The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1898, Image 3

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    - .
Saturday Specials.
Dry Goods Department.
In Dress Goods wis shall offer some twenty-five pieces of all
wool Suiting, Suminer Goods, mul very desirable. This lot com
prifMH our remilnr iOe, COo, and 7trc goods, and you make a mistake
if you pass them liy, as our
Selling Price for Saturday Only
Win be 39c per yard.
Furnishing Goods Dept.
In summer underwear we have some
good tilings, and it is good tilings you
need for this weather. We have a
special line oflight-weight cotton un
derwear and this we shall oiler for one
week at
50 Cents a Suit.
You can't allord, to wear heavy un
derwear when you can get a full suit
of summer underwear for 50 cts.
Of course we have summer under
wear in the nicer grades at a little
higher price. If you would prefer 15al
hriggan we have it with patent seams
at 50c a garment. A bettor one for
7oc, and if you prefer something better
let us sell you a suit of the imported
French Balbriggan at
$1.00 a Garment.
(lome in and examine these lines.
We'll put our time against yours.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SUNDAY - - .lUNiTu.', IMS
Don't forget that Ivellar tH the
bust ice eream soda in the city. tf
Clarke &. Fulk have the i urest and
strongest Paris Green in the market.
Hood Uiver strawberries hv the crate
at Tlio Dalles Commission Company's.
lee cream soda, ice cream and straw
berries at the Columbia Candy Factory.
Kotivenir spoons of American battle
ships nt T. A. Vun Norden's. Price 125
cents. 8-1 w
Clarke it Fall; manufacture a full line
of flavoring extracts. Ask your grocer
for them. tf
II. M. Ityun, toaclier of Mandolin,
Guitar and Hanjo. Headquarters at
.lacohsen's. tf
For correct stylos in millinery go to
the Campbell & Willson Millinery Par
tors, on Second St. tc
Leave orders for ice with the Stadol-
iiiiiii Commission Co. OHice cold atorag
tit li 1(1 i 11. Plume !!(. t
Furnished rooms to rent, also euits ojf
rooms suitable for housekeeping. Appl
to It) and 20, Chapman Block. 1
Homey Scott Crupper, of Hood Itive
iH tho wealthiest 7-inonthe' old child h
Oregon. His uncle, L. Z. Crupper, IiIb
given him a died to twenty-five acres
Wuhco county land.
The Dalles druggists have entered it)
to u compact by which only one of th
four HtnreH will remain onen on Sunday
ufternooiiH between the boors of 1 and 0
p. in. Today Ulakoley & Houghton will
be open, i
Thin innrniiiL' at the Mutliodlst ehurolr
tho Sunday school pupils will oelobrute
Chilarou'wday. The exorcises will bej
Kin at 11 o'clock, and all are invited to
bu present, livery child is requested tf
carry a Hug. y
Wasco county burglars do things uj
brown. A few days ago the house ofi
man iniined Uoyal, near Hood liiver,
i-..u ,i.,i..r..iri.-lill.. tlu fiimilv was niclc-
Huoviiviimi " s
ing berries. Everything in tlio hou
was hauled away.
Tho I. Gnindo Clirouicle says a mini;
bor of you Hi; uirlH between the Hues of lp
and PJ years aro working in the betfj
fields. Thev wear the regulation big
overalls, and it Is u diflicult mutter
tell them lioin tho boys.
At tho last mooting of tho Columbia
Hose ompuny tho members of the
company decldud to take part In the
parade on July '1111. Wo would liM
very much to see the other companies
join in as well and by so doing add to
the display on that occiskn.
Tim hot. weather that has prevailed
for the past week has been bad for Hood
Itlver strawberries. It caused tiiein to
ripen rapidly, th berries did not till
out, und many wero too soft for ship
ment. Probably not inoro than half the
crop hud been gathered before tho hot
spoil utuuo on,
Mttthow Sinltliam, aired 18 years, won
shot and killed Sunday afternoon at
Mnldoou, twenty miles east of Halloy,
by Herman Scohle, a rancher, sayH the
J(a Grando Chronicle. Tho boy and his
uncle, John Smithum, who are sheep
men, were packing their horees prepara
tory to moving camp when Scoblo came
ulong and shot Siulthnuiu shepherd dog,
He then turned the rifle upon Smithum
and tired, killing him. The sheriff is out
after the murderer.
Last evening ttie members of Mr. AVm.
Michell's Sunday school cls cave a
party on the lawn at tlnfiome of the
MiBHes Glenn, in honoof one of their
number, Miss Katie yfiargent, wiio will
leave with her erayff parents this week
for a visit in the Host. The lawn was a
regular fairy boer, and the hours were
most pleasantly passed. A verv few
outside of the members of the clabs were
Many tons of wool are now arriving in
Baker City for storage and future ship
ment, says the Democrat,, The clip of
18SIS, both in quality and quantify, is
excellent. The recent rains somewhat
checked the hauling of this frizzly etull',
which goes to make our wearing apparel,
but the good weather of the past few
days has very rapidly improved the
roads and freighting operations have
been carried on very vigorously. There
ure in linker county in the neigbbor-
uiod of (10,000 bend of sheep.
Tuesday the Sherman county Wood
and Lumber Company, E. Lake, W.
L. Vanderpool, G. W. and T. II. John
son, of Dufur, incorporators, purchased
land at Harris' farm on the Deschutes,
six miliiB west of Moro, where they will
conduct an elaborate business. Logs
will he floated to mills lit this point from
the Metolis. When it is demonstrated
that the getting of lumber in the log by
this method is feasible, then the work
ing capital of the company will be in
creased to place a complete plant at the
place named for the manufacture of all
kinds of lumber.
Huppy Tliui'N for tlin Kliiorfinrt.n.
The children of the kindergarten will
not soon forget last Thursday afiernoou,
on which occasion they I ad a few exer
cises of their own at their school room,
and afterward wero delighted by some
songs, which Mrs. Woodyorth eang es
pecially for them. She never had an
audience which showed, their npprecia-
inn num. n ml wuH encored reueatodl v.
Mrs. J. W. Frenoli hfid invited them
to take possession of heV lawn, and at 3 ,
o'clock the children were mot there by j
Mr. Gill'ord, who photographed the lit-'
. . , . At TVT ! J I
tlegioup, consisting y iMiumi iiiist-,
Jessie Jones, Gunnel and Nonearlo Bol
ton, Eleanor Taylor,! Bemico Mooie,
Jessie Hostntler. Clinton Nielsen, Jtoger,
lvdward and William Birgfeld, Lew is j
Wooi? worth, Thomas Iudson and Mar- j
inadnke Vuufae. I .
Friday afternoon was also a happy
time foi them, when
Regular service at St. Paul's Episco
pal church, morning and evening, by
Rev. Jos. Do Forrest.
On account of the absence of Rev.
Bronsceest, there will be no service in
the Catholic church today.
Christian church, Rev. Boltz pastor
Subject at the 11 a. in. service, 4th of
Acts; 8 p. m., A missionary sermon.
Regular service at the First Baptist
church this morning by the pastor, Rev.
O. D. Taylor. There will be no evening
Regular services will be held in the
Congregational church at the usual
hours today, conducted by Rev. E. A.
Childs, of Merntville. Wisconsin. All
are cordially invited.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets, J. II. Wood pastor
Class meeting this morning at 10.
Children's day exercises at 11 a. "in.
Evening service at 8. Junior league at 4
p. m.; Epworth League at .7.
Service in the Lutheran church, cor
ner of Union and 7lh streets, today as
follows : SI a. in., German service; morn
ing service 11 a. m. ; Sunday school at
12:15, nnd vespers at 8. Everybody
invited to attend.
Charleft Firmer Hanged nt OrnnU 1'nM
While Unr.otiacloiit.
Charles Fiester was hanecd at Grant's!
Pass at 1 :11 p, m. Thursday, and at 1
p. m. was pronounced (lead by Dri.
Myer and Devore, and cut down. Earlv
Thursday morning, when Deputy Sheriff
ballon took Fleeter his breakfast, ho i
was surprised to 11 nd him apparently j
dying. He immediately called a doctor.
It was at first thought that tho prisoner
had taken poison, and that, he could ,
not live until tho hour set for his execu
tion, but it waa later seen that ho had
simply collapsed, and Sheriff Ilhittput
the execution oft" until afternoon, In
hopes that he might revive, hut he did
not. Sheriff Hiatt, assisted by Deputy
Fallen, Sheriff elect Lister and Con
stable Colby, Btrapped Fiester to a
board, carried him to the scaffold, drew
the black cap over his face, adjusted tho
noose and sprung the trap. Fiester shot
straight downward 5 feet 10 indies, and
did not even quiver.
The gallows upon which ho was
hanged whs built for Igs execution No
vember '29, 1895, and is the same upon
which Melson was hanged July 2, 1S97.
R. G. Smith, Flester's attorney, did
everything possible to save his client,
and Fiester had faith that he would
prevail on Governor Lord to intercede
up to a late hour last night. When in
formed that nothing could be done, he
began breaking down.
Fiester was hanged for the murder of
his wife. The crime was committed
May 19, 1895, near tr.e railroad track,
five miles north of Grant's Pass, in tlie
presence of his three youngest children,
the eldest of whom was only 10 years
old. "
Royal makei the food pure
wholesome and dclicloui.
Absolutely Pure
The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a
community of simple, honest, God-fearing
men and women, have prepared the
Shaker Diuestive Cordial for many years,
and it is alwavs the same, simple, hon
est, curative medicine that has helped
to make tho Shakers the healthy, long
lived people that they are. The Shak
ers never have indigeetiou. This is
partly owing to their Biniple modo of
life, partly to the wonderful properties
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indiges
tion is caused by the stomach glands not
supplying enough digestive juice.
Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's
wanting. Shaker Digestivo Cordial in
vigorates the stomach and all its glands
so that after awhile they don't need
help. As evidence of the honesty of
Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula
is printed on every bottle, bold by
druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00a bottle.
The Old Ocntli'iiii'ii l"nse Peacefully
Away Fililey Evruliii;.
noon at the homo of
Mill creek.
Instead of assem-
Vt'rutlier I! lire mi Keport.
Friday the maximum temperature
over the Columbia river basin ranged
from 78 to 90, the lowest temperature
being over the Snake river country.
Friday night the temperature fell to 44
over the Suuke river country, and to 64
over the upper Columbia. The Snake ia
rising slowly. The upper Columbia at
Northport has risen one foot. At. Uma
tilla the rlee is .4 of a foot. As was
etated on Monday last the rise began at
Portland Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning a rise of of a foot was
The upper river will continue to rise
and therise will bo more rapid during
the next twenty-four hours. At Uma
tilla the rise for the next I wo days will
rise at least .0 of a foot a day. At The
Dalles the raieo will be about a foot and
and at Portland about .5 of a foot.
Beginning Tuesday morning tho rise
at Portland will probably be more rapid.
About 22 feet will be shown at Portland
next Thursday morning.
Harry Mercer left for his old home in
Ohio yesterday.
Mrs. jM. J. Mosier, of Mosier, spent
vesterdav in the city.
Friday evening Andrew Donaldson, an
old resident of this city, died at the 1
farm of M. A. Cushing, near The Dalles. J
He has been Eick for some time, and al
though he had some means, of late he
was an object of charity with his numer
ous friends.
His last years were far from being
filled with happiness. About three j
months ago his daughter, Lura.whoi
up to that time had taken care of the'
.i n .:,.,, ,n .1... . . - I
uiu t;eilllt:Luaif, wti&iiiiiiiuincu m uic iji-
sane asylum at Salem, and only for the
assistance of friends, he would have been
He was 77 years old and has lived in
The Dalles for the last thirteen years.
The funeral will take place from Cran
dall & Bnrgett's undertaking parlors at
4 o'clock this afternoon. The body will
be interred in the Odd Fellows ceme
tery. Friends of the deceased are requested
to attend.
Thousands of Buflerera from grippe
have been restoied to health by Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat nnd lung
diseases. .Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotion for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Cams.
Just Olhot
You GUant.
New idi'rtG in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as wo are showing never be
fore graced a t-ing!i! stock. Real imita
tion creton effeclu at ordinary prices.
Good papers nt, cheap paper prices.
Elegant dcMirus, tasteful colorings, youra
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of bouse paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Under the management of
Mrs. W. G. Wilson and
MiES Myrtle Smith.
Mrs. Brings' Old Stand.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and rnins vour health. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure con
stipation nnd all stomach and liver
rouble. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
lie Succumbs tu Consumption ThurRilay
Hi the IloHtiltal at Portland,
J. H. GROSS nas removed his store to the Vogt
Block, next door to tho PostofRce, where he will be pleased
to greet his many iormer patrons and a liberal share of new
GRAIN and FEED, SEEDS and FRUITS, &c, your
orders will receive prompt attention, and will be sold at pop
ular prices. Call and see him.
At 0:30 Thursday evening Frank Epp,
formerly of this city, died at the hospi
tal in Portland. Mr. Epp has been
afflicted with consumption for a long
time; but until a few months ago he
was able to attend to his work. When
he sought medic ;, it was too late,
and he rapidh ...ibed to the dis
ease. Mr. Epp was a favorite with his many
friends here, having lived in this city
for thirteen years, and has been noted
for his industry and honesty of purpose.
Ho was a prominent .member of the
Redtnt-n, belonging to Willamette Tribe,
No. 0,, under whose auspices he will be
buried at Portland today.
Northwest Cor. Fourth and Federal Streets.
Special Attention to Feeding Transient Stock.
r mQ Hack Day or Night.
Tom A. Ward and Jos. T. Robertson, Preps. THE DALLES, OR.
Jiav You 59 Our adis
Te GleveiaRfl
Puiee only $35,
bling at their room tlioy spent the after-1 I juur,,i,v, of Indupendance, is
their teacher on , spending a few days in the city.
bllOl't lllllKl Sclllllll,
'iy,.. nmiernlimed will commence teach
iiii? Hhort.hand if a suitable number of j
auholnre can bo obtained by tho 15th .
of June, 1808. j
I will teach either the original Pitt-j
man or the American Standard System I
of Phonography, tie suits the scholar,
and must have a chi6B of uot less than
ten. I will receive applications up to
June 16th, and earnestly request all
porsonB desiring instructions in phonog
raphy to call and seo mo on or before
that date in order that J may arrange t
get text bookH and Us terms of tuition.
Official Reporter 7th Judicial
, District of Oregon,
Dated, June 11, 1898. unelM5 dw
Mr. r. NT. Snow, u liromiiieiit Baker
county sheepman, is in the city.
Chris Schwabe, of the Chiioniou:
fore, left last night for a business trip
to Goldeudale.
Mrs. Carl Gross, of Portland, is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Keller, in thiB city.
A. M. Masters, of lUker City, who is
engaged in ttie sheep business in that
lection, is in tuu cuy.
Dr. O. Gertrude French came ill) on
tne late train last night, and will spend
ttie day with tier patents.
Mm. P. K. Mlehell and daughter. Miss
ITranl.i niLURpri tlirnnili nn last nveninii's
train from Portland, on their way to
ColumbuE, where they will spend the
Now is the time to spray with Paris
Greeu. Clarke & Falk have the trong
it you enn get, tf
Has tan Pur well detachable
Tiro, Tl e best thing yet,
Hasn't a single drawback,
The weight of the
Is less than that of any oth
er detachable tire now on
the market.
Ladies' and Gents' Wheels for Rent.
Olheels Repaired.
Up-to-Dato in Every Respect.
Adjustable Steel Handle iars.
Celebrated G. & .1. Detachable Tires.
We have opened our renting department with a
lino of new wheels.
Wo have strictly First-Class
maier & Benton
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at tho Lowest Market Rates.
phone 35. T. Peters & Co.