CELE B RMTION JULY 4th, 1898. AT THE DALLES I m I In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Ailvertlalnc Itnte. one men or ies in Daily ii no ver two inched nnu under lour menes. lw! ver four inches ami under twelve inches.. 75 ver twelve inches DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch WW Over one inch and under four inches 2 W Over four inches and under twelve inches . 1 W Over twelve inches 1 00 HuiiMUitirTiuN rnicE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year r 00 TUESDAY - - JUNE 14, 1898 SPAIN'S PRESENT CONDITION. Uuckle long ago called Spain "a huge, torpid mass,'" ami suid she was the only representative then remain ing of "the feelings and the knowl-1 edge of the Middle Ages." And the worst symptom in her case, as he j expressed it, was that she was satis-1 fied with her own condition. "Though she is the most backward country in Europe," he remarked, "she believes herself to be the foremost. She is! proud of everything of which she ought to be ashamed." Spain's pres ent condition is about the same as it.""" inmmen nu iron, ou to was when Buckle wrote these words, nearly half a century ago. Theo retically her government system is more advanced than it was then, and her people have technically a voice j in the management of their political affairs. But the privilege is of little benefit to them, for only a small pro portion of them used it. Its popu lation is as ignorant as ever, its po litical methods .' hose of the sev enteenth century, :iu its whole system of civilization is nt war with the practices and aspirations of the age. In morelJrespects than that of cruelty the Spaniards are, in Can ning's phrase, the "Turks of Western Europe." The urgent necessity for the Americans to capture Porto Rico at the earliest possible moment is seen on all hands. The Pall Mall Gazette of London says, "the seizure of Porto iiico and the Philippines will place America in a position dictate the only terms she could possibty ac cept." Carranza, Spain's late nuval attache in the United States, in writ ing to the minister of marine from Montreal, said he was afraid lest the Americans should seize Porto JJico before attacking Havana. We ought to have Porto Kico in our hands be fore we finish the conquest of Cubu. Wc can demand it as an indemnity, j of course, if Spain gives up before J wc seize it, but matters would be simplified much if wc should have the isluad in our possejsio. . or oven have its principal port, before Spain's collapse comes. It is easier and cheaper for us to seize Porto Itico now th:in it will be in some future wnr. MatTrTd paper says Spain is willing to resume former rolations with the United States with un changed territorial conditions. Jt strikes Uncle Sam that peace of thut kind Is too much like war to be worth talking about. Austria realizes that Us interna, tloaftl Inluenoe aiuounts to little ex Gt in EMtern Europe. It bas de- 'ciilocl to spend 30,U00,()0l) within j the next six years on battleships nnd ) cruisers, with three nrniorcd monitors ' fnr the Danube llotilht. Hut Austriu must put more money thiiu Unit into - i,:., if it nnnuunu in nwnlil k with Ships It It pi oposeb to IIKHKIIC W till i the affairs of the United States. C.cn. IManeo continues to waste his attempted negotiations on Gen. Gome.. The latter is perfectly well aware that he will soon be somebody in Cuba and Ulanco nobody. The government is getting all the gold it cares to handle. If any free silver crank in congress voted for war in order to destroy the gold re serve, he missed the marl;. The Carolines consist of over f00 islands. If we have to name nil of them in addition to the Philippines our new responsibilities in ihe Orient will be arduous. For Haiti Chrap. A lot 100x160 feet, on thu bluff, east of the fair grounds. A rieairahle residence location. A. S. Mac Almstkk. Chronicle Oflice. I.ttillea, Attention! Great discount sale in millinery. 1 . . . . I 1 t "Trt i. A 1 51.00. The irreatest bargains ever known in millinery. Call early, while the stock ie complete. MllS. C. L. PlMLMI'H, 7-11 Washington St. Wanted. A competent girl ; one who is a (rood cook, and who Is kind to children. Good wages to the right party. Apply to this oflice. tf Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zaneaville. O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Cleveland wheels are selling in spite of all the cheap wheels that are offering. Call and see our '98 models. Maier k JSenton. Huy a Piano mover, reaper and header. They are the best, and the prices are the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what It wa.i made (or. Ue Ire Doir?? JJeat apd .priptip.. For treasonable prices, Wo Print Anything in tlic Printing Lino. Cjiie us a trial. $r)ror;i;l pub. $o. ALL. 1 V J' . Jieua Columbia Hotel IS THE KEST 5i.no PER HOUSE IX THE CITY J. fll. TOOmEY, Prop. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer G-roc War or No War You will ahva's havo the benefit of Low Prices at Ipdru feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oysters in any style. Crandall DEALERS IN nil linrk nf Funeral Supplied embalmers The Dalles, Or. Z. DONNELL, PHESCHIPTIOJ1 DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., TJ-JE DALLES, OR cuho 9ii?M5,.y-jeothelT Preferred fon Sittings. m WORK MY Chapman Bio ok. A cordial DAY The Dalles, Op & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to he foun in a first-class Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. SUCCESS. THE DALLE, OR. invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The For Spanish Headache Undo Sum ih uiixiiid u (loon thnt will Hiiri.'ly cure. Not nil huaihichi! ouri'H liriiiK "bout relief wnil niiiny hav n hud Hind mi th ht'iirt nnd HyHU-in pinnriilly. Wu can oflur you dud not ho violent in itH intitliodH hh I'milt' Shiii'h, hm out! which will rumovt! ttm chiihc iiimI cure thi hwiiliielm. Trv DOGTOK WOODS' HEADACHE Cl'lMC. l'ul up hy -r ItELIAliLE l'HAHMACISTK. 176 Second Street, THE DALLES, Regulator LineA Tk Dalles. Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' r ;8sfi sirs. Regulator 6.Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUE.R LINE IIKTWIiKN Tlio Itollen, IftMxl Itlvor, Cun-iiili" UwliH nml I'nrt lunil iliilly, i.itM,t hlinilM)-. ( DOWN THE VALLEY on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are vou going II no, , nvu moiiuv ami enjoy n bc-uutlful trip on -l 'I hti wtt'LouiK tniln iirrlvi-H ill I lio IhillvH In Hiniilb llmi) fur inikiifnuciH to take tU Htc'Hinor, iirrlvlni; In I'ortlimil In tluio for thu OlltKOllll! noiltliurll mill N'irllnrn lr..li.M. KoMt. Ixiunil pHUMjiiKurN iirrlvliiK In 'l'liu l)uliwi lit t'lmv to ink i) thu Kuxt'boiiiiil tniln. Kor flirtlior Informiitloii apply to J. N. HAUNICV, AKvnt, Oak Htrcot lock. I'ortliitnl. Ortwm, ur u ai.imwav, 1, uii, A ill.. Till) Dlllk'H, UlL'KOII Tie coiumtiia PaciDo Co., PACKERS OP PORKandBEEF MANUKAO'I'UUKHH OF Pine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED UEEK, ETC. Lu I'latu Hhoop Dip, nroviin hy nvory tost to Iih th bust non-iioUonoiiH fluid dip in thu world; guaranteed to euro cab, itch, oro throat, llco ifnd hoof.rot, 0. R. & N. CO IlKI'AKT l-'llll TIMK PIIIII'.III'I.K, I'ltllM ll.U.I.I'.h, AlllllVK Fkom, I'llHt Mull 11 :..() p. in Hull Luke, Denver. Ft. Kt -Mull. IJ-10 11. w. Worth, (iiuiihii, Kan ran City, Ht. I.nilU, (IhlciiKo mill i;,iit. Hpitfcnlio Klvur ::M p. in Will lu Wulln. Hpiilsiiiie, HtHikiiiii; jiinni'iipoiiH. hi. rain,! I lytT. I) Hint h, illwaiiLiM, ii ,'i u. in, Ohleiiiio anil Hint, h p. in. I'ltOM I'OKTI.ANII. 1 i. in, Oohiii KteaniHlilpi. All hnllillK ilatt'h KUliJii'l to lihaiiKu. For hnn Froiii:lcii- sail Jim :i, li.'.i, r.'.i;., in, '.'I, i, '.7, iin, ' p. in. TllAI.AMKA- .'li. III. null June 7. h p. 111. Kx.huiuliiy Hntiiriliiy in p, III. : 1 1). in. (.'olnnihla Uv, Klciiiiu'rs.'Kx.huiiiU; To ASTiiisiA mill Way uinillllKt. tin. 111. Wiixamkttk Kivkii. 1:3) p.m. llx.Hinnliiy ttri.'Kon City, .S'ewliern, Kx.bundiij , Haluin .V Way binil'r., 7 II. III. WU.I.AMKTTK AND VAM m. Tni'H.'I Imr.l iiili, ItlVKiiH, Mi)ii.,wnl anil hut. lOrt'Kiui City, Dayton, anil Frl. ami Wiiy-l-miilMiK". I. a. in. Tuu.,Tliiir, and Hut. Wiixamkttk Kivkii. I.:ii).iii, 1'ortiaiiil to ('orviiUlvTtif., llmr, anil Wiiy-ljinilhiK's. nml but. I.KAVK KlI'tlllA. hl.'ui. 111. Mon.. Wl, nml I'rlilnj I.KAVI I.Kwnrrox, A t'i it. Dl. iHiiiL.Tuen.. Mini Tliur, Knakk Kivkii. Ulparla to Uitvlntnil. For full particular call 011 O. It. .V. N. Co.' KKvlit'l'liv DalUn. or uililrmn W. II. lirill.llNKT, dun. l'liu. AKt.i I'nrtlmnl.Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Eoute )K TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TraliiH Ifikvunnd arc dm; to arrive at l'ortlu. UV Kit LAN I) KX 1 1 itr..kk. K..I..111. HdmU' 1 1 ! Iiiuk, AHliiaini, Mm' ,. j raiiKiiito, DkiIi'Ii.smii I ' '',') FriiiieUeo, Moliivo, 0;UO I.US AllltUlOh.l.l TUMI New orluuiiN an Kant M IIOKChlirK ami way ta' tlllllk V.H JJallr f Vla Wooilliurn forll Mt.AliKUl, Hllverloii, I Dally except hiinilayrf Went Hclo, llrown; i exrei' ) vllle.riprliiKlleldanil ' BumUy. I Natron M cxwpt T.W A. M (-'orvalllH Ntatlonx am! wiij'l :M l'.M. IN D l"; 1 ' K N I ) K Nl ! K I'AKHKNHIIlt Kxri trtlu Dally (except Hiimlay). l-fJI.. 1,1 ! I'..rll,mil AM 7iUlli. III. Al . ..MuMilUii'lllo !'.? H:.'il) p. 111. r.r . II lnilepeinliMie'..lv l:H). Dally. IDaiiy, except hiimlay. DININO OA ItH ON OHDIIN KOUW 1'IJI.I.MAN 1IIJFFKT HI.KIH'KW AND HF.COND-UI.ASS HI.KHI'IW UB5 Attached to all TlnoilKli Trlu. Dlreot eoiineotlon at hail Miiiiclw;; ''J.ffip dental anil oriental ami I'ai.'HW' , U0S linen for JAPAN and (JIUNA. 'Illnfr uw ai plication. . . d Ku- iiiihw ami uciiotK in i.niui "v. .11 11 tni nilK). AIno JAPAN. tJIUNA. llt).N01.UIU u AllBTKAMA.ci can ho omaiiieii " . TluoiiKli Tioket Olllcc, Kll THIr Vi.W throiiKh tlekuta to all polntH 1 1 iw , Hlateh, t;aliHdii and hurope can bo otwinw ,,,W1'"lraUlltKUNI.,TleWAr All ahovo tralmi arrive at hih ' H '"i, (liimil (Jentnil Htntlon. Filth ami Irvm "w YAMIU1.I. HIVIHI0N. , I'iuwikw lta"t' loot of JeUer,oii riw U-avo for OHWKdO, O.dly.exeeptl-'';''1'1,;, (and U:ao , 111. on Haluiday mil , '"" at and il:W) p. 111. 011 HimhIh.nh tl J. rt" ( yA I'ortlanil iially at '(Ii ID nnd " , D'lJ N!lf.,invoiind7:.Vip. in., (aniliu."' 7:0 11. ni.; 12:81), 1:M. ('" "k,,.iu-a). A!lO IK ,11. fill ri.ll.lljllW ItlllV). U-ave for Hherlilan. wink ilay. ";W''"' lltiilliilaiioiii);. ( Hlicrliliin. wiHik ili)'. ' ,i;W'' irtlmiu;, u:ao a. in. . Al.tl.lkmi y'WlZti" : Hi a. ml Art V- m '" l.. ...l U,.(.irililV I . ("I'.ai. Arrlvu at I'ortlum). Ia-hvc for , ilHi-.'riinrHiliiv unit KiitniiliU II t ; 1 ' trrl.li.c , 0. Kxcopt Hiiniliiy. "Kxirpt HntntiJ"i-. K KoKm.KK, ."".rJ Jiainiaer. AMI. II. ''"' The farmer, Uw niftilmnic " 1 e oyula rider ro linhlo to unoKj" ' . mid bruised. PoWUVh Wlifh "( Sulvo in the best tiling to keu 0,1 ""' It heals uulokiy, and In well " uru for nllea. 8nlnufl.Klnorly 'H v