3 VOL. XT NO 70 SANTIAGO'S FORTS did UNDER FIRE The Bombardment Was Reopened and Contin ued Three Honrs Yesterday. SPANISH DISPATCHES SAY NO GREAT DAMAGE RESULTED The American Vessels are Said to Have Withdrawn After an Unsuccessful Attempt to .Cover Landing of Troops. M A l )RJ I ), .1 une 1 1 . Ad official dispatch received from JlaviiTia, dti tod yesterday, says: This morning Admiral Sampson's ships reopened the liombardmont .of Santiago. At the same time a number of transports lowed by a steamer approached and attempted to make a landing. The cannonade lasted three hours. The Spaniards, carefully posted, repulsed the attempted landing and the Americans drew ofl. No damage was caused by the shells from the ships, which kept distant, evidently being afraid to venture within range of the forts." A dispatch from Cuba announces that yellow fever is ravaging Sampson's fleet, the province of Santiago being, it is said, a hotbed of disease. Santiago Said to Have Fallen. CAPE 11 A YTI I5N, .June 11. There is no direct news from Cuba this morning, but the report is again current that Santiago has fallen. BATTLE GOIHG OH AT JVlAfJlLiA Spaniards and Insurgents are Said to Be En gaged In Deadly Combat. NEW YOKK, .June 1 1. flmi. ii battle for progress today between the Aguinaldo. Dewey has promised to preveiu u iuuax should the insurgents capture the city. Tho Spanish governor-general has boon notified that un less ho immediately withdraws tho price sot upon the head of the insurgent loader ho will get no quarter. Otherwise the rules of civilized warfare will bo strictly adhered to. As a result of this prico being placel on his head, three attempts havo been made to take his life. SWORD FOR DEWEY; MEDALS FOR MEN Resolution of Congress Providing for Suitably Rewarding the Heroes of Manila Will Ue Put in Effect. Washington, Juno 11. Tho secretary of the navy bus appointed n board to put in effect tho joint resolution of con greet) authorising hliu to present a sword of honor to' Admiral Dewey, and A special cable from Hong tho possession of Manila is in Spanish forces and those ol to distribute bronze medula commemo rating the battle of Manila bay to the officers mid men of tho ships of the Asia tic squadron of the United States, under command of Admiral Dewey on May 1st last. The board consists of Mr. Allen, as sistant secretary of the navy J Senator Lodge and Professor Marshall Oliver. These men will select suitable designs for a word and medals, and submit an oatltnato of the coat of the same. Tho joint resolution providing for the sword und medals carried an appropria tion of $10,000 for their manufacture. Use Clarke & Faik's Roaofonm for the toeth. U HOWS BRILLIANT Amiral Sampson L'eports the Darius Lieutenant. Attention of the Navy Department is Called to the Bravery Exhibited by the Lieutenant and Companions in the Recent Merrimac Episode at Santiago. c 2 P Hobson and His Men arc Well, ? 3 " Nkw Youk, June 11. The Brit- y P iah consul at Santiago ae Cuba has Bent the following dispatch via y Halifax to the World : 3 ft " Replying to your telegtam, y r Lieutenaut Hobson and his men y I are well. They are also well cared h m for by the authorities. 1 have my- V Anlf itidf Qdati T-Irha"tn " K V v Washington, June 11. The navy de partment today posted the following bulletin giving a detailed official report from Admiral Sampson upon the hero ism of Lieutenant Hobson nnd li i b men in sinking the Merrimac in Santiago harbor : "United States Flag&hip New York, off Santiago, June 3. Permit me tp-call your special attention to the achieve ment of Assistant Naval Constructor Hobson. As stated in a special telegram, before coming here I was ordered to make the harbor entrance secure against the possibility of the egress of Spanish ships by obstructing the narrow part of the entrance by sinking a collier at that point. Upon calling upon Hobson for a professional opinion as to a sure method of sinking the Ehip, lie manifested the most lively interest in the problem. Alter several dayfe' tone'd' '-Uou, le presented a solution w! ,ie coiibid ered would insure the immediate sink ing of the bhip when she reached the desired point in the channel. This plan we prepared for execution when we reached Santiago. "The plan contemplated the employ ment of a crew of only seven men, and Hobson, who begged that the matter be entrusted to him. Anchor chains weie arranged on deck for botii anchors, for ward and aft, the plan including the anchoring of the ship almost automatic ally. As soon as I reached Santiago and had a collier to work upon, the details wero completed and diligently prose cuted to completion. The task was fin ished at -1 o'clock in the morning. After a careful inspection of tho final prepa rations, 1 was forced to relinquish the plan for that morning, as dawn was breaking. Hobson begged to try it at all hazards. This morning proved mere propi tious, and a prompt start was made. Nothtuir could have been more gallantly executed. We waited impatiently after the firing by the Spanish had ceased. When they did not reappear from the harbor 1 feared they had all perished. The steam launch which bad been sent In chanreof Naval Cadet Powell to res cue tho men, appeared at this time, coming out under tiie persistent nre o: the batteries, but brought none of tho crew. A careful inspection of the har bor Irom the ehip showed that the Mer rimac had been sunk in the channel. This afternoon the chiei of staff of Admiral Cervera came out uuder a Hag of truce, with a letter from Admiral Cervera. extolling the bravery of the crew in an unusual munner. 'I cannot myself too earnestly express inv annreciatiou of the conduct of Hob son and his gallant crow. 1 venture to say that u more brave or daring thing has not been dune since Cushiug blew up the Albemarle. "Referring to the Inspiring letter winch was addressed to the oflicera at the beginning of tho war, I am eure you will offer Buitaule professional reward to Ilnhpon and hi? compniiinns. I must aiM flint Commander Miller relinquish ed his command with very great reluct ance, havina believed he would retain his command under all circumstances. He was, however, finally convinced tlmt the attempt of another person to unity out the multitude of details, which Imd been in preparation by llobson, might eiuhnger ita proper execution. I there fore took the liberty to relieve him for this reason only. There were hundreds of volunteers who wero anxious to par ticipate, there being 150 men in the crew of this ehip and large numbers .from all other, ships of ollicers and men alike. Samphos." CRUISER ST.TOUIS TAKES A PRIZE She Captures a Spanish Merchantman ust Outside of Kingston. New Yokk, June 11. A dispatch to the Woild from Port Autonio, Jamaica,' save : The United States auxiliary cruiser St. Louis was off Morant point yester day. She reported that she had cap tured a Spanish merchantman just out side of Kingston. AMERICAN FLAG OVER GUANTANAM0 American Marines Have Effected a Landing, Taken Possession and Hoisted Old Glory. Kingston-, June 11. News received here today is to the effect that a force of American marines landed on the shorea of Guantanamo bay and that the atara and sttipes arc now floating from th Spanish flagstaff. POWERS MAY OFFER MEDIATION A German Newspaper Declares to be in Position to State That the Matter is Under Consideration. Beumn, June 11. The Krues Zeitung 'says it can confirm tho report that sev eral of the powers are consulting on t he question of mediation between Spain and the United States, and that no de cision as to the course to be nursutd has yet been reached. A DISHONEST MAlI.OAlUUKK Buck t Mall From tli Klondike Aliuiuloneil tit l)u. Sax FitANonsco, Juno 11. The fact has come to light that a sack containing a'lout 2000 letters addressed to all parts of the world, and written by men in the Klondike or on the trail, was left at Dvea some time ago by an outcoming miner, who evidently kept the money iutrusted to him for the purchase ot stamps and his tervlces as volunteer imiilcarricr. Tho letters have been recoveied, and those intended for people in California sent to the Chioniele, which lias tup plied the necessary postage. The others are in the hands of S. O. Msrcuse, of Dyea, who is mailing many of them and hopes soon to have them all sent to their destination. (illAlECUl. TO TIIK CltEATOH, ItaiilUU Ask That a Day of Hpecltil TliuukHKlvliiff l Naiueil. La CoNNKit, Wash., June 11. Tho Noilhwest Uuptist Association, now in session here, has sent the following tele gram to President McKinley: "The Northwestern Baptist Associa tion congratulates our ptesldeut on the success vouchsafed our army and navy, and reanectfully suggest that a day be set apart for thanksgiving to God for victories and prayer for the continuance of divine guidance. J. Caihns, Moderator." A To Klin TUUw. San-Antonio. Tex.. June 11. A toi nado dec-ended yesterday on Riddleville, a small town 50 miles from here, anu three ueonle were killed outright. hev eral others were injured. Much dam age is reported, Ice Cream wholesale and retail at the Columbia Caudy Factory. Orders to fur nish Iodise soclala and Ice cream lestl vals solicited. Don't forget that our Ice cream sodaa are the best m tho city. DeWitt's Little Curly Risers The amuu llttlr pill. Hot Weather, Is what you hoar above But then, those who know Cool Comfort At small cost, by Grash Suit Alpaea Goat mi Vest We have them and Delayed Shipment of Olen's liinen Dusters Soiimming Boy's Sizes Men's Sizes A. M.WILLIAMS & CO. Take Your JVIeals at the Clarendon Restaurant. JOHN DONOHUE. Prop. lie Cliuciiiliiii In the Uvt llcstimrimt In The DhIIoc JVIeals at Rll Hoats. Second St. The Dalles, Or. Cigars, Wny do wo retail more Cigars than others? Why do smokers go out of their way and pats cigars of the same grade? Not because wo have better cigars or better brands, or any greater variety; no, not that. Why, because we have the finest ci gar case in the state and keep our cigars In better condition. Snlpes-Klnersly Drug Co. Isn't It? everything else these days. care but little, for they get investing in either a or an are selling them. Just Keceived. Trunks 15c a pair. 25c a pair, ..cflAs. nut- Butchers and Farmer's ..Exchange.. ICivns on ilmiiKht tho euli'brnti'il :)!, IWIlll.V 1IKKK, acknimi filKoil llm lteit bunt In Thu Hatlus, at tho UMiul juice. Coiuu In, try It anil lit; coitvini'eii, At-o tliu Vhifot bruiuU (if Wines, I.I tiur aiiiU'iKur.s. Sanduiiehcs .if till k'lmlh ul ten nil hniul. U 1 GUNNING & HOCKPN. (iKNUSAI. JUL IlKAUULS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Wheels, Axles and Maeksmiths' Supplies. tiinnlul attention will Itu kIvcii to nil cIum of wink. AM 0UK W0KK WAUUANTKD. Wuroii Slnni In conmetloii. Tel. 167. SECOND BTEEET, BiacKsmitnmo Hoise-snoeino