end the horses badly hurt. While the warm weather has para doxically dampened the ardor of the bowlers, and caused them to seek the reading room, the billiard tables, and principally the veranda at the club, the bowling alleys are not entirely deeerted, but a few enthusiasts can generally be found ready for a game. The high daily scores for last week were ns follows: Monday, Yic Schmidt, 53; Tuesday, John Bonn, 4!); Wednesday, John Bonn, oS; Thursday, Wra. Ketcbum,46; Fri day, Win. Ketch n in, 56; Saturday, C. L. Phillips, 53 ; Sunday, John Bonn, 45. Extensive preparations have been made for the tweentv-ninth annual re union of the Oregon Pioneer Association, which will convene at Portland tomor row in Armory Hall. After the exercises a social reunion will be had, followed by a banquet. When the banquet is over the time is to be spent in renewing old acquaintances, lorming new, and talking over days lang syne. At 7:30 in the evening a business meeting will be held, followed by what is termed a "pioneers' experience meeting and love feast," in which all pioneers take part, relating experiences and giving Ehort talks. Low rates have been obtained on all lines running into Portland und a large at tendance iB expected. A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Robert Smith I'rulmhly Fatally Injured lly a Uorse. Yesterday Robert Smith, of JDuteh Flat, was riding a wild horse, when tbe animal reared up and fell backward with him, "and it was done so quickly that the boy bad no time to do anything tow ards saving himself, and he wue caught under the animal. Although he was immediately freed from his position, it is feared t' his back was broken. One of his an dislocated. He was brought to The Dalles for treatment, and a doctor called. It was not known lust night whether or not his hack was broken ; but as be has, in all probability, sustained serious intern al injuries, bis recovery is doubtful. At tbe time of the' accident he was driving a band of cattle, and the horee, it is thought, became frightened at something and reared backward, with the above result. Short Hun d School. The undersigned will commence teach ing short-hand if a suitable number of Bvholars can 1 obtained by the 15th of June, lSlls. I will teach either the original Pitt man or tbe American Standard System of Phonography, as euits the tcliolar, and must have a class of not lees than ten. I will receive applications up to Juno 15th, and earnestly icquest all persons desiring instructions in phonog raphy to call und see me on or oefore that date in order that I may arrange to get text books and fix terms of tuition. D. S. Dut'Uii, Official Reporter 7th Judicinl District of Oregon. Dated, June 11, 1808. junell-15-dw ' KODAKS. We sell them because we have the right kind. Any price from $1 to $10. Easy to take, develop and finish. Come nnd eee a sample of pictures taken with them. Do.nnki.i., Druggist, CIivhii ltatt'n fur Urn Fourth of July. For theFouith of July the O. 1. A N. Co. will hell tickets from The Dalles to any station In Oregon and return, in cluding Wallula and Walla Walla, Wush,, at the rato of one fare for the round trip. Tickets 011 sale July 2d, 3d mid -1th. Tickets good for return up to and including July 0, 189S. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tliut U wliut It was niHdf tor- CHILDREN'8 DAY. How It tVKN 01ert-l t,y h Mt1iont ftlilitluy School, The Fccond Sunday in June has tic on set apart as Children's Day in the Sun day Mshools, and was appropriately ob served by the Methodist Sun lay school yesterday. Some preparation had been made by the Congregatinnalists, but on account of arrangements which had been made for preaching service, was postponed. The Methodist church was very prel tilv decorated, principally with roses, on the occasion, and with the daintily dressed children flitting around, made an attractive appearance. A largo number of the parents and friends of the pupils were present to enjoy the exercises. A printed program was followed, with a few variations, among which were sev eral class recitations and si njs. Partic ularly pleasing was the recitation by t ho little tots, some of whom'were so small that their baby language could scarcely bo un ierstood. Miss Nie'u'ken'e class and a few of the older primary pupils, sang a sweet song, well suited to their childish voices. The young man who was to have given a patriotic recitation being absent, the only one rendered was by Anita Ben nett, entitled "Little Floe's Letter." Everyone was delighted with the man ner in which the little Miss gave the recitation, her enunciation and expres sion being fanltlees for one so young. A dialogue by Grover Young and Roy Taylor, "God' Wants the Boys," was well spoken, and showed that just such energetic, wide-awake boys are the ones that are wanted. It is customary on these occasions to hold a short memorial service for any members of the school who may have died during the year. Accordingly Mies Ruch's class sang a pretty memorial selection after which Hnlen Lytle placed on the altar a beautiful bunch of Tillies in memory of Maude Obarr, who died recently, and little Myrtle Rorden brought one in memory of Alice Wells, who was drowned on January 31st. Rev. Wood gave an address appropri ate to the day, after which several eonus were sung, and -the exercise ith "America." WOODMEN MONUMENT Ur. ,'EILED In Memory nf nppnrteit McMhern of That Order. Sunday afternoon Mt. Hood Camp No. 59 assembled at Fraternity hall, and at 2 :$0 inarched in a body to the Odd Fellows cemetary, where the ceremony of unveiling two monuments to two of the departed members of the order, Daniel L. De Woife and Stephen J. Thompson, were held. Council - Commander James Taylor opened the exercisep, after which the choir sand tbe beautiful anthem "Nearer My God to Thee." This was followed by the ritualistic unveiling ceremony, which was beautiful and impressive. The paem, "Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud," was then read by Dr. Doan. At tbe conclusion of the ceremony over th grave of Daniel De Wolfe, the members of the camp and friends of the departed moved to the grave of Stephen Thompson, where a like ceremony was held. It is the custom of the Woodmen to erecs a monument like those unveiled Sunday over the grave of each of their departed members, and the promptness with which the fulfilled their obligation in this instance, speaks well for the or der. The ceremonies throughout were in teresting and impressive und were large ly attended. Everybody reads Tim Chronicle. Has tae Hnrwell detachable Tire, The best thing yet. Ilatm't a single drawback. The weight of the BUNNELL THE I- Ie than that of any ulh ir di'tneiiiil'le lire now on the tuaikel. Iiadiei' and Gents' Wheels for Rent. OJheels Repaired. He Cleveland ulaiei & Bentoii Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and detlcloai, fcv if!! POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., htw YORK. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men nnd women, havo prepared, the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many year?, and it is ulwavs the same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are. The Shak ers never have indigestion. ThiB is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges tion iB caused by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Cordial in vigorates the stomach anil all its glands so that nfter awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00a bottle. Thousands of suflererj from grippe have been restoied to health by One Minuto Couch Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Use Clarke it Falk's Floral Lotion for sunburn and wind chafing. tf DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, 15 urns. REMOVAL NOTICE. J. H. CROSS nas removed 'lis store to the Vogt Block, next door to the PosfofUce, where he will be pleased to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new ones. For CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, HAY, GRAIN and PEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop ular prices. Call and see him. CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets. Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock. mmm Closed Hack Day or Night. PRICES REASONABLE. Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR. J-Jau You Sq Our 'Ivanhoe' Piuee only $35. Up-lo-I)ate in JOvery Respect. Aditi.stablo Steel Iliindlo llavs. J Celebrated CJ. & .). Detachable Tires. We huve opened our renting department with a lino of new wheels. REMEMBER We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 85. Just UJhot You CClant. Now ideab in Wall 'Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore irraced n single stuck. Real imita tion creton ellVcts at ordinary prices. I Good papers at cheap paper prices. Klegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours) , fur a small price, at our store on Third 'street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. CAMPBELL & WILSON Tillir;ery Par 1013 Under the management of Mrs. W. G. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Smith. Irs. Brijz&s' Old Stand. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and mins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver trouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ladis' I: :: 0 MAYS & CROWE. have strictly Finst-Clasa J. T. Peters & Co-