C E L B RATION AT THE DALLES, JULY 4th. 1898. In Commemoration of the Independence of these United States and the Battle of Manila Bay. COME ONE, COME Grand Parade, Basket Picnic, Speeches, Music by the Bands; Games, and festivities will conclude with a Grand Display of Fire Works in the evening. The Dalles Daily Chronicle Ailvej'tUinc ICatuft. I'tr inch. One Inch or less In Dally tl fiO Ter two inches umiunJer four iuf-hes i oo history and tradition arc correct, the Ter four Inches ami under twelve inches.. 75 J ver twelve inches ro distinguished navigator landed an daily and wekkly. vcrage of 1 00 tiiii es n dav. Par otic inch or less, tier inch $2 ft) I B uvcroncincn mm umier lour inches. ... ! hi Over four inches null under twelve inches. Over twelve inches 1 50 1 00 NUIISCKII'TION l'KICK. One ueek . 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 SUNDAY - - .IU"XE"121S9S COMMERCE THAT SHOULD HE OUUS. The latest news from Manila, by way of IIon Kong, is that tiie Span ish outposts have been driven in all along the line with great slaughter. Consequently the position of Admir al Dewey is so strong that the most apprehensive must now admit the United States is master of the sittia tion in Manila and not merely Manila bay. Our grasp has tightened upon the Philippines until it seems certain that it will not relax, and the government, with quick appreciation of this fact, is hastening to inform the people what sort of a prize hasj?1.5o. The greatest Imrijaine eter been brought to them by the fortune : known in millinery. Call early, while of war. the stock is complete. The latest monihlv summary of MllSl C- L- I"ipu, 4i ,. , , .. '-11 Washington St. the finance and commerce of the United States, issued by the bureau of statistics, treasury department, gives the cotmneicc of this country with the islands for the fiscal years 1893-97, inclusive; also the com merce ot Spain in the same islands tor the years 189J-9C. 'Ihese semi-1 decades do not correspond exactly, but they offer a fair base of calcula- i tion. We imported from the Philippines in IGOy 49,1 17,170 worth of prud-l ucts, and exported to them onlv 'of 1,11 t,,e cheap wl,e'8 ,,,at "ru offer't' ii r i. .to i I , I Call and see our '98 models. .Maier k l.o4,.J8. Our sales were utterly ln-jenjo,. significant, and consisted almou en tircly of refined oils and minerals (105,930). Hrcadstuffs amounted to only 7,800. During the same year ! Spain exported to the Philippines! products to the value of 422,080,081, ! and Imported from them 417,573,879, j a total commerce between the Phil- i ippines and Spain ot 440,2(10,550,' compared with our total of 49,31-1, j 235 for the tame period. The showing for 1897 is still morej to our disadvantage. Our total im ports from the Philippines that year were only 41,383,7 10. and our ex ports 494,597, a total of 44,478,337,.' which shows a falling oft of just about one-half. The latest Spanish flames arc for 189G. Jn that year this country bought of the Philip pines merchandise valued at 44, 982,857, and sold to thorn merchan dise valued at 494,597, a total of 5,145,303. In the same year Spain's imports from the Philippines amount ed in value to 422,519,994, and ex ports to 438,357,757, n total ot 400, 877,7sl. Hero is u difference of nearly twelve to one in favor of Spain. These figures are not dry statis tics. They are luminous and grandly Buauesnve. They throw u search light upon Dewey's wonderful May day victory. Tbey ought to silence , every voiie rniscriagninst our rotun i tion of the fruits of his triumph. It seems i also at the that Columbus landed Mole St. Nicholas. If hans the a horiQlDDS tall" it ll l ill t ie l ' " ' American uses of mint. The war with Spain will cost us several hundred million dollars, lint the old kind of peace with Spain cost 1 00,000,000 a year in the ruined Cuban trade. A financial gain in the long run is not improbable. Though sixty-live per cent ot the Spanish cannot read, they know enough to decline to pay a year's taxes in advance or to accept irre deemable paper money if they can get any other kind. The cuttinc of cables at Cienfuegos occupied three hours and the men in small boats were under fire the whole 1 time. American sailors stick to . i.n:.. ...n.l. .... I.,..,. ..r. .. . 1. .. i:r nitM nuiu .is luuy .is ii 3j.wt ui nii; remains. 1. allien, Attention! Great discount eale in millinery. ! Eletfiint triinnipil hat from nO rpufs in Wanted. A competent pirl; one who is a good cook, anil who Is kind to children. Good wages to the rijjbt party. Apply to this office. tf Thirty-five years make a generation. That is how lonir Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He wns cured b' U9in t,,ree boxe8 ot IJ Witt's Witch riazei oaive. Jsmpeg- Kinersly Drug Co. Cleveland wheels are eellinK in spite Uuy a Piano mover, reaper and header. They are the best, and the' prices are the lowest. Mays & Crowe. tf U7e re Doing ! feat ar?d 3rtstie .priptir;. For Reasonable We Print Anything in the Printing Lino. Qiue us a trial. 2r;ror;i;l pub. o. ALL. fieua Columbia Hotel IS THE UKST i - HOUSE IN THE J. JW. TOOGQEV, Prop. PIONEER BOY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body -with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Groc War or No War You will always have the benefit of Low Prices at fi)6rzv feller's ?afe. Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and Oystors in any style. Grandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies 7. Z. DON NELL. PfESCniPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Upp. A. M. Williams Co., caho 9loJeoth.c,r Peferttcd fotr Sittings. MY WORK MY SUCCESS. Chapman Block. A cordial i.oo 1EK CITY DAV The Dalles, Or & Burget THE DALLES, OK, Burial Shoes, D?!r& i Be. siu.Kefiilatordjjalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENUtR LINE BKTWJtKN has the best Shoes Via o avpAitl MMx.i r mo Dvt7jrimg to oe ioun ma first-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. THE DALLUL OX invitation is extended to the residents of the Inland Empire to join in the celebration. COME ONE, COME ALL. everj thing to make you happy. The For I.Spanish Headache Undo Sam iH mixinc a iIoho that will surely tairu. Not nil hi.'iidnr.lii! curt'H brlni: nbout relief and many liuvu u Intel ell'tiut on tint Iii'iirt anil HVrittMii i;(iiiiirnlly. Wu can ofl'er yon mm not ho violent In itH inethoilH nsf I'licln .Sum's, hut nun whieli will remove tln ciuihi iukI enn the iM'.ifliielie. Trv IlOOTOH WOODS' HKADACilK Cl'llK. Put up by RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoud Street, THE DALLES, Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanfl aofl Astoria Navigation Co. Tliu DallM, IIihmI Itlver.Ciuoailn Ux'kHmiil Curt - iniiii umiy, oifi'in mii unity. ( DOWN THE VALLEY OR TO ( EASTERN OREGON ? Aro vou gomg If HO. Htt O in film v n nil aii Irk r ( riuiiiifni t.i.. .... .Vl.t:.(il"ili",b.1"- ''''' ttJi't-Uiiiiiiil triiln urriviMiit I tie Dulli-N In miiiilii tlmn or iw.uiii!rn tn taku ...u aiv-iiiiivi. iiriiviiii; in I'nriiMi ii in iiiixi ii .1.., ., nii hk nuutui-rn nun nuriiiLTli irnlllN; Kimt bound iMMeiiKUfH iirtivliiK In Tdu Diillfn In tliuv to tnkii tlio KaMt-boiinil triiln. Kor lurtlicr liiforiiiiitloii iipply to J. N. IIAUNKY, AKi'ilt, Oiik Htrt-ut Oixik. I'ortlMiiil, Oroijon, Ur W (.'. AI.1..VWAY, (ifii. Tim Dulluh, OroKon TDe CoiumDia PackiDgco.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RlKD UKKF, KTO. Im 1'lnta Hlieop Dip. provon by ovorv ton to be the bent iioii-noliiunniiH fluid dip in the world -, Kuurunteod to mini eb, mill, tore thront, lice and lioof'rot, filler- :!! 0. R, & N. CO imr.nsr Knit timi: hi:iii:iiii!.i:. I'llDII llALI.I'.h. A llllt VP. KllOH. I Tiist Mull 1I:.M) . in Knit l.al;r, Ili'llVt'r. I t ; Knt North, Onmllii, Kim , .Moll. Mih City, Ht. I.1111U, :i !0a, in. CIiIuiiko mill Kail. Hpnkiiiit' )'icr ' ;:;) p. in Wallii Wnllii, H.oliniic, HiKiVmiu .Mlnni'iipoll. ht. rani,; Vljcr. I) n 111 tli, a!llalilti:, f,M . m. Clilriiito mill Knit. s p. ni. I'HOM I'lll'.Tl.AMl. Oram Htejimshlis, .Ml ."allium iliitcn itiilijout til l.'llllllUU. Knr Han l'r(iMcli'ii. Hull .hill !1, ll. U, U, l.'i.lh, Ji, ji, 27, ai. I 1 1. Ill, T p. Ml, To Al,HK.t Hull Jimu 7. '. i 1 1. Ill, h ii. in. 1 1, ,, Kx.hiiinluy (Mlumlilii Kv. Hti,iiniiTs.,l'.xuniliiy To Amtoiii.v mill Wnv H'ttiirilnj 10 i. III. UnnlliiK". I II. III. i:..hiitiilny Wti.i.AMKTTi: HiVKit. I ii, m. OriKim City, NiiivImtk., Kx.tjumlar Kiilum it Way jiinf, 7ll. Ill, WlM.tMKTTK AMI VAM VS( Ii. m. Tin-.'l liur.' iiii.i, aiVKiis. jlnn.,Viil., mill hut. , Ori-Kon City, li.iyl mnl Ktl. mill Wny-l.uiiilMKs. I- 11 II. Ill, W'H.LAMKITi: ItlVKIt, I.JJMi.m. TiicTlnir, I'lirlimul to ('iirviilllt,'Tiie., Iliur, mill Kut. mill Wiiy.Uuiiliii. unil hat. I.havi: ItirutiA. 1 : l. it. in. .Mini.. WciJ. mill I'rlitn) 1 I.KAVK I.r.wifiTii.N', .') I'mi ni, hllll., TllH.. ' mill Tlitir. Hnakk Ittvnit. I C 1 1 n r fit In U:vlnluii, Knr (nil imrlluiiliiri) cull nil O. 1!. A. N. Co.' MKunt The I m lien, or iidilri-sM W. II. IIL'UI.IIN'KT, Cun. I'iin, AKt I'lirtlitml, Or EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp y. TrnliiN Iciivunnil arc iliio to nrrlvi; nt l'lirllsu j.ka vie. OVKKI.AND i:.V 1 1 pr.', Hiilum, Hum fiiirf,', AhIiIuiiiI, Hihi- I 0:00 I'. MM I ",U I 'HV"1ml" , 1 1 IthiicIhi'ii, JIiiJiiw;, f mih aiikoIViM I am. I Now uclvmiN mill ! I Knst ) liuiicliuri; Hint wny .it A.M. tlllllh r.M f In Wuoillmrii iurl ilt.AllL'l'l. HIlVlTlllll, Dully vxcvpt hllliilnya D.illy Wont fiiilo. llruwiik' M fxcvpt ! vllkriirinj,'llclil mill 1 tiuuJiy. I l.Niilniii ) ! A" ,M ICorviilllH Intiitloin mil! vnyj ;M l'.M. iniuii'kndknck iashi:n(i-:ic. ivxprewi tt. 1 I'llllV (u.XL'U)it hllllllny;. ii. iii. il.v. . .1'iirll I Am :"." 7;)i. in. Ai ..MuMllinvlllf l.v. ';" " h::'JI p. in. Ar . liiili.'.iiileii(,i,..i.v ' IMIly. (Dully, uxci-iit tiilinluy IIININO CAIIH ON (l(ll)KN KOl'TE. I'DI.IMAN 1IUKF1CT HI.KIJl'KUH AND HKCUND-UliAHb HLKKI'INO CAB Attacluil to nil TiiioiiKliTralim. Dlri-ot foimwitloii Htum iTiim;l-i fj1' ilciilitlmiil ork'iitiil I I'liclilo mull If'1"'' S llliex for JAI'AN mill CHINA. HnlllHB oa ll llllt'lltlllll. , vh. IttttvN kiiil tlokvts to KiihU'tii I11! "1,,? 'i ,, d riiliu. Aim JAI'AN. CHINA. IIO.NOU'J.U " AUHTHA1.IA, vim lm olitiilnril limn, , ,,., J, II. KIKKI.ANDi'llcliCtAKtlt- TJiroiiRh Tlokut Olllcc, Jill Tlilnl iJS thrmiKli llukutN lo ..11 'ii'ilnt ''if.iiHrf ,,t Htiitud, (,'iinuilii mid liui(i! can U obWuw u- lowest niton f loin ,-. J. II. KlltKI-ANH.'lic'f All nbovo trnlim iirrlvu nt urn !; fy'X (Iriiml Contnil Htmlini. I'lltM iiml Uvms .......... ... ....,i,i VAanui.ii in vmiw.i. . I'iuhciikit Depot, foot of Julli-rwii lnvu 7:M ii. in (ami 11 situ p. iii. on Hatuntiiy tinlv. '! Vr?ivo t mail p. in, on hiiiiiIiijh only), 1-35. IhiiiI niillv nt oiwiini) ;'; ' " ij nun I'ortlmiil Hall 1:1,0. 0:w inn l:16,0:ajiiinl7:Mp. in,, (mnl 10:W i" fi:iu p. in. on Hiiiiitiiyii only) U-hvo for Hlierlilmi, wouic ilay. ti.r'" Atilvu at I'orlliiiiil, u;:to n. in. U-iivu for AIKI.IK on Aliniiluy, 'V'm,i"w Krlmiv ntUHdii, in. Alllvi' at I ortla "I. u" ilv, Tliurnlny hihI Hiitiinliu it :i '" Kxvopt Hllllllny. Kxcctpt Halill'laj'. H Ki. K'.i.KII. (Ii H, i; jli jiuiHvr. Tim fiirnior. Dili iiiiulllllliU lllld b'' uyolo rider are Habit) to iiimxpuutwl cUf' fiulve in the boat tlilim to ke on h 1 It litmlH qulokly, wml Ih iv woll k"0' euro for piles, Bnlpes-Kinersly Urugt